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Three years since Swan Valley Nyungah Community eviction

From the newswire Swan Valley Nyungah Community"the claims of abuse presented to the Parliamentarians were false, the land has not been returned." Letter sent to all WA politicians. We are asking - please help and support in any way you can. Our Federal Court case against the State Government will start on Monday 4 September 2006... It is now three years to the day since the Community has been evicted. We are homeless. Our women and children are constantly at risk trying to survive in the white suburbs. Our sister died homeless, leaving 5 children motherless. While Robert Bropho was in
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Balai Rakyat Anti dan Adili Soeharto


Sejumlah ornop dan organ-organ mahasiswa mendirikan posko bersama adili Soeharto di depan kampus UKI Jl. Diponegoro.

Posko ini diberi nama "Balai Rakyat Anti dan Adili Soeharto (BRANTAS)". Balai rakyat dengan luas sekitar 3x3 meter yang terbuat dari saung bambu ini bertujuan sebagai wadah bersama untuk membangun sosialisasi dan menguatkan tuntutan atas peradilan Soeharto dan kroni-kroni nya.

Bermacam-macam poster dan spanduk-spanduk bertuliskan adili soeharto, sita harta kekayaan keluarga dan kroni-kroninya, mahkamah rakyat, dll terpasang di sekitar balai rakyat ini. Di depan balai
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Whitewashing the Public with a Nuclear Taskforce

Greenpeace and other environmental organisations have heavily criticised the Howard Government appointment of a six member Nuclear Taskforce, headed by nuclear physicist Ziggy Switkowski, to assess expanding the nuclear industry in Australia to minimise climate change, including the possibility for nuclear power stations. Various states have already threatened laws against nuclear plants.
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Chile, Germany, Greece - Students on the barricades

10 Jun 2006: Students are protesting in countries all around the globe to demand free education for everyone. IMC Athens reports that 320 academic departments (75% of all departments) are occupied by students in Greece. Certain clauses in the Greek Constitution (stating, among others, that education has to be public and free for all and that no police forces are allowed to enter university grounds) have made the enforcement of a neo-liberal agenda to the country's higher education institutions particularly difficult. However, the Conservative government is now attempting to push forward
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International Justice for Cleaners Day, J15

#media_7147;left# The Service and Food Workers Union are building their Clean Start: Fair Deal for Cleaners campaign against poverty wages with rallies and marches this Thursday, June 15, to coincide with International Justice for Cleaners Day. Auckland - Starts in Aotea Square at midday. Wellington - Rally at the corner of Molesworth St and Lambton Quay at midday Unions strike back against Globalisation: Unite! launches McDonalds campaign | New Caledonia workers fight mulitnational shipping corporations | 1,500 rally for Democracy and against the WTO in Tonga | Global Suppression of
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Pressure on Moreland Council over Leisure Centre Sackings

The YMCA have sacked staff at Coburg Leisure Centre due to the ALP dominated council awarding the contract to a publicly listed for profit company, Belgravia Leisure. The company has so far not guaranteed to re-hire staff and have not entered into serious negotiations with the union as per the council resolution of 22 May. Union Solidarity have called for community pressure at the next Council Meeting on Wednesday 14 June at Coburg Town Hall.
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The Last Street of Old Chengdu

From the newswire: Submitted by Ray G (Perth Indymedia correspondent in China) In one of the only remaining hutongs - an ancient city alley or lane, in Chengdu, Sichuan province, China I met a man by the name of Wang Jian... Wang Jian has never left Sichuan, as a young man he only completed middle school an then worked in the country and then later in a factory. Since then he has lived his entire life around the streets of Chengdu. The hutong that I met him on is one of the last in Chengdu, all others have been demolished to make way for the so called modernization sweeping China. This is the
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Chile, Germany, Greece - Students on the barricades

Students are protesting in countries all around the globe to demand free education for everyone. IMC Athens reports that 320 academic departments (75% of all departments) are occupied by students in Greece. Certain clauses in the Greek Constitution (stating, among others, that education has to be public and free for all and that no police forces are allowed to enter university grounds) have made the enforcement of a neo-liberal agenda to the country's higher education institutions particularly difficult. However, the Conservative government is now attempting to push forward crucial changes in
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Tampilan baru situs indymedia jakarta

New look...New Spirit...

Dari berbagai pembicaraan yang sering diperbincangkan dalam setiap pertemuan kolektif Indymedia jakarta tentang perlunya merubah tampilan situs resmi IMC Jakarta, akhirnya pada hari senin, 5 Juni 2006, atas inisiatif sendiri kolektif teknikal indymedia jakarta memulai sebuah proyek pemugaran kembali tampilan situs indymedia jakarta.

Belum lama berselang hanya dalam tempo waktu kurang dari satu minggu desain yang lahir dengan "tanpa konsep" sudah rampung, desain baru merubah total konsep desain yang lama. Desain saat ini menghilangkan desain banner lama IMC Jakarta, dan
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Aziz Choudry:New Report on US Biotech Agenda

#media_7122;left# From the Newswire: Bilateral free trade agreements are seen by the agricultural biotechnology industry as an important conduit for spreading genetically modified organisms (GMOs) around the world. US agribusiness corporations are looking into bilateral and regional trade agreements “to expand foreign understanding and acceptance of US regulations and standards, particularly with respect to agricultural biotechnology.” Aotearoa activist and researcher Aziz Choudry has released “Bilateral Free Trade and Investment Agreements and the US Corporate Biotech Agenda” while following
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Ethics of Human Body Exhibition Questioned

The article, The Amazing (freak show) human body exhibition by Simon Willace', has touched a raw nerve drawing a response from Body Worlds. Willace has retracted statements connecting Body Worlds with The Amazing Human Body exhibition, but still raises pertinent questions about the origin of the bodies in the exhibition touring Australia. "What bothers me now is that the show that is coming to Melbourne is allowed in Australia at all without being investigated or cleared by an ethics committee." said Simon Willace in his latest article, Body Worlds v Simon Willace.
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Two of Sagada11 Now Freed!

TWO among the eleven tortured and illegally arrested backpackers also known as the SAGADA11, were already released from La Trinidad District Jail on May 30, Asian Commission on Human Rights (AHRC) said, Thursday night. Minors Frencess Ann Bernal (15) and Ray Lester Mendoza (16) were released from La Trinidad District Jail after the court granted the earlier petition by their legal counsel to turn them over to their parents. The two minors were amongst the 11 torture victims detained in La Trinidad, Benguet. They were illegally arrested in February 14, 2006 at Buguias Checkpoint by Police
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Seruan Solidaritas : Gempa bumi di Jawa

5.000 orang lebih korban meninggal


Lokasi gempa bumiBelum hilang memori kita akan dahsyatnya bencana alam tsunami menerjang aceh, Indonesia yang memakan korban yang tidak sedikit, lagi-lagi Indonesia dilanda bencana alam yang tak kalah dahsyatnya, kali ini alam meluluhlantakkan tanah jawa yang memiliki penduduk 65 % dari 206.264.595 penduduk Indonesia (BPS, 2000). Sebanyak lebih dari 5000 penduduk yang tinggal di Provinsi DI Yogyakarta dan beberapa daerah di provinsi Jawa Tengah meninggal akibat tertimpa reruntuhan rumah mereka sendiri yang diakibatkan oleh gempa tektonik berkekuatan 5,9 skala richter.
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The pursuit of justice for David Hicks

Adelaide-born David Hicks has been incarcerated in the United States' notorious military prison at Guantanamo Bay for over 4 years. Unlike other countries such as Britain which have successfully negotiated the return of their nationals, the Australian Government has consistently refused to negotiate for a fair deal for Hicks, who now faces trial under the controversial military commision system. Hicks, who has a claim to British citizenship, achieved a victory on 12 April 2006 when the British Court of Appeals dismissed the UK Government's attempt to overturn his citizen's rights. In Adelaide
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Punks Held Offline Sit-in at Commission on Human Rights

MANILA-- At least 30 punks held a sit-in protest at the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) of the Philippines head office in Quezon City on Friday, demanding an impartial probe into the alleged brutal torture of 11 peers by police in Benguet province, north of Manila. The demonstration coincided with a scheduled court hearing against the torture victims in La Trinidad, Benguet, on charges of homicide in connection with a February 10 raid on an army base.[ Read More ]
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