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Upcoming Events:

Wednesday 5/17 7:00 PM, Portland, Volunteer Meet-Ups and Planning Meetings for the 2006 A World Beyond Capitalism Conference
Saturday 5/20 12:00 AM, Cave Junction, Blooms and Birds Weekend
Saturday 5/20 12:00 AM, Cave Junction, Blooms and Birds; "Ecological History of the Klamath Province: A Landscape Approach"
Saturday 5/20 7:30 PM, Cave Junction, Free Program: Myths and Facts about Bats
Sunday 5/21 12:00 AM, Cave Junction, Blooms and Birds Weekend. "Wild Edible Plants ot the Siskiyous", and "Wildflowers and Plants of the Illinois River Canyon"
Monday 5/22 7:00 PM, Ashland, JCPGP to show "911 - Loose Change"
Thursday 6/1 12:00 AM, Orleans, Illustrating Klamath River Wildflowers

Spring Break in NOLA - SOU Student Journal

Sunny Lindley, 10.05.2006 - 19:05
Volunteer Center at St. Mary's school - upper 9th ward Students from Southern Oregon University and Rogue Valley community members went to New Orleans during spring break with a big dose of solidarity. Sunny Lindley was one of them. She shares her journal with us.--rogueimcvolunteer

"My last day at St. Mary's I overheard some folks who had attended the church service that day talking about the most recent body that was found, a five year-old girl. She had her backpack on, fully packed for an overnight stay. She was found several miles from her own neighborhood, seven months after the levees failed and washed her away."--sunnylindley

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Celebrate the Real Meaning of Mother's Day

Ashland Branch of WILPF, 07.05.2006 - 18:08
Join us in the first fundraiser for Haditha Hospital Restoration Project and reclaim the intended meaning of Julia Ward Howe's Mothers Day, a day for all mothers around the world to unite for peace and justice.
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More Work Needed 4 Workforce Housing 2 Work

Pogo, 05.05.2006 - 23:28
Ashland is becoming "Aspen-ized" warned Housing Commissioner Alice Hardesty at Thursday night's forum on Workforce Housing. To the gathered crowd this was no surprise. It was a decade ago that teachers, firemen and police officers were being priced out of the community. Now it is hard to find city administrators willing to move here.
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We STILL need your SOU vote

Steve, 05.05.2006 - 17:09
print and hang, I'll buy you a beer! NEW! Please open your student email or come to the SU Mon.-Weds. and vote for Steve and Alicia for SOU student body executives. You: SOU student voter. Me: student body chief financial officer, would be president. Her: current VP, VP to be. Thank you SOU!!!
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Cougars in Jackson County

Animal Rights Activist, 04.05.2006 - 21:11
Jackson county is poised to hire federal wildlife agent to kill cougars and other animals with your tax dollars.

Funding to hire a federal trapper was quietly added to the Jackson County budget. Wildlife Services (WS), a dept of the US Dept of Agriculture, provides 'services' killing wildlife.In Oregon in 2004 Wildlife Services killed 23,475 animals, including 70 cougars and 172 bears, 3,811 coyotes.

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Today We March, Tomorrow We Vote

Pogo, 02.05.2006 - 17:14
Today we march May Day - 2006, Medford, Oregon

Immigration Rights supporters took to the streets on Monday, May 1st. Several reports say the numbers were over 500 for this the third large immigration rights rally to be held recently in Medford.
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Immigration Rights Rally/March in Medford

Rogue Indy Reporters, 20.04.2006 - 00:00
More Photos Below 4/21/06 Alba Park, Medford, Oregon

A crowd estimated between 400 and 500 stood strong in a march & rally in downtown Medford. After the opening rally at the gazebo in Alba demonstrators proceeded down Main Street first to Vogel Park. The march moved onto Central with banners held high in the air. The procession turned at 6th Street and then again onto Riverside to 10th around the Library and then down Central again back to Vogel Park.

Accompanying chants included

"Si Se Puede" (Yes We Can)
"El Pueblo Unido, Jamas Sera Vencido" (The People United, Will Never Be Defeated)
"Hoy Marchamos, Manana Votamos" (Today We March, Tommorow We Vote)

Check out photos and short streaming Quicktime video

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Ashland Downtown Planning

Downtown Planning Committee, 19.04.2006 - 20:12
On April 25th and 26th George Crandall, FAIA and Don Arambula, ASLA, principals of the nationally-known urban consulting firm, Crandall Arambula, will be in town for briefings with stakeholders and a general public meeting. The consultants were chosen by the City Council to produce a scope of work that clearly identified thesequence of steps involved to produce a new Downtown Master Plan.
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Got Roadless? Oxygen Collective's show coming to Medford 4/21

o2, 17.04.2006 - 00:37
People Rally for the Wild Siskiyou The Final chapter of the saga of the Biscuit Burn is still unwritten. Ecologists prove logging it is unhealthy, firefighters warn it's dangerous, economists assure it's wasteful. Dozens of arrests have stymied the threat to a fraction of their promise. Still, Bush and Big Timber come back for more - this time Kalmiopsis Roadless Areas auctioned off under the guise of salvage!

The Oxygen Collective is directly challenging the Bush Administration's rapidly advancing plans to salvage log forests in Oregon's largest unprotected roadless areas this summer. For three days in April we will be traveling via our 40-foot biodiesel bus through western Oregon for four scheduled appearances and a few unannounced surprises. Come join us (for free) on the 21st, Medford Public Library, 413 West Main Street @ 7:30 pm for stories, song, cinema and saucy talk!
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April 16 - 22, as Proclaimed by the City of Ashland, Oregon, 14.04.2006 - 19:01
 * * be the media * *

RUPERT MURDOCH STEP ASIDE - Coalition partners KSKQ, Rogue Independent Media Center, S.O.U. Media Collective, The Ashland Free Press, and The Committee for Democracy Now! host Independent Media Week events including a documentary film festival, presentations, an open mic event and informational tabling.
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Text Come to Corvallis Vegan Potluck, Sat. 5/20
16-05-2006 11:52

Text Legislators Hold Affordable Housing Hearing in Medford
16-05-2006 09:08

Generic media Jim Hill for Governor! (1 comment)
07-05-2006 19:52

Text Community Forum on Workforce Housing (3 comments)
03-05-2006 12:43

Image Take Back The Night
01-05-2006 14:55

Image So you can not afford a Cascadian Flag
01-05-2006 12:25

Image May 2nd 1843 Founders Day Champoeg
01-05-2006 09:49

30-04-2006 18:16

Text May 1,Boycott Rally March Immigration Rights (4 comments)
29-04-2006 19:05

Image Medford Health Care Forum - Sunday April 30
28-04-2006 06:40

Image Cascadia Hoisting (4 comments)
27-04-2006 14:53

Image Prometheus Radio Project Visits Ashland KSKQ
26-04-2006 23:38

25-04-2006 11:25

Image Jobs & the Oregon Economy town hall meeting
24-04-2006 00:00

Text 4/22; CA Protests Bush regime H2 greenwash
23-04-2006 16:57

Text Free Independent Films Continue
19-04-2006 07:31

Text Take Back the Night
18-04-2006 21:31

Text Urge Baird to Agree to Public Debate (1 comment)
18-04-2006 17:14

Image Klamath Native Youth to Host Fish Run 5/28
18-04-2006 11:51

Text Adrian Haley negotiates for Baird to Debate
17-04-2006 22:44

Text Tree-sit @Bairds office Ends
17-04-2006 22:34

Text Tree-sit in Front of Rep. Baird's Office (5 comments)
17-04-2006 22:23

17-04-2006 17:35

Image Canyon Pass old growth next to I-5 for sale. (1 comment)
17-04-2006 17:26

Image Give Them ALL Amnesty! (4 comments)
16-04-2006 22:47

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Image Greece, Athens 4-7 May: An anarchist forum, a
15-05-2006 22:45

Text Stop Divine Strake Bomb @ Newe Sogobia May 28 (1 comment)
14-05-2006 23:15

Text Sign the Voter's Pledge
14-05-2006 15:20

Text A True Revolutionary
12-05-2006 13:15

Text Hundreds of Thousands in NY City March Agains
11-05-2006 21:53

Text International Cease and Desist Order
11-05-2006 20:55

Text The biggest con: Democrats & Republicans work
10-05-2006 02:12

Image G. I. Jesus and the End Time Apocalypse
09-05-2006 14:51

Text Green Thumbs give Food Bank a hand
08-05-2006 08:45

Text ¡Somos Milliones! We are millions!
08-05-2006 07:46

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