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SF Supervisor Chris Daly has introduced a resolution before the Supervisors' Land Use Committee to ask the UA Plumbers Local 38 Pension Trust Fund, which owns the Civic Center Hotel, to promptly proceed with a seismic retrofit. The building does not have the city-mandated seismic retrofit for unreinforced masonry buildings. The Land Use Committee will be meeting in San Francisco City Hall on Wednesday, June 21st at 1:00pm. Tenants and their supporters will explain why low-income housing is important to the City and why these units should not be lost.

Read More On Indybay's Poverty & Housing Page
In dozens of cities in North America, June 20th will be a Day of Action in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their struggle against Israel's occupation and its murderous policies. The action in Berkeley will be a BART Alert, from 5pm to 6pm at Downtown Berkeley BART station, at Center and Shattuck Streets. Israeli military attacks in Gaza have escalated, and Palestinians are being deprived of food and medicine. The Israeli military has fired over 7,000 shells on the people of Gaza so far this year.

Read More On Indybay's Palestine Page
Wed Jun 14 2006 (Modified on Mon Jun 19 2006) Shanti Sellz and Daniel Strauss Speak in SF and Sacramento
Shanti Sellz and Daniel Strauss, college students in Tucson, Arizona, are facing up to 15 years in prison on felony charges for the volunteer work they did last summer to help undocumented immigrants in the Arizona desert. Their trial is set to begin in August. Sellz and Strauss are in the Bay Area this week to build support for their defense campaign. They will speak on Tuesday, June 20th, at the Friends' AFSC Hall in SF, 65 Ninth St. (between Mission and Market Streets).

Read More On Indybay's Immigrant Rights Page
Sat Jun 10 2006 (Modified on Mon Jun 19 2006) People United For a General and Unconditional Amnesty
On Monday, June 19th, as part of Juneteenth commemorations, the anniversary of the declaration of the end of slavery of Africans in the US, a rally in the Bayview District demanded amnesty for all immigrants.

Read More On Indybay's City of San Francisco or Immigrant Rights Pages
Sun Jun 18 2006 (Modified on Mon Jun 19 2006) Oaxaca Oppression
On Friday June 16th, a teachers’ march in Oaxaca brought out all sectors of civil society in a vast repudiation of the repressive policies of Governor Ulises Ruiz Ortíz. The march of as many as 400,000 protesters was a direct response to the brutal police attack on the encampment of striking teachers in the center of the city at dawn on June 14th. In San Francisco, thirty teachers from United Educators of San Francisco and the American Federation of Teachers at City College demonstrated in front of the Mexican Consulate.

Read More On Indybay's International or Americas Pages
Sun Jun 4 2006 (Modified on Sun Jun 18 2006) LGBT Pride Celebrations and Marches Held Throughout June and Beyond
LGBT Pride Celebrations are held in many California cities during the month of June. On Saturday, June 3rd, Out in the Valley was held in Fresno. Photos
San Francisco Pride will be held during the weekend of June 23rd through 25th. The Trans March will be held on Friday, June 23rd. The Dyke March will be held on Saturday, June 24th. The SF Pride Celebration will be held in Civic Center on Saturday and Sunday. The main Pride March will begin on Sunday at 10:30am at Market and Beale Streets, and will end at Civic Center.

Read More On Indybay's LGBTI / Queer or City of San Francisco Pages
Fri May 12 2006 (Modified on Sat Jun 17 2006) IWW Organizes Shattuck Cinema
On June 16th, workers at Landmark Shattuck Cinemas in Berkeley voted 22 to 2 in favor of unionization with the IWW. Rising tensions at the Shattuck Cinemas over the years have pushed workers to demand an end to unfair working conditions and greater accountability from management.

Read More On Indybay's Labor & Workers or East Bay Area Pages
Sat Jun 17 2006 (Modified on Sun Jun 18 2006) DRM protested in San Francisco
On June 10, protesters gathered on Market St. in San Francisco to protest Apple's use of Digital Rights Management, the restrictions placed by Apple on music purchased at iTunes. Photos & Video

Read More On Indybay's Indymedia or City of San Francisco Pages
At 8:30am Friday morning, demonstrators staged a blockade at a central Santa Cruz intersection as a gesture of solidarity with the hundreds of families who lost their land in Tuesday's forced eviction of the South Central Farm in Los Angeles. Holding signs both large and small, the 30 or so demonstrators blocked traffic at the intersection with A-frames, a stray sofa, and at least four dumpsters rolled in from nearby businesses. At about the same time that the blockade began, a 20+ foot banner was unfurled over a Hwy 1 overpass reading "Remember South Central Farm--Fuck Ralph Horowitz--Fuck LAPD--SouthCentralFarmers.com"

Read More On Indybay's Environment & Forest Defense, Globalization & Capitalism, California or Santa Cruz Indymedia Pages
Thu Jun 15 2006 (Modified on Mon Jun 19 2006) Vigils Mark 2500 US Military Deaths In Iraq
The death toll for American soldiers in Iraq now stands at 2500. Vigils are planned in Fresno, Santa Cruz, Sacramento and other cities in California. The number of Iraqis who have died as a result of the US occupation is unknown but a study done over a year and a half ago by the British medical journal The Lancet estimated the number of civilian casualties at 100,000.

Read More On Indybay's Anti-War or California Pages
Wed May 24 2006 (Modified on Thu Jun 15 2006) The Struggle To Save The South Central Farm
The 14-acre South Central Farm was raided early in the morning of June 13th. The police arrested some 40 supporters of the garden, and bulldozed fences and trees.

The South Central Community Farm in Los Angeles had been under consistent attack from the City of LA since the beginning of March. The week before the eviction, the farmers had reported that they had raised enough money to purchase the property.

Photos | Audio 1 | 2

Read More On Indybay's Environment & Forest Defense or California Pages
On June 7th, UC Santa Cruz students concerned about their missing journalism program asked questions of Bill Ladusaw, UCSC’s Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education. Ladusaw seemed to place blame on UCSC’s faculty for the loss of the journalism program, while dodging questions about the misappropriation of funds at the administrative level.

Read More On Indybay's Education & Student Activism or Santa Cruz Indymedia Pages
On June 4th, East Bay Animal Advocates (EBAA) and the Direct Action Anti-Authoritarians (DAAA) Collective demonstrated outside of Costco Clubs in Modesto and Merced. The activists “fostered compassion” by distributing literature to raise awareness about what the activists call Foster Farms’ inhumane treatment of chickens. As one of the top sellers of Foster Farms products, Costco is being urged to conduct animal welfare audits of their main poultry supplier. A recent investigation by EBAA revealed that the company violates animal cruelty laws and misleads the public through its marketing.

Read More On Indybay's Central Valley or Animal Liberation Pages
Mon May 29 2006 (Modified on Sun Jun 11 2006) June 6 Election for Popular "Measure T"
Vote Local Control Eureka, CA - A ballot initiative was approved that will prohibit large out-of-county corporations from making political contributions in Humboldt County elections. The initiative was inspired by two separate corporate-funded campaigns in Humboldt County where hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent to push corporate interests.

Read More On Indybay's North Coast or Government & Elections Pages
Army of Fun Having been the target of numerous anti-war demonstrations, the Oakland Military Recruitment Center on Broadway at 21st Street met a different type of adversary on June 7th. The Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) invaded and occupied the military recruitment center in downtown Oakland for about 45 minutes until they were forced out by city police and the center shut down for the day.

Read More on Indybay's East Bay, Anti-War, and Arts + Action News Pages
A Call to Support First U.S. Military Officer to Refuse Illegal Iraq War On June 7th U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ehren Watada held a press conference in Tacoma, WA to announce his intention to disobey the illegal order to deploy to Iraq in coordinated press conferences in Tacoma, Washington and Honolulu, Hawaii. Ehren Watada is believed to be the first U.S. military officer to publicly refuse orders in the Iraq War due to its illegality. He has tried to resign his commission in protest, and he has now refused redeployment via press conferences in Tacoma and Hawaii. His identity was kept secret until today, so supporters have been calling him "LT." Organizers are requesting that people sign an online petition and be prepared to organize local events in support of Watada. Photos

Read More On Indybay's Anti-War or U.S. Pages
June 9th Rally and Press Conference to Demand Freedom for Mumia There was a June 9th press conference and rally for Mumia Abu-Jamal from 4-6pm at the Federal Building in San Francisco. The rally was part of an international effort to win new support for Mumia's appeal and to counter the efforts to execute him. The State of Pennsylvania recently filed an appeal seeking to reinstate the order to execute Mumia. Governor Ed Rendell has said that if the appeal is upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, he will sign the third warrant for Mumia's execution. Barring the unlikely intervention of the U.S. Supreme Court, Mumia will have 90 days to live.

Read More On Indybay's Police and SF Pages
Tue May 30 2006 (Modified on Mon Jun 12 2006) Haiti Updates
On June 9th 2006, Jacques Edouard Alexis was sworn in as Haiti's prime minister. Alexis served as René Garcia Préval's prime minister from March 26th 1999 to February 7th 2001.

Read More On Indybay's Haiti Page
Coalition Charges UCSC with Institutional Racism & Sexism On June 6th, communities of color at UC Santa Cruz held multiple rallies and confronted Chancellor Denton to demand concrete infrastructural support for diversity at UCSC. While the University has made a rhetorical commitment to diversity, custodians continue to receive up to 30% less in wages than their counterparts at local colleges; the University has actively denied institutional support and failed to recognize the centrality of student initiated outreach and retention programs to making diversity viable at UCSC; and, large numbers of valuable senior faculty of color have been forced to resign due to hostile working environments.

More coverage on Santa Cruz IMC and Indybay's Education and Race pages
Reclaiming the Streets of Santa Cruz Invitations were distributed to Reclaim The Streets of Santa Cruz on June 3rd with a free street party for everyone. Slowly but surely, musicians, artists, chalkers, dancers, bikers, disc tossers, walkers and other party goers began arriving at Pearl Alley in anticipation of Saturday night's "experiment in spontaneous urban uprising." At about 8pm, people drifted into slow-moving traffic on Pacific Avenue to "take over the streets and reclaim community space for community use!"

More coverage on Santa Cruz IMC and Indybay's Arts + Action page
June 3rd Golden Gate Bridge Walk for Marriage Equality On Saturday, June 3rd, Marriage Equality USA held walks across bridges in California and New York to raise visibility and funds for efforts to win state and federal protections for civil marriage for same-sex couples. For the Golden Gate Bridge Walk for Marriage Equality, people gathered at the western end of Chrissy Field at 9:00am, and vans brought people to the Golden Gate Bridge for the Walk, which began at 9:30. The event ended with a cake reception at noon. The Senate is considering a constitutional anti-marriage amendment and is expected to vote Wednesday June 7th on whether to limit debate and force a final vote.

Read more on Indybay's LGTBQI/Queer and SF News Pages
photo taken outside of Starbucks at 65thand Hollis in Emeryville by km The City of Emeryville will host a community meeting on Saturday, June 3rd, at 10:00am at the Recreation Center at 43rd Street and San Pablo, across the street from the Arizmendi Bakery. The last item on the agenda is discussion of Starbucks coming to the plaza at 43rd and San Pablo. There is a Starbucks just three blocks away. Emeryville residents are encouraged to go sign up and voice their opinions about having a chain cafe across the plaza from the worker-owned Arizmendi Bakery. When the plaza was built, the city had agreed to reserve spaces for non-corporate, locally-owned businesses. The City Council will be meeting in a closed session on June 6th to decide whether or not to approve the plan.

Read more on Indybay's Global Justice and East Bay News Pages
Lauren Weiner Implicates Her Co-Defendants Lauren Weiner, arrested along with Zachary Jenson and Eric McDavid on January 13, 2006 in Auburn, CA, agreed on May 30th to cooperate with investigators and plead guilty to USC 18 371 "conspiracy to commit an offense or defraud the United States," in exchange for a lesser sentence. She along with Zach and Eric were originally charged with USC 18 844(n) "conspiracy to destroy property by means of fire or explosives", for which they could be jailed a maximum of 20 years. The three were originally arrested with the help of an FBI infiltrator who was planted in the group and was said to have been a driving force behind the alleged "conspiracy."

More coverage on Indybay's Central Valley and Police State pages

UCSC Workers, Students Grill Chancellor, Give June 5 Deadline On May 23rd, UC Santa Cruz's custodians, part of the union AFSCME, continued their hard-fought wage parity campaign by staging a respectful protest inside Chancellor Denice Denton's Brown Bag event. The workers are frustrated over the Chancellor's lack of support for custodians and their families. While the Chancellor consistently refers to 'market rates' to justify top admin salaries (she earns upwards of $400,000/yr.), she has yet to support custodians whose poverty wages are up to 30% less than neighboring colleges. At the event, AFSCME organizer Julian Posadas announced that some workers were considering a hunger strike and that the Chancellor has June 5th as a deadline to support the workers.

Read more and view photos on Santa Cruz IMC and Indybay's Labor and Education pages

06/19/06 National Activists to Highlight Transgender Civil Rights Commemoration   LGBTI / Queer
06/19/06 Emergency Action to Say, Stop the Killing of Palestinian Children   Palestine
06/18/06 Biotech Industry Tries to Stop Communities' Rights to Avoid GE Crops   Environment & Forest Defense
06/18/06 Oaxaca Oppression   International | Americas
06/17/06 DRM protested in San Francisco   Indymedia | City of San Francisco
06/16/06 Save The South Central Farm   Environment & Forest Defense | Globalization & Capitalism | California | Santa Cruz Indymedia
06/15/06 Americans to Bombard Senators and Congresspeople with Symbol of Ideal of Hard Work   U.S. | Immigrant Rights
06/15/06 Low-Income Housing Advocates to Demand Earthquake Safety for Civic Center Hotel   Poverty & Housing
06/15/06 Family and Supporters of Two Men Seek to Avoid Death Penalty   Police State | Central Valley
06/15/06 Vigils Mark 2500 US Military Deaths In Iraq   Anti-War | California
06/15/06 Asking Questions About UCSC's Missing Journalism Program   Education & Student Activism | Santa Cruz Indymedia
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Union Members Lose While The Loveall Leadership Gets Rich! Grocery Worker (1 comments)
Monday Jun 19th 9:29 PM
Swami Beyondananda brightpathvideo (5 comments)
Monday Jun 19th 5:35 PM
Sacramentans Protest the 2,500th U. S. Death in the Iraq Occupation Gary Zimmerman (1 comments)
Monday Jun 19th 9:14 AM
Meeropol in Bay Area + On Radio Monday via list (1 comments)
Monday Jun 19th 12:19 AM
Now or never: Stand and fight for Bayview Hunters Point SF BayView Needs Your Help
Monday Jun 19th 12:16 AM
John Crockford Endorsed by QueerFresno.com Peace and Freedom Party (2 comments)
Sunday Jun 18th 7:08 PM
Capitalism--not People's Park--killed Cody's Books (Part 2) Steve Ongerth (4 comments)
Sunday Jun 18th 4:31 PM
Enough is Enough ! Justice 4 Asa Sullivan Candlelight Vigil Idriss Stelley Foundation
Sunday Jun 18th 4:29 PM
Capitalism--not People's Park--killed Cody's Books (Part 1) Steve Ongerth (16 comments)
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OVER THE EDGE at Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-In (6/23) Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-In
Sunday Jun 18th 9:02 AM
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