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Upcoming Events:

Monday 7/10 7:00 PM, Klamath Falls, Dave Lippman, politically satirical songster, and his alter ego: George Shrub, the world's only known singing CIA agent
Tuesday 7/11 6:30 PM, Medford, Citizens for Peace & Justice
Friday 7/14 12:00 AM, Selma, Exploring The High Country; "Owl Expedition"
Friday 7/14 12:00 AM, Selma, Exploring the High Country; "Biology of Trees and Shrubs"
Saturday 7/15 12:00 AM, Selma, Exploring the High Country. "Birding", Wolf Tracks on the Welcome Mat", "Siskiyou Photography", and "Southwest Oregon Astronomy"
Saturday 7/15 12:00 AM, Selma, Exploring The High Country. "Exploring the Forest Canopy", "Climate History of the Klamath-Siskiyous", "Lichen Dyeing"
Saturday 7/15 12:00 AM, Roseburg, 20th Annual River Appreciation Day Festival

Deadline Looms - Sign Initiative 40 Now!

ALL SIGNATURES HAVE TO BE IN SALEM JULY 7 . . . . . . ., 29.06.2006 - 06:53
HEALTH CARE IS A FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT Initiative 40: Hope for Oregon Families. Makes health care a right in the Oregon constitution.

Summary: Amends Oregon's constitution to add a section declaring "Health care is an essential safeguard of human life and dignity and there is an obligation for the state to ensure that every Oregon resident has access to effective and affordable health care as a fundamental right."

To sign initiative 40: Call Oregon Action 541-772-4029 or visit their office at 33 N. Central in Medford. Initiative 40 can be signed at the Anne Feeney concert in Ashland July 3  http://www.rogueimc.org/en/2006/06/6850.shtml or sign it at Oregon Action's booth in Ashland's Lithia Park on July 4.
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Anne Feeney & Dave Lippman concert July 3

Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice, 27.06.2006 - 22:02
Southern Oregon JwJ The Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice coalition brings the TRIPLE TROUBLE TOUR to Southern Oregon on the Fourth of July weekend

"A Fair and Balanced Brew Of Satire And Songs To Stir The Soul"

Triple Trouble Tour
Anne Feeney, Dave Lippman and George Shrub
July 3, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Church, 87 Fourth St., Ashland
$10. donation, nobody turned away
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AUDIO FILE: Interview With Lt. Ehren Watada

Jim Lockhart, 25.06.2006 - 11:47
Jim Lockhart is a long time video contributor to PDX Indymedia and shares his work with Rogue IMC. Listen to this very important interview. -Wes Brain, RIMC volunteer

A 10 minute interview with Lt. Ehren Watada, U.S. army officer who has refused written orders for Iraq War deployment. This interview was conducted by Courtney Scott (www.madashelltv.com)when Lt. Watada was in Portland last Saturday, June 17, 2006.

Many thanks to Courtney Scott for producing this interview. This file is 10 minutes in length.

For RealPlayer Stream:

For MP3
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Salmon River Timber Sale Loses in 9th Circuit

Salmon River Forest Defenders, 23.06.2006 - 18:22
Salmon River Clear-cut June 23, 2006: The Knob Timber Sale lost on all counts in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Knob is one of three old growth timber sales (along with the already cut Glassups sale and currently in court Meteor sale) making up a "mega-sale" on the wild and scenic Salmon River of Siskiyou County, CA.

Time to Gear Up!
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2500 Dead Soldiers

Allen Hallmark, 15.06.2006 - 19:06
Vigil to be held on Wednesday, June 21 beginning at 2 p.m., Vogel plaza in downtown Medford, Oregon (Main & Central streets).

A peace bell will be rung after the reading of each soldiers name. A coffin, draped with an American flag, will be placed in Vogel plaza to symbolize the resting places of all of the Americans lost so far in this misguided war.

The vigil will also honor the uncounted tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians who have lost their lives in the war.
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Even More say "Keep Route 4!"

Disabled United in Direct Empowerment DUDE, 12.06.2006 - 14:42
packed meeting: Forty people or so showed up to last Thursday's Rogue Valley Transit District to argue to keep Route 4, which RVTD wants to cut in order to balance a $1.2 million revenue shortfall. Salem is cutting their buses across the board, but RVTD wants to kill the 4 because of its high volume of paratransit rides.
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Provost's Resort Plan Before County Again

Golf Course Watch, 11.06.2006 - 21:16
* a double bogey bad idea * Dom Provost's plan to build a destination resort southeast of Ashland has resurfaced. The Jackson County Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing at 1:30PM,Wednesday, June 14 at the Jackson County Offices Auditorium. This is farmland, a wetland along Neil Creek, & a historic prehistoric site that is yet to be documented between Crowson Rd.,HWY.66 & I-5. PLEASE ATTEND!

"Provost's Resort/Golf Course - Report Back"
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Mike's Gulch Roadless Logging: Scorned, Sold and Sued

o2, 10.06.2006 - 10:53
IMGP2205.jpgJune 9 - Medford, OR - Two major victories were scored today for Mike's Gulch, a threatened forest in Oregon's largest roadless area, the South Kalmiopsis. The area's Congressman clearly stated his opposition to logging and the State's Governor announced he is filing a lawsuit in Federal Court to block the sale.

Only one week ago the Bush Administration announced they were selling timber in a roadless forest for the first time since overturning the Clinton-era rule protecting 59 million acres of roadless forests from logging. People across the country quickly moved to be heard and to convince the two public officials to take serious action in favor of wildland protections.

Forest lovers are celebrating today because it worked.

In announcing his decision to seek a temporary restraining oorder to halt logging, Governor Kulongoski said, "this timber sale, coming four years after the Biscuit Fire occurred, is unneeded and unwise. Opening this particular roadless area to salvage logging now - when we are in the process of preparing a petition to the federal government on the proper management of those areas - contradicts the assurances the Bush Administration has made that the governors' opinions on such issues will be respected."
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Medford City Services & Taxes, A Public Forum

John Statler, Medford City Council, Ward 3, 08.06.2006 - 20:10
forum hosted by John Statler Monday, June 12, 2006, from 6 PM until 8 PM
Medford City Council Chambers, 411 West 8th Street
Broadcast live on RVTV Cable Channel 30

Have you wondered about the City of Medford budget?
Have you ever wanted to know where the money comes from and how it is spent?

Here is your chance to find answers...and even to comment!!!
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Indigenous Women Speak!

T, 06.06.2006 - 15:17
Louise Benally At all times we must speak up and support one another in our resistance to global oppression. As we tirelessly work for a better world we would like to keep our priorities in order and take time for Multicultural Community Solidarity Announcements. So please take the time to learn about the following important community events which will feature indigenous women speakers.
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Image BLM Roadless Being Logged (2 comments)
07-07-2006 16:49

Image Washington Gov Gregoire for Free Cascadia? (1 comment)
07-07-2006 15:52

Text Mike's Gulch Timber Sale Postponed
07-07-2006 14:46

Text art against ashland violence (5 comments)
07-07-2006 09:22

Text July 4: Ashland Shines (3 comments)
06-07-2006 19:26

Text Long term solutions = short term benefits (1 comment)
30-06-2006 21:48

Text Meet Us at the Rally in Medford 6/28/06
27-06-2006 15:20

Text ACP, CP&J; Rally for Lt. Ehren Watada (1 comment)
26-06-2006 07:06

Image Meet Me on the Road with Archimedes
23-06-2006 13:02

Image Friday: Save Route 4 Rally on Barnett (1 comment)
20-06-2006 23:35

Image "LIVING WITH LIONS" (1 comment)
19-06-2006 17:48

Image Provost's Resort/Golf Course - Report Back (2 comments)
18-06-2006 11:29

Image "Fighting Wal-Martization" video on TV (2 comments)
17-06-2006 11:19

15-06-2006 20:19

Image DATE & LOCATION CHANGE FOR "Sept 11 Revisted"
12-06-2006 10:01

Image Environmentalists Protest the First Auction of an Inventoried Roadless Area (6 comments)
10-06-2006 08:06

Image Poor journalism compromises SOU elections
07-06-2006 19:41

Image May Day Chicago 2006 - on TV in S. Oregon
06-06-2006 19:31

Text Keating's Green campaign for gov heats up (1 comment)
06-06-2006 11:40

Image Pacific Green Party to hold supplemental nomi
06-06-2006 11:36

Text Cuba = anti terrorism
05-06-2006 10:36

Text ENRON's energy scams still haunt CA & OR (4 comments)
26-05-2006 17:35

Text Join us at Iron Gate Dam to rally this Sunday (1 comment)
26-05-2006 10:22

Text Caravan to Cuba comes to Ashland
25-05-2006 23:07

Image Got Roadless? Oxygen Collective's roadless show coming to Williams & Takilma 6/2 & 3 (2 comments)
25-05-2006 09:22

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Global Newswire

Image The Facts Concerning Broadcast Mind Control
09-07-2006 12:42

Text Then and Now Look what's happening in Gaza..
08-07-2006 02:04

Text Southcentrl Farmers Solidarity Days July 7-10
06-07-2006 11:53

Text A Soldier's View: Forgotton Sacrifice (1 comment)
06-07-2006 09:45

Text THE TRUTH ABOUT SPAM (Self Protecting America
05-07-2006 16:38

Image the greater partitioning of Cascadia: border
05-07-2006 06:07

Text solar energy links USA
04-07-2006 13:18

Text 911 Trusth and Texas Terror
03-07-2006 15:47

Text Documents for a Revolution
03-07-2006 03:30

Text Complaints filed - nine initiative petitions
27-06-2006 14:41

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