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05.15.2006 - 23:09

May 17: Eduardo Galeano Book Reading

Who: Eduardo Galeano
What: Book Reading
When: 7:00-8:30pm, Wednesday, May 17
Where: Central Seattle Library (1000 Fourth Ave.), Microsoft Auditorium, Level 1
05.15.2006 - 11:24

Olympia Green Scare: FBI Knocking Continues

The FBI is investigating the Olympia community for information regarding the 2001 alleged arson at a UW horticulture lab and and the 1998 alleged arsons at two Olympia area APHIS-ADC facilities. The federal government has until this Sunday, May 21st to issue any more indictments regarding the UW arson.
05.15.2006 - 07:59

Seattle Raging Grannies Protest War at Recruiting Station

Raging Grannies: Rosy Betz-Zell, Shirley Morrison, Karin Schneider

About 35 people, many of them in clothing representing the time of Julia Ward Howe's 1870 Mother's Day Proclamation, showed up at the Army/Navy recruiting station at 23rd and Jackson to protest the Iraq war.

Helen Read, speaking from memory, proclaimed Howe's message to women to organize for peace and against military solutions to our problems. Kathy Barker, from the group,Washington Truth in Recruiting, spoke about how the military has been harassing high school students to the point of following them home. The Raging Grannies sang several songs, including "Let's Bring Johnny Home"

05.11.2006 - 11:30

Military in Port of Olympia (Again)

On Monday, the Tacoma News Tribune mentioned (casually) that the first Stryker Brigade which went to Iraq would be going back by the end of May, through the Port of Olympia. Now they appear to be getting ready for just that.
05.02.2006 - 07:52

May Day 2006

Wave after wave of humanity walked with dignity through the streets of Seattle this evening. Thousands of peaceful immigrants and their supporters came out on Mayday to tell the USA: we are here; we work hard; and we deserve justice and citizenship.

I have never seen so many American flags. And determined faces. Many wore black which seemed to display the seriousness of their political struggle.


05.01.2006 - 22:23

Hundreds Mark Historic May Day in Olympia

Olympia, WA-- Hundreds of community members celebrated International Workers Day on Monday May 1st, 2006. People in Olympia assembled in Sylvester park for a “Day Without an Immigrant” and joined in solidarity with millions of people across the US and workers around the world.
05.01.2006 - 20:08

Immigrants Rights March Photos

Photos from the march on May 1st
04.27.2006 - 12:31

Father of Iraq Vet Holds Sit-In in Pro-War Senator's Seattle Office

Fair is foul and foul is fair. If you support Maria Cantwell, you support the war. It's really that simple.
04.27.2006 - 10:56

Seattle May Day Events

All out for May Day! May Day Protest Times & Locations:

12:00 noon - Students will meet up in the SCCC cafeteria

1:00 pm - rally at the SCCC plaza

2:00 pm - March to Judkins Park

3:30 pm - March to Federal Building from Judkins Park
(Behind St. Mary's Church, 611 20th Ave. S.)

04.25.2006 - 15:25

May Day Olympia 2006

May Day - Primero Mayo

"Hands Off" Immigrants, Workers and Families
04.23.2006 - 14:49

Ft. Lewis Demonstration for Kevin Benderman's Freedom

Kevin Banderman is serving 15 months in the brig for refusing to be deployed to Iraq. After he had filed for conscientious objector status the military prosecuted and convicted him of missing movement. In other words, he was no longer willing to be part of what he considers to be an unjust and immoral war. And the military doesn't like that.

04.19.2006 - 10:23

From Grassy Narrow to Seattle: WakeUp Weyco Events

Last week, Bonnie Swain got in a van with four of her friends and drove more than 2000 miles from her home in Northern Ontario to have just three minutes of face time with Weyerhaeuser, the biggest lumber company in the world. This Thursday, at the company’s Annual General Meeiting, she’ll ask a room full of executives, employees and investors to stop buying wood taken from her homeland without her community’s consent.
04.17.2006 - 23:00

Adrian Haley and Associates Negotiate for Baird Public Debate on The Walden Logging Bill

Adrian Haley, Anthony Villagomez, and Jason Morgan met at 1:00 PM on Monday with Pam Brokaw, Baird's District Director to voice their concerns about HR 4200 (The Walden Logging Bill:;=1144450085 ). Despite evidence to the contrary, the bill claims that fast track logging is needed to recover and restore forests after fire and other natural disturbance events. The activists are asking everyone to call Rep. Baird's office and demand that Baird debate HR 4200 publicly.
04.17.2006 - 14:55

Apr 27: Tel Rumeida Project members to speak in Seattle

On Thursday, April 27,in Seattle, members of the Tel Rumeida Project, Chelli Stanley and John Harmer, will present a documentary film and facilitate discussion about life in Tel Rumeida, Hebron, Palestine. Their mission is to raise awareness, recruit volunteers and fundraise for the project.
04.17.2006 - 10:33

Apr 18: Tibetans to protest Chinese President's Visit to Seattle

Hu Jintao FREE TIBET NOW!!! Calling out to all the friends of Tibet and Tibet supporters! 1.2 million Tibetans died as a direct result of illegal occupation by Communist China. Please join us to remind the Chinese leader that world cares about Tibet and to give Tibet its independence!
04.16.2006 - 22:05

Apr 17: Cheney In Everett

Cheney coming to NW for fundraiser...
04.15.2006 - 22:13

Apr 18: Seattle Police Accountability Meeting

On Tuesday, April 18, at 5:30 p.m. the Seattle City Council's Public Safety, Governmental Relations, and Arts Committee will have a public hearing on the subject of police accountability. The Committee meeting will be at in the City Council Chambers, 600 4th Avenue, Downtown Seattle.
04.11.2006 - 22:52

Locals Keep Spotlight on Maria Cantwell’s Belligerent Support of the Iraq W

Senator’s pro-war stance and continuing votes to fund the war dog her 2006 campaign.
04.10.2006 - 23:55

A tremendous day on the streets of Seattle

Reflecting on today's immigrant rights march, and further building the movement

04.06.2006 - 13:14

Apr 13: College Not Combat Campaign Kickoff

What are recruiters NOT telling you? Recruiters aggressively target young people to fight the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Over 2,300 U.S. soldiers have died in the Iraq war. Thousands more have been injured and lost limbs. According to the Army’s surgeon general, thirty percent of U.S. troops surveyed have developed stress-related mental health problems three to four months after coming home from the Iraq war.