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Sacramentans Protest the 2,500th U. S. Death in the Iraq Occupation
For the second consecutive Saturday, Sacramento anti-war protesters rallied at 16th & Broadway. Full Article

Sacramento anti-war demonstration confirms that peace takes courage
Over three hours starting at 5:00 pm, about 150 people dedicated to the anti-war/anti-Bush regime cause rejected pressure to boycott the demonstration because the “wrong people” were sponsoring it. Full Article

Shattuck Cinema union campaign update
The National Labor Relations Board has given The Shattuck an election date. Full Article

California Nurses Association: Cheney not welcome in Sacramento
The V.P. had dropped by Sacramento to raise money for Congressman John Doolittle. Full Article

Building a movement that will be stronger after the US is out of Iraq
A lesson in history by local civil rights attorney, Bill Simpich. Full Article

Out in the neighborhoods, park maintenance is being done by unpaid San Franciscans.
Out in the neighborhoods, park maintenance is being done by unpaid San Franciscans.

A Wave of Red Hits the News
In China, the media is just another arm of one of the most oppressive governments in the world. In America, we watch our rights to free speech and to a responsible media system dwindle. Full Article

An Interview with Kim Petersen, Co-editor of Dissident Voice
"The UN should be scrapped and reconstituted along egalitarian and democratic lines. There must be no permanent power allotted to any one state or group of states” Full Article

Irish Prison Protest Begins, Jun 19 9:23PM
In Oaxaca Mega-March, 400,000 Send A Firm No, Jun 19 12:58AM
You can’t teach old collaborators human rights, Jun 19 12:54AM
Lieberman, neoconservatism and Iran -- the need for more, not less, democratic debate, Jun 18 10:21PM
Daechuri, South Korea, Jun 18 8:18PM
More International News > >
Sacramentans Protest the 2,500th U. S. Death in the Iraq Occupation, Jun 19 7:58AM
Senate Health Committee narrowly passes forced treatment extension bill AB 2357, Jun 17 4:19AM
Rally in California supports democratic change in Iran, Jun 15 8:59AM
40 arrested at L.A. urban garden eviction, Jun 13 3:10PM
Los Angeles: South Central Farm Under Siege! Arrests, Bulldozers on Site!, Jun 13 2:56PM
More California News > >
You're a fugitive or illegal? Need a SS number? Use 000-00-0000, 9 million other people di, Jun 19 9:14AM
The Bogus Take Back America Conference, Jun 18 9:17AM
Women's International Democratic Federation Demands Freedom for Five Cuban Heroes, Jun 17 8:51AM
The Power of the Israel Lobby, Jun 16 11:30AM
Pentagon sets its sights on social networking websites, Jun 09 11:25PM
More National News > >
A Plea for Net Neutrality, Jun 18 8:56PM
Comments on John Pilger's New Book Freedom next Time, Jun 17 7:32AM
Bush's Baghdad Stunt, Jun 17 6:02AM
The Flag of the Corporate States of America, Jun 16 12:37AM
Nightmare Scenario, Jun 15 10:29AM
More Opinion > >
Sacramento: 2500 Deaths War Protest Sat June17, Jun 15 8:11PM
Action Alert - US Intervention in Nicaraguan Elections, Jun 15 10:15AM
Rally for IWW Shattuck Cinema Theater Workers in Berkeley, Jun 13 8:19AM
Indigenous Women Speak!, Jun 12 4:44PM
Boycott Wal-Mart!, Jun 10 9:00AM
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234523, Jun 20 5:03AM
234523, Jun 20 4:39AM
234523, Jun 20 3:29AM
234523, Jun 20 1:19AM
234523, Jun 20 12:38AM
More Open / Breaking News > >
Jerel McCrary, Tanya Nieman & Judi Anderson - Three Inspiring Social Activists

Judge Overturns San Francisco Gun Ban

SF Journalist Fights Against Use of Uranium Weaponry

Homeless dude beaten by Safeway Security At Church and Market

What happened to the SF Bay Guardian website?

Update on proposed gun ban

Shattuck Cinemas Employees To Vote on Forming a Union

San Francisco Labor Council on Immigrant Rights

Shattuck Cinema Union Campaign Update

SF Immigrant Rally of May 17th

Volunteers to the rescue again

Wind of Peace in California

Nonunion firm wins Alcatraz ferry contract

SF Park and Rec. Natural Areas Program: over-worked and under-funded

Shattuck Cinema Workers Go Union

Update on the March 20th Arrests Against Torture

May Day March for Immigrant Rights in Oakland

On the waterfront -- Oak to Ninth

More photos from May Day immigrant rights protests in SF

New Moon helps girls redefine beauty: SF girl honored in magazine