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Insurgent Iraq:  Links to full-text online articles and reports about the Iraqi insurgency  a PDA compilation, March 2006 (updated 16 June 2006.) What is the nature, history, and organization of the Iraqi insurgency? Who are the insurgents? This guide links to essential full-text online articles and reports regarding the insurgency.

The Evolving India-U.S. Strategic Relationship  a PDA compilation edited by Bipasha Ray, March 2006 (updated 26 May 2006.) Collection of links to articles, analyses, commentaries, official reports, congressional testimonies and lectures exploring the evolving strategic relationship between the U.S. and India.

We Can See Clearly Now:  The Limits of Foresight in the pre-World War II Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) (full text .html) (printable full text .pdf) by Carl Conetta, PDA Research Monograph #12, 02 March 2006. Irresolvable uncertainty attends every military revolution. Reviewing the RMA that preceded the Second World War, the essay concludes that one quality distinguishing "early adopters" is their willingness to accept risk – a trait often associated with a revisionist strategic agenda. Nothing can resolve "RMA uncertainty", but the best way to manage it is to develop capacities for rapid adaptation.

QDR 2006:  Do The Forces Match the Missions? DOD Gives Little Reason to Believe (full text .html) (printable full text .pdf) by Carl Conetta, PDA Briefing Memo #36, 10 February 2006. Critical view of the 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) assesses the match between future missions and assets. Sections summarize the key missions and force enhancements proposed in the QDR.

Masque of Democracy:  Iraqi Election System Still Disfavors Sunni Arabs, Favors Kurds (full text .html) (printable full text .pdf) by Carl Conetta, PDA Briefing Memo #35, 10 December 2005. The memo assesses Iraqi election procedures for the December 2005 parliamentary elections. It detects problems of structural bias and shows how the procedures feed communal tensions. Includes table of province populations and assigned council seats.

Iraq War Withdrawal and Exit Plans  a PDA compilation, December 2005 (updated 09 May 2006.) Major plans by analysts and experts, positions of U.S. political leaders, and selected commentaries on exiting Iraq.

Arms Control in an Age of Strategic and Military Revolution (full text .html) (printable full text .pdf) by Carl Conetta. 15 November 2005. Examines the impact of military transformation and US primacy on arms control and nonproliferation efforts. Advances in precision warfare, military robotics, directed energy weapons, and "less lethal" weapons are reviewed and their inplications for arms control explored.

400 Days and Out: A Strategy for Resolving the Iraq Impasse by Carl Conetta. PDA Briefing Memo #34, 19 July 2005. The memo outlines a strategy for substantially defusing the Iraqi insurgency, de-escalating the inter-communal conflict there, and enabling near-total US troop withdrawal by September 2006.
Appendix: The Iraqi Insurgency & Iraq Security Force Development: Selected Bibliography (printable .pdf file).

Vicious Circle: The Dynamics of Occupation and Resistance in Iraq, Part One. Patterns of Popular Discontent (full text .html) (printable full text .pdf) (executive summary .html) by Carl Conetta. PDA Research Monograph #10, 18 May 2005. An analysis of Iraqi public opinion data and interviews suggests that coalition military activity is contributing substantially to anti-coalition sentiments. A "vicious circle" is indicated, whereby counter-insurgent operations create support for the insurgency. The report tracks coalition military activity and relates it to Iraqi discontent and insurgent activity. Differences among Iraqi communities are also assessed.

What do Iraqis want? Iraqi attitudes on the occupation, US withdrawal, Iraqi governments, and quality of life (full text .html) (printable full text .pdf), 1 February 2005. Summary of data from 2004 and 2005 Iraqi public opinion polls.

Is the Iraq war sapping America's military power? Cautionary data and perspectives by Carl Conetta, Charles Knight, and Melissa Murphy. PDA Briefing Memo #32, 22 October 2004.
Charts, Reference Material:

  • Change in the Percentage of US Military Personnel Overseas, Stationed and Deployed
  • US Military Personnel Overseas 2002-2004
  • A Measure of Stress on Active Component Army Personnel 1994-2004
  • Mobilized National Guard and Reserve, October 2001 - September 2004
  • Reference Readings - online

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