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Local News and Commentary
News :: Protest Activity
Bureau of Worker's Health Quarantines Charlotte Pike Walmart
08 Jun 2006
walmart1.jpgOn Friday, June 2 from as Wal-Mart convened its annual shareholders meeting, concerned citizens in hazmat suits, face shields and rubber gloves participated in an action to "quarantine" Wal-Mart at locations across the country. Nashville’s action took place at the Charlotte Pike Walmart in West Nashville where the "Bureau of Workers Health" organized by Middle TN Jobs with Justice, ACORN, and the Nashville Peace and Justice Center armed themselves with yellow caution tape, health hazard signs, and "Notices of Quarantine" outside the store.
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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation
Conscientious Non-voting 2006: Liberation from Within
07 Jun 2006
joeyking1.jpgIn 2004, I did something that I had not done since I turned 18 years old; I didn’t vote. At the time, I gave my act a name, conscientious non-voting. Since then, I have studied a lot of pacifist writings and have tried to eliminate acts of aggression in my own behavior whenever practical. I view conscientious non-voting as one step among many I have taken in an attempt towards reducing aggression in my life (although I must confess I am no where near where I’d like to be). In 2004, I said voting for a person to serve in government (which by its very nature is forceful) is an act of aggression. I still believe that. Certainly it is not aggressive as pointing a gun at another human being, but it is an aggressive action nonetheless.
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Commentary :: International Relations
Iranian Crisis Requires Diplomacy, Not Force
05 Jun 2006
chris.jpgNo one can deny that there is an international crisis brewing over Iran's nuclear capability. The crisis, however, is one which requires diplomacy and international cooperation, and not, as the Bush administration and the Republican Party seem to be threatening, the use of unilateral force. The international landscape has changed dramatically since September 11th of 2001. At that time, the United States had the empathy and compassion of the world. People around the world grieved with us as they saw our own innocent civilians die in the face of tragedy and unspeakable acts of aggression.
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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation
Crisis in Care: The Failure of the Market Economy
02 Jun 2006
howard.jpgThe market economy has proven itself to be an absolute and utter failure. Those who insist that the “market” is the best way to run a country seem to be missing one of the basic feelings that human hearts have: care. Care means “to look after or to provide for” but in a market economy “care” gets in the way of profits and thus care has to be eliminated for the market to “work.” The American healthcare system is the prime example of this but it is true for every industry the market economists and Wall Street financiers touch.
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Announcement :: Environment
Stop the Office of Surface Mining from Gutting Tennessee's Rules
27 May 2006
eaganconnectedXS[1].jpgPublic Attendance is Encouraged at Office of Surface Mining Knoxville Hearings June 1st

The Office of Surface Mining (OSM) is revising the regulations for Tennessee. According to Knoxville OSM officials, Tennessee OSM had little to do with the new regulations, which were created by Washington OSM and thus may be part of a wider Bush Administration agenda. The OSM will host a public hearing at the Knoxville Holiday Inn Select on June 1st at 7pm. The public is strongly encouraged to attend.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Chattanooga's Homeless Challenge
22 May 2006
robbie1.jpgDocumentary Premieres at Memorial Auditorium

"Chattanooga Homeless Challenge,” a documentary feature, premiered in the city on May 25 at the Memorial Auditorium Community Theater to an audience of 400 persons. The documentary, filmed by Wes Rehberg and Wild Clearing Productions, includes interviews with presently and formerly homeless persons as well as care providers; scenes of interventions offered; and descriptions of the dilemmas of homelessness.
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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation
Voting As If It Mattered
22 May 2006
paperballot.jpgReflections (and actions) on a Day of Elections...

I became a Democrat for a day and voted in the recent primary election. I'm happy to say that Amanda McClendon succeeded in her bid to become a judge, at least in part because I voted for her, although she would have won without me. Her victory was described by the Nashville City Paper as “a landslide,” a term they did not use for any other race on the ballot—but then, most races were uncontested. You can't have a landslide without an opponent.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Peace : Urban Development
Nashville Kemet Jubilee Declares Malcolm X Week
16 May 2006
X_FlyerLarge.jpg“I Am Malcolm X” Celebration to be held Saturday May 20th

Nashville, TN: The Nashville Kemet Jubilee (NKJ) is celebrating the 81st anniversary of Malcolm X’s birthday. To wit, the Jubilee is holding an “I Am Malcolm X” celebration at the Village Cultural Arts Center in East Nashville. “I Am Malcolm X: A Celebration of Brotherhood and Humanitarianism” will be an exciting evening of music and song (including Reggae, Blues, & Soul), Spoken Word and African Drum and Dance. After the entertainment there will be a community discussion on the ideals of Malcolm X and there relevance to the contemporary community and our issues today. This is an artistic event for the whole family.
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text 06/11 21:08 CST
text 06/08 09:07 CST
Report Back from FITS Memorial Service
text 06/08 08:46 CST
Tennessee to Kill Two Men in One Night
text 06/07 09:41 CST
Religious Wrong
text 06/07 08:07 CST
Constitutional Amendment Defining Marriage Has No Defense
text 06/05 08:30 CST
A Clear and Present Danger
text 06/02 12:07 CST
Protest the Marriage Amendment Monday in Nashville
text 06/01 08:43 CST
State Judge Refuses To Hear Witnesses or Release Evidence
text 06/01 08:38 CST
Stop Tennessee's Ten Mile Strip Mine
text 05/31 09:50 CST
The True Cost of Gasoline
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text 06/08 09:19 CST
Conservative Christian Liars
text 06/08 08:50 CST
The Reincarnation Question
text 06/07 09:46 CST
Iraqi War Deaths: Week of May 28th - June 3rd
text 06/07 08:01 CST
Nevadans Call for Cancellation of the Divine Strake Test
text 06/05 08:49 CST
Legacies of Malcom X and Ho Chi Minh Live on Today
text 06/05 08:42 CST
Veterans for Peace Statement Regarding Jesse Macbeth
text 06/02 12:14 CST
Atheists and True Skeptics
text 06/01 09:05 CST
Iraqi War Deaths: Week of May 21st - 27th
text 06/01 08:58 CST
First Female Conscientious Objector Sentenced
text 05/31 09:55 CST
The "Joe America" Vote
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