Washington, DC Independent Media Center : http://dc.indymedia.org
Washington, DC Independent Media Center


News :: Anti-War/War/Peace

Vice President Cheney Protested at NPC

Today activists protested Vice President Cheney at the National Press Club. The war criminal was able to see the demonstration upon arrival.

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Review :: Anti-War/War/Peace

Sir No Sir, a Film Review

A review of the documentary addressing the antiwar movement among Vietnam era soldiers, and its implications for today.


News :: Anti-War/War/Peace

On the Death of 2500 US Troops, Flag Day Anti-War Protest


Today Code Pink and others marched from the Hinckley Hilton to the White House. The starting point outside a Democratic Party event (Take Back America) effectively protested pro-war DLC dems,and the march protested a war that has killed tens of thousands of Iraqis and 2,500 US troops.


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Commentary :: Commentary/Op-ed

Kid Sunday #5


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Announcement :: Housing/Urban Issues/Gentrification

Virginia Infoshop Needs Support!

Better Than Television, Charlottesville's infoshop, radical library, community space, café and free store, has lost its space. Better Than Television's current space is located on Charlottesville's pedestrian-oriented Downtown Mall within easy access of residential areas by foot, bicycle and bus. The accessibility of this space for youth and people without automobiles has been a particularly important aspect of the organization's success. Better Than Television's situation is particularly dire because of skyrocketing local real estate prices and the short time period the collective has been given to find a new space.

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Commentary :: Civil Liberties/Constitution : Environment/Food/Health

National Lawyers Guild Condemns Operation Backfire

The National Lawyer's Guild has issued a press release making official their condemnation of the Green Scare round-up environmental and animal rights activists.

888-NLG-ECOLAW is the hotline established to support these activists targeted by the FBI and other government agencies under "Operation Backfire"-a federal wide-scale orchestrated investigation of activists launched in 2004, using paid informants, warrantless spying on a range of organizations, and threats of severe sanctions to leverage fear of conviction under unprecedented penalties for property crimes.


News :: Gender/Sexuality/Identity

DC Dyke March: Again Proudly and Without Permit


(Saturday, June 9, 2006, Washington, D.C.) After a brief rally in Dupont Circle with speeches on health and the Dyke March herstory, approximately 200 people marched out of Dupont Circle heading north on Connecticut Avenue around 2:00 pm this afternoon.

dcdykemarch || dcdykes.com

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News :: DC Radio Co-op, Free Speech Radio News, WPFW : Housing/Urban Issues/Gentrification

Another homeless shelter to be displaced?

Although home prices have leveled off in some parts of the country, the gentrification resulting from sky-rocketing real estate markets continues to impact communities throughout the United States. In Washington DC, where politicans and the public debate the impact of changes in the city, the latest casualty of development may be a homeless shelter just blocks from the White House. Darby Hickey reports.


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Commentary :: Anti-War/War/Peace : Commentary/Op-ed : Foreign Policy/Empire/Imperialism : Satire, Humor

Editorial Cartoon: "Nuclear Threat"


Anyone else here notice how the State and Press are shitting themselves over Iran finally managing to enrich some crummy-ass little amount of uranium, without bothering to mention Israel owning enough nukes to make a ring of craters around itself?

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News :: Globalization/Anti-Globalization

Koreans storm Cargill Corp offices, US complains to S Korean embassy about "loud" trade protests

As today's round of Korean protests against the proposed US-Korea Free Trade area began, word reached us that the US negotiating team has complained to the South Korean embassy that the protests have been "too loud!"

Photo: Chris Garlock, outside the 17th Street headquarters of the US Trade Representative

audioAudio from Ryme Katkhouda and dcradiocoop.org

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