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Act Now: Tell Commissioners "Workforce Housing" Should Help those in Need
05/15/2006 As many of you may have heard, the Miami-Dade County Commission has been drafting a much-needed affordable housing ordinance over the past several months. Unfortunately, however, the ordinance, as written, primarily provides housing for those making close to $77,000. NOW is the time to contact our County Commissioners and tell them that the "Workforce Housing" ordinance needs to help those nost in need!

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The Conference of the Union for Democratic Communications (UDC) - Boca Raton
05/15/2006 As people from nations around the world look to the prospect of self determination in a new century, they are increasingly confronted with the social and economic ultimatums of for-profit transnational corporations. While the neoliberal agenda would have us believe that the market is a natural phenomenon, that agenda calls for the complete, no-holds-barred business domination of the media and almost every other human and natural resource, thus further jeopardizing the possibilities for democratic debate, dissent, and meaningful social change.

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Code Pink Challenges White House
05/15/2006 Code Pink activists showed up on Mother’s Day to challenge the War Party. They took their case directly to the White House. In a rally that included a mini-parade, speeches, a sing along and the waving of plenty of roses, the Ladies in Pink were in great form. Cindy Sheehan said they are “making a difference.” And, Actress Susan Sarandon read an open letter to Laura Bush, in which she mocked Laura’s husband, “The Decider,” as a warmonger.

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BUSH CRIME SYNDICATE part 2: The Private KGB "The Spies Who Shag Us"
05/15/2006 I know your shocked -- SHOCKED! -- that George Bush is listening in on all your phone calls. Without a warrant. That's nothing. And it's not news. This is: the snooping into your phone bill is just the snout of the pig of a strange, lucrative link-up between the Administration's Homeland Security spy network and private companies operating beyond the reach of the laws meant to protect us from our government. You can call it the privatization of the FBI -- though it is better described as the creation of a private KGB.

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BUSH CRIME SYNDICATE: Olbermann & Turley Compare Bush Regime to the Law-Breaking Sopranos
05/15/2006 On Wednesday's Countdown show, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann cited a Chicago Tribune piece by George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley as he explored whether, as with the Sopranos, you have to "break the law" to "break into the inner circle" of President Bush. Focusing on Bush's nomination of General Michael Hayden to run the CIA, and citing Hayden's role in creating the controversial NSA spying program, Olbermann argued that Bush counts "willingness to thumb his nose at constitutional law" as resume enhancement. The Countdown host then brought aboard Turley to make an unchallenged case that the administration consists of a "rogues' gallery." (Transcript follows)

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BREAKING: Karl Rove Indicted on Charges of Perjury, Lying to Investigators!
05/14/2006 Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald spent more than half a day Friday at the offices of Patton Boggs, the law firm representing Karl Rove. During the course of that meeting, Fitzgerald served attorneys for former Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove with an indictment charging the embattled White House official with perjury and lying to investigators related to his role in the CIA leak case, and instructed one of the attorneys to tell Rove that he has 24 hours to get his affairs in order, high level sources with direct knowledge of the meeting said Saturday morning.

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Telephone Records are just the Tip of NSA's Iceberg
05/14/2006 The National Security Agency and other U.S. government organizations have developed hundreds of software programs and analytic tools to "harvest" intelligence, and they've created dozens of gigantic databases designed to discover potential terrorist activity both inside the United States and overseas. These cutting edge tools -- some highly classified because of their functions and capabilities -- continually process hundreds of billions of what are called "structured" data records, including telephone call records and e-mail headers contained in information "feeds" that have been established to flow into the intelligence agencies.

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Media hide truth: 9/11 was inside job
05/14/2006 Last Saturday, former Bush administration official Morgan Reynolds drew an enthusiastic capacity crowd to the Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium. It is probably the first time in Historical Society history that a political talk has drawn a full house on a Saturday afternoon at the beginning of final exams. Reynolds, the former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis, and the ex-top economist for George W. Bush's Labor Department, charged the Bush administration with gross malfeasance, and proposed the prosecution of top administration officials.

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Is this Is the Way It Ends: Attack on Iran May Be Imminent
05/14/2006 Rawstory has reported that two US aircraft carriers are steaming toward the Persian Gulf to join the one already there. Unspecified military scuttlebutt, tells of a coming attack on Iran, as early as June of this year. Within seven weeks from today. Maybe the reports will turn out to be incorrect. Or premature. Maybe we have a little longer before the world we know is gone. I'm trying to be as detached as I can in my thinking, trying not to get caught up in despair and anxiety and fear.

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U.N. seeks to censor war reporting; U.N. code would limit journalist reports on terrorists
05/14/2006 The United Nations is proposing a voluntary code of ethics for journalists that would ban interviews with terrorists and discourage press and broadcast reports that generate sympathy for terrorist causes. The code would be part of a U.N. global strategy against terrorism, which member nations began debating in the General Assembly yesterday. Secretary-General Kofi Annan earlier circulated a 32-page report outlining proposals to be covered in closed-door sessions.

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"Constitutional Insurgency" ZNet | Vision & Strategy
05/14/2006 At the height of the 1937 sitdown strike at General Motors in Flint, Michigan, a judge issued an injunction ordering workers to evacuate the plants and end picketing within 24 hours. As thousands of union supporters poured into Flint and the city manager began to organize an "army of our own" to break the strike, union war veterans developed a plan that they kept secret even from union leaders. If the leaders were arrested under the injunction, the veterans "would muster an armed force among their own number and in defense of the U.S. Constitution, of 'real Patriotism,' and the union, would take over the city hall, the courthouse and police headquarters, capture and imprison all officials and release the union men."

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René Préval: Haiti May Get One Last Chance in Spite of Washington’s Best Efforts
05/14/2006 With his official inauguration planned for May 14, Haitian President-elect René Préval faces a Brobdingnagian challenge in rebuilding his shattered country. Succeeding a U.S.-installed de facto government headed by Interim Prime Minister Gérard Latortue, which couldn’t have performed more poorly, Préval must search for a precise balance between the interests of foreign donor governments and bitterly divided domestic forces. In recent weeks, Préval has shown a genuine interest in consulting with the competing pressure points that will soon enough affect his new government.

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Mother's Day: A Call to Peace! ...from CODE PINK women for peace
05/12/2006 Join us this Mother's Day weekend, May 13-14, in Washington DC as we gather for a 24-hour vigil outside the White House. Bring your mother, your children, your grandmother, your friends, your loved ones. Come for the whole vigil (4pm Saturday to 4pm Sunday) or for a few hours! We’ll sing, dance, drum, bond, laugh, cry and hug. We’ll write letters to Laura Bush to appeal to her own mother-heart, and read them aloud. We’ll discuss new ideas for ending the war and building peace. In the final two hours, from 2-4pm on Sunday, we’ll be joined by some amazing celebrity actresses, singers, writers--and moms.

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"Loose Change 2nd Edition" 9-11 Miami Film Premier + Live Bands
05/10/2006 Creators of "Loose Change 2nd Edition" the most provocative 9-11 documentary on the market, will be appearing at the Miami Premier of the film in Miami Beach. Riding the tide of a meteoric and ever-increasing Internet popularity, the two young creators of the 9/11 indie documentary, Loose Change 2nd Edition will appear at The Official Miami Screening of the film at The Deauville Hotel Miami Beach. They will speak along with four bands performing in the historic Collins Theatre, where the Beatles had their second US performance, on Friday May 12th at 8:00 PM.

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Rally for 16 UM Students facing major "disciplinary" penalties for nonviolent, free speech activities in support of the janitors strike.....POSTPONED INDEFINITLY.....
05/09/2006 Solidarity Rally for the "Miami 16" at the entrance to the UM Campus (Ponce de Leon & Stanford) at 3pm this Friday May 12th has been POSTPONED INDEFINITLY. Sixteen students are facing major "disciplinary" penalities for nonviolent, free speech activities in support of the University of Miami Janitors Strike. The strike is over yet these student leaders are still threatened with suspension or expulsion, penalties usually reserved for the most severe violations such as assault or rape. Retaliation against student activists clearly inhibits the free flow of ideas, an untenable situation on a university campus. Stop campus censorship and intimidation tactics! Protect free speech! Support student activism!

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"No Bravery" a short video by James Blunt
05/07/2006 There are children standing here, Arms outstretched into the sky, Tears drying on their face. He (Bush) has been here. Brothers lie in shallow graves. Fathers lost without a trace. A nation blind to their disgrace, Since he's (Bush) been here. Houses burnt beyond repair. The smell of death is in the air. A woman weeping in despair says, He (Bush) has been here. And I see no bravery, No bravery in your eyes anymore. Only sadness.

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Military Free Zone Declared by Protesters at Air & Sea Show in Ft. Lauderdale
05/06/2006 The Broward AntiWar Coalition, the Fort Lauderdale Friends, and other groups in the South Florida Peace & Justice Network joined together to protest against the obscene display of militarism at the McDonald's Air & Sea Show by setting up a Peace and Justice Village "Military Free Zone" at DC Alexander Park, A1A and Seabreeze Avenue at the beach. This years protest poster theme was "War is not entertainment". (See the poster below)

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Evidence that 9/11 was an Inside Job
05/05/2006 Here is a collection of videos on the web about the events of 911. Necessary viewing for anybody curious as to why this issue continues to be brought up, or who has doubts to the validities of the claim that 911 was an Inside Job.

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Files Show FBI Targeted Journalist Covering FTAA Meetings in Miami; ACLU Sues City
05/05/2006 The American civil Liberties Union sueing the City of Miami over FTAA civil rights violations. The ACLU, Greater Miami Chapter, filed a lawsuit today on behalf of freelance journalist David Lippman. Documents obtained by the ACLU indicate that Lippman was under Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) surveillance for being a “known protestor w/history” as he traveled from his home in North Carolina to Miami to cover the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) protests.

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Legislators Want to Rewrite the Florida Constitution from Scratch
05/05/2006 Do you trust the leaders in Tallahassee enough to let them rewrite the Florida Constitution from scratch? That’s exactly what they’re trying to do with SJR 1918, a resolution to put a measure on the ballot that would allow them to completely rewrite the State Constitution. Then tell your state senator to vote against SJR 1918.

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Rainforest Action Network Blockades Ft. Lauderdale Ford Dealership
05/05/2006 Activists Called on Ford to Help Break America’s Oil Addiction. Chaining themselves to oil barrels and blocking the entrance to Fort Lauderdale’s Maroone Ford dealership, activists peacefully protested Ford Motor Company’s addiction to oil today. Organized by San Francisco-based Rainforest Action Network (RAN), the protest was the third in the last two months, as concerned citizens across the nation grow louder in calling on Ford to stop pushing gas-guzzling cars, trucks and SUVs and to address the company’s industry-worst fuel economy record and sky-high greenhouse gas emissions.

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UM Strike Over: Janitors Win!!!!! UNICCO and SEIU sign agreement
05/01/2006 Today, May 1, 2006, UNICCO Service Company and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 11 entered into a Settlement Agreement in connection with the ongoing labor dispute at the University of Miami. Under the terms of the Settlement Agreement, the parties agreed to conduct an impartial process to verify the majority of employees' interest in collective bargaining representation by the SEIU. This verification process will be conducted by a neutral third party, the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and completed no later than August 1, 2006.

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Symbolic May Day Rally in Miami Unites Diverse Groups for Workers Rights
04/30/2006 On Sunday, April 30th, activists from a variety of South Florida progressive political organizations rallied at Miami’s Torch of Friendship to unite different factions of the community in a symbolic May Day rally. Rally organizers put forward demands calling for: amnesty for all immigrants; a stop to the unjust wars and occupations in Iraq and the Middle East; a halt to war moves against Iran; money for human needs, not wars and occupations; and a living wage and healthcare or all working people.

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Neil Young's "Living with War" Album: Hear it for free!
04/30/2006 Neil Young's new album, Living With War, a collection of anti-Bush anthems featuring the bluntly worded single "Let's Impeach the President," started in a hotel room. "I went down to the coffee machine and there was USA Today," Young tells Rolling Stone."The cover showed a large military craft converted into a flying hospital. The caption said something about how we are making great strides in medicine as a result of the Iraq conflict. That just caught me off guard, and I went upstairs and wrote 'Families' for one of those soldiers who didn't get to come home. Then I cried in my wife's arms. That was the turning point for me."

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Special Prosecutor to Seek Indictment of Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove
04/29/2006 Despite vehement denials by his attorney, who said this week that Karl Rove is neither a "target" nor in danger of being indicted in the CIA leak case, the special counsel leading the investigation has already written up charges against Rove, and a grand jury is expected to vote on whether to indict the Deputy White House Chief of Staff sometime next week, sources knowledgeable about the probe said Friday afternoon.

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Global Labor Leaders Ask UM President Donna Shalala to Intervene in Strike
04/28/2006 Today, April 26th, a group of labor leaders from Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Nicaragua, Jamaica, St. Marten, Chile, and Costa Rica visited with strikers at the University of Miami who are protesting violations of their civil rights. The leaders, whose unions are affiliates of Public Services International (PSI), met with strikers to express their support for the stand they've taken and to discuss what they can do to assist strikers once they return to their home countries.

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"Let's Impeach the President" featured song on new Neil Young protest album
04/27/2006 All the newspapers and tabloids in America are talking about Neil Young's new protest album "Living With War" featured song "Let's Impeach the President". Jennifer Van Bergen, a journalist with a law degree, the author of THE TWILIGHT OF DEMOCRACY: THE BUSH PLAN FOR AMERICA, wrote that Neil Young's new album, Living with War, is an incendiary, moving, totally American document of peaceful protest that is going to make a lot of people crazy one way or another. And there's no doubt that the centerpiece of the album, a song called "Let's Impeach The President", performed as a melodic, rocking, campfire ode will be what causes the most controversy.

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UM Court Injunction Stops Free Speech & Demonstrations on University Campus
04/26/2006 UM continues to ignore civil rights abuses of contractor UNICCO, but takes legal action blocking workers,’ students’ freedom of speech and association. Despite its contractor UNICCO’s record of legal violations and civil rights abuses against workers, the University of Miami chose to obtain a court-ordered injunction late Tuesday blocking workers and union supporters from speaking out or demonstrating on campus in support of striking janitors.

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UM Contractor UNICCO on OSHA 12 Worst Health & Safety Violators List
04/26/2006 The Boston-based janitorial firm UNICCO, the lawbreaking contractor that cleans Harvard University, University of Miami, and Miami Airport) is listed in a new national report as one of 12 "Dirty Dozen" employers with the worst records of workplace health and safety in the nation. The company was cited by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for repeated violations after a frightening eighth job-related employee fatality since 1999. The independent study, being released today by the National Council on Occupational Safety and Health (COSH), is the first of its kind citing poor records in health and safety protections that result in death, serious injury, and illnesses. The 12 companies were selected due to repeated and reckless health and safety violations.

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Day 60 UM Strike: Amb Moss "Petition"; Sen Edwards,Teamster Pres Speak at Rally
04/26/2006 This morning, April 25th, an internet petition was launched by UM professors Rebecca Biron and Ambassador Ambler Moss and FIU professor Bruce Nissen calling on President Shalala to help resolve the strike. There was also a rally and a march that started at Freedom Village and marched to the UM Convocation Center. We were treated to a line-up of incredibly inspiring speakers. Senator John Edwards said "None of you, no American, should be working full time and be living in poverty. That's what this struggle is about... Your struggle is my struggle...". Teamster President James Hoffa, Jr. said, "Today I bring you greetings and support from 1.5 million Teamsters. We are with you... We hear your voices. But does Donna Shalala hear your voices?"

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A22 March for Equal Treatment of Haitians: Grant Temporary Protective Status for Haitians!
04/23/2006 Today the Haitian community gathered in front of the Veye-Yo community Center at 28 NE 54th Street and marched to the DHS Immigration Building at 79th and Biscayne Boulevard! The theme of the march was to demand that the Bush Administration grant: TEMPORARY PROTECTED STATUS (TPS) AND WORK PERMITS FOR HAITIANS NOW! STOP DEPORTATIONS TO HAITI!

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Day 18: UM Hunger Strike Ends; Solidarity fast begun by Union, Students, Others
04/22/2006 Heads of the nation's largest union Andrew Stern and Eliseo Medina join students, faculty and community supporters in fast as janitors end seventeen-day hunger strike. At a prayer service Friday night, the president of America's largest union, Andrew L. Stern, and SEIU Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina joined janitors, University of Miami faculty, students, and community members who are fasting to protest civil rights abuses by cleaning company UNICCO Services. Five janitors ended their fast after 17 days of a water-only hunger strike by accepting a symbolic offer of food from Father Rich Mullen of St. Augustine's Catholic Church and Student Center.

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Day 17 of UM Hunger Strike: Ed Asner Visits, Faculty Resolutions, Now Boston on Strike
04/22/2006 Ed Asner (actor and activist) was at Freedom Village this morning. He made a strong statement to all of us, which was caught by Ch.7. He was interviewed by Ch. 7, and then spoke with each of the workers and hunger strikers. He then went over to the students in front of Ashe where he placed calls to Shalala and Colson. As soon as Shalala’s office learned he was here, the water was turned off. When he left, it was turned back on. Shalala’s office said she wasn’t here (naturally), so he dictated an email to Jake to send to her. I think he reached Colson’s voice mail.

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NEW: Flash Animation about the School of the Americas
04/21/2006 Check out this awesome new flash animation about the School of the Americas: Just in time for our upcoming lobby days, SOA Watch presents an entertaining new short film. Enjoy this two-minute animated video clip and then forward it far and wide: to your friends, your family, your neighbors, organizers you work with, people in your church or community group. We need you to help get the word out. There are some excellent action steps at the end of the short movie – including a way to send a letter to your Representative right from the SOA Watch website. Let’s use this amazing new tool to spread the word and keep the pressure on as we prepare for our vote in Congress!

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Day 15 of UM Hunger Strike: SCLC Pres. Gives 24 Hour Ultimatum to Solve Crises or ........
04/19/2006 Reverend Charles Steele, the president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, came straight from the airport to the Ashe Building at the University of Miami today. He was given permission to enter the building to negotiate with Donna Shalala [a group of female students had occupied the building, put tape over their mouths, and were humming "We Shall Overcome"]. Rev. James Bush joined him. The students were allowed to leave the building and are camped out on the lawn in front of the Ashe Building (in their tents). Rev. Steele made it very clear that if they are arrested, he will be arrested with them.

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Day 14 of UM Hunger Strike: Hunger Strikers #5 & #6 Hospitalized
04/18/2006 Today at 8:30 a.m. Pablo Rodriguez, 31, awoke feeling weak. He then began to shake. His blood pressure dropped to dangerous levels. An ambulance was called and he was taken to Doctors Hospital. Then hunger striking student Tanya Aquino was urged to go to hospital, owing to high blood pressure and low pulse. She refused to go until she was able to speak to an administrator. As she approached the Ashe, being pushed in a wheelchair, the building was locked down yet again. Eventually, Vice President for Student Affairs Pat Whitely agreed to speak to her, Jacob Coker-Dukowitz, and some other students and faculty.

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An Easter Message From Father Gerard Jean-Juste
04/16/2006 Dear Friends; Happy Easter to my Christian friends and Happy Holy Days to my Jewish friends.

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Prevent a New War of Aggression: Sign Petition Opposing Attack on Iran
04/14/2006 Join Gold Star Families for Peace, CODE PINK, Progressive Democrats of America,, Traprock Peace Center, Global Exchange, Velvet Revolution, Democracy Rising, Truthout, OpEdNews, Backbone Campaign, Consumers For Peace, Campus Antiwar Network, and The Young Turks in signing a petition to Bush and Cheney opposing the launching of a war of aggression against Iran. The petition, with all the signatures and comments you add, will be delivered to the White House by Cindy Sheehan and many other activists.

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Day 9 UM Hunger Strike: Congressmen ask UM Pres to recognize union with card check vote
04/14/2006 The workers heard from former Congressman David Bonior who heads American Rights at Work, a nonprofit workers' rights advocacy group and who had begun a letter to Donna Shalala yesterday which already has three congressional signatures asking her to recognize the union through the most democratic method possible, card check. He actually gave me new hope as well as he spoke about the seriously flawed NLRB election process and why the Employee Free Choice Act (which would recognize card check without the employer needing to specifically agree to card check) is currently pending in both Congress and the Senate.

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UM Faculity & Student's Response to UM President Shalala's Letter of April 12th
04/13/2006 The UM President worries in her letter about "dangerous" outsiders on campus. These outsiders included, on Tuesday, members of the grassroots organization ACORN and on Wednesday, a handful of FIU students and concerned citizens from community. All these people are deeply affected by the issues currently roiling the university and surely have every right to make their peaceful voices heard. And does anyone attending events on campus need a letter of invitation now? When Congressman David Bonior visits on Friday 14th, will he be asked to leave for trespassing?

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Bush Administration’s Nuclear Saber Rattling on Iran Threatens Global Security
04/13/2006 Plans for nuclear attack on Iran threaten global security. Reports that the Bush administration is considering using nuclear weapons in a "preventive" attack against Iran illustrates the extent to which U.S. nuclear weapons policy has changed for the worse. The proposed nuclear "bunker buster" would not contain radioactive fallout and could potentially kill millions of civilians.

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An Open Letter to Bush & Cheney: We Know What You Did That Summer! 9/11/01
04/13/2006 An Open Letter to Mr. George W. Bush, Mr. Richard Cheney: Guess what? WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID THAT SUMMER - that long ago time of innocence before the events of September 11th, 2001. We know what you did, and the game is over - even though you don’t yet know it.. The work of the independent 9/11 researchers is paying off. The evidence is steamrolling through the information super highway and is now creeping into the clogged arteries of the mainstream media. We may not know every detail and we may not agree on your individual motives, but two facts are now irrefutable: the official story of what happened on September 11th is not true and you were involved.

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Day 8 of UM Hunger Strike: 3rd UM Worker Hunger Striker Hospitalized
04/13/2006 Feliciano Hernandez, featured in the podcast linked below, was rushed to the hospital tonight after suffering a stroke. Please pray for him, his family, and the remaining hunger strikers. Please come by Freedom Village located on US-1 and Stranford DR, to offer your support to the remaining hunger strikers as they enter the 9th day without food. Today 6 UM students joined the hunger strike.

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Evidence that 9/11 was an Inside Job
04/01/2006 Here is a collection of videos on the web about the events of 911. Necessary viewing for anybody curious as to why this issue continues to be brought up, or who has doubts to the validities of the claim that 911 was an Inside Job.

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Day 7 of the UM Hunger Strike: How much longer can it go on?
04/12/2006 Day 7 – How much longer can it go on? I woke up with such a feeling of dread today. It's Day 7 for the workers. I know the students will join them tomorrow but that will already be Day 8. I would like to believe that contacting University of Miami administration would be enough but I simply don't know anymore. If you are inclined to and haven't yet contacted your various elected officials, media and others, please do so as soon as possible. I spoke to the hunger striking workers again yesterday (surrounded by a circle of striking workers) and they requested that when I spoke to people about them, people that were trying to understand the situation, that I ask people to ask themselves the following questions:

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UM Students to Announce All-Out Hunger Strike at Campus Rally on April 12th
04/12/2006 At a rally at the UM University Center Patio seven students will announce on Wednesday April 12th at a 1:30 PM rally at the UM University Center Patio, an All-Out Hunger Strike for civil rights. After phasing certain food groups out and eating raw vegetables for the last few days, seven students will announce a water-only diet until civil rights violations at UM cease and workers are allowed a fair process to unionize. When asked why they were going on a hunger strike, a student response was, “To protect workers rights and ensure ethical contracting policies for the University of Miami.”

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Day 4-6 of the UM Hunger Strike: Second Worker Collapses
04/10/2006 Nine UNICCO janitors and six students began a fast on April 4th to protest UNICCO’s civil rights abuses. The fasters hope that University of Miami President and former Clinton Administration official Donna Shalala will make good on her public statements and force UNICCO to obey the law and stop violating the civil rights of their employees on campus. Dean Colson (who is the chair of the board of trustees) and UM president Donna Shalala's handling of the situation has escalated out of control, to the point where workers and students feel that the only recourse to justice that they have is through risking their livelihoods in a hunger strike. Donna Shalala has the power to make the right decision, and she still can.

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Miami Joins the Nation with Sunday A9 March-Rally in Support of Immigration Legalization
04/10/2006 In a much-awaited moment of growing unity and escalating action, some 70 diverse organizations from the South Florida community gathered together for a march and a rally on Sunday April 9th for the purpose of putting Miami on the map as part of the historic national movement in favor of immigrant legalization and to support immigrant legalization for Floridians who are being denied equality and full integration into our communities and to support governmental reform that restores the rule of law that honors our history as a nation of immigrants, and gives values to what hard working immigrant families have contributed to our economy, culture and communities.

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UM Students on Hunger Strike: Send Letter to University President
04/07/2006 University of Miami Workers and Students are on a Hunger Strike! Student sit-ins, massive rallies, arrests of community leaders... Apparently this doesn't matter to University of Miami President Donna Shalala. She has convened two negotiation sessions that failed to bring justice to striking janitorial workers employed by the UNICCO company. With no other options, students and workers are on a HUNGER STRIKE. Starting today, they are risking their very lives to demand dignity on the University of Miami campus. Urge UM President Donna Shalala to require responsible contractors on campus!

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UM Labour Dispute Update: It's all about the voting process; Card Check or Election
04/06/2006 The law provides two ways for workers to unionize. One is by an election run by the National Labor Relations Board. The other is by a card check process, in which workers sign cards, counted by a third party, saying that they want a union. Unlike NLRB elections, however, card check requires the employer to agree. UNICCO refuses to agree. Why? UNICCO now sports the slogan "Let ‘em vote," signifying its preference for an election over card check.

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Day 6-7: Real Rights Tour Reaches McDonalds Global Hdq: 2006 Truth Tour a Wrap!
04/05/2006 Day Six: After crossing half the country and visiting 16 cities in just 5 days, CIW members finally reach McDonald's Global Headquarters in Chicago and deliver 3,500 cards signed by Immokalee workers, calling for fair wages and demanding human rights in the fields of Florida, the very foundation of the fast-food industry.

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Overtown Wins Key Round in Crosswinds Fight!
04/05/2006 The City of Miami gave in to the Power U community demand for an environmental review of controversial Crosswinds project. Power U Overtown residents and their allies will gather at 10 AM, April 5th on the disputed lot at NW 6th Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenues in Overtown to announce another victory for area residents in their fight to stop the Crosswinds project. Facing severe community protest and under pressure from an ongoing lawsuit, the City of Miami agreed last week to do a Supplemental Environmental Assessment on the long-disputed Crosswinds project.

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April 1st Jumpstart Ford "FOSSIL FOOL'S DAY" Campaign Protest in Ft. Lauderdale
04/01/2006 Today April 1st, Matt Leonard of the Rainforest Action Network and local activists from the South Florida Peace & Justice Network (Code Pink, Broward Anti-War Coalition, Rainforest Action Network, Global Exchange, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, the IMPACT Collective) protested at Maroone Ford of Fort Lauderdale, to pressure Ford Motor Company to be a leader in breaking our country's "Addiction to Oil" - which forms much of the base for global warming, unjust wars, human rights abuses, and a destabilizing economy. Despite their green washing campaigns - Ford Motor Company ranks dead last in fuel efficiency, and are a leading "Fossil Fool".

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Long Live The 9/11 Conspiracy! Anyone Really Care? Yes? Then Read the Inside Scoop
03/31/2006 Here is your must-read for the month. Here is your oh-my-God-I'm-sending-this-piece-to-every-smart-person-I-know hunk of outstanding, distressing, disquieting media bliss. Here it is: an absolutely exceptional inside scoop on the white-hot world of Sept. 11 conspiracy theories, writ large and smart by Mark Jacobson over at New York magazine, and it's mandatory reading for anyone and everyone who's ever entertained the nagging thought that something --or rather, far more than one something -- is deeply wrong with the official line on what actually happened on Sept. 11.

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U.S. Launches Major Military Exercises in Caribbean as a Warning to Venezuela and Cuba
03/31/2006 According to a press release by the US Southern Command on Monday, March 27: "A U.S. Navy Carrier Strike Group will deploy from the U.S. east coast to the Caribbean Sea to conduct Operation Partnership of the Americas from early April through late May 2006." The strike group will be composed of "aircraft carrier USS George Washington with embarked air wing, Cruiser USS Monterey, Destroyer USS Stout, and Frigate USS Underwood". This means that the US Navy will be sending 4 ships, one of them carrying 60 fighter planes, and a total of 6,500 soldiers on a major military exercise in the Caribbean starting in the next few weeks.

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Giving Haiti’s New President a Good Launch
03/31/2006 In the middle of May, after a number of electoral process take place, Rene Preval, the only democratically-elected Haitian president to serve out his full five year presidential term and peacefully hand over power to the succeeding administration, will once again assume the presidential mantle. Haitians are hopeful that a new Preval administration will help to alleviate the gang violence, tame an incompetent and abuse-prone police force, sanitize a completely corrupted judiciary, address questions of past instances unprofessional behavior by the UN peacekeeping force MINUSTAH, and confront the extreme polarization of society that has been intensified by the rule of the Interim Government of Haiti (IGH), headed by Gerard Latortue.

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Bradblog Breaking News: Florida Attorney General Subpoeanas Voting Maching Companies
03/30/2006 Investigation Into Refusal by Companies to do Business with Leon County, FL Election Supervisor Who Discovered Diebold E-Voting Security Flaw! The Florida state Attorney General has subpoenaed the three Electronic Voting Machine companies who have all now refused to do business with Leon County, FL Election Supervisor Ion Sancho since he discovered that Diebold's optical-scan voting system was vulnerable to hackers. Sancho's discovery, revealed via a mock election test last December, showed in no uncertain terms that Diebold's systems could be hacked, the results of an election flipped, without a trace being left behind.

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Protest at Canadian Consulate to Oppose Mass Slaughter of Harp Seal Pups
03/30/2006 Activists demonstrated from 12 PM to 1 PM today, in front of the Canadian Consulate in downtown Miami to send a message that the Canadian government is defying the will of the Canadian people and ignoring the pleas of millions of compassionate people around the world who have demanded an end to the wasteful, industrial massacre of over 335,000 defenseless harp seal pups. The Canadian sealers will begin slaughtering hundreds of thousands of defenseless harp seal pups at 6 am on Saturday.

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Letter from Political Prisoner Yvon Neptune to Haitian President Rene Preval
03/30/2006 March 21, 2006 - Several groups in Haiti and abroad are calling for the release of all of Haiti’s political prisoners by March 29, the 19th anniversary of Haiti’s 1987 Constitution. Many of us had expected that the prisoners would be freed upon the inauguration of President-Elect Preval. But delays in legislative elections have postponed the inauguration, and now it is not likely to happen for 8 weeks or more. Some of the political prisoners, especially former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune, whose health continues to deteriorate, might not live that long.

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Local Anarchist Cara Jennings wins Commission Seat for Lake Worth
03/30/2006 Cara Jennings, student mentor, activist, and anarchist won the District 2 Commission seat for Palm Beach County. She ran against Big business and development front-man Jorge Goyanes, claiming over 60% of the vote and securing her platform of community and environmental minded changes. Cara ran with the support of the local Green Party and endorsements from most (if not all) mainstream newspapers. Cara stated that she believes decisions should come from a community of equals and not "top-down authoritative government".

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Teach-in on the War in Iraq - Florida International University April 5th
03/29/2006 Teach-in on the War in Iraq - FIU April 5th.
Join the many FIU organizations that oppose the war; come hear professors, students, and veterans speak out against the war in Iraq. There will be workshops to explain how this war affects us in all facets of life including women’s rights, healthcare, military recruitment of students, economics, and others. APRIL 5th ALL DAY from 12 PM – 8 PM FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY SOUTH CAMPUS ROOM GC (GRAHAM CENTER) ROOM: 140...... SEE YOU THERE!!!

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Check out Day 1 & 2 Updates from The 2006 McDonald's Truth Tour - Real Rights Tour!
03/29/2006 The Coalition of Immokalee Workers, along with the Student Farmworker Alliance and other supporters, launched their first protest in the nation at Wayne State, calling for more humane working conditions for tomato pickers. “It’s modern slavery,” said Sean Sellers, national coordinator of the alliance. “These workers are forced to work long hours, for little to no pay and no benefits, with the threat of violence.” Immokalee farm workers and many allies left Florida on March 26 to embark on a 10-day, 17-city Real Rights Tour to inform students about the exploitation workers face and discuss their goals to establish decent labor rights and higher wages.

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Why We Took-Over The UM Admin Building: Statement by UM Student Org "STAND"
03/29/2006 This intimidation, disrespect, and impoverishment of working people at the University of Miami has been going on since before 2001. Change is long overdue. These workers deserve the opportunity to live decently and provide for their families. Today, after years of meetings, creation of community alliances, and public demonstrations, we have decided to undertake a sit-in in the University of Miami's administration building. UNICCO's anti-union tactics cannot be tolerated by a self-respecting university.

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UM Students Take-Over Admin Building During M28 Demonstration To Support Striking Janitors
03/29/2006 At 12 noon a group of local clergy accompanied by faculty, workers and others marches from the Strike Sanctuary to the intersection of Granada and US1 where they joined a large group of striking workers. Altogether we were about 300 people. The traffic was blocked in both directions on US1 and a group of clergy and workers sat down in the middle of the road and... were promptly arrested. As planned.

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How Elections Became a Criminal Enterprise - Social Essay by Michelle Mairesse
03/28/2006 Every day we hear laments about the state of the state or the nation or the world. The twenty-first century seems to be a powder keg rolling downhill. We have already witnessed enough chicanery, bad faith, fecklessness, and desecration to make us wary of the future. Yet we hope. But hope, be it wan or fervent, is not enough. Most Americans are by nature pragmatists. For us, remedies begin in action. What can I do to heal a sick planet? we ask. What can I do to feed the hungry? What can I do to stop wars? What can I do to bring wise leaders to the fore?

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UM STRIKE STILL ON - STILL STRONG: All-Out Rally Tuesday M28 at 12 Noon
03/26/2006 On March 28th at 12 PM, please join the Coalition of UM Students, Faculty, Unicco Workers, Interfaith Clergy, and Community Leaders for an all-out rally in support of UM striking janitors at the UM Episcopal Church on Stanford Drive. Workers struggle for a fair process toward unionization yet UNICCO's threats & firings go unchallenged by the UM administration. UNICCO stands accused by the gov't of spying, interrogating, threatening (workers) with reprisals. While UM maintains its "neutrality", UNICCO's anti-union campaign has fired a worker for her union support. A one-time raise - still not a living wage - during a union drive is no substitute for a "place at the table" where workers can ensure that this is not a tempory handout. The strike will continue until workers' efforts to organize without fear of threats and reprisals are addressed by UNICCO and the UM administration.

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Update on the Jumpstart Ford "FOSSIL FOOL'S DAY" Campaign on April 1st
03/25/2006 Hi, I'm Matt Leonard with the Rainforest Action Network and I want to make sure that anyone who is interested in getting more involved in the Jumpstart Ford "FOSSIL FOOL'S DAY" Campaign on April 1st, have access to more information and background to the campaign. In the past few years, a number of organizations have started working to pressure Ford Motors to be a leader in breaking our country's "Addiction to Oil" (the movement phrase that was recently picked up by the Bush administration!). Oil addiction is a complex issue that affects every aspect of our world, and a broad movement is precisely what will end it.

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Mother's Day: A Call to Peace! ...from CODE PINK women for peace
03/25/2006 Join us this Mother's Day weekend, May 13-14, in Washington DC as we gather for a 24-hour vigil outside the White House. Bring your mother, your children, your grandmother, your friends, your loved ones. Come for the whole vigil (4pm Saturday to 4pm Sunday) or for a few hours! We’ll sing, dance, drum, bond, laugh, cry and hug. We’ll write letters to Laura Bush to appeal to her own mother-heart, and read them aloud. We’ll discuss new ideas for ending the war and building peace. In the final two hours, from 2-4pm on Sunday, we’ll be joined by some amazing celebrity actresses, singers, writers--and moms.

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Emerge Miami Presents: Women and Mythology - March 25th Saturday 6 PM
03/24/2006 A SPECIAL EVENING CELEBRATING WOMEN AND MYTHOLOGY- WOMEN, MYTH-MAKING, STORY-TELLING, MUSIC AND VEGETARIAN FOOD! We will be looking at and dissembling negative myths and then creating our own myths about women, so bring your creativity! Art supplies will be provided. We’ll also have speakers and a great music set provided by Against the Girl. Bring your appetites, as the event will be a vegetarian potluck!

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Dear STAND; UM Janitors still on strike... Liza
03/24/2006 Dear STAND (Students Toward A New Democracy), I apologize for the belatedness of this letter. It has been several days since President Shalala announced a wage increase for the University's contract workers, and promised some form of health insurance as well. We genuinely appreciate these actions, and congratulate the University and President Shalala for finally acknowledging that, "Universities should always lead the way, and providing fair wages and health insurance is a necessity," as President Shalala wrote in her March 19th statement. However, $8.00 per hour, the new minimum starting wage for UM's contract employees according to that statement, remains well below even the Miami-Dade County's living wage for people with full benefits (almost $10/hr) - which is itself a conservative estimate of the cost of living a minimally decent life in Miami.

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Sierra Club Summer Training for Enviro-Minded Young People
03/23/2006 BE A FORCE FOR CHANGE. This summer, let the Sierra Student Coalition change your life. Have you ever seen an environmental problem in your neighborhood or on your campus, but you weren't sure what you could do about it? Want to get involved or be more effective for the environment in your school or community? Every year, the Sierra Student Coalition runs a series of week-long summer programs for environmentally minded high school and college students. While there, you will meet people who share a common love for the environment and new ideas for how to make things better.

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Last Call to Join the 2006 McDonald's Truth Tour From Immokalee to Chicago
03/23/2006 We invite you to join us in Chicago this April 1st as we take the Campaign for Fair Food to the next level -- to McDonald's global headquarters, to the very top of the fast-food industry! Here below are the details for what will be a day full of memorable events --don't miss it!...The 2006 McDonald's Truth Tour -- "The Real Rights Tour" -- hits the road in four days! Visit the tour website (link below) and see how you can join us in any or all of the seventeen cities where the tour is set to stop, including the major march and rally in downtown Chicago on Saturday, April 1st.

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Coalition of Immokalee Workers Wins Prestigious “2006 Wellstone Award"
03/21/2006 In a tremendously moving ceremony at the Freedom Network USA's annual conference, the national network of organizations fighting slavery honored the CIW for its outstanding contributions to the movement.

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"Walkin' to New Orleans" March 14-19, for Peace and Justice
03/21/2006 Veterans For Peace (VFP), Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), Military Families Speak Out (MFSO), and Gold Star Families for Peace (GSFP), at the call of the Mobile Veterans For Peace Chapter #130, marched between Mobile, AL, and New Orleans, LA, from March 14-19, 2006 -- the third anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. This historical event highlights the connections between the economic and human cost of war in the Middle East and the failure of our government to respond to human needs at home, especially the needs of poor people and people of color.

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Another World is Possible (World Social Forum) Disscussion at Miami Workers Center
03/19/2006 On Thursday evening March 13th, the Miami Workers Center presented an evening of discussion on what is the World Social Forum, Titled “Another South is Possible” and building towards the 2007 United States Social Forum in Atlanta, Georgia by attending the Southeast Social Forum June 16 – 18 in Durham, North Carolina, which will focus on building a social justice force in the South.

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UM Labor Strike Over; 25% Wage Increase for UNICCO Workers
03/17/2006 This is a step in the right direction. However, we have not yet crossed the finish line and attained a place at the table for the workers. A one-time raise from the University (which, if the details reported in the Herald are true, still does not guarantee a living wage for most campus workers)

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Peacekeepers needed for "U.S. OUT OF IRAQ NOW" Protests in South Florida
03/16/2006 This weekend, March 17-19, 2006, there are anti-war events planned in three counties, Dade-Palm Beach-Broward, with hopes of many participants. We do not anticipate that there will be any public controversy that we are opposing this war in Iraq or the administration in Washington, neither of which have majority support any more. We have to anticipate that there is always a possibility of a person attempting to disrupt the actions, or to incite anger and damaging behaviour on our part, to discredit or tarnish the public's perception.

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Emerge Miami Presents: Women and Mythology
03/15/2006 Please join us for a special evening to celebrate and honor women and explore the many myths, both positive and negative, surrounding them. We will be looking at and dissembling negative myths and then creating our own myths about women, so bring your creativity! Art supplies will be provided. We’ll also have speakers and a great music set provided by Against the Girl. Bring your appetites, as the event will be a vegetarian potluck!

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Affidavit: Rep Feeney (R-FL) Hires YEI in 2000 to Write Code to Alter Election Results
03/12/2006 A computer programmer, Clint Curtis, testified to Congress under oath, regarding the request in Sept-Oct of 2000 from Congressman Tom Feeney 24th District (R-FL), to build a computer program that could, without detection, flip your vote in an election. This manipulation would allow a person or political party to take control of voting machines and decide who wins the election, regardless of the true vote count. Read the Clint Curtis affidavit provided to Congress at:

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Florida "Culture of Peace" Statewide Convocation June 2-4
03/10/2006 Mark you calendar now! Be part of the Great Turning...Be part of the Legacy ...WEAVING A CULTURE OF PEACE. State Convocation of the Florida Coalition for Peace and Justice, June 2-4, 2006 at the Paramount Plaza Hotel & Conference Center / Gainesville, Florida

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Historic New Alliance Announced in Immokalee! First Target is McDonald's
03/10/2006 Endorsed by organizations and individuals including Congressman John Lewis (D-GA), Amnesty International USA, United Students Against Sweatshops, the AFL-CIO, author Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation), NAACP Board Chairman Julian Bond, SEIU, Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter Bonnie Raitt, and Rev. Dr. Robert Edgar, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., the new "Alliance for Fair Food" (AFF) was announced in an exciting ceremony in Immokalee last night, Wednesday March 8th.

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Update from Father Jean-Juste
03/08/2006 Greetings My Dear Sisters and Brothers: I am very happy that the people of Haiti overcame all the many obstacles and elected a new government. That was my prayer. The two years of illegal de facto government and their supporters have been rejected. Now it is time for the international community, especially the US, France and Canada, to respect us and never again interfere with our democracy. There should be no more coup d'états. Give Haiti a chance to be stable and be developed so it can meet basic needs to the people.

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UM Students/ Faculty March with Striking UNICCO Workers to Protest Unfair Labor Practices
03/05/2006 In an unexpected swell of community activism hundreds of students, faculty, workers and community leaders marched on Friday, March 3rd in support of maintenance employees who are on strike to demand better respect for the UNICCO workers and to send a message to the UM President, that Poverty is Not A Cane Value.

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Miami Film Festival Presents 4 Activist Films with Panel Discussions
03/03/2006 The Big Picture program at the Miami International Film Festival presents 4 activist films with panel discussions which highlights films that tackle world issues and the human struggle for life and dignity. Often asking more questions than they answer, these films aim to increase awareness and inspire dialog that will lead to understanding and meaningful change. This year's program addresses four major topics: French “Banlieue” Uprisings, The Death Penalty, Children Affected by War and Terrorism, and Soldiers Question War. The program pairs each film with a thought-provoking discussion, engaging filmmakers, international experts and the audience.

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INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL on HAITI - 3rd Session to be held in Miami
03/01/2006 On Saturday, March 11th, from 6 to 10 PM, The Bolivarian Youth are hosting the 3rd International Tribunal on Haiti at Florida International University - University Park Campus. The tribunal, which has held sessions in Washington, DC and Boston, will prepare a case to be submitted to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. A Commission of Inquiry headed by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark will present its findings. Witnesses will include former political prisoner Father Gerard Jean-Juste. Come witness history in the making.

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Port Deal Petition: The Real Scandal with the Port Sell-Off Deal
02/27/2006 Dear Fair Trade Supporter,

The hoopla over the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) Dubai Ports World company acquiring control of six U.S. east coast ports is both overdue and off target. Both President Bush and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist are in the wrong: If Bush wants to make homeland security a reality and not a slogan, he needs to stop privatizing, globalizing and selling off our national infrastructure.

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Presentation on Race and Color at The Wallflower Gallery F26
02/23/2006 Come join us this Sunday, February 26th, 4 PM, at The Wallflower Gallery, for a presentation and discussion regarding race and culture in honor of Black History Month, good company and delicious vegetarian food provided by Emerge Miami! Bring a notebook/paper and a pen and come prepared to learn and delve deeply into American history and culture and how it has shaped black and white ideas, attitudes, and prejudices regarding race.

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F18 Rally to Release Mumia Abu-Jamal at Torch of Friendship 1 PM
02/17/2006 ALL OUT FOR MUMIA SATURDAY FEBRUARY 18 1 P.M. AT THE TORCH OF FRIENDSHIP, DOWNTOWN MIAMI. The Bolivarian Youth are initiating a call to action on behalf of the International concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu Jamal (ICFFMAJ) to plan coordinated actions to step up the heat on the state that is determined to commit this political assassination against our innocent comrade. All enemies of the death penalty, all members of the peace community, all witnesses and victims of racism and police brutality, all who strive for a better world, come rally and lets build a movement in Miami to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!

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TROPICAL GREEN Conference; Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus Feb 9-10
02/13/2006 With Miami's current building frenzy, the city needs to consider sustainable design principles urgently, and not only for environmental reasons. Indeed: such an earth-friendly approach is also a smart business investment, offering long-term profits and, in many cases, higher selling prices. The two-day Tropical Green conference will be an invaluable experience for architects, interior designers, developers, city planners, politicians, and voters in search of learning the ways of 21st century design that will both help the environment and their wallets. Tropical Green is organized by: Metropolis Magazine, Zyscovich Inc. , Architecture Club - AIA Miami, US Green Building Council South Florida Chapter, American Society of Interior Designers, Earth Ethics Institute at Miami Dade College, Florida Chapter of The American Planning Association Gold Coast Section, Southeast Florida District Council, Urban Land Institute. For more info go to

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Preview of new IMC Miami Newspaper and Community Internet Radio Station
01/30/2006 Here is a preview of our new Community Radio Station ( and the New Miami IMC Newspaper (Crossroads of the Americas). We will have the newspaper finished this week. The website is finished and ready for community programing to be uploaded. Hopefully Radio IMC Miami and the Crossroads Newspaper will be linked to the Miami IMC website this week. See photos of the Crossroads Newspaper and the IMC Miami Radio site below.

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State of the Union protest in Ft. Lauderdale
01/26/2006 Bush lied. Bush spied. Bush step down! During Bush's state of the union address we will bring the noise and drown out his lies in protests across the country. At 8 or 9 we will watch the liar, laugh, cry and shout, at a nearby bar/restaurant. Join us - and people around the country. Bring pots and pans, musical instruments, noisemakers. The world can't wait till 08.

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Populist #21
01/26/2006 On the Executive Branch

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Emerge Miami Presents: Walmart: The High Cost Of Low Price


10 NE 3rd St, Miami, FL (305) 579-0069


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Interview with Holly Anagnos: "Free Choice Miami says No" to Alito rally 1-7-06
01/25/2006 On January 7th there was an anti-Alito rally at the Torch of Friendship in Miami. We've published the audio from an interview with Holly Anagnos, one of the organizers of the rally.

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The Courts Will Judge Bush? Not Even Close
01/24/2006 The majority of the Supreme Court -- the controlling group of fascist thugs who shredded the Constitution to set up the Bush-Cheney Illegitimacy and its unconstitutional power grab in January 2001, who shredded federalism and legal equity with "Raich" in 2005, and who shredded "eminent domain" in 2005 so that predator elitists all over the world can have any US property they want -- are incompetent to judge anything.

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01/23/2006 TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, AT 11 AM, AT THE OFFICE OF VEYE YO, 28 NW 54 STREET, MIAMI. The Committee to Free Father Jean-Juste will hold a press conference of community leaders and activists to announce plans to step up their campaign to demand freedom for Father Jean-Juste in light of a Haitian judge's ruling last week dropping the trumped murder and conspiracy charges against him.

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01/22/2006 On January 14th, the SOUTH FLORIDA ACTIVIST CONFERENCE was held at the Miami Workers Center. The conference was organized by the Impact Collective. The conference brought together the activist community to strategize, plan projects and upcoming events, and generally work towards building a stronger, more cohesive movement in the area. There were workshops and discussions on planning for a March 20th demonstration marking the 3rd anniversary of the war in Iraq, Counter-military recruitment in schools, How to Access your FBI File, The Struggle for Freedom in Haiti, Instant Runoff Voting, The International Bolivarian Movement, Earth First! and the Radical Ecology Movement.

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VIDEO > Housing Rights for New Orleans Hurricane Survivors
01/22/2006 This video includes interviews from evacuees in NY and those who've returned to New Orleans. This issue is currently effecting the lives of thousands of people and it's still not too late to help put pressure where it needs to be put to force the goverenment to deal with these people properly.

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01/21/2006 The U.S. government bends over backwards to accomodate the ultraright-wing admitted terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. Why is this? Doesn't it show the Bush regime's utter hypocrisy and bankruptcy?

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Iraqi Workers Organize!
01/20/2006 Iraq's Oil and Port Workers and their Unions-Following the fall of Saddam Hussein, oil workers in Basra reorganized one of Iraq's oldest unions, and faced the occupation's prohibition on collective bargaining in the public sector.

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Don’t Let Prison Be A Death Sentence For Father Jean-Juste
01/19/2006 January 3, 2006 We have some bad news to report on Fr. Gerard Jean-Juste, the Haitian priest who has been imprisoned in Haiti since his illegal arrest on July 21. Dr. Paul Farmer of Harvard Medical School, who has run a clinic in Haiti for 20 years, examined him on Christmas Eve and ran some tests. The tests came back last week, and show that Fr. Gerry has chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Dr. Farmer could not say exactly how advanced Fr. Gerry’s leukemia is- those tests need to be done in the U.S.- but the symptoms are progressing rapidly, and could advance quickly into a fatal stage, or compromise Fr. Gerry’s immune system enough that the diseases of a Haitian prison would kill him.

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Florida Sunshine Act Request and Notice of Civil Action for Failure to Comply
01/19/2006 St. Augustine Police Department in St. Augustine, Florida, has a poor record for compliance with requests for copies of records and a letter that is the third request notes there are Civil Court remedies that exist for failure to comply.

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The Price Of Occupation
01/14/2006 Dear Friends, Instead of funneling billions of dollars into the settlements, Israel could be feeding millions of children!

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I am very happy to inform you that Father Jean-Juste arrived in Miami yesterday for medical treatment at Jackson Memorial Hospital.
Rumor of Bush in Orlando & Tampa this friday
02/17/2006 Can anyone confirm this?

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Emerge Miami Presents: Women and Mythology

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UM STRIKE STILL ON - STILL STRONG: All-Out Rally Tuesday M28 at 12 Noon
03/26/2006 On March 28th at 12 PM, please join the Coalition of UM Students, Faculty, Unicco Workers, Interfaith Clergy, and Community Leaders for an all-out rally in support of UM striking janitors at the UM Episcopal Church on Stanford Drive. Workers struggle for a fair process toward unionization yet UNICCO's threats & firings go unchallenged by the UM administration. UNICCO stands accused by the gov't of spying, interrogating, threatening (workers) with reprisals. While UM maintains its "newtrality", UNICCO's anti-union campaign has fired a worker for her union support. A one-time raise - still not a living wage - during a union drive is no substitute for a "place at the table" where workers can ensure that this is not a tempory handout. The strike will continue until workers' efforts to organize without fear of threats and reprisals are addressed by UNICCO and the UM administration.

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