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News :: Elections & Legislation : Protest Activity

The Karl Rove Republican Fundraiser and Battle Royale

Who in the White House knew about New Hampshire republican phonejamming during the 2002 election? How high up does the scandal go? Could republican strategist Karl Rove have been involved?

And even more importantly, if you could have Karl Rove wrestle anyone in a no-holds barred Battle Royale, who would you pick? I went to Manchester, a city where people like their wrestling, to find out.



Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

The city of Portsmouth attempts to censor The Portsmouth Halloween Parade

From a founding member of "The Portsmouth Halloween Parade."

I think it’s absurd, this attempt to have the Halloween parade be anything other that what already is.

The overwhelming response to the ridiculous notion to "tone down" the Halloween Parade and make it a generic tasteless piece of crap event has proven once again that Portsmouth is made up of citizens that will not tolerate any infringements on their right to free speech and expression. This is a good and simple example that our civil liberties are more likely to be eroded under city ordinances than state or federal laws.

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News :: Protest Activity

Protesters Arrested After Disrupting Negroponte in Vermont

St. Johnsbury,VT--National Intelligence Director John Negroponte's Commencement Address to the graduating class of private St. Johnsbury Academy was disrupted twice by protesters inside the auditorium where the ceremony was being held.

Over 75 protesters gathered on the sidewalk outside of the Academy protesting Negroponte's shadowy record that spans decades including a stint as the U.S. Ambassador to Honduras and Ambassador to Iraq before his present position as the nation's number one "intelligence" overseer. Two other protesters from Vermont School of the Americas Watch were arrested as they attempted to gain entrance to the auditorium.

by Orin Langelle and Anne Petermann/Global Justice Ecology Project

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News :: Environment : Media

New Hampshire Flooding, Post Your Pictures and Stories

It's the wettest May on record, and much of the state is still under flood watches and warnings. State health officials have warned people that flood water is toxic, and what is worse, Union Leader delivery has been delayed in some areas.

FEMA has begun preliminary damage assessment according to statements released by local and federal officials.

People have been evacuated in cities and towns all over the state, and some, as in Somersworth, are being warned to boil their drinking water. In Nashua, the Merrimack overflowed and hit a condo complex. Derry has declared a state of emergency.


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Commentary :: War

The Drug of War

This was written by an enlisted cavalry scout who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom II. His words define feelings of my own, as well as many other veterans and soldiers who are still serving.


Announcement :: Labor

Tell Gov. Lynch to make the state govt. sweatshop free

Please take just a few minutes to take very quick actions to help build the momentum for an intiative that could change the garment industry forever, holding corporations accountable for how they treat their workers.

Call or write to urge NH Gov. Lynch to join Maine Gov. Baldacci's Coalition for Sweatfree Procurement and Workers' Rights.

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News :: War

Gregg leaves budget debate to go to Iraq for photo-op

On Thursday, April 20 Senator Judd Gregg traveled to Iraq to have his photo taken with Iraqi dignitaries and US Marines stationed there. Gregg joined Sen. Thad Cochran, R-Miss., and Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn. in the quick visit to Iraq. While there, they met with Patriotic Union of Kurdistan leader and President of Iraq Jalal Talabani.

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Commentary :: Peace

The Three Empires

The left has long accused America of imperialism, of commanding an empire, like the ancient Romans or the modern British. The mainstream of American political thought denied these accusations: Yes, we had bases all around the world, but they were there to protect Germany from the USSR, or Japan from China, or the Free World generally from Communism. We wanted nothing for ourselves except "stability" around us. We were not an empire, and looked forward to the day when we could bring all our troops home.

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The state added $50 million to its rainy day fund, bringing the total to $70 million. What should count as a rainy day?
Rain, floods
North Country unemployment
A 20% high school drop-out rate
Medicare Part D
Everyday for public higher education
I'm Libertarian (NOTA)
The Rapture


The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.
-- Article 10 of the NH Constitution, cited by Guy Chichester and NH Peace Action activists in their case against Sen. Judd Gregg.

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