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Whitewashing the Public with a Nuclear Taskforce


Greenpeace and other environmental organisations have heavily criticised the Howard Government appointment of a six member Nuclear Taskforce, headed by nuclear physicist Ziggy Switkowski, to assess expanding the nuclear industry in Australia to minimise climate change, including the possibility for nuclear power stations. Various states have already threatened laws against nuclear plants.

Some think Howard is playing wedge politics on the issue by putting forward nuclear power as a possibility which he does not really care about and knows is uneconomic and is prepared to lose, to distract opposition to expansion of uranium mining, nuclear fuel reprocessing and nuclear waste storage. Meanwhile, Australian company Silex has Signed an Agreement with General Electric for Uranium Enrichment Technology. Silex, the Australian laser enrichment technology, promises to ramp up nuclear enrichment. (Background: Silex exposed (PDF))



Clean Futures Blog | Jim Green - Nuclear and Environmental Research | Greenpeace

Pressure on Moreland Council over Leisure Centre Sackings


The YMCA have sacked staff at Coburg Leisure Centre due to the ALP dominated council awarding the contract to a publicly listed for profit company, Belgravia Leisure. The company has so far not guaranteed to re-hire staff and have not entered into serious negotiations with the union as per the council resolution of 22 May. Union Solidarity have called for community pressure at the next Council Meeting on Wednesday 14 June at Coburg Town Hall.

Previous Feature: Residents organise while Labor Councilors sell out

Ethics of Human Body Exhibition Questioned


The article, The Amazing (freak show) human body exhibition by Simon Willace', has touched a raw nerve drawing a response from Body Worlds. Willace has retracted statements connecting Body Worlds with The Amazing Human Body exhibition, but still raises pertinent questions about the origin of the bodies in the exhibition touring Australia. "What bothers me now is that the show that is coming to Melbourne is allowed in Australia at all without being investigated or cleared by an ethics committee." said Simon Willace in his latest article, Body Worlds v Simon Willace.

Redtail Group Australia Pty Ltd, a private company registered in 2002, is the organizer of The Amazing Human Body exhibition, according to the exhibition website.

The Organ Trail | Australian Surgeons Condemn "Horrific" Organ Trade

Thousands Rally for the Forests


More than 15,000 people called for the Bracks Labor Government to stop old growth logging in Victorian forests in a rally through Melbourne streets on the eve of World Environment Day. Alec Marr, national director of the Wilderness Society, said "This is a massive issue and the size of this crowd and the support we have today goes to highlight the issue and shows just how much of an emotional issue this is." [Full Story and Photos]

Wilderness Society | Friends of the Earth Melbourne | Goongerah Environment Centre

Mabo Day Celebrated


2006 marks the 14th anniversary of Mabo Day, the date when the High Court of Australia handed down its landmark decision in the Mabo case in 1992, finding that there was prior occuption and ownership of the land, thus overturning the doctine of Terra Nullius. It could form the basis for reconcilation based on justice between indigenous Australians and those who have settled here from Europe and other parts of the globe. [Full Story]

Make MABO DAY - 3 June - an Australian Public Holiday

Residents Organise while Labor Councilors sell out


Despite pressure from the local Union Solidarity group and other residents, and opposition from its two Greens’ members, the Labor dominated Moreland City Council voted on May 22 for the Council CEO to negotiate the tendering out (PDF) of the Coburg Leisure Complex with Belgravia, YWCA, and Leisure entertainment in that order. [Full Story]

At a well attended meeting on the 17th May organised in opposition to Federal Industrial relations laws, the community urged "Moreland City Council (to) enter into negotiations with the Australian Services Union over a mechanism to bring the Coburg Leisure Centre back "in-house"." Residents and workers fear the contract will be granted to Belgravia Leisure which will result in lower wages and working conditions and reduced services.

Reclaiming the Origins of Mothers' Day


"Mother's Day is coming up. But most of us don't know the origin of the day. It was not a day to thank your mother for what she does before shops made it that way. It actually started as "Mothers' Day" (note where the apostrophe is) and it was the day for mothers to march demanding end of wars and peace." says an Indymedia contributor. Accordingly, Women for Peace are organising a Mothers' Day Peace Vigil outside NIKE on Saturday.

Codepink: Mother's Day 2006: A Call for Peace!
Mothers' Day Proclamation (1870) by Julia Ward Howe
The origins of Mothers' Day by Ruth Rosen in the San Fransisco Chronicle

Tasmanian Forest Activists Arrested


Update 12 May: Tassie Eagle Protests Faced a Full Police Onslaught with treesiter Peter Firth arrested on his platform when two special operations police were lowered from a police helicopter. See Tasmedia for reports.

"Forest Activist Laura Minnebo was arrested at a forest action protecting a wedge tailed eagle breeding site in Tasmania's Southern Forests," spokesperson Warrick Jordan said. Three more activists were arrested on Wednesday protecting the breeding site. Wedge Tailed Eagles in Tasmania are an endangered species.

"As Wedge Tailed Eagles soared above our protest today, we were reminded of how habitat for this critically endangered species is rapidly disappearing in Tasmania. The irreplaceable value of these ecosytems along the Eastern boundary of the Tasmanian World Heritage Area is highlighted by the actions of tree sitters in the Styx and Denison valleys," said Jordan.

Logging in High Conservation Value Forest in Tasmania's south
Protesters 40th day atop 75 meter regnans in Valley of the Giants
Weld Valley Online

May Day in Melbourne


Celebrations have taken place aross Melbourne over the weekend and today to mark May Day, the traditional day to recognise worker's struggle. In Broadmeadows, on Sunday, community and worker's groups marched and heard speakers focus on the issues of health care, toxic waste and the Federal Government's new Industrial Relations laws. [Full Story]

On Monday, in central Melbourne, a May Day picnic was held at the 8 hour monument, across from Trades Hall, while outside Her Majesty's Theatre a group gathered to mark the 120th anniversary of the Australian Anarchist movement. [Full Story]

[The beginnings of May Day in Australia | wikipedia | Euro May Day 2006]

Seditious Intent: Short Film Collection


Seditious intent is an online collection of 17 short films all dealing with the Australian Government’s draconian new anti-terrorism laws. The laws make it an offence to:
  • bring the Sovereign into hatred or contempt;
  • urge disaffection against the Constitution, the Government of the Commonwealth or either House of the Parliament;
  • urge another person to attempt, otherwise than by lawful means, to procure a change to any matter established by law in the Commonwealth;
From the slick to the raw and edgy, ranging from fiction, faction, animation, claymation, subverts to adverts, all the Seditious Intent videos are available on the web for you to download, watch, share or screen. [Full Story]

You can check out the collection at Spinach7 or EngageMedia.

Further info on the sedition laws: Civil Rights Network | Wikipedia

Lake Cowal Easter Protest Halts Mine


Lake Cowal Truck Mining operations at Barrick Gold's Lake Cowal Project in western NSW were stopped for over five hours on Easter Sunday when a group of nearly one hundred protestors walked on to the mine site to highlight concern over the mine’s safety and social implications. The group, including Wiradjuri traditional owners and a cross section of locals and others from around Australia, were part of Easter protests against the newly opened gold mine. [Full Story]

[Desecration of Sacred Site | Save Lake Cowal | Cyanide Watch | The Lake]

Indigenous Camp eviction looms


indigenous flag The Camp Sovereignty protest site in Melbourne's Kings Domain Gardens faces the threat of eviction after police visited the camp on Friday morning. The camp was established for the Commonwealth Games to serve as a base for actions coordinated by the Black GST campaign to highlight the on going resistance of Indigenous and non Indigenous people to the illegal occupation of the Australian continent. [Full Story]

Background [Black GST | Camp Sovereignty Established]

Government Shuts Down Political Web Site


from the newswire
One week before the third anniversary of the criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq, the Australian government forced the closure of a satirical web site that powerfully exposed several key lies told by Prime Minister John Howard to justify participation in the US-led war. [Full Story]

[Propaganda Matrix | Richard Neville | The Speech that disappeared]

Desecration of Sacred Site - Lake Cowal


from the newswire
Looking down on the mine with its open-cut pit, which is still only at about 7% of its total depth, and the cryptic markings of the unlined tailings dams, I reflected on a famous quote by Mark Twain: What's a definition of a gold mine? A hole in the ground owned by a liar. [Full Story]

[Lake Cowal Corroboree planned for Easter]

Student protests and occupations in France


More than a million students and workers took to the streets in France over the weekend to demonstrate against the imposition of new industrial relations laws that particularly impact young workers. The rallies follow weeks of unrest that have seen railways blockaded, airports disrupted, and up to two thirds of France's universities occupied. [Full Story]

[Libcom blog: Unrest in France | Paris Indymedia]

West Papua is Rising


West Papuan students have begun an uprising which is being violently suppressed by the Indonesian police and military. Indonesian Police in Jayapura West Papua are meting out arbitrary vengeance after violent clashes with student demonstrators. Students were protesting for the closure of the New Orleans based Freeport-McMoRan Grasberg copper and gold mine, one of the largest mines in the world. "We want Freeport to close because it has not given any benefits to the people of Papua," one protestor told the ABC. "In fact, it's made them suffer."

Rally and march on April 2 to Free West Papua, and to free the 43 West Papuan refugees held on Christmas Island.

"Enough is enough!" - cries from West Papua
The Secret War Against The Defenceless People Of West Papua - John Pilger | IMC Jakarta (Indonesian)

Camp Sovereignty Established


black gst logo The Stolenwealth Games protest camp has been established in Melbourne Kings Domain Gardens in the lead up to the Commonwealth Games. The camp will serve as a base for actions being coordinated by the Black GST campaign to highlight the ongoing resistance of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to the illegal occupation of the Australian continent. Ceremonies were opened with the lighting of the Aboriginal Sacred Fire for Peace and Justice from ashes brought from the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra. [Full Story]

Reports [Getting to the Camp | What's on | Stolenwealth Games Convergence Begins]

Peace Activist found Not Guilty of Obstruction


Christains Against All Terrorism member Sean O'Reilly was found not guilty in the Alice springs Magistrates court on March 3rd. O'Reilly had been charged with obstructing police while holding an anti-war vigil outside the Pine Gap Military facility in December last year. [ Full Story ]

My Brother is in Court
Citizen inspection shuts down Pine Gap.

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Australian government steps up campaign to oust East Timor’s prime minister Mari Alkatiri
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