Santa Barbara IMC :
Santa Barbara IMC


Featured news by and for the local community


News :: Animal Rights

Demonstrators Return to KFC

On the afternoon of Friday June 23 roughly 20 demonstrators gathered outside KFC on Milpas to raise awareness about the cruel conditions that are involved in making the Colonel's secret recipe.

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News :: Peace : Protest Activity

Peace Movement Hits Pay Dirt with New Strategy

Santa Barbara is fortunate to have a rep from a hot new Bay Area Peace group who is here to share a promising new approach to prosecution of "The Bush Crime Family" and its lieutants…be sure to find Frank at the Solstice Gathering.

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Commentary :: Crime & Police : Drugs : Elections & Legislation

Sheriff Contenders All Miss the Point that D.A.R.E. and Drug War Not the Answser


Sheriff's Race Running Hot

Candidates Overlook Underlying Assumptions

Drug War Wastes Local Resources

Indymedia Talks to the Candidates - Part 3


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News :: Miscellaneous : Protest Activity : Urban Development

Critical Mass in SB 6/2/06

About 30 riders participated in a critical mass on June 3 in Santa Barbara.

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Announcement :: Environment

ChillaVista 06: An Interactive Celebration of Community

When: June 4, 2006
Where: Peoples Park, Embarcadero Hall. Isla Vista, California
Students from the University of California at Santa Barbara have
designed an astonishing project that promises to revolutionize the
community of Isla Vista.


Interview :: Elections & Legislation

IMC Talks to the Candidates: Janet Wolf

At Saturday's Democratic Service Organization picnic, Santa Barbara Indymedia schmoozed the candidates, who generously took questions at an informal event where there were no other press. This, the first in a series, brings you the essential points of talk with Lois Capps, Das Williams, Pedro Nava, Marti Blum and some guy who was running for 3rd District Supervisor who kept telling me to refer to his website as his answer to questions. I forgot his name, but I will refer to his website…:)

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News :: Animal Rights : Elections & Legislation

Dems Unite and Collectively Flip Duncan Hunter the Bird

San Diego Republican Hack Told: Get Out of Dodge and Don't Show Your Militaristic, Ecologically Insensitive, Anti-Immigrant Mug 'Round Here

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

LA Demonstration on Sunday May 21

SOS/Nazis will be in Downtown L.A. Sun 5/21 at 11 am COUNTERPROTESTERS WILL OUTNUMBER THEM Let's have fun

WHEN: MAY 21,2006
TIME: 12:00 PM


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Permaculture & Sustainable Aid for the 21st Century Lecture with Geoff Lawton

Time: 7:00 PM

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