Maine Indymedia :
Maine Indymedia


Featured news by and for the local community


News :: Liquifide Natural Gas

BIA Violated the Endangered Species Act

Nulankeyutomonen Nikihtahkomikumon (We Take Care of Our Land) announces lawsuit.


Announcement :: Globalization

Maine Social Forum Gathering Steam!

Through a series of workshops, cultural events, and plenary sessions we will discuss issues, develop and strengthen networks, and devise strategies that support peace, social and economic justice, and a safe environment. In all the areas of human endeavor - politics, economics, science and technology, culture and faith - we will attempt to show that "Another Maine is Possible."

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Announcement :: Media

Maine Video Activists Network on DTV!

This article explains how you can watch and share video content over the internet and subscribe the to the Maine Video Activists Network for free!

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : Environment : Incineration : Protest Activity

Maine Public Comment on Waste Shuts Down House of Representatives

On Tuesday, March 11, about 20 people from communities that would be hurt by LD 141, a bill that would encourage the dumping and burning of out-of-state waste, brought an Emergency Public Comment Session to the Maine House of Representatives.


Announcement :: Media

MSF Film Festival

Maine Social Forum Film Festival to be held in Lewiston, ME July 27-29


News :: Environment

Want to See Maine Become a Toxic Dumping Ground?


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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Environment : Globalization : Incineration : Protest Activity

Waste In Maine

What's going on with waste importation, incineration, landfilling, dumping in Maine?

Read more about what's going on in Athens and Statewide.

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News :: Miscellaneous

Survivors of the Frida Bus Accident form the Hurricane Autonomous Workers Collective to send a Caravan of Relief Workers to Gulf Coast


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What shall we do about our Solid Waste?
Burn It! BTU’s=$$$!
Bury It and “Mine” The Gas
Seek a High Tech Solution
Reduce the Amount & High Tech
Make the Legislature Eat all Out-Of-State Waste

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