
Changing public policy and mining practices to ensure the health of individuals, communities and ecosystems in Canada and around the world



Papua New Guinea Conducts Flawed Investigation of Killings at Barrick Mine

News Release: A government inquiry into alleged shootings and killings at Barrick Gold’s Porgera mine in Papua New Guinea will not look into the activities of the mine’s security forces. The inquiry’s Terms of Reference focus exclusively on alleged “unauthorized gold mining activities”.

More Troubles for Ascendant: Ecuador's Ombudsman Intervenes in the Junín Case

Ecuador's Ombudsman's Office handed down a major decision on July 3, 2006 addressing some of the irregularities and illegalities surrounding Ascendant Copper Corporation's Junín mining project and compelling state institutions to take the necessary measures to prevent the implementation of activities contrary to the fundamental rights of the affected communities.

The Bemidji Statement on Seventh Generation Guardianship

The Bemidji Statement on Seventh Generation Guardianship was released July 6 during the 14th Protecting Mother Earth Conference, convened by the Indigenous Environmental Network in Bemidji, Minnesota.

Gold Rush Threatens Sacred Headwaters in Northern BC - Environmental assessment of copper-gold mine denies public rights

Joint news release with Sierra Legal Defence Fund: On behalf of MiningWatch Canada, SLDF has launched a lawsuit challenging a federal government approval of the proposed Red Chris Mine in northern British Columbia, arguing that the federal environmental assessment of the project violates the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act because the responsible authorities did not allow the public to participate.

The Real Blunder of Pascua Lama

On June 21, 2006, a Chilean court returned two of Barrick Gold's Pascua Lama mining leases to prospector Rodolfo Villar, who had agreed to sell them to Barrick but had been paid only 10,000 pesos ($20 CDN). The ruling could have serious consequences since the leases are listed as Barrick's property in a 2004 Protocol to the Chile-Argentina "Treaty of Mining Integration" which could be invalidated as a result. This analysis by Lucio Cuenca, National Coordinator of the Latin American Observatory of Environmental Conflicts (OLCA) was first published in El Mostrador on June 26, 2006.

Canadian Roundtables on the Extractive Industries

In October 2005, the Canadian government rejected the recommendations of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade to adopt concrete regulatory measures to end human rights and environmental abuses committed by Canadian mining companies abroad. However, the Government’s response did acknowledge a need for action and committed to a series of "multi-stakeholder roundtables". The roundtables run from June to November, 2006. Check out the web site of the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA) to get involved!

Issues of Concern re Aur Resources' Proposed Duck Pond Mine in Central Newfoundland - Updated

Aur Resources plans to destroy two trout and salmon-bearing lakes in central Newfoundland by using them for the disposal of environmentally toxic mine waste. Environment Canada has recommended adding these two ponds to Schedule 2 of the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (MMER), effectively redefining natural water bodies as mine waste dumps. This document provides facts from the public record that demonstrate why the two ponds should not be added to Schedule 2. (PDF, 132 KB)

Kinross Gold and Katanga Mining: Part of the Pillage of the Democratic Republic of Congo?

According to various analyses, a joint venture involving Kinross Gold, and which is now being taken over by Katanga Mining Limited, gives the multinationals access to huge pieces of the DRC’s state mining company Gécamines at “fire sale” prices.

The Mining Controversy: An Awareness and Education Kit for Ontario Grade 7

Investigating mining as it relates to aspects of the economy, the environment, and communities; a cross-curricular programme relating Reading, Geography, and Science, this package contains everything needed to deliver an effective, skill-based unit. Prepared by Beth Nicol and Marilyn Crawford. Available as a PDF file (1.1 MB) (60 pages). Published by the Canary Research Institute for Mining, Environment and Health.

Regulating Canadian Mining Companies Operating Internationally: background documents

On October 20, 2005, MiningWatch Canada held a round table on "Regulating Canadian Mining Companies Operating Internationally" with industry, government, and civil society representatives. Here are the background documents: case studies from Peru, the Philippines, Ghana, and Chile; the legal framework discussion paper; and the keynote presentation by Sara Seck: "Exploding the Myths: Why Home States are Reluctant to Regulate".

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