Netroots. For Democracy.

Netroots News

The beta launch of open-source scoop that is tailored toward direct democratic action by online activists is called Netroots. The purpose of this platform is to facilitate the ability of online communities to mobilize to influence the media and to win elections.

We are currently working with clients, customizing their needs, while adding the tools to the eventual release of the open source platform.


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Netroots is a community-oriented website platform that allows people-powered campaigns and organizations to thrive. The platform is based on Scoop, modified for the needs of campaigns and organizations.

For blog sites like Kuro5hin, DailyKos and MyDD, Scoop has proven to be the optimal solution for community organizing. We take Scoop a step further, adding tools for online organizing and netroots politics. Read More »

About Us

Netroots is Jerome Armstrong, Rusty Foster, Ryan Gantz, and a number of other website workers that we are aligned with to provide our clients with an internet strategy and execution.

Waging politics online is no different than traditional grassroots politics -- they both take skill and strategy. Our experience in this business (which includes running website platforms for Presidential candidates and national organizations), alongside our own blogging efforts is what sets us apart from other website companies. Read More »