Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription.To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the correct list name appended.

List administrators and moderators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list and to get help.

If you are running into trouble while using mailing lists or email addresses, please read the User FAQ. It explains how you can help yourself and how to get into contact with Listwork, the Indymedia working group which maintains these services.

Lists sorted by category:
Audio, Editorial, Event, Finance, Global, Issue, Local Africa, Local Asia, Local Canada, Local Caribbean, Local Central America, Local Europe, Local Mexico, Local Middle East, Local Oceania, Local South America, Local USA, Local USA: East, Local USA: Midwest, Local USA: Northeast, Local USA: Northwest, Local USA: Pacific, Local USA: South, Local USA: Southwest, Outreach, Photo, Print, Process, Tech, Translation, Unclassified, Video, WWW
Audio lists  
Berkman-sysadmin Coordination of tech workers maintaining the server berkman, which is used for global indymedia radio projects
Boston-Radio Boston IMC Radio Group
Cmi-audioarg Lista de Audio de Indymedia Argentina
CMI-Brasil-audio Lista para discussão sobre áudio no CMI Brasil
cmi-sp-radio Lista para trabalhos de rádio do CMI São Paulo.
Ecr Enemy Combatant Radio
imc-aotearoa-radio Aotearoa IMC - Audio and radio working group
Imc-ar-audio Arkansas' web radio collective.
Imc-atlanta-audio Atlanta IMC - Audio and radio working group
imc-audio IMC Audio Team
Imc-austria-radio [no description available]
Imc-chicago-audio The mailing list for the Chicago Indymedia radio/audio group
Imc-colombia-radio List for the Radio Colombia Indymedia
imc-dc-audio DC IMC audio working group list
Imc-germany-audio Kontakt, Koordination, Technik zum Thema Radio, (Streaming-)Audio
Imc-london-audio Radio list for weekly London show
Imc-minneapolis-radio MSP Radio group
Imc-portland-audio-volunteer List for new volunteer for the web radio project in portland.
Imc-uk-radio Radio list for IMC-UK
Michigan-blackbox-backup Backup list for BlackBox Radio (MichiganIMC radio project).
Radio-tzara radio-TZARA - IMC Nice
Utah-audio-video-discussion Utah audio/video collaboration list
imc-pgh-radio [off site] list for the IMC Pittsburgh Radio Show and other radio/audio content
Editorial lists  
Boston-editorial Boston area editorial group
Cmi-arg-trabajadoraes Colectivo Trabajadores - Indymedia Argentina
cmi-bolivia-editoriales CMI Bolivia Editoriales
CMI-Brasil-editorial Lista de discussão do coletivo editorial da Rede CMI Brasil
Cmi-cochabamba Para la coordinacion y discusion de las publicaciones impresas y en internet del colectivo local de la ciudad de CMI Cochabamba, que es parte de la red nacional CMI Bolivia.
Cmi-ecuador-editorial Lista editorial de indymedia ecuador
Cmi-mardelplata Lista para la conformacion de Indymedia Mar del Plata
cmi-marseille-moderation Liste de discussion du contenu redactionnel du site / editorial working list
Cmi-peru-editorial Lista editorial de Indymedia Peru
Cmi-pr-editorial Lista editorial del CMI Puerto Rico
EditYCobArg Trabajo en editoriales para
Educa-argentina Colectivo Educación - Indymedia Argentina
Imc-antwerpen-edito Op deze lijst zit het edito-team van imc-antwerpen.
IMC-Antwerpen-work Werkzaamheden op Indymedia Antwerpen
Imc-aotearoa-ed Imc Aotearoa's [New Zealand] list for Open Newswire monitoring.
Imc-ar-ed Arkansas Indymedia Editorial Collective
imc-arizona-edit Arizona Indymedia Editorial Collective
imc-athens-editorial Editorial worklist for Imc-Athens.
imc-atlanta-ed Atlanta IMC - Newswire management/maintenance
Imc-beirut-editorial IMC Beirut editorial list
Imc-belgium-edito List of the belgian edito team
Imc-belgium-robot IMC Belgium list for automatic mails sent by robot of sf-active
Imc-bloomington-discuss Discussion list for the Bloomington IMC
Imc-central-cal-editorial List for the Central California editorial group
imc-ch-editorial-de imc ch editorial deutsch
imc-ch-editorial-fr french-speaking editorial list for indymedia switzerland
imc-ch-editorial-it italian-speaking-editorial list for indymedia switzerland
Imc-chile-editorial Lista editorial de Indymedia Chile!!
imc-colorado-editorial Mail list for the colorado imc editorial working group.
Imc-darwin-editorial IMC Darwin's list for Open Newswire monitoring and editorial discussion.
Imc-dc-editorial DC IMC editorial working group list
Imc-dnc-editorial Regarding * Editorial and General Coordination * issues surrounding IMC coverage of the Democractic National Convention to be held in Boston, July 26-29, 2004.
Imc-euskalherria-editorial IMC Euskal Herria - Independent Media Center of the Basque Country. Editorial Group
Imc-germany-editorial Liste zur Diskussion und Koordination der Mittelspaltentexte / Features
imc-halifax-editorial IMC Halifax's editorial discussion group
imc-hawaii-editorial This is the editorial collective for the Hawaii IMC.
Imc-ireland-editorial Indymedia Ireland editorial discussion
Imc-ireland-website-changes IMC Ireland website changes notication list
Imc-jakarta-editorial Jakarta IMC Editorial Group
Imc-kc-editorial Kansas City editorial team
Imc-lancaster-features IMC Lancaster newswire work
Imc-lasvegas-edit Editorial Collective for Las Vegas Independent Media Center
imc-li-editorial IMC-LI printout editorial list
Imc-manila-editorial Manila Indymedia collective editorial mailing list
imc-maritimes-editorial IMC Maritimes editorial collective
Imc-medioamb Lista para gestionar la sección medio ambiente en cmi-arg.
Imc-minneapolis-editorial Twin Cities IMC web/editorial listserve
IMC-Moscow Editorial discussions, IMC-Moscow team
imc-nc-editorial North Carolina, USA IMC editorial list
Imc-nh-editorial This is the list for the New Hampshire Indymedia editorial collective.
imc-nyc-web Website working group for NYC IMC
imc-ontario-editorial Editorial decisions for IMC Ontario
imc-ontario-stories Issues and Events of Interest to IMC Ontario reporters
Imc-orangecounty-edit The independant media center of Orange County, a list to help organize our own media so the corperations dont!
imc-ottawa-editorial This list is for the use of members of IMC Ottawa editorial for internal discussion of our work.
Imc-ovl-edito Lijst van het edito collectief van IMC Oost-Vlaanderen
Imc-pl-red Lista kolektywu redakcyjnego
Imc-portugal-features Lista de discussão dos editoriais do Indymedia Português
imc-qc-editorial The mailing list of imc-qc's editorial team.
Imc-rogue-editorial Rogue Valley IMC editorial list
Imc-romania-editorial Redactia si mentenenta site-ul indymedia romania
Imc-sa-editorial IMC South Africa editorial list
Imc-sd-editorial This list is for editorial suggestions and decisions, in order to facilitate communication and have a more transparent, participatory editorial process for san diego indymedia. The list is for san diego indymedia editorial collective volunteers.
Imc-stlouis-editorial dealing with editorial issues for st louis indymedia
imc-sweden-editorial IMC Sveriges redaktionslista
Imc-tallahassee-editorial Editorial decisions for IMC Tallahassee/RedHills
Imc-thessaloniki-editorial [no description available]
Imc-ukraine-editorial Spicok dlya uchastniki modiratsiye IMC Ukraina
imc-wmass-editorial Discussion list for editorial policy
Imc-wvl-edito Lijst van het edito collectief van Indymedia West-Vlaanderen
Italy-editorial Indymedia Italy editorial team list
Seattle-editorial Discussions of IMC Seattle web content
Sfbay-print-editorial Email list for the editorial working group of Fault Lines (print collective of SF Bay Area IMC)
Sfbay-student Editorial list for those working on the SF Bay Area Indymedia student page http:///
Ukraine-editors A list for IndyMedia-Ukraina's editorial team
imc-pgh-editorial [off site] For discussion of editorial policy, mostly what stories become features on the website
imc-us-editorial [off site] Editorial Working Group for IMC-US
Event lists  
Ftaa-miami-video Are you a videographer or editor? Are you coming to Miami for the FTAA demonstrations in mid November? (if you aren\'t you should!)We need you in Miami, please sign up for this list to discuss and help coordinate plans for video during the events and whatever document results in the aftermath!
Imc-dnc-discuss Regarding * General Discussion * issues surrounding IMC coverage of the Democratic National Convention in Boston
Imc-esf a list for indymedia people and other media activists, coming to london
Imc-g8-2007 Planning and coordination of Indymedia activities during the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany, in 2007
Imc-imf-dubai News and alerts from upcoming IMF/WB meetings in Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
Imc-nonato against nato in nice (french south) 9-10 feb 2005
Imc-wsf-2005 To coordinate activities of IMC covering WSF2005 in Porto Alegre Jan 2005.
Finance lists  
Argentina-finanzas Lista de coordinación para el financiamiento de la red argentina de Indymedia.
Imc-ar-finance Arkansas Indymedia Finance Collective
Imc-athens-support IMC Athens' communication list for finance and general support issues
IMC-Finance Working group for discussion and developing Indymmedia global fiancial policies
Imc-ireland-support A list to coordinate financial and logistical support for Indymedia Ireland projects.
Imc-notts-funding List to work on finance issues for Notts IMC
Imc-sc-finance Finance List for Santa Cruz IMC.
Italy-finance lista per la gestione economica di italy IMC
Sfbay-finance finance list for sf bay area imc
Ukraine-finans Ukraine's finance team list
Global lists  
Cmi-Arg-Resistencias Lista de discusion y organizacion de la sección Resistencia global de Indymedia Argentina
Francophone Liste de cooperation des cmis et indyanEs francophones.
imc-audio IMC Audio Team
Imc-climate-announce Low-volume ammouncement list for the Climate Indymedia working group.
Imc-climate-organising Organsing list for new Global Project - Imc-Climate
IMC-communication co-ordinating inter-imc communication
imc-commwork IMC Communications Working Group
Imc-drupal-dev This list is for the discussing the use and development of drupal as an indymedia codebase.
IMC-Finance Working group for discussion and developing Indymmedia global fiancial policies
Imc-g8-2007 Planning and coordination of Indymedia activities during the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany, in 2007
Imc-legal Legal Issues effecting the IMC, requires an introduction before you subscribe. sendto: imc-legal at
imc-license Discussion about copyleft, reuse and licenses for Indymedia content
Imc-nbwg New Blast Working Group
imc-news IMC News
Imc-photos To discuss and plan the establishment of a global IMC photo exchange.
imc-print IMC Print Team
imc-process IMC Process and Decisionmaking Discussion
imc-process-facilitate A list for discussions about facilitation of IMC Process lists
Imc-research IMC research working group
imc-satellite IMC Satellite Team
Imc-strategies Strategies working group discussion list
Imc-summaries-wg This list is for keeping the network better informed about goings on in indyworld
imc-sysadmin IMC System Administration
imc-tech IMC Tech Team
IMC-Tech-Announce [no description available]
imc-tech-solidarity Sending computer equipment to IMCs that need them
imc-video IMC Video Team
imc-women Discussion list for women involved in the IMC network or interested in organizing for the IMC-Womyn.
imc-women-tech gender, women and tech - what do they have to do with each other?
keyservers Keyservers List (
listwork Mailing list management discussion
New-imc Working group that handles requests for new-imc's/ Grupo de trabajo que evalua las peticiones de los nuevos imc's
Resolve A list to discuss and implement an indymedia network-wide conflict resolution plan
spamtrap List that catches Indymedia spam.
syndication IM Syndication Tools (not content)
translation Translation work for Indymedia (mainly with regard to
Volunteer Global IMC volunteer coordination
www-editoriales Editorial discussion on web features for - working language spanish
www-features Editorial discussion on web features for - working language english
www-newswire newswire working group
www-tech tech working list for
imc-unity [off site] IMC Principles of Unity Working Group
Issue lists  
antipatriarchy Open discussion of gender issues.
Argentina-genero Lista para gestionar la sección género en cmi-arg.
btb_tour Preparation of the
Cmi-mulheres Lista de discussâo das mulheres do CMI
Cmi-negr Lista de discussão sobre segregação racial
Educa-argentina Colectivo Educación - Indymedia Argentina
Imc-alternatives A list for volunteers wanting to work on the Alternatives IMC
Imc-antisemitism This list is for discussing issues and concerns related to anti-semitism and IMC work.
Imc-biotech IMC Biotech
Imc-book This is a discussion list for those working on the IMC book project.
Imc-climate-announce Low-volume ammouncement list for the Climate Indymedia working group.
Imc-climate-organising Organsing list for new Global Project - Imc-Climate
Imc-dnc-comms This list is an organizational list for communications and dispatch at the Democratic National Convention. Initially created for the 2004 election.
Imc-dnc-editorial Regarding * Editorial and General Coordination * issues surrounding IMC coverage of the Democractic National Convention to be held in Boston, July 26-29, 2004.
Imc-dnc-print Regarding * Print * issues surrounding IMC coverage of the Democractic National Convention to be held in Boston, July 26-29, 2004.
Imc-dnc-tech Regarding * Tech and WWW * issues surrounding IMC coverage of the Democractic National Convention to be held in Boston, July 26-29, 2004.
Imc-dnc-video This list is for general IMC Video organization at the Democratic National Convention. Initiated for the 2004 election.
imc-education Discussing curriculum creation for schools
Imc-ftaa Organizing list for FTAA-IMC.
Imc-g8-evian Liste de coordination et d\'organisation du centre de convergence
Imc-g8-evian-tech [no description available]
Imc-katrina-convergence List to help co-ordinate national convergence centers to aid hurricane Katrina refugees.
Imc-lakota To inform the world of Native issues, to archive, document, and disseminate cultural and political topics
imc-queer IMC Queer
imc-rnc-converge This list is created to facilitate the coordination of the RNC Convg.
imc-rnc-finance This list is created to facilitate the coordination of the * Finance/Fundraising Issues * of the upcoming Indymedia coverage of the Republican National Convention and the resistance to it, to be held in New York: Aug 28-Sep 2, 2004.
Imc-rnc-tech This list is created to facilitate the coordination of the * Technical Aspects * of the upcoming Indymedia coverage of the Republican National Convention and the resistance to it, to be held in New York: Aug 28-Sep 2, 2004.
imc-women Discussion list for women involved in the IMC network or interested in organizing for the IMC-Womyn.
imc-women-tech gender, women and tech - what do they have to do with each other?
Imc-wsf-print Print team for the WSF 2003 coverage/Equipe de impressos para a cobertura do FSM 2003
Imc-wsf-video Video team for the WSF 2003 coverage/Equipe de vídeo para a cobertura do FSM 2003
mediapolitics Working Group for Information Liberation policies and action.
NoALCA-cmi-Bolivia Contra el ALCA, Por la Autodeterminacion de los Pueblos.
Rainbow-imc Rainbow Camp Indymedia List
Rio10-summit Rio +10 Johannesburg 2002 discussion list.
WTO-2003 To organize for the WTO protests from the 10-14 of September in Cancun, Mexico
Local Africa lists  
Imc-africa African IMCs and the imc project in Africa
Imc-ambazonia imc-Ambazonia editorial list
imc-ambazonia-contact this is the contact list of IMC Ambazonia.
Imc-canarias lista para coordinación general y contacto
Imc-canarias-kernel Grupo de trabajo permanente de IMC Canarias
Imc-canarias-tech Lista para temas técnicos y de diseño de IMC Canarias
Imc-congo Discussion of forming an IMC in Congo
Imc-ct Discussion and planning list for the Cape Town collective of IndyMedia South Africa.
Imc-dakar liste pour la construction de imc-dakar, Senegal (langue fr).
Imc-jhb Discussion and planning list for the Jo'burg collective of IndyMedia South Africa
Imc-kenya List for IMC-Kenya
imc-sa South Africa IMC
Imc-sa-editorial IMC South Africa editorial list
imc-zimbabwe Discussion of forming an IMC in Zimbabwe.
Local Asia lists  
Imc-asia-pacific Communication, Collaboration and Solidarity list for Asia-Pacific IMC'S.
imc-burma Organising for IMC-Burma
Imc-burma-tech List for discussion of imc-burma technical and language issues
imc-Eastern-Mediterranean For the evolving Eastern Mediterranean IMC collective
Imc-goa Mailing list for IMC Goa meta issues
Imc-hyderabad To organise, prepare and collaborate to start a Hyderabad IMC chapter
Imc-india mailing list for india indymedia supporters
imc-iraq-supporters To support emerging IMC group(s) in Iraq, and to facilitate independent lines of communication into and out of Iraq
imc-jakarta Jakarta Indymedia, news and analysis on globalization
Imc-jakarta-tech Jakarta IMC Technical Group
Imc-japan Imc-Japan Main List (you can join other lists by asking here)
Imc-kashmir SPACE : Listing the young voice of Kashmir
imc-korea South Korea IMC coordination mailing list
Imc-manila-editorial Manila Indymedia collective editorial mailing list
imc-nepal Organizing group for Nepal IMC
imc-ph-manila IMC Manila, Philippines - a local working group
imc-pilipinas Towards an Independent Media Center-QC
imc-qc The general e-mail list for anything related to imc-qc.
imc-qc-editorial The mailing list of imc-qc's editorial team.
Imc-taiwan Discussion list for IMC-Taiwan (TWIMC) in general
Imc-thailand IMC Thailand
Imc-ukraine-editorial Spicok dlya uchastniki modiratsiye IMC Ukraina
ru list for all friends of
Local Canada lists  
Imc-abitibi Liste pour la création de IMC-Abitibi
imc-alberta Alberta Independent Media Centre
imc-canada Canada-wide virtual IMC group
imc-canada-legal Canadian IMC Legal Discussion
Imc-fredericton 1 - Organizational nexus for IMC in Fredericton 2 - Looking at the possibility of a separate IMC-Fredericton.
IMC-Halifax Discussion of issues surrounding Indymedia Halifax.
imc-halifax-editorial IMC Halifax's editorial discussion group
Imc-hamilton Hamilton, Ontario IMC.
Imc-kam IMC Kamloops
IMC-Maritimes Establishing an IMC in Maritimes provinces, Canada
imc-maritimes-editorial IMC Maritimes editorial collective
Imc-maritimes-news A weekly email of news, events, discussion forums and recent petitions as a joint project of Be the Change and Maritimes IMC.
Imc-nena for organizing coordination between the imc's in the North Easter North American region
imc-okanagan a list for organizing indymedia in the Okanagan Valley, BC
imc-ontario Discussion list for IMC Ontario site.
imc-ontario-announce Publications and News Blasts from IMC Ontario
imc-ontario-editorial Editorial decisions for IMC Ontario
imc-ontario-stories Issues and Events of Interest to IMC Ontario reporters
imc-ottawa A list for organizing the ottawa imc
imc-ottawa-editorial This list is for the use of members of IMC Ottawa editorial for internal discussion of our work.
Imc-thunderbay Indymedia Thunder Bay collective
Imc-thunderbay-features TB IMC 'Features' editorial collective
imc-thunderbay-print Thunder Bay Indymedia print projects
imc-thunderbay-tech TB IMC tech collective
Imc-thunderbay-video TB IMC video/television working group list.
Imc-vancouver imc-vancouver organizing list
Imc-vancouver-announce imc-vancouver announcement list
Imc-victoria Discussion and contact list for IMC Victoria
imc-winnipeg IMC-Winnipeg: General discussion
imc-winnipeg-collective IMC-Winnipeg members' decisionmaking list
imc-winnipeg-features IMC Winnipeg Features Working Group
imc-winnipeg-tech IMC Winnipeg Technical Working Group
Imc-yukon representing Yukon, Northern Canadian and circumpolar issues
London-ontario-imc London, Ontario, Independent Media Centre
Western-arctic-imc Western Arctic IMC
imc-waterloo-announce [off site] Announcement list for Grand River IMPACT (formerly Kitchener-Waterloo IMC)
imc-waterloo [off site] Discussion list for Grand River IMPACT (formerly Kitchener-Waterloo IMC)
imc-vancouver [off site] Main mailing list of Vancouver Indymedia
Local Caribbean lists  
cmi-pr Indymedia Puerto Rico
Cmi-pr-editorial Lista editorial del CMI Puerto Rico
cmi-pr-newswire Cable abierto (newswire) del Centro de Medios Independientes de Puerto Rico
Cmi-pr-proyectos <P>CMI-PR-Proyectos sirve como foro de participación abierta a voluntarios y colaboradores de los proyectos del Centro de Medios Independientes de Puerto Rico
Cmi-pr-tech Lista técnica del CMI Puerto Rico
Local Central America lists  
cmi-cr CMI Costa Rica
cmi-mesoamerica Herramienta de desarrollo para el proyecto del Medios Independientes y Alternativos en Mesoamerica
cmi-pr Indymedia Puerto Rico
Cmi-pr-editorial Lista editorial del CMI Puerto Rico
cmi-pr-newswire Cable abierto (newswire) del Centro de Medios Independientes de Puerto Rico
Cmi-pr-tech Lista técnica del CMI Puerto Rico
imc-chiapas Foro de discusión del Centro de Medios Independientes en Chiapas.
Imc-guatemala Discusión acerca del CMI Guatemala.
imc-nicaragua Para organizar Indymedia Nicaragua
Local Europe lists  
Bcn-trad llista d coordinacio para traductor*s q ajudan en columna central d barcelona (ca, es, en).
Bxl-process imc Brussels process list
Bxl-robot CeMAB list for automatic mails sent by robot of sf-active
Cmi-auvergne Centre de Media Independant Auvergne
cmi-granada-editorial Lista del colectivo editorial del Nodo Granadino de Indymedia Estrecho
cmi-madrid El pasado sábado 22 de Enero 2005 se celebró una asamblea convocada por el colectivo editorial de Indyacp a petición de algunos usuarios de la herramienta para hablar sobre IndyACP. Acudieron unas treinta personas entre miembros del colectivo editorial y usuarios. El colectivo editorial anunció que separaba los proyectos ACP e Indymedia Madrid. Esta lista pretende re-crear un nuevo Indymedia Madrid. Publicaremos las actas en la Indyacp en cuanto las tengamos listas.
cmi-marseille Liste principale du collectif du CMI-Marseille / Marseille IMC group's main list
cmi-marseille-moderation Liste de discussion du contenu redactionnel du site / editorial working list
Cmi-portugaliza-tech [no description available]
Cyprus-english-open-publishing Temporary tool for Open Publishing in the english language
Cyprus-hellenic-language Dialogue tool for the evolving Cyprus imc working- group
Cyprus-hellenic-open-publishing Temporary tool for Open Publishing in the hellenic language
Cyprus-turkish-language Dialogue tool for the evolving Cyprus imc working- group
Cyprus-turkish-open-publishing Temporary tool for Open Publishing in the turkish language
Eastern-Mediterranean-tech Communications tool for tech- related needs of the evolving Eastern Mediterranean IMC
european-newsreal Organizing list for video producers in Europe
imc-abruzzo imc-abruzzo
imc-alacant Llista de coordinació del IMC-Alacant
imc-alacant-tech Llista tech del IMC Alacant
Imc-andorra public list of indymedia andorra / la seu d\'urgell
IMC-Antwerpen Indymedia Antwerpen.
Imc-antwerpen-edito Op deze lijst zit het edito-team van imc-antwerpen.
imc-armenia list for discussion about imc armenia
Imc-asturies Indymedia Asturies
imc-athens-contact Contact list for Imc-Athens
imc-athens-editorial Editorial worklist for Imc-Athens.
Imc-athens-support IMC Athens' communication list for finance and general support issues
imc-athens-tech Tech worklist for Imc-Athens.
imc-athens-video Kinimatografos video collective
Imc-austria public list of indymedia austria
Imc-austria-editorial editorial list of indymedia austria
Imc-austria-radio [no description available]
Imc-austria-tech technische Fragen
imc-balkan IMC Belgrade
Imc-barcelona Imc-barcelona: llista per a coordinació general i contacte // list for general coordination and contact
Imc-be List to encourage a collaboration and a coordination between the Belgians IMC.
Imc-be-communication A list to enable people from the different IMC's in Belgium to communicate with each other.
Imc-be-translation Translation list of the belgian imc's
imc-belgium Belgium Independent Media Center
Imc-belgium-circus List for organising media-workshop(s) in Belgium: Media Circus
Imc-belgium-edito List of the belgian edito team
imc-belgium-news Belgium IMC News
Imc-belgium-process Belgian list to discuss global indymedia issues
Imc-belgium-robot IMC Belgium list for automatic mails sent by robot of sf-active
Imc-bgd-editorial [no description available]
Imc-birmingham Birmingham Indymedia
Imc-birmingham-announce This is a low-volume announcements list to keep people informed about Birmingham Indymedia events, screenings, and meetings
Imc-birmingham-contact Non-publicly archived list for people who want to contact IMC Birmingham
Imc-bologna imc-bologna
Imc-bristol DIY community news service in Bristol(UK), join us!
Imc-bristol-outreach List to organise community outreach in Bristol UK.
Imc-bristol-tech bristol based (adsl will do) debian linux/gnu server - in the long run
Imc-bristol-twinning To facilitate imc twinning proposals between bristol UK and imc groups in pother countries
Imc-bulgaria Bulgarian Independent Media Center
Imc-bulgaria-translation IMC Bulgaria Translators' list
Imc-bxl General discussion about Indymedia Brussels
Imc-bxl-contact Contact adress of the IMC Brussels collective
Imc-calabria imc-calabria
Imc-cambridge Cambridge IMC - UK Indymedia Network
Imc-cambridge-contact Non-publicly-archived list for people who want to contact IMC Cambridge
Imc-cambridge-events Announcement list for IMC Cambridge events (film screenings etc)
imc-cambridge-features Cambridge IMC (UK) features list
imc-ch-editorial-de imc ch editorial deutsch
imc-ch-editorial-fr french-speaking editorial list for indymedia switzerland
imc-ch-editorial-it italian-speaking-editorial list for indymedia switzerland
imc-ch-process public/open list to discuss processes, structures, transparency, goals & more 'big' questions'
imc-ch-tech public tech worklist for indymedia switzerland (davos)
Imc-cymru IMC Wales
Imc-cyprus Dialogue tool for the evolving Cyprus imc working- group
Imc-Cyprus Dialogue tool for the evolving Cyprus imc working- group
imc-davos indymedia ch
imc-denmark IMC Denmark
Imc-denmark-contact Private contact list for IMC Denmark
imc-denmark-legal [no description available]
Imc-east-anglia Discussion list for setting up an IMC for East Anglia (UK)
imc-Eastern-Mediterranean For the evolving Eastern Mediterranean IMC collective
Imc-erfurt Mailinglist Indymedia Erfurt (Germany)
Imc-erfurt-print Mailingliste zur Koordinierung und Erstellung von Printausgaben f&#252;r Erfurt / Th&#252;ringen
imc-estrecho indymedia estrecho / madiaq editorial mailing list
Imc-europa-tech IMC european tech issues
Imc-europe For communicating between European IMC's
Imc-euskalherria IMC Euskal Herria - Independent Media Center of the Basque Country
Imc-euskalherria-editorial IMC Euskal Herria - Independent Media Center of the Basque Country. Editorial Group
Imc-euskalherria-iparralde Ipar Euskal Herriko Indymedia taldearen posta zerrenda.
Imc-euskalherria-tech IMC Euskal Herria techie group - Euskal Herriko MIG-en talde teknikoa
imc-euskalherria-video indymedia Euskal-Herriko bideo taldea post zerrenda
Imc-finland IMC Finland - Vaikuttava tietotoimisto (VAI)
Imc-finland-editorial Vaikuttavan tietotoimiston toimituskollektiivin lista.
Imc-finland-process Vaikuttavan tietotoimiston ylläpidon lista.
imc-france indymedia France
Imc-france-berry liste du collectif de la région du Berry
Imc-france-grenoble CMI Grenoble
Imc-france-info announces, dates, meetings, dispatch...
Imc-france-lille List for imc-lille / Liste pour Imc Lille
imc-france-nantes CMI France local : Nantes
Imc-france-nice imc-nice (environs, sud-est)
Imc-france-nouveaux Point de rencontre des indymedia en création en France
Imc-france-paris Liste du collectif animant le CMI Paris / Île-de-France
imc-france-tech Liste Indymedia-france a vocation technique
Imc-france-toulouse List for imc-toulouse / Liste pour Imc Toulouse
Imc-g8-2007 Planning and coordination of Indymedia activities during the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany, in 2007
imc-galiza IMC Galiza
imc-geneve Liste liste de discussion interne CMI Suisse Romande
Imc-germany Koordination und Diskussionen zum deutschsprachigen IMC
Imc-germany-audio Kontakt, Koordination, Technik zum Thema Radio, (Streaming-)Audio
Imc-germany-editorial Liste zur Diskussion und Koordination der Mittelspaltentexte / Features
Imc-germany-kontakt Persoenlicher Kontakt zum indymedia Kollektiv
Imc-germany-old [no description available]
Imc-germany-print Kontakt, Koordination, Technik zum Thema Print
Imc-germany-print-announce Eingetragene bekommen eine mail, wenn eine neue Printausgabe erscheint.
Imc-germany-tech technische Fragen
Imc-germany-video Kontakt, Koordination, Technik zum Thema Foto und Video
imc-gr IMCs forming in Greece.
Imc-hungary General list for IMC Hungary
imc-iceland IMC Iceland
Imc-ipswich Ipswich and rest of suffolks local group
Imc-ireland Public list for Indymedia Ireland
Imc-ireland-editorial Indymedia Ireland editorial discussion
Imc-ireland-gaeilge Ionad Cumarsaid Saor na hEireann as Gaeilge - ag ple 's ag pleanail (IMC Ireland's Irish language discussion list)
Imc-ireland-newswire IMC-Ireland newswire notification list
Imc-ireland-promo [no description available]
Imc-ireland-tech The technical discussion list of the Irish Indymedia collective.
Imc-ireland-video List to co-ordinate the activities of the Irish IMC Vid Head community
Imc-ireland-website-changes IMC Ireland website changes notication list
Imc-irl-photo Coordinating & Training Independent Photo-Journalism in Ireland
Imc-it-news IMC ITALY newsletter
Imc-lancaster-features IMC Lancaster newswire work
imc-lancaster-kinematograph co-ordinating and organising diverse events (video screenings, live news, and more)
Imc-lancaster-tech [no description available]
Imc-lancaster-translations co-ordination of translations for lancaster imc
Imc-laplana Llista de contacte del Centre de Mitjans Independents de La Plana
Imc-leeds Mailing List for IMC Leeds
imc-leeds-contact Contact list for Leeds Indymedia (UK)
imc-leeds-tech List designated for discussions about technical issues to do with Leeds Indymedia (UK)
Imc-liege Liste d'informations et de mobilisation pour la région liégeoise
Imc-liege-edito Liste où on discute la modération et la création de features
Imc-liege-process Liste où se prennent les décisions concernant Indymedia-liege
Imc-liege-robot List to receive the reasons of hidden articles.
Imc-limburg LIMBURG Independent Media Center
imc-liverpool IMC list for Liverpool, England
imc-london This is the general list for IMC London.
Imc-london-audio Radio list for weekly London show
Imc-london-info One way announce only email list for supporters of Indymedia London.
Imc-luxembourg his is the official mailinglist for the local Luxemburgish Indymedia people.
imc-malta IMC-Malta
imc-manchester imc collective in manchester, UK
imc-manchester-video imc manchester, UK, video list
Imc-marche La mailing-list di Imc-Marche
Imc-milano imc-milano
Imc-molenbeek In this list we will discuss community issues and how to report on them
IMC-Moscow Editorial discussions, IMC-Moscow team
imc-munich Mailingliste für die Vernetzung von unabhängigen Medienprojekten im Raum München
Imc-napoli imc-napoli
Imc-nice nice.indymedia - info, actu & debat
Imc-nice-comment liste pour commentaires et debats sur les contributions publiées sur le site de nice.indymedia
Imc-nonato against nato in nice (french south) 9-10 feb 2005
Imc-north_staffs The Indymedia collective of North Staffordshire, central England.
Imc-nottingham This list will be used as a tool within Nottingham to get an Indymedia Collective up and running!
Imc-notts-features Nottinghamshire Independent Media Centre
Imc-notts-funding List to work on finance issues for Notts IMC
Imc-notts-tech The Nottinghamshire IMC list for the techies
Imc-NRW North-Rhine/Westphalia - Germany
Imc-ovl Algemene lijst van IMC Oost-Vlaanderen
Imc-ovl-edito Lijst van het edito collectief van IMC Oost-Vlaanderen
Imc-ovl-outreach Coördinatie van outreach voor Indymedia Oost-Vlaanderen
Imc-ovl-tech Lijst voor technische zaken ivm Indymedia Oost-Vlaanderen
Imc-oxford Oxford (UK) IMC general discussion list
imc-oxford-features Oxford indymedia editorial collective
Imc-perugia imc-perugia
Imc-pl Glowna lista IMC Polska
Imc-pl-3miasto Imc-pl-3miasto
Imc-pl-ees Communication in topic of media coverage by IMC of protest against World Economic
imc-pl-elblag Grupa lokalna Indy w Elblagu
Imc-pl-finanse kwestie finansowe
Imc-pl-red Lista kolektywu redakcyjnego
Imc-pl-tech dla cała pytanie techniczne
Imc-pl-torun dla zespol indymedia lokalny w Toruniu
Imc-pl-video Wymiana plików wideo i kaset
imc-pl-wawa Local list for volunteers of IMC.PL from Warsaw
Imc-pl-wro Lista dyskusyjna dla wolontariuszy IMC Polska z rejonu Dolnego Slaska
Imc-portugal Discussões gerais acerca do IMC português
Imc-portugal-features Lista de discussão dos editoriais do Indymedia Português
Imc-portugaliza [no description available]
Imc-roma imc-roma
Imc-romania [no description available]
Imc-romania-editorial Redactia si mentenenta site-ul indymedia romania
Imc-romania-projects lista care sa faciliteze organizarea si planificarea noilor proiecte legate de imc-romania
Imc-ru-news List for spreading news of ru.indymedia.
Imc-ru-translators List for translators of ru.indymedia.
Imc-sardegna imc-sardegna
imc-scotland-contact list for getting in touch with those that run Indymedia Scotland
imc-scotland-discussion For discussions about IMC Scotland
imc-scotland-film IMC Scotland film and video list
imc-scotland-information to be informed of IMC Scotland activity
imc-sheffield Sheffield (UK) IMC general discussion list.
imc-sheffield-announce A low-volume announcements list for people to recieve notices about things that Sheffield IMC are doing.
imc-sheffield-contact A privately archived list for contacting Sheffield Indymedia.
Imc-sicilia imc-sicilia
Imc-suisse-romande IMC Suisse - liste publique du collectif romand
imc-sweden Mailinglista f&#246;r IMC Sverige
imc-sweden-editorial IMC Sveriges redaktionslista
Imc-sweden-gbg mailinglista för indymedia Göteborg
Imc-sweden-malmo Mailinglista för indymedia-malmö
imc-sweden-news Nyhetsbrev f&#246;r IMC Sverige
Imc-sweden-sthlm [no description available]
Imc-sweden-tech Svenska tekniklistan
Imc-sweden-video Videolistan
Imc-taranto imc-taranto
imc-thessaloniki Coordination of people involved in IMC of Thessaloniki-Greece
Imc-thessaloniki-editorial [no description available]
Imc-torino imc-torino
Imc-toscana imc-toscana
imc-turkey IMC-istanbul mail group
imc-uk General list of indymedia uk
Imc-uk-contact Incoming mail to contact imc-uk, privately archived
Imc-uk-evidence List for people to send evidence-photos video statements etc of police arrests in the UK.
Imc-uk-features Middle column features for Indymedia UK
imc-uk-legal A list for discussing UK legal issues
imc-uk-mir-access MIR Administrative list, IMC-UK
Imc-uk-network Communication list for the UK network
Imc-uk-outreach List for the uk outreach subgroup
Imc-uk-process processes ,structures, transparency & big questions
IMC-UK-Propose Very Low volume moderated list for the UK Network to announce proposals, and consensus on proposals.
Imc-uk-radio Radio list for IMC-UK
Imc-uk-southcoast exploring the possibility of setting up a UK south coast imc covering the area around sussex, kent and hants and finding the people with the expertise and enthusiasm to bring it about.
imc-uk-tech List of the UK tech
imc-uk-tech-mirror IMC UK Mirror Sys Admin
Imc-uk-useability [no description available]
Imc-uk-video uk indymedia video subgroup list
Imc-valencia Llista pública per a grup editor i contacte
Imc-veneto Lista di coordinamento per Indymedia - zone del nordest
Imc-vienna Imc Vienna.
IMC-WestCountry Mailing list for the West Country (UK) IMC
Imc-westmidlands Indymedia in Birmingham and the West Midlands UK
Imc-wvl Lijst voor het bediscussiëren, organiseren en coordineren van media projecten in West Vlaanderen.
Imc-wvl-edito Lijst van het edito collectief van Indymedia West-Vlaanderen
Imc-wvl-news Voor wie nieuwsbrieven van Imc West-Vlaanderen wil ontvangen
Imc-wvl-tech Lijst voor technische zaken ivm Indymedia West-Vlaanderen
Imc-wvl-vertaling Lijst voor het vertaalteam van Indymedia West-Vlaanderen
imc-york York (UK) IMC general discussion list
Indy-nbg IMC Germany, moderation group Nuernberg, internal coordination
Indy-nbg-kontakt IMC Germany, moderation group Nuernberg, contact address
Italy-editorial Indymedia Italy editorial team list
Italy-finance lista per la gestione economica di italy IMC
Italy-intro Benvenut* nella lista italy-intro
Italy-legal [no description available]
italy-list Indymedia Italia general list
Italy-news newsblast and offline print list for IMC italy
Italy-notify a list to notify article and comment hiding
Italy-press Lista per la gestione dei rapporti con altri media
italy-tech Indymedia Italy technical staff list
Kontakt-imc-bw IMC BW, Germany
kosmos-sysad List for coordinating the technical work on Kosmos server
Prague-video Coordination of 1 hour video from Prague
Radio-tzara radio-TZARA - IMC Nice
Ukraine A general list for IndyMedia Ukraine.
Ukraine-editors A list for IndyMedia-Ukraina's editorial team
Ukraine-finans Ukraine's finance team list
Ukraine-tech Ukraine's technical team list
Ukraine-translators Ukraine's translation list
Ukraine-v-narod Ukraine's outreach team list
www-de German translation work list
www-es Traduccion al castellano - Translation into Spanish
www-eus Translations into basque - Euskara itzulpenak - Traducciones al Vasco - Traductions en basque
www-fi Finnish list for web features
www-fr French list for translation work
www-gr Translation worklist for Imc-Athens.
www-it Italian translation work list
www-nl Dutch list for translation work
www-pl Polish list for web features
www-pt Lista de tradução de outras línguas para o português, e vice-versa
www-se Swedish translation work list
www-sh Serbo-Croatian translation work list
imc-uk-emergency [off site] UK IMC Emergency list for use when the global IMC list server is down
indyru [off site] Russia IMC editorial list.
Local Mexico lists  
imc-chiapas Foro de discusión del Centro de Medios Independientes en Chiapas.
IMC-Mexico CMI--Mexico coordinacion general / IMC-Mexico general coordination
Imc-mexico-foro Analisis de Medios Locales
IMC-Mexico-Traduc Place where translation group organizes amongst themselves. / Lugar en donde el grupo de la traducción ordena entre sí mismos.
imc-sonora List for Hermosillo Indymedia and Arizona/Sonora indymedia network
Imc-tj IMC-Tijuana:::coordinación
Imc-yucatan Lista para consolidacion y comunicacion entre los integrantes del IMC del Estado de Yucatan, Mexico
Local Middle East lists  
Cyprus-english-open-publishing Temporary tool for Open Publishing in the english language
Cyprus-hellenic-language Dialogue tool for the evolving Cyprus imc working- group
Cyprus-hellenic-open-publishing Temporary tool for Open Publishing in the hellenic language
Cyprus-turkish-language Dialogue tool for the evolving Cyprus imc working- group
Cyprus-turkish-open-publishing Temporary tool for Open Publishing in the turkish language
Eastern-Mediterranean-tech Communications tool for tech- related needs of the evolving Eastern Mediterranean IMC
Imc-beirut This list is for discussions concerning IMC Beirut
Imc-beirut-editorial IMC Beirut editorial list
Imc-beirut-tech Technical team of indymedia beirut
Imc-cyprus Dialogue tool for the evolving Cyprus imc working- group
Imc-Cyprus Dialogue tool for the evolving Cyprus imc working- group
imc-Eastern-Mediterranean For the evolving Eastern Mediterranean IMC collective
Imc-israel-editors Editorial list for IMC Irael
Imc-israel-so7nut Discussion list for the IMC Israel photo group
Imc-nablus Coordination list for Nablus Indymedia
imc-pal-contact general contact list for imc-palestine
IMC-Palestine NEW! working list as of april 2006 (had been dead since 2002). all welcome.
imc-ps-news IMC-Palestine News List
www-beirut IMC Beirut list for translations
Local Oceania lists  
imc-adelaide indymedia adelaide's list
imc-aotearoa Aotearoa / New Zealand IMC -
Imc-aotearoa-ed Imc Aotearoa's [New Zealand] list for Open Newswire monitoring.
imc-aotearoa-radio Aotearoa IMC - Audio and radio working group
imc-aotearoa-tech IMC Aotearoa (New Zealand) tech collective.
Imc-aotearoa-video The Aotearoa Indymedia Video List exists to faciliatate communication and cooperation amongst independent film makers, videographers, documentary distributors, media technicians and groups that organise film showings in Aotearoa.
imc-arafura Organisation list for IMC Arafura
Imc-auckland List for Aotearoa IMC organising in Auckland
Imc-auckland-events List for Indymedia Auckland supporters who want to be kept informed about IMC screening and gig info.
Imc-auckland-print Auckland Indymedia print working group
imc-auckland-video Auckland Indymedia video list
imc-burma Organising for IMC-Burma
imc-darwin Darwin Indymedia Collective General Email List
Imc-darwin-editorial IMC Darwin's list for Open Newswire monitoring and editorial discussion.
Imc-dunedin Dunedin, New Zealand's organising list
Imc-jakarta-editorial Jakarta IMC Editorial Group
Imc-jakarta-tech Jakarta IMC Technical Group
imc-melbourne Corporate-free media service for Melbourne
Imc-pasifika-setup This email list is for people in the Pacific Islands to talk about the process of affiliating with the Independent Media Centre.
imc-perth perth independent media collective list
imc-qc-editorial The mailing list of imc-qc's editorial team.
imc-wellington Wellington, NZ IMC discussion.
Oceania-features Weekly announcement list distributing new features uploaded from Oceania Indymedias
imc-oceania [off site] A list for Oceania Indymedia organising and regional solidarity.
imc-oceania-video [off site] A list for Oceania Indymedia Video makers and Newsreal compilers.
Local South America lists  
Argentina-comunicados Lista para el envio de editoriales y noticias de Indymedia Argentina -
Argentina-finanzas Lista de coordinación para el financiamiento de la red argentina de Indymedia.
Argentina-genero Lista para gestionar la sección género en cmi-arg.
Boletin-originarios Boletín del Colectivo Pueblos Originarios de Indymedia Argentina
cmi-aracaju Lista do pré-coletivo de Aracaju
cmi-arg-foto Lista de fotografxs Indymedia Argentina - photo
Cmi-arg-laplata lista de mails del cmi de La Plata, Argentina
Cmi-Arg-Resistencias Lista de discusion y organizacion de la sección Resistencia global de Indymedia Argentina
Cmi-arg-trabajadoraes Colectivo Trabajadores - Indymedia Argentina
cmi-arg-video lista de contactos de indymedia video
cmi-argentina El colectivo de Argentina
Cmi-audioarg Lista de Audio de Indymedia Argentina
Cmi-bc-itajai Lista de discussao do pre coletivo de Balneario Camboriu e Itajai/ sc
CMI-BH Lista de discussão do coletivo do Centro de Mídia Independente de Belo Horizonte
CMI-BH-producao Lista de produção editorial do coletivo de Belo Horizonte
Cmi-bnu lista do CMI Blumenal - Santa Catarina - Brasil
cmi-Bolivia Lista general de correos: Centros de Medios Independientes Bolivia Qollasuyu (CMI B-Q).
cmi-bolivia-editoriales CMI Bolivia Editoriales
Cmi-bolivia-noticias Lista de correos para difusion en medios de comunicacion tradicional y Alternativos de Bolivia.
Cmi-bolivia-video Esta lista ha sido creada para contactarnos y coordinar de una mejor manera el trabajo de Video y Fotografia en CMI Bolivia.
CMI-Brasil Lista de discussão do Centro de Mídia Independente - Brasil
CMI-Brasil-audio Lista para discussão sobre áudio no CMI Brasil
CMI-Brasil-boletim Lista de discussão sobre o boletim eletrônico do CMI Brasil
CMI-Brasil-contato Lista de contato do CMI Brasil
CMI-Brasil-documentario Lista para discutir a realização de um documentário sobre a Rede CMI Brasil
CMI-Brasil-editorial Lista de discussão do coletivo editorial da Rede CMI Brasil
cmi-brasil-foto Lista de discussão sobre fotografia no CMI Brasil
CMI-Brasil-impressos Lista do grupo de trabalho de impressos da rede CMI Brasil
CMI-Brasil-legal Lista para assuntos legais da rede CMI Brasil
CMI-Brasil-processo Lista do grupo-de-trabalho Processo, parte da rede CMI Brasil
CMI-Brasil-rede Lista destinada a assuntos da rede CMI Brasil
CMI-Brasil-reuniao Lista para planejar a segunda reunião da rede CMI Brasil
Cmi-brasil-sul Lista de discussío dos coletivos do Sul do Brasil
CMI-Brasil-tech Lista do coletivo técnico do CMI Brasil
CMI-Brasil-video Trabalhos de vídeo no CMI Brasil
Cmi-Brasilia Coletivo Brasília do CMI-Brasil
Cmi-bsas-video Grupo de trabajo de video en Buenos Aires.
Cmi-bsb-mulheres Lista de trabalho das mulheres do coletivo CMI-Brasilia
CMI-BuenosAires Lista de discusion y organizacion del CMI Buenos Aires
cmi-campinas Lista do coletivo CMI Campinas
cmi-caxias Lista de discussão coletivo Caxias do Sul (RS)
cmi-caxias-boletim Boletim Eletrônico - CMI-Caxias
cmi-caxias-editorial Lista Editorial do CMI-Caxias do Sul - RS
Cmi-chaco Lista para la creación de Indymedia Chaco en Argentina
Cmi-cochabamba Para la coordinacion y discusion de las publicaciones impresas y en internet del colectivo local de la ciudad de CMI Cochabamba, que es parte de la red nacional CMI Bolivia.
Cmi-cordoba Colectivo Indymedia Cordoba - Argentina
cmi-cuiaba Coletivo em formação de Cuiabá do Centro de Mídia Independente Brasil
Cmi-curitiba Lista de discussão do Centro de Mídia Independente de Curitiba
cmi-curitiba-gt Lista de discussão de processo e produção editorial do CMI Curitiba
Cmi-ecuador lista de indymedia ecuador, para discutir, coordinar, informar
Cmi-ecuador-editorial Lista editorial de indymedia ecuador
CMI-Estadual-RS Lista para discussão entre os voluntários do RS, Brasil
CMI-Floripa Lista do coletivo de Florianópolis (SC)
CMI-Floripa-coletivo Lista fechada do coletivo de Florianópolis (SC)
cmi-floripa-impressos Lista para organizar os impressos do CMI Floripa
CMI-Floripa-noticias informativos e notícias do cmi floripa
cmi-fortaleza Lista do Centro de Mídia Independente - Coletivo Fortaleza
cmi-goiania Coletivo-Goiânia do CMI-Brasil
Cmi-goiania-interna Lista Fechada do CMI Goiania
CMI-Joinville Lista de discussao do CMI Joinville
CMI-JuizdeFora Lista para a articulação do coletivo em formação de Juiz de Fora (MG)
Cmi-lapaz Esta es la lista pública denominada CMI-LaPaz cuya labor consiste en coordinar las labores del equipo de La Paz que forma parte del CMI-Bolivia
cmi-maceio Coletivo CMI Maceió - Para quem prefere o salgado da realidade em vez do doce da mentira
Cmi-mardelplata Lista para la conformacion de Indymedia Mar del Plata
Cmi-mendoza Lista para iniciar el proceso de creacion del nuevo CMI Mendoza.
Cmi-negr Lista de discussão sobre segregação racial
Cmi-ourinhos Lista de discussão do coletivo em formação CMI-Ourinhos
Cmi-pan-amazonico CMI Pan Amazônico/CMIs Amazônicos
Cmi-patagonia Lista de correo para conformar el CMI Patagonia.
Cmi-peru colectivo CMI Peru
Cmi-peru-editorial Lista editorial de Indymedia Peru
Cmi-peru-impresos comunicacion de los equipos de impresos
Cmi-peru-noticias Noticias del Cmi Peru
Cmi-peru-video colectivo video CMI Peru
Cmi-poa Lista de discussão do coletivo CMI-POA | IMC-Porto Alegre mailing list
CMI-PoA-contato Lista de contato do coletivo CMI Porto Alegre
CMI-PoA-editorial Lista editorial do CMI PoA
cmi-prudente Lista de discussão do coletivo em formação de Presidente Prudente, SP
Cmi-recife Lista de discussão do coletivo em formação de Recife - Brasil
cmi-rio Lista de trabalho do coletivo local CMI Rio de Janeiro.
Cmi-santacruz lista de correos del colectivo de cmi -((i)) Santa Cruz, parte de ((( i ))) Bolivia.
CMI-SaoJose Lista de discussão para a criação de um coletivo do CMI em São José, São Paulo.
CMI-SaoLuis Lista do Coletivo em formacao em Sao Luis
cmi-saoluis-impressos Lista de Discussão de Projetos Impressos do Coletivo São Luís
cmi-saopaulo CMI São Paulo
cmi-sp-impressos Lista para trabalhos impressos do CMI São Paulo.
cmi-sp-radio Lista para trabalhos de rádio do CMI São Paulo.
cmi-sp-video CMI São Paulo - Video
CMI-SSA Lista do Coletivo de Mídia Independente de Salvador - Bahia - Brasil
Cmi-sucre Lista de distribución y coordinación local de CMI Sucre.
cmi-uruguay-english Indymedia Uruguay in english
Cmi-venezuela organizacion de indy venezuela
Cmi-vitoria Centro de Mídia Independente Capixaba
EditYCobArg Trabajo en editoriales para
Educa-argentina Colectivo Educación - Indymedia Argentina
Imc-chile Creando Un IMC en Chile
Imc-chile-contacto Lista de contactos de IMC Chile
Imc-chile-editorial Lista editorial de Indymedia Chile!!
Imc-chilesur Lista de Coordinación de trabajo IMC-CHILESUR
Imc-chilesur-contacto Lista de Contacto IMC-CHILESUR
Imc-colombia Lista publico para Indymedia Colombia
Imc-colombia-ed Lista para el trabajo editorial de Indymedia Colombia
Imc-colombia-radio List for the Radio Colombia Indymedia
Imc-colombia-tech Lista para el trabajo técnico de Indymedia Colombia
Imc-colombia-video Lista para el grupo de video de Indymedia Colombia / List for the Colombia Indymedia video group
imc-latina Comuncaci&#243;n tras CMIs de Latino America
Imc-medioamb Lista para gestionar la sección medio ambiente en cmi-arg.
imc-santiago Lista general del CMI-Santiago
imc-santiago-editorial Lista de trabajo editorial del colectivo IMC Santiago
Imc-santiago-tech lista de correo de trabajo del grupo técnico del imc-santiago
imc-tech-solidarity Sending computer equipment to IMCs that need them
Imc-uruguay ((( i ))) Indymedia Uruguay
Imc-uruguay-tecnico Lista t&#233;cnica de Indymedia Uruguay
Imc-valparaiso Lista de coordinación para el CMI Valparaiso.
NoALCA-cmi-Bolivia Contra el ALCA, Por la Autodeterminacion de los Pueblos.
Originarios-argentina Colectivo Pueblos Originarios de Indymedia Argentina
Redargentina Lista de coordinacion de todos los cmis de Argentina
Tech-latina IMC Latino Tech list
Tecnicosarg Lista Técnica de Indymedia Argentina
cmi-goiania Coletivo-Goiânia do CMI-Brasil
Uruguay-noticias Boletin informativo semanal de Indymedia Uruguay.
Uruguay-video Grupo de video de Indymedia Uruguay
www-es Traduccion al castellano - Translation into Spanish
www-pt Lista de tradução de outras línguas para o português, e vice-versa
Local USA lists  
IMC-US Working Group for IMC-US
imc-us-editorial Editorial Working Group for IMC-US
imc-us-process A process discussion list for U.S.-based IMCs
imc-us-tech Tech Group for IMC-US
imc-us [off site] Working Group for IMC-US
imc-us-editorial [off site] Editorial Working Group for IMC-US
imc-us-tech [off site] Tech Group for IMC-US
Local USA: East lists  
Boston-Announce Only announcements of events, meetings, campaigns
Boston-dispatch Boston local dispatch for reporting: Communications, Press Releases
Boston-editorial Boston area editorial group
Boston-Print Boston IMC Print Collective
Boston-Radio Boston IMC Radio Group
Boston-Tech for discussing imc-boston's website, and related projects
Boston-video Boston area IMC's video/film group
Buffalo-tech Local tech coordination list for Community tech projects
Imc-ar This list is to organize the people interested in starting an Arkansas IMC into a collective capable of manifesting that dream, and once created, a list for general Arkansas IMC issues.
Imc-ar-audio Arkansas' web radio collective.
Imc-ar-ed Arkansas Indymedia Editorial Collective
Imc-ar-finance Arkansas Indymedia Finance Collective
Imc-ar-tech Arkansas Indymedia Tech Collective
imc-atlanta Independent Media Center of Atlanta: For discussion of Atlanta IMC internal business
Imc-atlanta-announce A listserv to allow the Atlanta Independent Media Center to broadcast announcements of IMC meetings and IMC special events.
Imc-atlanta-audio Atlanta IMC - Audio and radio working group
Imc-atlanta-dev Atlanta IMC - fundraising and promotions working group
imc-atlanta-ed Atlanta IMC - Newswire management/maintenance
Imc-atlanta-tech Atlanta IMC tech related discussion.
Imc-atlanta-video Atlanta IMC - TV and video working group
IMC-Binghamton Independent Media Center of Binghamton, NY
IMC-binghamton-announce A weekly newsletter, mailed every Thursday, of progressive events and outreach in the greater Binghamton area.
Imc-binghamton-content IMC-Binghamton content work-group
IMC-Binghamton-Film This list serves the IMC-Binghamton film workgroup, which coordinates screenings of progressive films in the Binghamton area.
Imc-binghamton-tech IMC-Binghamton tech group
imc-boston Boston IMC's general discussion list for members
Imc-buffalo-tech Local tech coordination list for indyservers,tech projects and tech outreach from Buffalo-IMC
Imc-cfl General Discussions pertaining to the Independent Media Center of Central Florida
Imc-cfl-discuss [no description available]
Imc-cfl-editorial [no description available]
Imc-cfl-indyrock [no description available]
imc-dc General list for items of interest to the DC IMC community
Imc-dc-altpaper-announce This list is for announcements and updates regarding the DC IMC alternative newspaper.
Imc-dc-altpaper-production This list is for use by the actual production team members who are laying out the DC IMC alternative newspaper.
Imc-dc-announce Announcements of DC IMC events (low-volume)
imc-dc-audio DC IMC audio working group list
Imc-dc-editorial DC IMC editorial working group list
Imc-dc-photo DC IMC photo working group list
Imc-dc-print DC IMC print working group list
imc-dc-tech DC IMC Tech List
Imc-dc-video DC IMC video working group list
Imc-erie Erie, PA discussion group
Imc-hm-finance A list devoted to issues related to Hudson Mohawk IMC finances
Imc-hm-print Hudson Mohawk IMC: print ptojects
Imc-hm-space A list devoted to issues related to management of the Hudson Mohawk IMC space
imc-li-editorial IMC-LI printout editorial list
Imc-miami independent media center miami
Imc-miami-editorial editorial list for imc miami | lista ediotrial del cmi miami
Imc-miami-outreach Outreach for IMC Miami & South Florida
Imc-miami-photo miami imc photo working group
Imc-miami-print imc miami print working group
Imc-miami-tech Miami IMC working group for web tech support
Imc-miami-video miami imc video working group
imc-nc North Carolina, USA IMC
imc-nc-announce North Carolina, USA IMC announcements
imc-nc-editorial North Carolina, USA IMC editorial list
imc-nc-tech North Carolina, USA IMC tech list
imc-nc-video North Carolina, USA IMC video list
Imc-nena for organizing coordination between the imc's in the North Easter North American region
Imc-newjersey New Jersey Independent Media Center's general list
imc-nh New Hampshire IMC mailing list
Imc-nh-editorial This is the list for the New Hampshire Indymedia editorial collective.
imc-nh-print New Hampshire IMC print group (FTM press)
imc-nh-tech New Hampshire IMC tech group
Imc-nj-new This is a list for new members of the NJ Indymedia collective. It is used for questions of the processes and policies, as well as announcements of events and orientation sessions.
Imc-nj-tech IMC New Jersey Tech Mailing List
Imc-nj-video For organization of the first NJ-IMC Video Production, about New Brunswick, NJ.
imc-nyc nyc imc general list
Imc-nyc-audio The NYC IMC uses this list to coordinate audio production.
Imc-nyc-culture Culture section coordination for the Indypendent
Imc-nyc-design the graphics and layout team for the NYC bi-weekly Indypendent newspaper
imc-nyc-elindependiente Lista de persona interesadas en la publicacion de El Independiente
Imc-nyc-kids nyc imc indy kids
imc-nyc-photo IMC-NYC Photo team list
imc-nyc-print Newsgroup for the print team of the New York IMC.
imc-nyc-video +NYC Video Explosion+
imc-nyc-web Website working group for NYC IMC
Imc-pgh-outreach IMC Pittsburgh outreach list
Imc-rochester List for Rochester NY IMC
imc-rochester-tech IMC-Rochester Tech mailing list
Imc-SoutheastUS This list is for communication between IMCs in the Southeastern US
Imc-tallahassee-cc Exchange of information going through the Coordinating Council in the Tallahassee-RedHills IMC
Imc-tallahassee-editorial Editorial decisions for IMC Tallahassee/RedHills
Imc-tallahassee-org IMC Tallahassee/RedHills organization
Imc-tallahassee-write Information exchange for the 'content work group' of Tallahassee-Red Hills IMC
imc-tampabay The place where much discussion and organizing for TBIMC takes place. Be a part of your community.
imc-tennessee Tennessee IMC Mailing List
imc-vermont Organizing list for the nascent (not yet official) IMC in Vermont
Imc-virginiabeach Virginia Beach Indymedia in preparation
imc-vt-tech Discussion of technical issues for the VT-IMC
imc-wmass-announce Announcements of events, meetings, etc
imc-wmass-discuss General discussion list for W. Mass Indymedia
imc-wmass-editorial Discussion list for editorial policy
imc-wmass-info An open list for interested parties to get more information about IMC
Imc-wmass-spam [no description available]
imc-wmass-tech For discussion of implementing technical infrastructure
Imc-worcester Worklist of indymedia worcester Lista de trabajo de imc worcester
Indypendent-News This is an announcement only list for the NYC IMC's bi-weekly newspaper The Indypendent.
Tallahassee-IMC-tech Tallahassee-RedHills IMC tech working group
imc-pgh-announce [off site] low-traffic announcement list for the pittsburgh IMC
imc-pgh-discuss [off site] Discussion about Pittsburgh IMC stuff
imc-pgh-editorial [off site] For discussion of editorial policy, mostly what stories become features on the website
imc-pgh-radio [off site] list for the IMC Pittsburgh Radio Show and other radio/audio content
imc-pgh-tech [off site] The Pittsburgh IMC tech collective discussion list
Local USA: Midwest lists  
Chicago-tech Chicago area technical issues
Confluence St. Louis independent newspaper
IMC-BigMuddy Big Muddy IMC - Discussion
IMC-BigMuddy-Work Big Muddy IMC - Work
Imc-bloomington-discuss Discussion list for the Bloomington IMC
Imc-bloomington-tech Technical issues surrounding the Bloomington, IN IMC
Imc-chicago General discussion for IMC Chicago
Imc-chicago-announce Chicago IMC announcements
Imc-chicago-audio The mailing list for the Chicago Indymedia radio/audio group
Imc-chicago-photo Chicago IMC's PhotoGroup working list.
Imc-chicago-video The mailing list for the Chicago Indymedia video collective.
Imc-chicago-working Chicago IMC internal discussion
imc-cincinnati organizing list for the Cincinnati IMC.
Imc-cincinnati-tech listserv for the Cincinnati IMC tech working group.
Imc-cleveland General List for Cleveland IMC
Imc-columbus This is a list for the Columbus, Ohio Indymedia collective.
Imc-kc-announce kcindymedia general list
Imc-kc-editorial Kansas City editorial team
imc-madison Mailing list for the Independent Media Center of Madison, WI
Imc-madison-photo Madison IMC photo collective
Imc-michigan Michigan IMC
Imc-michigan-cm-backup Backup list for Critical Moment (MichiganIMC print project).
imc-milwaukee Milwaukee IMC
Imc-minneapolis-editorial Twin Cities IMC web/editorial listserve
Imc-minneapolis-field Free Press & field (Twin Cities IMC)
Imc-minneapolis-outreach Twin Cities IMC Community Outreach
Imc-minneapolis-radio MSP Radio group
Imc-minneapolis-tc Twin Cities Independent Media Center - Discussion forum
Imc-normal-illinois general list for Normal, IL imc
imc-okla Oklahoma IMC discussion and announcements
Imc-omaha-editorial Omaha Independent Media Center Editorial Group
Imc-Springfield List for organizing a Springfield IL IMC
Imc-stl-building Community Arts and Media Project
Imc-stlouis organizing the independent media center in st. louis
Imc-stlouis-editorial dealing with editorial issues for st louis indymedia
Imc-sw-missouri A list for communication among the southwest missouri indymedia collective
Imc-tc This list is a forum for discussion on web-related, tech, and editorial issues with the Twin Cities IMC website.
imc-tc-outreach This list is the outreach list to Twin Cities Indymedia supporters and participants.
Michigan-blackbox-backup Backup list for BlackBox Radio (MichiganIMC radio project).
Local USA: Northeast lists  
Imc-columbus This is a list for the Columbus, Ohio Indymedia collective.
Imc-hartford information for HartfordIMC projects and activities
Local USA: Northwest lists  
Alaska Group where Alaskans share local issues and news on the many fallacies that run rampant in our state.
IMC-Alaska People interested in creating and sustaining an Indymedia Center in Alaska.
Imc-rogue Rogue Valley IMC general list
Imc-rogue-editorial Rogue Valley IMC editorial list
Local USA: Pacific lists  
Ecr Enemy Combatant Radio
Imc-bellingham Organizing a Bellingham IMC
Imc-bham-editorial This list is to help coordinate maintenance of the bham imc page, to post feature stories, and take care of the newswire...
Imc-central-cal-editorial List for the Central California editorial group
imc-hawaii-editorial This is the editorial collective for the Hawaii IMC.
Imc-northcoast California North Coast IMC
IMC-NorthCoastCA IMC collectvie on the NorthCoast of California
Imc-orangecounty-edit The independant media center of Orange County, a list to help organize our own media so the corperations dont!
imc-portland-announce LOW TRAFFIC: meetings/events announcements for people interested in portland indymedia
Imc-portland-audio-volunteer List for new volunteer for the web radio project in portland.
Imc-portland-outreach List for indymedia portland helpers to help portland indymedia :-)
imc-portland-requests Portland IMC requests
Imc-portland-tech portland tech listserve
Imc-portland-volunteer List for new volunteers with Portland IMC. To help people integrate into the indy community that exists in pdx!
Imc-reno A discussion forum for media activists in the Reno Truckee Meadows Area interested in forming and supporting a local IMC
imc-sac Central California IMC forming.
Imc-sacramento Sacramento Independent Media Center project
Imc-san-diego-tech Tech list for the San Diego Independent Media Center
Imc-sc Santa Cruz Indymedia
Imc-sc-announce Santa Cruz Indymedia uses this list for the Santa Cruz Indymedia Newsletter and Announcements.
Imc-sc-coverage This list for coordinating better coverage of events in the Monterey Bay area.
Imc-sc-editorial Santa Cruz Indymedia Editorial
Imc-sc-finance Finance List for Santa Cruz IMC.
Imc-sc-outreach Outreach List for Santa Cruz IMC.
Imc-sc-tech Santa Cruz Indymedia Tech
Imc-sc-video Santa Cruz Indymedia Video
IMC-sd daily discussion for San Diego IMC
imc-sd-announce Events - Get Involved!
Imc-sd-announce-oncampus Announcements for radical and progressive events on San Diego Campuses. For more stories and events, visit
Imc-sd-tech Tech list for San Diego Indymedia - code to bring down empire
Imc-sd-translation Translaions of stories from San Diego to bridge the many forms of difference that divide us.
imc-sd-video Video list for San Diego IMC (tech, content, coverage)
imc-seattle IMC-Seattle: General email traffic
Imc-seattle-geeks For discussion of the Seattle IMC technical issues and projects
Imc-seattle-internal-news For news ABOUT Seattle IMC
Imc-seattle-website For discussion of the Seattle IMC website editorial group
imc-sf SF IMC General Media Announcement/Discussion List
imc-sf-active Global list for sf-active users & developers
imc-sf-coders sf-active bugs and cvs
Imc-sf-contact General public contact for San Francisco Indymedia...
imc-sf-newscrews San Francisco Indymedia News Crews Coordination List
imc-sf-tech SFIMC Tech Collective
Orangecounty-tech The independant media center of Orange County, Tech team
Seattle-editorial Discussions of IMC Seattle web content
Seattletech For coordinating Seattle IMC Technology Working Group activities
Sfbay This is the general organizing list for the SF Bay Area Independent Media Center.
Sfbay-announce san francisco bay area independent media center announcements
Sfbay-coverage General organizing list for those who are interested in covering specificGeneral organizing list for those who are interested in covering specific events/issues in the Bay Area, but who may not be interested in editorial work.
Sfbay-finance finance list for sf bay area imc
Sfbay-general This dist is the general announcement list for all volunteers coordinating within the SF Bay Independenent Media Center (indybay).
Sfbay-news news headlines from the san francisco bay area independent media center
Sfbay-outreach This is a list for organizing outreach, fundraising, publicity and volunteer
Sfbay-photo This is the organizing list for the photo/still working group of the SFBay Area IMC.
Sfbay-print This list is for people interested in the sfbay print project
Sfbay-print-design Email list for the design working group of Fault Lines
Sfbay-print-editorial Email list for the editorial working group of Fault Lines (print collective of SF Bay Area IMC)
Sfbay-space This is an organizing list for those that staff the SF Bay Area IMC media lab and space. This list should also be used for coordinating meetins/trainings/workshops in the space, as well.
Sfbay-student Editorial list for those working on the SF Bay Area Indymedia student page http:///
Sfbay-tech san francisco bay area imc tech collective
Sfbay-video Local video list for SF Bay Area IMC which overlaps with the SF Bay Area Video Activist Network
Sfbay-web san francisco bay area imc editorial collective
Local USA: South lists  
Imc-miami-editorial editorial list for imc miami | lista ediotrial del cmi miami
Imc-neworleans New Orleans IMC
Imc-neworleans-announce Announcement only list for New Orleans IMC
imc-tampabay The place where much discussion and organizing for TBIMC takes place. Be a part of your community.
Local USA: Southwest lists  
imc-arizona General discussion list for Arizona IMC
imc-arizona-edit Arizona Indymedia Editorial Collective
imc-austin Austin Indymedia Editorial List
imc-austin-announce A community resource for the announcement of new 'center-column' features, upcoming events, and meetings
Imc-austin-editorial Internal collective mailing list
Imc-colorado-announce Announcement list for the Colorado IMC
imc-colorado-editorial Mail list for the colorado imc editorial working group.
imc-colorado-outreach Mail list for the colorado imc outreach working group
imc-colorado-print Mail list for the colorado imc print working group
Imc-colorado-process Mail list for the colorado imc process working group.
imc-colorado-tech Mail list for the colorado imc tech working group.
Imc-colorado-video List serve for the rocky mountain imc video working group.
imc-elpaso Forming an IMC In El Paso, TX USA
Imc-houston Houston Independent Media Center
Imc-houston-announce A list for announcememnts of Houston IMC events, meetings, and events requiring coverage
Imc-houston-photo [no description available]
Imc-houston-process HIMC-process
Imc-houston-radio the list for people working on our show on KPFT
Imc-houston-tech the list for people interested in fixing technical problems
Imc-houston-text HIMC text and print projects
Imc-houston-video video coverage and film screenings in houston
imc-houston-youth IMC Houston under eighteen media-activists
Imc-lasvegas Las Vegas Independent Media Center
Imc-lasvegas-edit Editorial Collective for Las Vegas Independent Media Center
imc-nm-tech New Mexico IMC Tech
Imc-saltlake-discussion Discussion list for Utah activists and IMC reporters.
Imc-texas IMC Texas
Imc-texas-news The list for those interested in statewide news, fwds, announcements in Texas.
Imc-utah-outreach [no description available]
Imc-utah-print [no description available]
Utah-audio-video-discussion Utah audio/video collaboration list
Utahgadfly Utah Gadfly Newspaper
imc-north-texas-discuss [off site] This list is for general North Texas Indy Media issues not covered by the other lists.
imc-north-texas-announcements [off site] If you would like to receive annoucements about upcoming ntimc events and local media issues.
imc-north-texas-editorial [off site] This is where we decide which news items get to be features on the front page.
imc-north-texas-webteam [off site] Technically minded? We are always looking for web developers to help out with the site.
Outreach lists  
Boston-Announce Only announcements of events, meetings, campaigns
Imc-atlanta-announce A listserv to allow the Atlanta Independent Media Center to broadcast announcements of IMC meetings and IMC special events.
IMC-binghamton-announce A weekly newsletter, mailed every Thursday, of progressive events and outreach in the greater Binghamton area.
Imc-bristol-outreach List to organise community outreach in Bristol UK.
Imc-cambridge-events Announcement list for IMC Cambridge events (film screenings etc)
Imc-chicago-announce Chicago IMC announcements
Imc-cleveland-outreach This list is to coordinate outreach for Cleveland Indymedia Center.
Imc-colorado-announce Announcement list for the Colorado IMC
imc-colorado-outreach Mail list for the colorado imc outreach working group
Imc-dc-altpaper-announce This list is for announcements and updates regarding the DC IMC alternative newspaper.
Imc-dc-announce Announcements of DC IMC events (low-volume)
imc-education Discussing curriculum creation for schools
Imc-france-info announces, dates, meetings, dispatch...
Imc-houston-announce A list for announcememnts of Houston IMC events, meetings, and events requiring coverage
Imc-london-info One way announce only email list for supporters of Indymedia London.
Imc-miami-outreach Outreach for IMC Miami & South Florida
Imc-minneapolis-outreach Twin Cities IMC Community Outreach
imc-nc-announce North Carolina, USA IMC announcements
Imc-neworleans-announce Announcement only list for New Orleans IMC
Imc-nj-new This is a list for new members of the NJ Indymedia collective. It is used for questions of the processes and policies, as well as announcements of events and orientation sessions.
imc-okla Oklahoma IMC discussion and announcements
imc-ontario-announce Publications and News Blasts from IMC Ontario
Imc-ovl-outreach Coördinatie van outreach voor Indymedia Oost-Vlaanderen
imc-portland-announce LOW TRAFFIC: meetings/events announcements for people interested in portland indymedia
Imc-portland-outreach List for indymedia portland helpers to help portland indymedia :-)
Imc-sc-announce Santa Cruz Indymedia uses this list for the Santa Cruz Indymedia Newsletter and Announcements.
Imc-sc-outreach Outreach List for Santa Cruz IMC.
imc-sd-announce Events - Get Involved!
imc-sheffield-announce A low-volume announcements list for people to recieve notices about things that Sheffield IMC are doing.
Imc-texas-news The list for those interested in statewide news, fwds, announcements in Texas.
Imc-uk-outreach List for the uk outreach subgroup
Imc-utah-outreach [no description available]
imc-wmass-announce Announcements of events, meetings, etc
Indypendent-News This is an announcement only list for the NYC IMC's bi-weekly newspaper The Indypendent.
Oceania-features Weekly announcement list distributing new features uploaded from Oceania Indymedias
Sfbay-announce san francisco bay area independent media center announcements
Sfbay-outreach This is a list for organizing outreach, fundraising, publicity and volunteer
Ukraine-v-narod Ukraine's outreach team list
Photo lists  
cmi-arg-foto Lista de fotografxs Indymedia Argentina - photo
cmi-brasil-foto Lista de discussão sobre fotografia no CMI Brasil
Imc-chicago-photo Chicago IMC's PhotoGroup working list.
Imc-dc-photo DC IMC photo working group list
Imc-houston-photo [no description available]
Imc-irl-photo Coordinating & Training Independent Photo-Journalism in Ireland
Imc-israel-so7nut Discussion list for the IMC Israel photo group
Imc-madison-photo Madison IMC photo collective
Imc-miami-photo miami imc photo working group
imc-nyc-photo IMC-NYC Photo team list
Imc-photos To discuss and plan the establishment of a global IMC photo exchange.
Sfbay-photo This is the organizing list for the photo/still working group of the SFBay Area IMC.
Print lists  
Boston-Print Boston IMC Print Collective
CMI-Brasil-impressos Lista do grupo de trabalho de impressos da rede CMI Brasil
cmi-floripa-impressos Lista para organizar os impressos do CMI Floripa
Cmi-peru-impresos comunicacion de los equipos de impresos
cmi-sp-impressos Lista para trabalhos impressos do CMI São Paulo.
Confluence St. Louis independent newspaper
Imc-auckland-print Auckland Indymedia print working group
imc-colorado-print Mail list for the colorado imc print working group
Imc-dc-altpaper-announce This list is for announcements and updates regarding the DC IMC alternative newspaper.
Imc-dc-altpaper-production This list is for use by the actual production team members who are laying out the DC IMC alternative newspaper.
Imc-dc-print DC IMC print working group list
Imc-dnc-print Regarding * Print * issues surrounding IMC coverage of the Democractic National Convention to be held in Boston, July 26-29, 2004.
Imc-erfurt-print Mailingliste zur Koordinierung und Erstellung von Printausgaben f&#252;r Erfurt / Th&#252;ringen
Imc-germany-print Kontakt, Koordination, Technik zum Thema Print
Imc-germany-print-announce Eingetragene bekommen eine mail, wenn eine neue Printausgabe erscheint.
Imc-hm-print Hudson Mohawk IMC: print ptojects
Imc-houston-text HIMC text and print projects
Imc-miami-print imc miami print working group
Imc-michigan-cm-backup Backup list for Critical Moment (MichiganIMC print project).
imc-nh-print New Hampshire IMC print group (FTM press)
Imc-nyc-design the graphics and layout team for the NYC bi-weekly Indypendent newspaper
imc-nyc-print Newsgroup for the print team of the New York IMC.
imc-print IMC Print Team
imc-thunderbay-print Thunder Bay Indymedia print projects
Imc-utah-print [no description available]
Italy-news newsblast and offline print list for IMC italy
Sfbay-print This list is for people interested in the sfbay print project
Sfbay-print-design Email list for the design working group of Fault Lines
Sfbay-print-editorial Email list for the editorial working group of Fault Lines (print collective of SF Bay Area IMC)
Utahgadfly Utah Gadfly Newspaper
Process lists  
Bxl-process imc Brussels process list
CMI-Brasil-processo Lista do grupo-de-trabalho Processo, parte da rede CMI Brasil
Cmi-mardelplata Lista para la conformacion de Indymedia Mar del Plata
Imc-belgium-process Belgian list to discuss global indymedia issues
imc-ch-process public/open list to discuss processes, structures, transparency, goals & more 'big' questions'
Imc-colorado-process Mail list for the colorado imc process working group.
Imc-finland-process Vaikuttavan tietotoimiston ylläpidon lista.
Imc-houston-process HIMC-process
Imc-liege-process Liste où se prennent les décisions concernant Indymedia-liege
imc-process IMC Process and Decisionmaking Discussion
imc-process-facilitate A list for discussions about facilitation of IMC Process lists
Imc-uk-process processes ,structures, transparency & big questions
IMC-Ukraine-Process General list to unite interested groups in the process of setting up and facilitating Ukraine IndyMedia.
imc-us-process A process discussion list for U.S.-based IMCs
New-imc Working group that handles requests for new-imc's/ Grupo de trabajo que evalua las peticiones de los nuevos imc's
Tech lists  
ahimsa-tech Coordination list for techies administering ahimsa server in London
axxs-sysadmin Administration list for running, a server hosting IMCs and other community websites.
Berkman-sysadmin Coordination of tech workers maintaining the server berkman, which is used for global indymedia radio projects
Boston-Tech for discussing imc-boston's website, and related projects
Buffalo-tech Local tech coordination list for Community tech projects
Chicago-tech Chicago area technical issues
CMI-Brasil-tech Lista do coletivo técnico do CMI Brasil
Cmi-portugaliza-tech [no description available]
Cmi-pr-tech Lista técnica del CMI Puerto Rico
Dega-sysadmin A shared dada server hosted in pittsburgh.
Deskaheh-sysadmin A dada server hosted in cortland, NY, USA.
Dissent-sysadmin Admin for Dissent, Buffalo indyserver
Dns-tech List for the DNS working group
Eastern-Mediterranean-tech Communications tool for tech- related needs of the evolving Eastern Mediterranean IMC
Illich-users A list for news and info. pertaining to the IMC server 'illich'
imc-alacant-tech Llista tech del IMC Alacant
imc-aotearoa-tech IMC Aotearoa (New Zealand) tech collective.
Imc-ar-tech Arkansas Indymedia Tech Collective
imc-athens-tech Tech worklist for Imc-Athens.
Imc-austria-tech technische Fragen
Imc-beirut-tech Technical team of indymedia beirut
Imc-binghamton-tech IMC-Binghamton tech group
Imc-bloomington-tech Technical issues surrounding the Bloomington, IN IMC
Imc-bristol-twinning To facilitate imc twinning proposals between bristol UK and imc groups in pother countries
Imc-buffalo-tech Local tech coordination list for indyservers,tech projects and tech outreach from Buffalo-IMC
Imc-burma-tech List for discussion of imc-burma technical and language issues
imc-calyx A list for issues arrising from the colocation of Indymedia servers with Calyx
Imc-canarias-tech Lista para temas técnicos y de diseño de IMC Canarias
imc-ch-tech public tech worklist for indymedia switzerland (davos)
Imc-cincinnati-tech listserv for the Cincinnati IMC tech working group.
imc-colorado-tech Mail list for the colorado imc tech working group.
imc-dc-tech DC IMC Tech List
Imc-dnc-tech Regarding * Tech and WWW * issues surrounding IMC coverage of the Democractic National Convention to be held in Boston, July 26-29, 2004.
IMC-Docs This list is used by the team working on
Imc-docs-tech IMC Docs working group (private list)
Imc-drupal-dev This list is for the discussing the use and development of drupal as an indymedia codebase.
Imc-europa-tech IMC european tech issues
imc-france-tech Liste Indymedia-france a vocation technique
Imc-germany-tech technische Fragen
Imc-ireland-tech The technical discussion list of the Irish Indymedia collective.
Imc-jakarta-tech Jakarta IMC Technical Group
Imc-lancaster-tech [no description available]
imc-leeds-tech List designated for discussions about technical issues to do with Leeds Indymedia (UK)
Imc-miami-tech Miami IMC working group for web tech support
imc-nc-tech North Carolina, USA IMC tech list
imc-nh-tech New Hampshire IMC tech group
Imc-nj-tech IMC New Jersey Tech Mailing List
imc-nm-tech New Mexico IMC Tech
Imc-notts-tech The Nottinghamshire IMC list for the techies
imc-nyc-web Website working group for NYC IMC
Imc-pl-tech dla cała pytanie techniczne
Imc-rnc-tech This list is created to facilitate the coordination of the * Technical Aspects * of the upcoming Indymedia coverage of the Republican National Convention and the resistance to it, to be held in New York: Aug 28-Sep 2, 2004.
imc-rochester-tech IMC-Rochester Tech mailing list
Imc-san-diego-tech Tech list for the San Diego Independent Media Center
Imc-sd-tech Tech list for San Diego Indymedia - code to bring down empire
imc-security IMC Security List
imc-sf-active Global list for sf-active users & developers
imc-sf-coders sf-active bugs and cvs
imc-sf-tech SFIMC Tech Collective
imc-sfa-castellano Lista para compartir experiencias y consultar/resolver dudas
imc-sfa-servers Coordination list for sysadmins running sf-active installations on their servers.
Imc-sweden-tech Svenska tekniklistan
imc-sysadmin IMC System Administration
imc-tech IMC Tech Team
IMC-Tech-Announce [no description available]
imc-tech-coord former IMC-Tech coordination
imc-tech-solidarity Sending computer equipment to IMCs that need them
Imc-tech-solidarity-anc Low traffic annoucement list for people interested in tech
imc-thunderbay-tech TB IMC tech collective
imc-uk-mir-access MIR Administrative list, IMC-UK
imc-uk-tech List of the UK tech
imc-uk-tech-mirror IMC UK Mirror Sys Admin
Imc-uk-useability [no description available]
Imc-uruguay-tecnico Lista t&#233;cnica de Indymedia Uruguay
imc-vt-tech Discussion of technical issues for the VT-IMC
imc-winnipeg-tech IMC Winnipeg Technical Working Group
imc-wmass-tech For discussion of implementing technical infrastructure
imc-women-tech gender, women and tech - what do they have to do with each other?
Imc-wvl-tech Lijst voor technische zaken ivm Indymedia West-Vlaanderen
ircd IMC IRCd Coordination
italy-tech Indymedia Italy technical staff list
Ivdn-tech Tech list for the Indymedia Video Distribution Network
keyservers Keyservers List (
kosmos-sysad List for coordinating the technical work on Kosmos server
List-admins Mailing list for list admins to discussion list administration
listwork Mailing list management discussion
Mailman Used internally by mailing list software
mir-coders dev list for the mir codebase
Mir-cvs cvs log for german "active"
Mir-doc Mir documentation project
Orangecounty-tech The independant media center of Orange County, Tech team
Oscailt List to discuss the development of the oscailt content management system
Seattletech For coordinating Seattle IMC Technology Working Group activities
Sfbay-tech san francisco bay area imc tech collective
SoS Mailing list for Indymedias ticketing/incident tracking system
syndication IM Syndication Tools (not content)
Tallahassee-IMC-tech Tallahassee-RedHills IMC tech working group
Tech-latina IMC Latino Tech list
Tecnicosarg Lista Técnica de Indymedia Argentina
traven-logwatch IMC Traven Logwatch
Traven-process List for political decisions about the MIR server TRAVEN
traven-tech IMC Traven Tech
Ukraine-tech Ukraine's technical team list
www-tech tech working list for
imc-pgh-tech [off site] The Pittsburgh IMC tech collective discussion list
webcoders [off site] Discussion list about coding active
imc-us-tech [off site] Tech Group for IMC-US
imc-security [off site] Indymedia security list.
Translation lists  
Bcn-trad llista d coordinacio para traductor*s q ajudan en columna central d barcelona (ca, es, en).
Imc-be-translation Translation list of the belgian imc's
Imc-bulgaria-translation IMC Bulgaria Translators' list
Imc-lancaster-translations co-ordination of translations for lancaster imc
Imc-sd-translation Translaions of stories from San Diego to bridge the many forms of difference that divide us.
Imc-wvl-vertaling Lijst voor het vertaalteam van Indymedia West-Vlaanderen
Ukraine-translators Ukraine's translation list
www-beirut IMC Beirut list for translations
www-de German translation work list
www-es Traduccion al castellano - Translation into Spanish
www-esperanto List for translating features into esperanto.
www-eus Translations into basque - Euskara itzulpenak - Traducciones al Vasco - Traductions en basque
www-fi Finnish list for web features
www-fr French list for translation work
www-gr Translation worklist for Imc-Athens.
www-it Italian translation work list
www-nl Dutch list for translation work
www-pl Polish list for web features
www-pt Lista de tradução de outras línguas para o português, e vice-versa
www-se Swedish translation work list
www-sh Serbo-Croatian translation work list
Unclassified lists  
Tests Some listwork tests.
Video lists  
Boston-video Boston area IMC's video/film group
Boston-wkg-video Working list for BIMC Video Collective, mostly about TV show "Incite Media: Discussion & Dissent"
cmi-arg-video lista de contactos de indymedia video
CMI-Brasil-video Trabalhos de vídeo no CMI Brasil
Cmi-bsas-video Grupo de trabajo de video en Buenos Aires.
Cmi-peru-video colectivo video CMI Peru
cmi-sp-video CMI São Paulo - Video
european-newsreal Organizing list for video producers in Europe
Ftaa-miami-video Are you a videographer or editor? Are you coming to Miami for the FTAA demonstrations in mid November? (if you aren\'t you should!)We need you in Miami, please sign up for this list to discuss and help coordinate plans for video during the events and whatever document results in the aftermath!
Imc-aotearoa-video The Aotearoa Indymedia Video List exists to faciliatate communication and cooperation amongst independent film makers, videographers, documentary distributors, media technicians and groups that organise film showings in Aotearoa.
imc-athens-video Kinimatografos video collective
Imc-atlanta-video Atlanta IMC - TV and video working group
imc-auckland-video Auckland Indymedia video list
Imc-chicago-video The mailing list for the Chicago Indymedia video collective.
Imc-colombia-video Lista para el grupo de video de Indymedia Colombia / List for the Colombia Indymedia video group
Imc-colorado-video List serve for the rocky mountain imc video working group.
Imc-dc-video DC IMC video working group list
Imc-dnc-video This list is for general IMC Video organization at the Democratic National Convention. Initiated for the 2004 election.
imc-euskalherria-video indymedia Euskal-Herriko bideo taldea post zerrenda
Imc-germany-video Kontakt, Koordination, Technik zum Thema Foto und Video
Imc-houston-video video coverage and film screenings in houston
Imc-ireland-video List to co-ordinate the activities of the Irish IMC Vid Head community
imc-lancaster-kinematograph co-ordinating and organising diverse events (video screenings, live news, and more)
imc-manchester-video imc manchester, UK, video list
Imc-miami-video miami imc video working group
imc-nc-video North Carolina, USA IMC video list
Imc-nj-video For organization of the first NJ-IMC Video Production, about New Brunswick, NJ.
imc-nyc-video +NYC Video Explosion+
Imc-pl-video Wymiana plików wideo i kaset
imc-satellite IMC Satellite Team
Imc-sc-video Santa Cruz Indymedia Video
imc-scotland-film IMC Scotland film and video list
imc-sd-video Video list for San Diego IMC (tech, content, coverage)
Imc-sweden-video Videolistan
Imc-thunderbay-video TB IMC video/television working group list.
Imc-uk-video uk indymedia video subgroup list
imc-video IMC Video Team
Imc-wsf-video Video team for the WSF 2003 coverage/Equipe de v&#237;deo para a cobertura do FSM 2003
Ivdn-tech Tech list for the Indymedia Video Distribution Network
Prague-video Coordination of 1 hour video from Prague
Sfbay-video Local video list for SF Bay Area IMC which overlaps with the SF Bay Area Video Activist Network
Uruguay-video Grupo de video de Indymedia Uruguay
Utah-audio-video-discussion Utah audio/video collaboration list
Video-archive an on and off line video archiving database and protocol
imc-oceania-video [off site] A list for Oceania Indymedia Video makers and Newsreal compilers.
WWW lists  
Imc-wvl-vertaling Lijst voor het vertaalteam van Indymedia West-Vlaanderen
www-editoriales Editorial discussion on web features for - working language spanish
www-features Editorial discussion on web features for - working language english
www-fi Finnish list for web features

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