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News :: Art & Culture : Children & Education : Globalization : Media : Protest Activity
Allied Media Conference 2006
11 Jun 2006
amc2006card2front.jpgAttention, indymedia fans and supporters! You know you can count on grassroots media to tell the true stories that get left out of corporate news...but what good is it if nothing changes? This might be just what we're looking for...
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News :: Media
BMIMC Exclusive -- Ashcroft to Release New Hit Biometric Control Waltz
21 May 2006
Modified: 02:04:43 AM
The news from the Heartland is that the former Senator and U.S. Attorney General has been hard at work on another major musical breakthrough. He is once again taking advantage of those glorious vocal chords with which the creator blessed him. Additionally, the man from Missouri has some truly intriguing things to say about what is really going on in our Capital City.

John Ashcroft will be releasing a new song, which is destined to fly higher than his last. This latest Ashcroft offering is to be titled Biometric Control Waltz or simply Biometric Waltz. According to John, he was inspired to pen this ditty upon learning of his former boss’s announcement of the intended use of biometric employee id cards for temporary workers. Upon the realization that this would mean that all citizens would soon need to have biometric cards, John was ecstatic. Mr. Ashcroft says that his former boss will be joining a group headed by Jack Abramoff, Duke Cunningham, William Jefferson, and Scooter Libby that will produce biometric identity cards and readers for the government. These National Identity Cards, which will be necessary for employment and National Security, will offer full auditability every time an individual transacts with the system as well as the management of identities throughout their life cycle. Governments do have a requirement to implement accurate authentication for all citizens and employees in their countries utilizing systems independently assessed and proven able to handle large population groups using multiple methods of authentication. As Mr. Ashcroft so aptly put it, fear of immigration will allow our government once again to foist an unnecessary control technique upon our citizenry especially when fear of terrorism is engendered by it. John’s new release, sampled below, will be available upon passage of immigration reform mandating biometric identity cards.

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News :: Children & Education : Elections & Legislation : Housing : Protest Activity
"Our voice is not a formality" - Students cry out for recognition, change
04 May 2006
Modified: 06:01:12 PM

Students young and old showed their school spirit by arguing for a right to participate in decisions regarding how their money is spent. Topics ranged from Saluki Way, to housing issues, to student empowerment.
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News :: Elections & Legislation : Gender & Sexuality : Health : Protest Activity
19 Apr 2006

On Saturday, April 8th, a few members of Southern IL NOW took it upon themselves to educate the pharmacies of the city of Carbondale regarding a new piece of Illinois legislation that the Governor signed on March 27th. This piece of legislation requires ALL pharmacies/pharmacists in Illinois to display a poster informing patients of their rights concerning the receipt of filled BC(Birth Control)/EC(Emergency Contraceptive) prescriptions.
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Announcement :: Art & Culture : Faith and Spirituality
Keeping the Faith: Coffeehouse Benefit for Interfaith
05 Apr 2006
Keep the Faith!
Live Music Coffeehouse and Open Mic
In benefit of the Interfaith Center.

This Weeks Artists:
Guitarist Uncle Bob and Keyboardist Ed Van Awken

Where: Corner of Grand and University, Carbondale
When: 7PM Saturday April 8th, 2006 (doors open 6:30-ish)
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Announcement :: Health
"Silent/Listen: The Minutes" -- April 9 performance by Ultra-red
04 Apr 2006
Modified: 01:55:41 PM
ultra red student ad_Page_1.jpg
Sunday April 9, 7pm @214 North Washington Street, Carbondale --- Ultra-red is a media arts collective operating where public space, performance art, activist politics, and sound art intersect. Each performance is the unique result of work with HIV/AIDS affected communities: people living with AIDS/HIV and their families, health care workers, and other service providers. The collective offers a powerful model of a politically and theoretically engaged contemporary arts practice evidencing how socially engaged and community-based art practices relevant to specific political conditions can also be aesthetically and conceptually complex.

SIUC Cinema and Photography has organized a visit by this Los Angeles/New York based collective Ultra-Red this semester. Ultra-Red will be in residence at SIU for a week to work intensively with students to prepare a new iteration of their ongoing performance series SILENT/LISTEN," a sound performance that live-mixes sound and interviews regarding the ongoing AIDS/HIV crisis. The piece seeks to explore questions like "Where has the AIDS crisis been?" and "Where might it be going?" by listening to the voices of people who have themselves been affected by the pandemic and the shifting politics surrounding it or active in confronting them. Ultra-Red has conducted iterations of the project across the U.S. and Canada and we are excited to welcome them to SIU.

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News :: Elections & Legislation
Oppose the Jackson County Safety Tax on March 21st -- Don't Pay for Unfunded Mandates!
17 Mar 2006
Modified: 18 Mar 2006
Vote No on the Safety Tax!

The Jackson County Board and several local politicians believe that the people of Jackson County are ignorant enough to pay for mandates from Springfield that the Administrative and Legislative branches decided not to fund. They feel that we citizens should pay an additional .25% sales tax each time we make a purchase. Obviously, the sales tax is the most regressive method of raising public funds. Like the Carbondale street paving tax, the working class, the poor, and the itinerant students pay for it, in other words, this will impact most upon the poorest citizens.

The press releases about the tax claim it will be utilized to hire six additional road deputies and one investigator at a cost of $650,000 over a period of three years. The cost includes pension payments, benefits, contractual pay raises that may be incurred and a fully equipped patrol vehicle per officer. An additional telecommunicator will be hired for $47,493, which includes the same fringe items as the patrol officers. Over a period of two years, the sheriff is hoping to hire two new jail officers at a cost of $162,468, including benefits. Additionally, the department hopes to hire one part-time civil process server for $14,107. Finally, the department would like to expand its jail, because it claims to continually operate at its capacity of 117 inmates. A dollar figure has not yet been assigned to this expansion, but is being studied by an engineering firm. Interestingly enough, this is the same firm that is doing a reexamination of the EPA study of the Koppers Wood Treatment site in Carbondale. Does this firm have a bit of clout? Also, this is the jail that has been sinking into the landfil it was built on since its creation.

These Press releases sound quite well and good but they do not reflect the discussion that occurred at the actual Board meeting. Breton O'Neill, chairwoman of the county board's judicial and law committee, who is pushing for the tax, said the committee involved the community through meetings with township governments, civic group meetings and editorial boards to better educate the public about the need for the tax.

However, this same County Board Member during the committee meeting regarding the tax said that Jackson County Sheriff Bob Burns talked about the "unfunded mandates" for the sheriff's department that are coming out of Springfield, adding he said, "the department is severely understaffed and under-equipped to handle those mandates". So, what is the real purpose of the tax? Isn’t it simply to pay for those mandates?

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Announcement :: Art & Culture : Media : Miscellaneous
Discovering Adobeland - Opening Reception on Saturday March 25, 6-8 pm, Gallery 1101
18 Mar 2006
“When we arrived in Adobeland, we expected to find a close-knit community, but instead found a quiet echo of a once-thriving wimmin’s land.

An opening reception will be held Saturday, March 25, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in Gallery 1101 in the SIUC Cinema and Photography Department Office - Communications Building, Room 1101. Sara and Jesse will be present to answer questions and receive feedback. Refreshments will be served. The exhibition dates are Monday, March 27, through Friday, March 31, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The opening reception and exhibit are free and open to the public.
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Conference will explore portrayal of race in media
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