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SF Bay Area Independent Media Center (Indybay) Features

Published as of Sunday, 02 July 2006 06:49:58 PM

City of San FranciscoFront PagePalestine

Emergency Protest Against Assault On Palestinians

On Monday July 3rd there will be an emergency protest in San Francisco against the U.S.-Israeli assault on Palestinians. The protest will be at 4:30 PM in front of the Israeli Consulate at 456 Montgomery St.

U.S.-supplied F-16 fighter-bombers have destroyed the main power station in Gaza and destroyed bridges on the only major roads linking the northern and southern sections of the region. Round-the-clock Israeli artillery shelling is taking place. Most of the people of Gaza are now without water and electricity. Israel has also arrested a third of the members of the Palestinian Authority governing body.

Police StateSanta Cruz

Last Rights Parade and Protest

Last Rights Parade and Protest

Wednesday, July 5th
Police Station Courtyard
(Laurel and Center)

Wear black. Bring signs.

Bring an instrument, drum,
or resonant piece of refuse.

Press Conference at 2:00pm
On July 5th, the new SCPD policy on police spying goes into effect. Under the new rules, even if you are engaged in constitutionally protected first amendment activities, Santa Cruz police will still be able to videotape you inside or outside of your home, audio record you, listen to your phone calls, look at the mail you are receiving, read your email, make notes about your organization, tail you, monitor your website, subscribe to your email lists, and examine your membership lists.

The city has fallen down on its promise to pass a policy providing protections for our first amendment rights. They resisted. They were dragged kicking and screaming to the issue. They stonewalled. They sidelined the ACLU. They lied. Then they told us they'd done their job and that everything was okay.

Working within the system is not working.

Nothing less than our First Amendment rights to free expression and right to privacy are at risk here. We will never accept police spying on our political and community groups and activities. Read more

see also: Reportback of Santa Cruz Police Spying Policy Process || Text of Police Spying Law (pdf) || Spying Scandal Speak Out || June 27th Letter by Mark Schlosberg of the Northern California ACLU to City Manager Dick Wilson and the City Council (pdf)

previous coverage of Santa Cruz police spying: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

CaliforniaFront PageGovernment & Elections

Fourth of July is a Time to Reflect on Meaning of the Flag

On the Fourth of July, patriotic Americans everywhere celebrate Independence Day with fireworks, cookouts, and time with their families. This year, some celebrations will be interrupted by reminders that the United States does not give freedom to everyone. One activity was nearly made illegal this summer: burning the American flag. An amendment backed by the Bush administration to give Congress the power to "ban desecration of the American flag" received one vote less than was needed for passage. Fourth of July protests in the Bay Area will remind people that US imperialism in the Middle East is causing detention, torture, and death for many.

Environment & Forest DefenseSanta Cruz

Santa Cruz Critical Mass Bike Ride

Critical Mass is a monthly, community bike ride to celebrate cycling and to assert cyclists' right to the road. Critical Mass has no leaders, and no central organization, it's an unorganized coincidence. A movement of bicycles in the streets. Show up to the clocktower in downtown Santa Cruz the last Friday of each month at 5pm with your favorite human powered transportation for a celebration of life and bicycles! Bring all of your friends and family for a wonderful ride around Santa Cruz. Critical Mass leaves at 5:30pm. Read more

Audio: Santa Cruz Critical Mass PSA

Photos from 2006 Santa Cruz Critical Mass Bike Rides: February, April and May

Front PagePolice StateU.S.

Supreme Court Rules Against Gitmo Tribunals

On June 29, 2006, the US Supreme Court ruled that President Bush overstepped his authority in creating military war crimes tribunals for Guantanamo Bay detainees. The Court, in a 5-3 decision, held that the Bush administration did not have authority to set up the tribunals and found the military commissions illegal under both military justice law and the Geneva Convention.

Labor & WorkersSanta Cruz

David Bacon in Watsonville

For over fifteen years, David Bacon has been a documentary photographer, covering labor movements, immigration, and international politics. His background as a labor organizer with UFW, UEW, ILGW, and other unions, gives Bacon a unique perspective on migration, and the struggle for worker's rights. David Bacon spoke on June 23rd in Watsonville, about his recent book, The Children of NAFTA. Read more, photos and audio

audio (mp3): David Bacon in Watsonville (30 minutes / 28 MB)

see also: Interview with Dr. Ann Lopez NAFTA and Immigration

City of San FranciscoLGBTI / Queer

What is appropriate behavior at pride?

Estee Slaughter representatives gave away thousands of "RealityfoldTM" sleep masks at SF Pride on Sunday, June 25th. The black mask, which is emblazoned in gold with the ES logo and "Make the Occupation Disappear," includes text that explains the connections between the company Estee Lauder, the destruction of Palestinians' homes, and World Pride 2006. The representatives were told by SFPD officers to stop distributing the masks. Also that day, Senior Unlimited Nudes activist Tortuga Bi Liberty was told by police to "cover up" when he was picketing and handing out leaflets at Pride while in the nude.

City of San FranciscoFront PageIndependent MediaLGBTI / Queer

Local Indy Journalists Find Themselves Without Press Passes at Pride

Dina Boyer is a photographer and videographer who frequently posts media to Indybay, and covers LGBT and police brutality-related issues. Ms. Boyer reports, "For the last 8 years I have been covering the Pride celebration in San Francisco... every year I obtained media passes." After having applied months in advance for her official press passes, she was denied her passes on Saturday. She feels that she was discriminated against, and that her First Amendment rights as a journalist were violated. She feels that her presence as a transgendered woman and a journalist will not be missed when she does not cover Pride events next year. The press credentials of Allen White, who wrote a story critical of the corporate nature of SF Pride for Beyond Chron, were also lifted.

Central ValleyFront PageImmigrant Rights

Report Back from Counter Protest of Save our State

Organizers with Direct Action Anti-Authoritarians (DAAA) Collective, and Aztlan Rising, held a counter protest against the anti-immigration group Save Our State, (SOS). The two groups started on opposite sides of the street, and then counter protestors crossed, and both groups were mashed together. It was documented that white power activists were in attendance at the demonstration.

Front PageHealth, Housing, and Public ServicesSanta Cruz

Activists Gear Up for Caravan to Cuba

Over the weekend of June 24th and 25th, about a dozen Santa Cruz activists busied themselves at the Live Oak Grange sorting medical supplies, soaps, books, pens, and automotive parts among other items, as part of the Pastors for Peace 2006 Cuba Friend-Shipment Caravan. This is the 17th year community members have challenged the travel ban to Cuba. Photos | Audio | Video in Fresno

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You never need an argument against the use of violence, you need an argument for it.
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