cork / rights and freedoms Thursday June 08, 2006 12:57 by Anarkitty
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Cork Pride 2006

The weather was gorgeous, the floats were fabulous, the tunes were pumpin, and the people came out in their hundreds :)

"...these days Gay Pride is not just about commemorating the Stonewall riots. It's also about celebrating and communicating queer life. Pride creates presence, generates awareness and stimulates discussion. The Pride Parade is an opportunity for gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people as well as their supporters to take to the streets and parade with pride. It is as much a political event as it is a cathartic display. It's a time for the diversity of our community to be seen and heard in a fun and colourful context. Some go along as a first venture out of the closet while others participate with the aim of maximum provocation. Others still just take this annual opportunity to parade freely down main streets hand-in-hand with their partner. For many, however, it is simply a chance to be part of the biggest event of the year in the community and to share the experience of Gay Pride with others. "

Related Links: Dublin, June 2005 Gay Pride Parade | Gay Pride Weekend in Cork, 2004.

image hooray for Tir na gCasta! image the fabulous ms. lucy fur :) image chillin in the park afterwards image two happy participants :)

limerick / environment Tuesday June 06, 2006 23:03 by christina
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A Community concerned for its Safety

On a weekend which marked the first anniversary of the Rossport Camp, other communities in Ireland are finding themselves forced into similar positions of standing up for their own safety, as well as protection of natural resources from what claims to be their government.

In Co. Limerick, the communities of Kildimo and Pallaskenry are fighting for the retention of their Spring Water source and supply from Bleach Lough lake, while Limerick County Council want to connect them to a new water supply ... the polluted, yes POLLUTED River Deel
- Articles expressing solidarity with a Co. Cork community facing state environmental threat.

Supporters of the Bleach Lough Water Retention Committee met late Sunday afternoon with TD Joe Higgins in a bid to prevent 11 members of the local community from going to jail, and they are calling on Dick Roche, Minister for the Environment to intervene on the side of justice and democracy.
Why the 11 won't be cowed by prison threats, and will see it through if forced to, for the safety of their community.

Other Related Links
A Co. Dublin community's fears for safety
East Galway concerns about water pollution
Incinerators set for Ringaskiddy and Duleek, and maybe, Ringsend or Donabate.

image Joe Higgins TD on the White Line, Sunday 4th June 2006

dublin / rights and freedoms Sunday June 04, 2006 18:42 by NMI
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Do We Live in a Police State?

One year on from the unexplained death of Terence Wheelock after his detention in Store Street Garda Station, his family, his community and the wider Irish public demand some meaningful answers. In that time, the gardaí have paid their respects by physically attacking the Wheelock family and continuing their harassement of youths from Dublin's east inner city.

Lists of garda violence and other Human Rights abuses have been documented on, but as yet, even those caught red-handed have been exhonerated by the Irish Justice System. However, the deaths of Brian Rossiter, John 'Johnner' Moloney, and Terence Wheelock, and the lack of accountability regarding numerous garda usage of lethal force, point to something very sinister among the ranks of the Guardians of the Peace, and a willingness to cover up, if not sanction it, within the Department of Justice.

Around 350 people marched yesterday from Seán MacDermott St church down to Store Street Garda station, on the first anniversary of Terence Wheelock being arrested and subsequently being found unconscious in a cell. A short ceremony was held inside the church before the march, where the priest expressed his hopes that the family would find truth, justice, freedom, and finally peace with their sons death. Members of the family and close friends were visibly upset during the 20 minute church ceremony, where music was played and a candle was lit in remembrance of Terence.

The march made its way down Gardiner Street and around by the LUAS tracks in front of Store Street Garda station. Laurence Wheelock again made the call for an independent inquiry into his brother's death. Floral tributes were left on the fence of the station. There was no visible Garda presence whatsoever around the station during the protest outside. The crowd was also addressed by Joe Costello of Labour and Mary Lou McDonald of Sinn Fein, who urged the family to continue their campaign, and who both commended the family on the dignified nature of their protests in the face of continuing Garda intimidation.
Complementary photo essay of the demonstration

dublin / environment Friday June 02, 2006 19:22 by Paul Baynes
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St. Joseph's National School
A new community garden has been opened in Finglas. The garden is in the grounds of St. Joseph’s National School for girls, on Barry Avenue in West Finglas (map). Like other community gardens that have been set up in Dublin in the past year, in Phibsborough and Dolphin’s Barn, this project has an environmental focus, with the intention of establishing a system of urban food production on a small scale. The gardeners also hope to play a small part in strengthening the cohesion of the local community, by inviting the involvement of local people in the project.

As global supplies of oil become depleted, urban food production is likely to become more and more important in the future. Cuba was forced to turn to urban food production following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991, when Cuban oil supplies dropped from 30 million tones to just 4 million tonnes. Today, 50% of Havana’s food comes from urban gardens and allotments.

The garden came about after one of the teachers in St. Joseph’s school met Lara, a Dolphin’s Barn community gardener living in Finglas, through the Catholic Worker community in Rialto. With the agreement of the school authorities, she offered an area of the school grounds as the basis to start a new community garden for Dublin city. A number of gardeners, for the most part from the garden in Dolphin’s Barn, have been working in the school over the last month or so, preparing the ground and planting strawberries, lettuce, beans, squash, rocket, rhubarb, and a few sunflowers.

international / rights and freedoms Friday June 02, 2006 02:34 by erqwnqr
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Information and art still free

As large corporations hold the copyright of most of the music and films that have been created over the last century, conflict against these cultural monoliths makes piracy enevitable, even natural, normal and simple. It's worth taking the temperature of the digital freedom waters in diferent countries.

Sweden: Raided 'Asked for other reasoning behind the choice to take down a site, without knowing whether it is illegal or not, the officers explained that this is normal.'

Note\; Sweden now has a piracy party who will be contesting the next election. Slashdot and The Register cover

UK/USA: Gary Mc Kinnon be extradited to face US charges of entering without password in their most secure databases to look for UFO files. The UK are trying to ensure he'll get a proper trial and won't end up in Guantanamo, but seem happy to extradite, and are amending their legislation as per US instruction.

Brazil: The Brazilian minister of Culture, Gilberto Gil, has defended his state's internet law (which is the most tolerant in the world), and hailed hackers and creative users of the new technology, at a world Internet conference which opened yesterday in Europe. This meanst Brazil is still the hackers' best pal Read More

In Ireland - we have the noise Hacker, ensuring info is still free. Click here for the latest.

For an overview/audio of global trends: Kenbrew McLoed spoke in Dublin earlier this year, on the shrinkage of the public domain and the privatisation of everything under the sun.

image 1gojollyroger150.jpg


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