Washington, DC Independent Media Center : http://dc.indymedia.org
Washington, DC Independent Media Center


News :: Gender/Sexuality/Identity : Local News/Neighborhoods : Media

DC Dyke March: Again Proudly and Without Permit


(Saturday, June 9, 2006, Washington, D.C.) After a brief rally in Dupont Circle with speeches on health and the Dyke March herstory, approximately 200 people marched out of Dupont Circle heading north on Connecticut Avenue around 2:00 pm this afternoon.


News :: DC Radio Co-op, Free Speech Radio News, WPFW : Housing/Urban Issues/Gentrification

Another homeless shelter to be displaced?

Although home prices have leveled off in some parts of the country, the gentrification resulting from sky-rocketing real estate markets continues to impact communities throughout the United States. In Washington DC, where politicans and the public debate the impact of changes in the city, the latest casualty of development may be a homeless shelter just blocks from the White House. Darby Hickey reports.


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Commentary :: Anti-War/War/Peace : Commentary/Op-ed : Foreign Policy/Empire/Imperialism : Satire, Humor

Editorial Cartoon: "Nuclear Threat"


Anyone else here notice how the State and Press are shitting themselves over Iran finally managing to enrich some crummy-ass little amount of uranium, without bothering to mention Israel owning enough nukes to make a ring of craters around itself?

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News :: Globalization/Anti-Globalization

Koreans storm Cargill Corp offices, US complains to S Korean embassy about "loud" trade protests

As today's round of Korean protests against the proposed US-Korea Free Trade area began, word reached us that the US negotiating team has complained to the South Korean embassy that the protests have been "too loud!"

Photo: Chris Garlock, outside the 17th Street headquarters of the US Trade Representative

audioAudio from Ryme Katkhouda and dcradiocoop.org

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News :: Housing/Urban Issues/Gentrification : Local News/Neighborhoods

Protestors delay closing of Franklin Shelter, hammer Sursum Corda eminent domain Plan

Today, the battering ram seemed to be at the door for the residents both of Sursum Corda and of Franklin Shelter. What the Mayor and Council didn't expect, however,was that residents of both communities would take to the streets.
WSQT Guerrilla Radio Report || FreeSpeech Radio News Report

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Commentary :: Strategy/Theory/Movement Issues

In response to several frequent criticisms of home demonstrations

The DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) has engaged in dozens of home demonstrations this year at the homes of many policy makers responsible for various war and economic crimes, connecting the dots between issues of war and militarism and other issues related to economic imperialism and gentrification. While some have agree with the aims of the protests, they have criticized the tactic. This is one person's beginning to a response.

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News :: Anti-War/War/Peace

Photos, Video of 666 Exorcism White House


Photos of the No Armageddon for Bush Rally EXORCISM by BISHOP BARROWS at the White House on June 6, 2006, plus link to video of Exorcism.

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Announcement :: Civil Liberties/Constitution

International Weekend of Resistance Against the Green Scare in Washington, D.C.


Over 40 Events to Occur Worldwide!

Cafe Night at the Brian Mackenzie Infoshop:
Resist the Green Scare, Support Eco and Animal Rights Defendants!

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Announcement :: Iraq : Military, Weapons

A Call to Support U.S. Military Officer to Refuse Illegal Iraq War

June 2, 2006: First U.S. military officer poised to publicly refuse orders in support of the illegal Iraq War requests your immediate support and assistance.

"I refuse to be silent any longer. I refuse to watch families torn apart, while the President tells us to "stay the course." . . . I refuse to be party to an illegal and immoral war against people who did nothing to deserve our aggression. I wanted to be there for my fellow troops. But the best way was not to help drop artillery and cause more death and destruction. It is to help oppose this war and end it so that all soldiers can come home." - LT, US Army officer*

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News :: Anti-War/War/Peace

Rumsfeld 4 had first day in court

Arrested May 18th in Donald Rumsfeld's front yard, four anti-war activists had two status hearings Thursday.

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