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Welcome to the Indymedia Documentation Project

IMC Logo is the site where Independent Media Center volunteers work together on projects and documentation concerning Indymedia. "Wiki" makes editing web pages very easy - you don't need to understand computer codes. WelcomeGuest explains how to use this Wiki (or "TWiki") site.

This site is arranged into different 'web's. A web holds information related to a certain topic. Currently, you are in the Main web, which holds information used for information about individuals and groups .

The different webs

Global Global documents and working groups; general information and projects
Local Local Indymedia Centers and Regional Projects
Tech Tech pages, System Status, System Administration, Development, codebases, tools listwork, IRC, etc.
Main People and groups
TWiki Help and information about "TWiki" software
Sandbox Test area for learning and experimentation. Try it!

Helpful tips

  • If you can't find something, try searching the entire site by using the form at the top of the page.
  • To edit pages on this Wiki, you can register online, at TWikiRegistration, or you can use the guest login provided there. Logging in is not needed for reading wiki pages. If you forgot your password, please use ResetPassword.
  • If you have questions which have not been answered, or if you have suggestions for, feel free to contact
  • Other useful links and HOWTOs

As this WikiTopic has been repeatedly spammed, editing is now restricted to the TWiki webmasters. If you need anything changed, please contact us.
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