international / anti-capitalism Friday June 30, 2006 15:46 by pat c
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Working On The Martyrs' Road

An Irish based Maoist and member of World Peoples Resistance Movement recently visited Nepal as part of an International Brigade to construct roads in the Rebel Maoist held areas of Nepal. As well as observing the protests in the cities and villages as he made his way to the Red areas he also worked alongside rebel soldiers, farmers and workers on the Martyrs Road. My interview with him is on the feature page here's a taster.

During our time in Nepalgunj, we met a young man from Kathmandu who was working for a human rights group. One evening, this man who was unaware of our political affiliations, told us of the day that the PLA had attacked the town only several weeks previously. Greatly shaken by the experience, he was to tell us that together with the uniformed soldiers of the PLA, large numbers of local Maoists with guns also appeared, some firing from rooftops in support of the guerrilla fighters.

In the revolutionary strongholds people's courts have been established where along with other issues, cases against women's exploitation have been brought to book with the combined efforts of Village Defence Committees, women's mass organizations and the people. Many cases of land usurpation of widows or single women have been restored to the injured parties through such courts. Not only those guilty of sexually exploiting women, but also many defaulting husbands who have taken to drinking and beating their wives or practicing polygamy, have been disciplined through such courts.

dublin / gender and sexuality Tuesday June 27, 2006 21:55 by r whelan/paula g/madame k/wag
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Pride Celebrated In Civic Offices

The first report from Pride in Dublin this year came in from Madame K describing jubliantly how "despite the rain nothing could dampen the spirits of the 2,000 or so who took part. The diverse group was well catered for, with the event concluding in a free party held on public space...Dublin Pride has not yet become the commercial entity that has caused untold problems abroad, let`s hope it stays that way".

Just like last year Indymedia's home grown batch of photographers and contributers were on the ground for Dublin's Second, newly re-named, International Pride Festival. For a selection of our contributers work see Paula G's "Sing If You're Glad To Be Gay" series, R Whelan's Photo Story and Madame K's sequence of photos and commentary.

In Budapest, Redjade checked in with local events raising"recent reports about Poland and Russia's anti-gay policies and police repression against Gay Pride demos" and negative perceptions of Eastern Europe how "one might think such repression was universal on the Eastern Pale of the EU and in Eastern/Central Europe in general. But the Budapest Pride Parade went on, as planned, without much controversy or opposition and barely much notice in the media....." << continues here >>

Other Indy Coverage: Polish Equality Parade Attacked By Far Right | Cork's First Ever Pride Parade A Success | Dublin, June 2005 Gay Pride Parade | Gay Pride Weekend in Cork, 2004 | McDowell Attacked by Ancient Order of Hibernians and Mother and Child

Meanwhile our roving report Henry McWag reported from the dregs of his can on the Labour Party's bold new move in relation to public drinking.

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dublin / rights and freedoms Saturday June 24, 2006 18:36 by Caitriona
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Protest outside Dail Eireann Against Eviction

Traveller organisations and community groups protested today (24th June 2006) outside Dail Eireann at the forced eviction of a lone parent family in Fermoy, North Cork.

The members of Traveller organisations from Mayo, Tullamore, Galway, LImerick, Clare, Kildare and Dublin were joined by community groups including OPEN, Residents Against Racism and the Children's Rights Alliance.

The Irish Traveller Movement called the protest at short notice to voice opposition to the use of the Trespass legislation. This Act criminalizes trespass on public and private land. Section 24 of the Public Order Act as amended by the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2002, provides that:

"a person without the consent of the owner, shall not enter or occupy any land or bring on to that land any object which might either damage the land or effect any amenity attaching to the land or prevent other people using the land"

Past Indy Coverage: 2003 First Travellers Sentanced Under Tresspass Act | Go - Move – Shift: Anti-Traveller Racism in Ireland | A Very Irish Apartheid: Inequality In Education and Irish Travellers | Out Of Site Out Of Mind:Travellers In Ballymun | The Life Of Breda: Interview With A Traveller Woman | How The New Public Order Act Will Be Used Against Travellers | The Indy Search Engine On Travellers

clare / anti-war Friday June 23, 2006 16:14 by Conor Cregan
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Visiting US troops

While Driving through Ennis town yesterday afternoon a local anti-war activist put six young US service men under (citizens) arrest. On Thursday morning an US troop carrier landed at Shannon with technical problems. This is a common occurrence with the chartered troop carriers that come through Shannon Airport. With an average of 1100 hundred troops going through Irelands second international airport on a nightly basis these aircraft are flat out ferrying young men and women to Iraq. Many of these stranded soldiers were billeted at the West County Hotel in Ennis near where peace activist Conor Cregan encountered six young US servicemen on the main Ennis to Limerick road.

Cregan immediately called for the six to stop. “I am placing you all under citizen’s arrest. Do not move” he shouted as the stunned men came to a halt. After assuring the men that they were not in jeopardy the peace activist made an emergency call to Ennis Garda Station. Cregan called for the Member in charge to send a van to pick up these awol soldiers but Garda O'Sullivan’s response was less than helpful. The deskbound officer was more interested to know if they were armed or their commander in chief George W Bush was among them. Mind you he wasn’t so funny when reminded that that all emergency calls were recorded.

national / rights and freedoms Wednesday June 21, 2006 18:21 by anarchaeologist - GrassrootsDissent / IMC Editors
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SIB: bodes well for the fast-tracking of pollution projects
The Strategic Infrastructure Bill (2006) is the pinacle of two Ministers’ of Environment contempt for ‘the law’ since this regime came to power in 1997. It was spotted as far back as last September, and again in February of this year. It bodes well for the fast-tracking of pollution projects such as roads and incinerators, and for monuments to pesimism such as prisons. From now on, nothing is sacred in this, once, sacred isle. The Bill is currently making its way through the Houses of the Oireachtas.

Among other things, this Bill intends that: a local group must be active for more than 12 months and have a stated aim and objective of environmental protection, before they can even apply for a judicial review of a particular case impacting on them or thrie community.

From the News Wire: Planning law in this country is a joke. For years the odds have been stacked in favour of unsustainable development and now the FF/PD coalition is making it harder for communities to legally challenge those who are making fortunes out of wrecking the place, be they speculators, developers, multi-nationals, politicans, contractors, quarrymen or even archaeologists (but not this one)....Anarchaeologist continues on wire.


News Reports

Sat 01 Jul, 05:22

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textStarving animals left to rot on 'death camp' farm 01:05 Sat 01 Jul by Bernie Wright 0 comments

textBloomberg (Mayor Of New York) To Visit Ireland 23:24 Fri 30 Jun by Black Flag 0 comments

shelloo3.jpg imageCommunity Struggles: Rossport Short Video Report 16:30 Fri 30 Jun by Revolt Video 1 comments

textConnecting Europe 15:29 Fri 30 Jun by Liam Mullen 0 comments

Front of the march imageReport on anti-war march to HMS Ocean 12:08 Fri 30 Jun by Joe 22 comments

breaking the siege imagebreaking the siege 08:44 Fri 30 Jun by cine rebelde 0 comments

HMS Ocean docked in Dublin today. imagePhoto Report on HMS Ocean Protest 23:53 Thu 29 Jun by Mubarak 18 comments

Kila imageIrish Musicians Unite to Record Save Tara Album - Tara of the Kings 17:35 Thu 29 Jun by 4 comments

Can You Hear Me At The Back?  Ciaron Addresses The Crowd imagePitstop Ploughshares ... 02:18 Thu 29 Jun by Elaine 7 comments

textBack the Bantry workers 18:34 Wed 28 Jun by IWU Publicity Group 1 comments

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Opinion and Analysis

textThe Answer to War- Media/Lobby co-option of the Nuclear Issue. Jun 29 by Chris Murray 0 comments

textConstitutional referendum on rape laws? Jun 28 by Chris Murray 2 comments

textPro Bono Law Firm urgently Required.... Jun 28 by B. F. 2 comments

textWhat will the unified 32 county Ireland look like? Jun 28 by Tim 3 comments

textScience and Globalisation Jun 28 by Liam Mullen (Liam Ó Maoláin) 1 comments

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Press Releases

textIncreased numbers on prison protest. Jun 29 Republican Sinn Féin - Cork 2 comments

image‘Chief Justice Postpones Setting Hearing Date for Hill of Tara M3 Case’ Jun 29 TaraWatch 0 comments

textDay of action against British war ship Jun 29 Sinn Féin 1 comments

imageEarly Hearing Sought in Hill of Tara / M3 motorway casse Jun 29 0 comments

textPolitical status is a right not a privilege. Jun 28 Republican Sinn Féin 8 comments

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