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Upcoming Events:

Tuesday 6/13 6:30 PM, Medford, Citizens for Peace & Justice
Tuesday 6/13 12:00 AM, Ashland, Indigenous Women Speak
Wednesday 6/14 1:30 PM, Medford, Public Hearing Jackson County Board of Commissioners
Wednesday 6/14 7:15 PM, Ashland, PREMIER ASHLAND FILM SCREENING OF "September 11th REVISITED"
Wednesday 6/14 7:15 PM, Ashland, PREMIER ASHLAND FILM SCREENING OF "September 11th REVISITED"
Thursday 6/15 12:00 AM, Near Crescent City, "Coastal Ecology"
Thursday 6/15 7:15 PM, Ashland, PREMIER ASHLAND FILM SCREENING OF "September 11th REVISITED"

Mike's Gulch Roadless Logging: Scorned, Sold and Sued

o2, 10.06.2006 - 10:53
IMGP2205.jpgJune 9 - Medford, OR - Two major victories were scored today for Mike's Gulch, a threatened forest in Oregon's largest roadless area, the South Kalmiopsis. The area's Congressman clearly stated his opposition to logging and the State's Governor announced he is filing a lawsuit in Federal Court to block the sale.

Only one week ago the Bush Administration announced they were selling timber in a roadless forest for the first time since overturning the Clinton-era rule protecting 59 million acres of roadless forests from logging. People across the country quickly moved to be heard and to convince the two public officials to take serious action in favor of wildland protections.

Forest lovers are celebrating today because it worked.

In announcing his decision to seek a temporary restraining oorder to halt logging, Governor Kulongoski said, "this timber sale, coming four years after the Biscuit Fire occurred, is unneeded and unwise. Opening this particular roadless area to salvage logging now - when we are in the process of preparing a petition to the federal government on the proper management of those areas - contradicts the assurances the Bush Administration has made that the governors' opinions on such issues will be respected."
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Medford City Services & Taxes, A Public Forum

John Statler, Medford City Council, Ward 3, 08.06.2006 - 20:10
forum hosted by John Statler Monday, June 12, 2006, from 6 PM until 8 PM
Medford City Council Chambers, 411 West 8th Street
Broadcast live on RVTV Cable Channel 30

Have you wondered about the City of Medford budget?
Have you ever wanted to know where the money comes from and how it is spent?

Here is your chance to find answers...and even to comment!!!
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Indigenous Women Speak!

T, 06.06.2006 - 15:17
Louise Benally At all times we must speak up and support one another in our resistance to global oppression. As we tirelessly work for a better world we would like to keep our priorities in order and take time for Multicultural Community Solidarity Announcements. So please take the time to learn about the following important community events which will feature indigenous women speakers.
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Roadless Red Alert!

o2, 06.06.2006 - 10:18
Imminent Logging Threatens Oregon's Largest Roadless Area

Breaking news: The Bush administration is planning to auction the controversial Mike's Gulch roadless logging project this Friday, June 9th. Logging could begin within days after the auction.

The Mike's Gulch timber sale would saw into the largest roadless forest in Oregon: the 105,000-acre South Kalmiopsis Roadless Area. In addition to harming the South Kalmiopsis, Mike's Gulch would set a dangerous national precedent by logging roadless forests for the first time since the 2001 Roadless Rule was approved.
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Residents tell RVTD: KEEP ROUTE 4!

DUDE Disabled United in Direct Empowerment, 29.05.2006 - 22:32
locals give RVTD what for about Route 4 Last Wednesday May 24, a group of local residents went to the Rogue Valley Transit Department Board of Directors Public Hearing to testify that even if it takes a fare increase, a large group of citizens rely on Route 4 for access to medical services, education, and the rest of the public transit system. Don't Cut Route 4!
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STOP the Wal-Mart Supercenter! Its NOT Over!

Medford Citizens for Responsible Development, 23.05.2006 - 13:09
Walmart costs communities in many ways  http://www.medfordcitizens.org/main.htm

June 1st 2006, 7:00 pm
Medford City Council Hearing
RE: Wal-Mart Supercenter in Medford, Oregon
Location: Medford City Council Chambers, 411 W. Eighth Street

WAL-MART will add 8,755 additional vehicle trips per day...
Why Not Require a Traffic Study?
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Klamath Native Youth to Host Fish Run 5/28

Klamath Salmon Media Collaborative, 21.05.2006 - 21:50
Hoopa Tribal member asks Pacific Power to take out Iron Gate dam at thier office Latest Update as posted on Indybay IMC

May 26th,27th, & 28th, 2006
This year's run is a three day event that will end at Iron Gate Dam on the 28th

What is the salmon run relay all about?
In light of the fish kill that claimed 72,000 plus salmon along the Lower Klamath in September 2002, the tribes, several organizations and the youth of the communities in the Klamath-Trinity region are coordinating a relay run. With this event we hope to: unite the communities affected by the lack of water and fish in our rivers; raise consciousness of the impacts to our people's well-being, health, and culture with the lack of water and fish in our rivers; and bring attention to the need for better water quality in our rivers to help ensure there won't be a repeat of 2002's catastrophic fish kill

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On Ashland's "Undesirables"

Vanessa Houk, 19.05.2006 - 21:36
Taking donations... Recent downtown planning meetings have become opportunities to defame homeless people. I've been searching for "undesirables" and here is what I've found.
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Eman's presentation about Iraq War on TV

imc volunteer , 18.05.2006 - 11:38
Local activist Linda Richards and Eman This March five Iraqi mothers traveled across the United States telling their story of what is happening in Iraq. Eman's March 21 evening presentation to a full house at the Unitarian Church in Ashland was followed by another full house the next night at the Medford Library. Neither of these events were covered by ANY local newspapers or television, yet all of these corporate owned media report on Iraq news every single day! Independent media was there and now makes this "news" available to all Jackson and Josephine County residents who have cable TV.

Eman's Medford Presentation of March 22, 2006 will now be on cable access television May 24 with a repeat on May 31. Both cablecasts are at 6 p.m. and can be found on the following channels:

Jackson County - channel 31
Josephine County - channel 15
Ashland Fiber Network - channel 95
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Spring Break in NOLA - SOU Student Journal

Sunny Lindley, 10.05.2006 - 19:05
Volunteer Center at St. Mary's school - upper 9th ward Students from Southern Oregon University and Rogue Valley community members went to New Orleans during spring break with a big dose of solidarity. Sunny Lindley was one of them. She shares her journal with us.--rogueimcvolunteer

"My last day at St. Mary's I overheard some folks who had attended the church service that day talking about the most recent body that was found, a five year-old girl. She had her backpack on, fully packed for an overnight stay. She was found several miles from her own neighborhood, seven months after the levees failed and washed her away."--sunnylindley

Click On Any Photo To Make Bigger
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Image Even More say Keep Route 4!
12-06-2006 14:42

Image DATE & LOCATION CHANGE FOR "Sept 11 Revisted"
12-06-2006 10:01

Image Provost's Resort Plan Before County Again (1 comment)
11-06-2006 21:16

Image Environmentalists Protest the First Auction of an Inventoried Roadless Area (4 comments)
10-06-2006 08:06

Image Poor journalism compromises SOU elections
07-06-2006 19:41

Image May Day Chicago 2006 - on TV in S. Oregon
06-06-2006 19:31

Text Keating's Green campaign for gov heats up (1 comment)
06-06-2006 11:40

Image Pacific Green Party to hold supplemental nomi
06-06-2006 11:36

Text Cuba = anti terrorism
05-06-2006 10:36

Text ENRON's energy scams still haunt CA & OR (4 comments)
26-05-2006 17:35

Text Join us at Iron Gate Dam to rally this Sunday (1 comment)
26-05-2006 10:22

Text Caravan to Cuba comes to Ashland
25-05-2006 23:07

Image Got Roadless? Oxygen Collective's roadless show coming to Williams & Takilma 6/2 & 3 (1 comment)
25-05-2006 09:22

Text Very Important Community Meeting Thursday
23-05-2006 20:02

Image Free the canine chain gangs (1 comment)
23-05-2006 19:45

Image A Jeffersonian Republic of the Pacific (2 comments)
20-05-2006 03:54

Image Actions to Save Roadless Biscuit/Siskiyou (8 comments)
20-05-2006 03:47

Text Hate Radio Musters Pathetic Rally Turnout (4 comments)
19-05-2006 11:18

Image Oppose Bush's Free-Trade Attack (1 comment)
18-05-2006 14:24

Text Where Were the Voters?
17-05-2006 12:03

Text Cascadia Action Camp! (6 comments)
17-05-2006 06:26

Text Come to Corvallis Vegan Potluck, Sat. 5/20
16-05-2006 11:52

Text Legislators Hold Affordable Housing Hearing in Medford
16-05-2006 09:08

Generic media Jim Hill for Governor! (1 comment)
07-05-2006 19:52

Text Community Forum on Workforce Housing (3 comments)
03-05-2006 12:43

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Global Newswire

Text Veterans Discuss Illegal Nuclear Weapons and
11-06-2006 20:31

Text Drive Free - Veggie Fuel for your car
11-06-2006 08:14

Image GreenScare Awareness in Belgium
11-06-2006 03:56

Image AntiGreenScare support from Holland
10-06-2006 13:48

Image Tales of Iraq War webcomics (by Latuff)
10-06-2006 10:42

Text Haditha: Iraq's My Lai Massacre Could Be Turn
10-06-2006 06:43

Text Librarians Who Challenged Patriot Act Win Rig
09-06-2006 12:36

Text Military is in DU (uranium weapons) Denial
09-06-2006 12:34

Text Call Congress; Critical Vote to Close SOA 6-9
08-06-2006 21:37

Text ZARQAWI is an american invention (1 comment)
08-06-2006 15:39

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