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SF Park and Rec. Natural Areas Program: over-worked and under-funded
Volunteers to the rescue. Full Article

Shattuck Cinema workers go union
Workers Say "NO!" to unjust work conditions, and demand management accountability. Full Article

Update on the March 20th Arrests Against Torture
It seems that the City would like to depoliticize this whole event, and treat it as vehicle code violations. Full Article

More photos from May Day immigrant rights protests in SF
Upwards of 100,000 marched and rallied for a general amnesty for all undocumented immigrants and genuine immigration reform. Full Article

SF March for Immigrant Rights
Tens of thousands of people throughout the Bay Area skipped work and school on Monday, May 1, to show their support for immigrant rights. Full Article

Demonstrators denounced the war on Iraq outside the office Diane Feinstein, a notoriously hawkish Democrat.
Demonstrators denounced the war on Iraq outside the office Diane Feinstein, a notoriously hawkish Democrat.

A Wave of Red Hits the News
In China, the media is just another arm of one of the most oppressive governments in the world. In America, we watch our rights to free speech and to a responsible media system dwindle. Full Article

An Interview with Kim Petersen, Co-editor of Dissident Voice
"The UN should be scrapped and reconstituted along egalitarian and democratic lines. There must be no permanent power allotted to any one state or group of states” Full Article

US and Israel continue drive to overthrow Hamas-led government, May 16 7:27AM
Darfur: Inside the Crisis, May 16 1:01AM
Greece, Athens 4-7 May: An anarchist forum, a demo and a riot (Photos), May 15 11:02PM
Activists bring Jerusalem's Arab history to life for Nakba Day, May 15 3:28PM
6 Palestinians Killed and 16 Others Wounded by IOF in Qabatya and Jenin, May 15 3:19PM
More International News > >
Where Have All The Butterflies Gone?, May 10 6:09PM
May Day March in San Jose Taken-Over by the State, May 02 5:36AM
Anti-War/Impeachment and Immigration Rights Rallies at CA Democratic Convention, May 01 1:17AM
Bush comes to West Sacramento, Apr 26 11:39AM
Sacramento Un-Welcomes Bush, Apr 22 8:20PM
More California News > >
Code Pink Challenges White House, May 14 10:21PM
No More Troops on the Border, May 14 6:39PM
Karl Rove Indicted on Charges of Perjury, Lying to Investigators, May 14 6:19PM
Medical Marijuana in the News: 5/12, May 14 12:09PM
Bush and CIA Director-Designate Hayden Rewrite the 4th Amendment, May 14 8:32AM
More National News > >
Conservative Christians Criticize Republicans, May 15 3:08PM
On Mother's Day in a Time of War, May 14 4:47PM
The US Empire Versus Reality, May 12 7:41PM
Supervisor Candidate District 10 of Earth Day Fame, May 10 6:31PM
What an Odd Bird that Elie Wiesel Is!, May 04 7:59AM
More Opinion > >
Sign the Voter's Pledge, May 14 3:42PM
Opening Doors to Affordable Housing with Fair, May 12 11:06AM
People's Radio Forum 2, May 11 11:58PM
Save Our Internet! Save Our Access!: Just say no to C.O.P.E.!, May 11 4:53PM
Tell AT&T; to respect our 4th Amendment rights, May 11 1:52PM
More Press Releases > >
Populist #28, May 16 2:30PM
Computer ills hinder NSA, May 14 7:28PM
spying, May 14 5:17PM
At Falwell's University, McCain Defends Iraq War, May 14 5:02PM
BTL:Stop the War, Save the Environment, May 14 1:00PM
More Open / Breaking News > >
Wind of Peace in California

Nonunion firm wins Alcatraz ferry contract

SF Park and Rec. Natural Areas Program: over-worked and under-funded

Shattuck Cinema Workers Go Union

Update on the March 20th Arrests Against Torture

May Day March for Immigrant Rights in Oakland

On the waterfront -- Oak to Ninth

More photos from May Day immigrant rights protests in SF

New Moon helps girls redefine beauty: SF girl honored in magazine

In a sea of strangers

SF March for Immigrant Rights

Bike Bloc kicks off May Day

Ed Rosenthal: triple felon no more

Unlawful Entries

May 1st General Strike Called

'Ganja Guru' Rosenthal's conviction overturned

10,000 march for immigrant rights in SF

Tanks return to the Bayview

Ruin, Rubble and Race

Mr. Bush forced away from Hoover Institute Meeting