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I thought that Memorial Day in Denton [Texas] should mean something more than just a temporary forest of flags sprouting in the downtown business district, so I did something about it.

A few days before the holiday, I emailed another Veterans For Peace guy here in town, with a copy to the local VFP chapter president about 30 miles down the road in Carrollton. I asked if they were interested in doing something public to show the flag a bit on Memorial Day?

I suggested that we stand by the freeway to be seen by as many people as possible. I was pleasantly surprised when the one or two guys I expected to show up turned out to be a dozen men, women, and children willing to spend a couple hours in the steamy Texas sun to share our message.

We had a couple of large VFP banners showing the logo and the website address. There were assorted signs, and maybe half a dozen US flags. I even turned my flag right side up on the pole for the first time in four years. I would be soliciting donations on this day, so I did not need the distraction of my inverted flag as a guaranteed conversation starter.

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Texas Guard Moving to Border ASAP
Memorandum of Agreement nears Final Draft

As soon as the order is signed by the Governor, troops will move to the Mexican border "as quickly as possible."

The Texas National Guard and the Governor's Office have been working up preliminary plans for deployment of troops to the Mexico border, and both offices are expecting the Governor to sign a Memorandum of Agreement in the very near future that would put the troop deployment into action.

The preliminary planning has involved five chiefs of the National Guard border sectors, including Laredo, El Paso, and Marfa. And their preliminary plans call for deployment of expertise in "linguistics, engineering, and transportation" says Chief Moncada of the Guard public affairs office in Austin.

A spokesperson for the Governor's office says the operation is in "final stages of planning" and that the memorandum of agreement "has been drafted and is being finalized for signatures".

"We hope to get personnel to the border as quickly as possible," said Rachael Novier from the Governor's press office.

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--On Thursday, May 4, two sisters from Women in Black were the subjects of a Homeland Security sting in front of the Federal Building on Houston Street .

We had stood in front of the building every Thursday for several weeks, without incident when three Homeland Security cars zoomed onto the scene and officers handed out citations for blocking the entranceway when we were six feet from the door. We returned the following Thursday, May 11, at our regularly scheduled time.

In a week’s time, word had circulated and an action of two became a cause for many. We were joined by an ACLU observer and members of Code Pink, Camp Casey Alumni, Pax Christi, Veterans for Peace, the Dallas Peace Center, Camp Casey Dallas, North Texas for Justice and Peace, Richland College Institute for Peace, Cathedral of Hope and the Peace and Justice Center-Arlington. The Veterans for Peace bus, driven by Jim Goodnow, literally made the rounds for the duration of the vigil.

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An APPEAL to University of North Texas Students
More fun than a Thursday night at Hailey's: Why The Hell Not?

Halliburton has felt the heat and has moved their annual shareholder’s meeting to a remote location away from organized protest groups. But, little do they know, they moved it right into our backyard.

Halliburton’s war profiteering, no-bid contracts, unethical ties to the White House, and failure to provide adequate services to our troops should be reason enough to get out to the streets and let them know that we do not want this for our country.

History shows us that non-violent direct action works. Let us all join together and show this corporation that we will not let them ruin our future!

E-mail Denton Anti-Racist Action to find out about their meeting times and locations; Peace Action Denton plans to go; and
OKie Activists will be there.

Together we will fight and together we will win!

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Common Ground Collective Co-founder Scott Crow Under Investigation by FBI
The FBI’s harassment of those working for change in our world is meant to intimidate and isolate

Common Ground Collective co-founder Scott Crow has recently come under investigation by the FBI as well as the ATF.

At around 8:00 am on Wednesday, April 5th, two FBI agents, one of whom identified himself as Evan Ray, came knocking on his door in Austin, TX, asking many questions including whether Scott was stockpiling firearms. Robert King Wilkerson, former political prisoner, Black Panther and member of the Angola 3 ( who is a guest at Scott’s house, answered the door and informed the two agents that Scott was out of town and refused to answer any of the agent’s questions.

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Over 500,000 People March In Downtown Dallas For Immigrant Rights
Protesters set record for largest rally in Dallas history

Flag Waving Crowd (DALLAS, April 9, 2006) – “Si, se puede! Si, se puede!” the chant rang out, from an ocean of protesters demanding an end to HR 4437, tough new immigration restrictions proposed in Congress which, among other things, would make being an undocumented alien a felony.

Clad in white to symbolize purity and solidarity, and most waving American flags, the crowds kept growing by hundreds and thousands as people poured into downtown Dallas to join the MegaMarch for Hispanic Unity – by all accounts the single largest protest in the history of Dallas – which had been organized by the League of United Latin American Citizens.

The mass of people, who besides chanting “Si se puede” (yes, we can in Spanish, a reference to the chant of United Farm Workers activist Cesar Chavez) also yelled “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!,” and marched through downtown streets for a over a mile, surpassing all estimates of how many would show up.

Read Reports From the Protest: 1 | 2 | 3
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Read Reports From Other Cities: Houston | San Diego | Miami | Portland | Bay Area | New York City | Washington D.C.

Also, view the The U.S. Indymedia Resource Page.

Were you at the march on Sunday? Be the media, and publish your story, thoughts, experiences, photos, or videos.

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Right-Wingers Rally Against Immigrants Before MegaMarch
Passion was Present but Reason was Absent

Misspelled Sign -- No Amensty Although this peaceful but emotional rally didn't technically qualify as a counter-protest, many of the participants were definitely focused on countering the immigrant's-rights march planned for the next day in downtown Dallas, with a few intent on addressing negative public perceptions of their issues.

There were slightly more than 100 in the small but noisy crowd gathered in North Dallas, which was 98 percent Anglos. The rally was organized by the Citizens for Immigration Reform, and they are also planning a similar rally Sunday in the midst of the Immigrants' Rights March. They plan to meet in front of the Morton Meyerson Symphony Hall on Sunday at 11:30 a.m.

Individual participants gave a wide variety of reasons for opposing immigrant's-rights, citizenship amnesties, and Latino cultural influences; However, this reporter was strongly impressed by the problem the small minority of reasoning people were having -- they were greatly outnumbered by people who were fearful of "others" in "their" society.

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'March to Redeem the Soul of America' Starts with visit to Exxon Mobil
Press Conference and March Held on April 1 at Exxon Mobil Headquarters

The March to Redeem the Soul of America was launched with a press conferences and march at ExxonMobil Headquarters in Irving, Texas on April 1. The March called on ExxonMobil to work to end the war against Iraq and to spend its $7 billion in 2005 war profits on human needs related to the war and ExxonMobil's operations.

On April 2, the March held press conferences at the County Courthouse and Jail, and, after a march, at the VA Hospital. Speakers highlighted the human and economic costs of war.

Thus began a 120-mile walk that will arrive in Crawford, Texas on Thursday, April 13. The March will participate in "Easter in Crawford" - with President Bush planning to take his usual Easter vacation at his ranch - and the celebration of the third anniversary of the Crawford Peace House and "Easter in Crawford."

March to Redeem the Soul of America
Starts at ExxonMobil Headquarters

See complete coverage with audio (mp3) and photos:

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Support grassroots groups lead by people of color/low income communities working on the destruction in the Gulf Coast Region.

As a 'white allied' organizer working in NOLA, it is important to support grassroots groups lead by people of color/low income communities working on the destruction in the Gulf Coast Region.Some of the groups are national, with local NOLA chapters.Many of these groups were doing work in the region before Katrina struck or the leveees broke.

As mostly 'white allied' groups we are asking that groups with access to networks of people/resources please use this to get information out about these groups who could use support in their continued critical work.

Common Ground Collective has benefited from our privilege of access to many resources and want to make sure other groups are not overlooked in this process. Our work in the region is linked to many of these groups; we need to mutually support each other for the rights of dignity and self determination for many historically marignalized communities.

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A two-week march to the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas, starting April 1, that will call for an end to the Iraq War and immediate withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Iraq - endorsed by peace worker Cindy Sheehan and historian Howard Zinn - will also call on ExxonMobil Corporation to spend $7 billion of its record $36 billion 2005 profit to alleviate war suffering and to compensate thousands more who have documented harm from its operations.

Schedule for the event is in the body of this article.

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Tuesday, Jun 13 2006, 12:35am
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