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Local News and Commentary
News :: Civil & Human Rights : Peace : Urban Development
Nashville Kemet Jubilee Declares Malcolm X Week
16 May 2006
X_FlyerLarge.jpg“I Am Malcolm X” Celebration to be held Saturday May 20th

Nashville, TN: The Nashville Kemet Jubilee (NKJ) is celebrating the 81st anniversary of Malcolm X’s birthday. To wit, the Jubilee is holding an “I Am Malcolm X” celebration at the Village Cultural Arts Center in East Nashville. “I Am Malcolm X: A Celebration of Brotherhood and Humanitarianism” will be an exciting evening of music and song (including Reggae, Blues, & Soul), Spoken Word and African Drum and Dance. After the entertainment there will be a community discussion on the ideals of Malcolm X and there relevance to the contemporary community and our issues today. This is an artistic event for the whole family.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Peace
Iraqi Leader of Nonviolent Group to Speak in Nashville
15 May 2006
iraqi-freedom-congress.jpgSamir Adil, cofounder and general secretary of the Iraqi Freedom Congress, will speak at the Nashville Peace and Justice Center Monday, May 15th, at 6:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. This is a rare opportunity to hear directly from an Iraqi talking about efforts to build nonviolent opposition to the U.S. occupation and sectarian violence. The Iraqi Freedom Congress is dedicated to building harmony among all Iraqis, regardless of religious or ethnic identity. Its members are also creating a television station that focuses on peace issues.
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News :: Peace
Mothers Acting Up Hosts Mother's Day Parade and Reclaims Mother's Day
12 May 2006
mothersday1.jpg[Nashville, TN] – Mothers Acting Up (MAU), an organization dedicated to mobilizing the gigantic political strength of mothers to ensure the health, education and safety of every child, announced that it has joined with Nashville Peace & Justice Center, CodePink, Peace Roots Alliance, Wild Oats and Plum Good Food to sponsor a rally on Mother’s Day. This Sunday, May 14, at 12:30pm, mothers and their families will come together at Fannie Mae Dees Park (Dragon Park) to express their personal commitment to these goals and invite their communities to join them to prioritize and protect children.
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News :: Protest Activity
Nashville Peace Coalition Plans Protest of Laura Bush Visit
10 May 2006
bush.jpgCode Pink and the Nashville Peace Coalition Urge Laura Bush to Honor All Mothers and Stop Killing Our Kids

Nashville, TN: Members of Code Pink and the Nashville Peace Coalition have called for a protest on Thursday, May 11th on the occasion of Laura Bush addressing the student body and general community at Vanderbilt University. The protesters are encouraged to gather between 8am and 8:30am. First Lady Bush is expected to begin speaking at 9am. Protesters are planning to gather on the public sidewalk on West End Avenue at 23rd Street to call for an end to the war in Iraq.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
State Refuses to Allow DNA Test Before Execution
05 May 2006
alley---scheduled-to-die-in.jpgUntested DNA Evidence Pivotal as Sedley Alley Faces Lethal Injection

Nashville: The state of Tennessee is scheduled to execute Sedley Alley on May 17th, despite serious questions about the reliability of his conviction and the availability of DNA testing which could put all doubt to rest. The state has refused to release evidence for DNA testing. Alley was convicted of the 1985 murder and abduction of Suzanne Marie Collins. At the time of Alley’s initial trial, DNA testing was not available. However, the state currently possesses a number of articles of clothing both from Ms. Collins and her abductor, which could be subjected to DNA testing to establish with certainty whether or not Sedley Alley killed Suzanne Collins. The testing can be done at no cost to the state and without any delay in the execution, should the DNA match Alley’s.
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News :: Elections & Legislation : Environment
Green Party Activist Howard Switzer Announces Candidacy for Governor of Tennessee
02 May 2006
howard1.jpgHoward Switzer announced his candidacy for the Governor of Tennessee this week. He was nominated as candidate for Governor at the Green Party nominating convention on March 6th. He submitted his petition on April 6th, andit has just been verified by the Federal Elections Commission. Howard is not a typical Gubernatiorial candidate, and prides himself on that. Howard is critical of candidates who are beholden to special interests and do not represent the concerns of everyday Tennesseans. Howard supports a single-payer health insurance system for every resident of Tennessee, similar to the program which is currently being considered in Ohio. He is concerned about the nearly half million people who have lost their health care coverage in Tennessee due to the Tenncare cuts and intends to make health care coverage for all his most important campaign priority.
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Commentary :: International Relations
Thousands Across Tennessee Participate in Peaceful 'Day Without an Immigrant'
01 May 2006
immigrantrights66.jpgEfforts to Raise Awareness about Immigrant Contributions Begin Amidst Hateful Rhetoric

On Monday, May 1st, immigrant workers from across Tennessee took part in a National Day of Action, drawing attention to the contributions all immigrants make to the Tennessee economy with their labor and purchases. Over 10,000 immigrant workers stayed home from work and avoided making unnecessary purchases. These events are not intended to punish or inconvenience businesses, nor the general public. In fact, the immigrant community sees business leaders as natural allies in this campaign to fix our nation's broken immigration system. Immigrants, both documented and undocumented, will be back to work on Tuesday, demonstrating, as they do every day, their commitment to make Tennessee strong.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation
Jim Hightower to be Keynote Speaker at Compass III Conference
15 Mar 2006
Modified: 28 Apr 2006
compass-iii.jpgJim Hightower, America’s #1 Populist, will be the Keynote Speaker at the Compass III Conference on April 29th. National radio commentator, writer, public speaker, and author of Thieves In High Places: They've Stolen Our Country And It's Time to Take It Back, Jim Hightower has spent three decades battling the Powers That Be on behalf of the Powers That Ought To Be - consumers, working families, environmentalists, small businesses, and just-plain-folks. A bio of Jim Hightower is below. The Compass III Conference: A Statewide Progressive Gathering will be held on April 28-29, 2006 at Cohn Adult Learning Center, 4805 Park Avenue in West Nashville.
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Local Interest
text 05/16 17:20 CST
The Assault on Women's Reproductive Rights
text image 05/16 13:42 CST
House Finance Committee Delays Decision on Tenncare Funding
text 05/15 08:23 CST
Faces of TennCare" - Legendary Artists Speak Out
text 05/15 08:05 CST
Inside Out Prison Reform Program Challenges Traditional Notions of Corrections Reform
text 05/12 11:55 CST
Tennessean Visits Mexico and Sees the Damage of Trade Policy
text 05/10 16:09 CST
Samir Adil: Iraqi Leader Available for Interview
text 05/05 15:28 CST
The Minuteman Project Coming to Tennessee May 8th
text 05/02 08:55 CST
Americans Invented Separation of Church and State
text 05/02 08:47 CST
WLRH Public Radio is First Alabama Radio Station to Carry "Democracy Now!"
text image 04/28 12:46 CST
United Peruvian Association of Nashville-TN
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text 05/16 17:31 CST
Dangerous Greens: Campaigns for House, Senate to Watch in 2006
text 05/15 08:34 CST
Atlanta City Council Passes a Resolution to Establish a Federal Department of Peace and Nonviolence
text 05/15 08:28 CST
Tennessee Police Taped Torturing Detained Suspect
text 05/12 12:11 CST
America's Heart and Soul
text 05/10 16:14 CST
Sudanese Refugee Guerrilla Documentary To Reach Global Audience via Google Video
text 05/10 16:11 CST
Iraq War Casualties: Week of April 30th - May 6th
text 05/05 15:19 CST
Iraqi War Deaths: Week of April 23rd - 29th
text 05/05 15:13 CST
Peace Takes Courage
text 05/02 09:06 CST
Bush Seeks Funds for Anti-Satellite Weapons
text 05/02 08:43 CST
Iraq War Casualties: Week of April 16th - 22nd
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