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Cleveland IMC General Meeting
Sunday, June 4th, 11AM
4323 Clark Ave, Cleveland

Jun 20 Ïã¸Û¹«Ë¾×¢²á

Jun 21 Global Summer Soltice Sunrise Meditation

Jun 21 World Can't Wait meeting

Jun 23 Allied Media Conference

Jun 25 Xanax

Jun 27 Solidarity with Lt. Watada/ Courageous War Resiste

Jul 15 The First National Truth Commission

Jul 18 cialis online

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Black on Black Protests Police Brutality and Lack of Justice
Black on Black is a group that was formed three years ago to try and deal with the mounting problem of violence and death amongst black youth in Cleveland and all over the nation. One issue that they have focused on for the last couple of months is the investigations and recent rulings into five dead African American men who were killed at the scene of the crime by police officers. The judge ruled that all five officers were acting in accordance with the law and none of them lost their jobs or were charged with any crimes. Of specific concern was a case in which a fifteen year old boy was shot 10 -15 times by two officers in his bedroom.

Read More and check out some interviews

U.S. FTA with South Korea: NO WAY!
On Monday of last week, the US and South Korea began formal talks to implement a Free Trade Agreement between the two countries, opening up wide all market sectors of South Korea to US greed.


Check out this Audio from D.C. Guerilla Radio

Listen Up Ohio: "See Something, Say Something" is Here
June 9 in Cleveland marked the launching of a government campaign against terrorism called "See Something Say Something". Originally implemented in New York for public transportation, "Say Something See Something" will now have a state wide trial run in Ohio to see if the program can be implemented throughout the nation .

Directed jointly by the Ohio Department of Homeland Security and the Ohio Department of Public Safety, "See something, Say Something" sanctifies citizen snitching, watching, and reporting of suspicious behavior to a state wide hotline. The government has produced massive amounts of literature to begin distributing to citizens that have been translated into Spanish and Arabic.

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by MJ, from our open-publishing newswire...

Saturday I and others in the peace and justice community participated with Peace Action in this piece for the yearly art festival in Cleveland called " Parade the Circle". It is hosted by the Cleveland Museum of Art and draws thousands of people each year. Our piece was titled " War Mothers" Huge mothers with puppet heads draped in black walked behind a war tank with dead children and soldiers in their arms. On their faces were painted tears. Corporate war profiteers marched behind the mothers followed by a solemn drum brigade. It took us weeks to make the mother and children figures. Along the route we did a street theatre part where the mother's offer the dead to the corporate ones and they turned their backs on us as the mother's wept, they did back slapping and goose stepping . .

People all along the march were cheering, crying and yelling at the we marched pass the throngs there.The anti war sentiment was palatable among the people....the tides are turning..

Many different people came up to us afterwards and told us we were the heart of the parade and that we had a lot of courage to do this. This parade is advertised as "nothing political, just art" and it consisted of hundreds of highly diverse creative pieces . Others thanked us for what we are doing. One man even kissed my hand while others were openly weeping.

December 7, 2005, marked the beginning of the largest roundup of environmental and animal rights activists in U.S. history. There have now been nearly 20 arrests and many Grand Jury subpoenas. The nation-wide sweep of arrests, dubbed "Operation Backfire," has been described by the FBI as a major hit to environmentalists and animal rights activists who engage in destruction of property as a means to defend wild lands and lives of animals. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales stated in January that, "Investigating and preventing animal rights and environmental extremism is one of the FBI's highest domestic priorities".

The list of events continues to grow, but now stands at over 36 events planned worldwide for the International Weekend of Resistance Against the Green Scare June 9 - 11, 2006. Two events are planned for the Cleveland area including a presentation and movie showing by Cleveland Anarchist Black Cross.

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New! | | | FBIwitchHunt | Green Scare page |

Carol Fisher is a 54 year old woman who was putting up "Bush Step Down" posters on telephones in Cleveland Heights. For this, she was assaulted by police, charged and convicted of 2 counts of felony assault on police officers. Carol is now in the Cuyohoga County Jail.

On June 2, Judge Timothy McGinty sentenced her to 2 months in jail, 2 years probation with community service and mandatory "anger management classes."

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New Update May 14th! - Message From Carol Fisher
Update May 13 - Message from Carol Fisher's Lawyer
Update May 11th - Carol Fisher Released!

May 9: Judge Timothy McGinty forcibly incarcerated Carol Fisher in the psych unit of the Cuyahoga County Jail in downtown Cleveland, where she now sits for an indefinite period of time.

In a hastily called hearing yesterday, Judge McGinty made a highly unusual and outrageous decision to force Carol to undergo a state psychological exam as part of her pre-sentencing investigation. From the very start of Carol's case, the judge has openly said that she must have mental problems for resisting an unlawful and brutal encounter with Cleveland Heights police. He went even further in yesterday's hearing, saying that her opposition to the Bush regime makes her "delusional."


Continuing Struggle Aginst Violent Repression in SAN SALVADOR ATENCO, MEXICO

Update - May 26: The Zapatista Other Campaign and the Netwar over Defining Atenco - How a Horizontal Communications Network Unmasked Repression and Simulation by the Mexican State and Media By Al Giordano (from Narco News Bulletin)

Update - May 20: Testimonies of Rape by Police in the Aftermath of Atenco
Update - May 16th: Letter From The Women

San Salvador Atenco, about 15 miles outside of Mexico City, has a history of struggle against the Mexican government going back to 2002 when residents stopped the construction of a major airport there. This Wednesday, May 3, the government tried to arrest flower sellers at the nearby town of Texcoco which called for aid from Atenco's "macheteros". Residents of the two municipalites armed themselves with homemade ordnance, erected barricades of burning tires, drove out the police and detained six of them (later released). A 14 year old boy was killed by police gunfire in the melee. On May 4th the Mexican police attacked Atenco, occupying the town against spirited resistance, going door-to-door breaking into houses, and arresting and "disappearing" many residents. Solidarity blockades and barricades sprung up around Mexico City. On May 6, over 8000 marchers including Zapatista "Subcommandante Marcos" entered Atenco.

There are reports of female prisoners being sexually humiliated and raped. Prisoners have begun a hunger strike. Many arrested have not been located.

Newer Updates May 7th 8th & 9th!
Update! May 6th (English first - sigue en español)

"Crackdown in Mexico" (Overall Account of Situation) John Gilber/Global Exchange

Call For Solidarity

photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | BBC News Photo Gallery(May 3-4th events) | Big Yahoo photo gallery (105 pics) | photo gallery of May 5th march (Radio Pacheco)

Video reposted to You Tube from Mexican TV news: 1 | 2

Global Indymedia Feature | Mexico City Indpendent Media Center (Google Translation) | Chiapas Indymedia (Google Translation) | Mexico Indymedia (english page) | Atenco Breaking News Blog | Narco News Bulletin | San Diego Indymedia Hunger Strike Story with photos and chronology

Mexico's industrial workers also deal with violent repression: Steel Workers in Mexico Clash With Police | 100 Years After Mexican Labor Movement Was Born, Miners’ Blood Once Again Stains Nation

downtown at gazeboKent State: Remembering May 4th, Carrying On the Struggle

On May 4th, 1970, one more day in the long struggle resisting Lyndon Johnson's/Richard Nixon's war in Southeast Asia, the people of the US suffered casualties at the hands of the Ohio National Guard - four dead, thirteen wounded. On that same day in Vietnam and Cambodia many more lives of equal value were being snuffed out by the US invaders. The Kent State killings intensified a storm of protest across the US against the war.

Thirty-six years later, May 4th 1970 is not forgotten - not only is there a commemoration, but in Kent, Ohio, the date is used to carry on the struggle - this time against the invasion/occupation of Iraq and the threat of of an even more outrageous US attack on Iran. Vietnam/Cambodia - Iraq/Iran. Déja Vu.

Kent March Video
Cbus IMC Kent March Video
Pittsburgh IMC / Blast Furnace Radio Audio of Commemoration Speakers
Cbus IMC article
Cleveland IMCsta article relevance of May 4th, Black United Students march

Indigenous People Resist Seizure of Lands in Ontario

Indigenous people, known in Canada as 'First Nations' and in the US as 'Native Americans' are violently resisting the seizure of their lands in Ontario by a private developer enforced by the Ontario Provincial Police.

Hamilton (Canada) Indymedia
kerspeldebeb blog
Coalition in Support of Indigenous Sovereignty
Mohawk Nation News
Two Audio Interviews

Local News

Black on Black Protests Police Brutality and Lack of Justice J19 7:07PM

Blackout News, June 19, 2006 J19 6:20PM

Listen Up Ohio: "See Something, Say Something" is Here J19 5:57PM Bob and Harvey show. Coming live at 2PM EST J17 2:27PM

Flag Day @ the Ravenna Recruiting Office J15 10:12PM

Guantanamo protest/street theatre J15 8:31AM

Ohio and Other Cat Abusers J14 4:25AM

Blackout News, June 12 J12 6:14PM

Justice denied (again) in Lakewood J12 5:49PM

Parade the Circle Suprise J11 3:38PM

Anarchist Originization In Lakewood J11 12:35PM

Putting the War on Trial: Who is Really Guilty? J08 11:00AM

Blackout News June 5th J05 6:32PM

Update on Carol Fisher's case J04 9:20PM

Carol Fisher defiant to the last J03 4:12PM

More Local News...

Global News

National Lawyer's Guild Condemns the Illegal Treatment of Green Scare Defendents J19 6:06PM

ABC Speaks: Military Officer Suzanne Swift Refuses to Return to Iraq, J19 6:02PM

U.S. FTA with South Korea: NO WAY! J19 5:47PM

People of Earth - The Son to God Speaks J19 2:17PM


BTL:Zarqawi's Death Will Have Little Effect Upon War J17 7:40AM

"Our Military is Being Treated as Human Fodder" - Mother of Soldier J15 8:19PM

Bunker Time: Federal gov. to conduct large scale anti-terror drill J15 3:23PM

Unexpected Guest Drops in on Iraqi Prime Minister J15 2:32PM

Action Alert - US Intervention in Nicaraguan Elections J15 1:07PM

URGENT: Take Action June 27 to Support US Military Officer Refusing Iraq War J15 5:36AM

IF IT WEREN’T FOR THE INTERNET WE WOULD ALL BE DEAD: Six Nations conflict heats up J14 11:32PM


Save the South Central LA Urban Farm J12 6:44PM

SOA Watch Sees a Possible Victory in Sight J12 6:28PM

More Global News...

Other/Breaking News

The Colonisation of Australia J20 8:26AM

oldie but goodie J19 1:18PM

Emergence J19 11:50AM


Re-Regulation of the Economy J19 8:30AM

THE LEFT AND THE ISRAEL LOBBY – by Joseph Anderson, Dissident Voice J18 4:23PM

Some Coverage On Guest Workers J18 1:11PM

Fathers’ Day Reflections on a Lost Son... J18 10:15AM

BTL:Bush-GOP Tax Cuts Benefit Wealthy While Jeopardizing U.S. Economic Future J18 8:57AM

Investigation Continues At Oakland Housing Authority J18 4:17AM

BYU Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples, Building Collapses an Inside Job J17 8:32PM

Fish Can't Scream, Toxins in Fish Flesh, Fish Stories J17 9:55AM

Leuren Moret Describes Vicious Attacks on Whistleblowers J16 4:34PM

BTL:Bush-GOP Tax Cuts Benefit Wealthy While Jeopardizing U.S. Economic Future J16 9:35AM

True Nature of Obscenity J16 8:25AM

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