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Military to conduct massive training excercise in downtown Winnipeg

A Canadian soldier stands guard at the Toussaint Louverture Airport in Port-au-Prince.

From April 30th to May 6th, 2006, more than 500 Canadian troops, backed by helicopters, armoured vehicles, and artillery, intend to transform downtown Winnipeg, Canada into an urban-warfare training playground in the largest training excercise of its kind ever held in Canada. Operation Charging Bison is intended to simulate situations Canadian soldiers "would encounter in places such as Afghanistan and Iraq."

What are we calling for?

We are calling for a broad range of actions to counter this training, from high-school walk-outs, to street theatre, to teach-ins, to direct action, to a national convergence, to solidarity actions. We encourage people to take the initiative to plan their own autonomous actions, but we're also eager to see co-operation between organizing groups.

We are planning a major day of action on May 1st, International Workers' Day.

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NDP Tells MFL - No Boycott of MTS Centre

mts centre

by "union activist"

It All Makes Sense Now

An anonymous source has divulged disturbing information that Manitoba NDP premier Gary Doer has told Darlene Dziewit not to back any boycott of the MTS Centre under any conditions.

We are made to believe that Darlene Dziewit agreed to obey Gary Doer's order.

The flip flop politics of Darlene Dziewit and the Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL) dealing with a boycott of the MTS Centre all seem to make sense now.

So once again it would seem that the MFL, the so called global voice of union workers has again shown it is only loyal to the politics that keeps workers in bondage.

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2nd Annual Canada-Palestine Film Festival

2nd Annual Canada-Palestine Film Fest poster

The 2nd Annual Canada-Palestine Film Festival runs from Thursday, September 29th - Sunday, October 2nd, 2005 in Winnipeg at Cinematheque (100 Arthur Street).

After last year’s stunning festival success entitled Images of Occupation & Resistance in Israel-Palestine, the Canada-Palestine Support Network-Winnipeg is proud to present The Occupation Will Still Be Televised: The 2nd Annual Canada Palestine Film Festival.

Media attention surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict has dwindled since the exaggerated frenzy and misplaced hopes surrounding both the death of Yasser Arafat, and the subsequent Palestinian elections in 2004-05. But Israel’s brutal and illegal military occupation of Palestinian lands continues unabated into its 38th year. The Western media’s willingness to be side-tracked by non-issues and shell games, such as the recent “Gaza disengagement,” has failed to silence Palestinians living under Occupation, or break their resolve to live with dignity and struggle for meaningful self-determination in their ancestral homeland. It has also failed to silence those Israelis who recognize that peace cannot be achieved by military occupation, ongoing colonization and dispossession of another people.

Since the new Intifada (“uprising”) began in 2000, there has been a proliferation of new Palestinian and dissident Israeli voices, particularly artists and film-makers, within Israel-Palestine, as well as throughout the diaspora. The Canada Palestine Film Festival is pleased to bring some of these voices and untold stories to local viewers in Winnipeg and Canada.

For further details, including complete film descriptions and schedules, pick up the latest (Sept/Oct) Cinematheque catalogue, or visit our website.

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13 North American Cities Take Action Against UN Massacre in Haiti

haiti poster

In response to the July 6th Cite Soleil massacre at the hands of U.N. troops in Haiti, thirteen North American cities demonstrated to bring an end to the state violence and to restore democracy to Haiti. Canadians are becoming increasingly worried about their government's direct involvement in the toppling of Haiti's democratic government last year.

In Winnipeg, a small group took their concerns to the office of SNC-Lavalin, who are complicit in the UN violence (pictures and details below). The following day the UN occupation force MINUSTAH put out a press release admitting for the first time that its forces may have killed civilians, and announcing that it will launch an investigation into the Cite Soleil massacre. Haiti solidarity groups are gravely concerned that a body accused of atrocities is investigating itself.

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Anti-fogging Activists Arrested, Fined

fogging action

[From Thor's newswire post]

At approxiamately 10PM Tuesday night, two anti-fogging activists were arrested as they defied the police order to clear the entrance of the city fogging truck compound at 3 Grey St. About an hour later, about 25 people, residents of Woseley and their supporters, made a stand on Alloway Avenue in Wolseley, blockading the road and standing off with police.

10PM Tuesday Night-
Glenda Whiteman of Concerned Residents of Winnipeg (CROW) and an unidentified retired school teacher from Elmwood linked arms with three other protesters and prevented the exiting of fogging trucks until they were separated and carried away by police. They are still in police custody at the time of this report, about 5 a.m. Wed. morning. The two made it clear that they were not going to sit idly by as the province ignored the human rights of the people of Winnipeg.

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Winnipeg Social Forum, May 7

From the WSF poster

IMC-Winnipeg -- A wide variety of social justice groups, activist associations and progressive NGOs are joining together for the day-long Winnipeg Social Forum (WSF), 9am to 9pm this Saturday, May 7, at the University of Winnipeg Bulman Centre. The WSF will be providing a wide-ranging and very busy schedule of workshops, presentations, discussions, entertainment and opportunities for networking -- along with a vegan lunch and dinner -- for free.

Winnipeggers interested in organizing to oppose transnational globalization and the policies and programs of the World Trade Organization, World Bank, FTAA and World Economic Forum, and those interested in learning more about how neo-liberal economic restructuring affects them personally, are all invited to join in the day's events.

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March 19 Day of Action

Photos by Thor

IMC-Peg -- Up to 500 Winnipeggers turned out for a well-organized demonstration and presentations in opposition to the continuing US occupation of Iraq. The March 19 International Day of Action was billed as a 'March Against the War and Occupation', the date chosen to celebrate the second anniversary of resistance to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Two independent counts during the actual march both resulted in estimates of over 400 attending, my own count being 405 (not including the many children).

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Mayor's integrity called into question by recent federal announcement

Mayor Sam Katz

Today Mayor Sam Katz held a press conference at City Hall to explain discrepancies between his earlier assurances to City Council that federal funds earmarked for the Bus Rapid Transit project could be diverted to Community Centre development without a hitch, and yesterday's announcement from the Treasury Board that this was not the case, and nor had such assurances originated from that department, as Mr. Katz had repeatedly claimed, publicly, in September of last year.

Despite repeated questions from reporters, the mayor would not be drawn into expressing any support for Bus Rapid Transit, instead merely admitting that it remained an "option". As for explaining the discrepency between his statements and Monday's revelation, he denied a misunderstanding, saying that he did indeed receive assurances that the money was going to 'flow' - "I'm sure a promise made is a promise kept". (Something certainly appeared to 'flowing', but it wasn't money).

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Winnipeggers 4 Bus Rapid Transit appear at Sam Katz' address to Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce

Kaj and Gordon with $34,000,000 in lost BRT funding

Today Mayor Sam Katz made his address to the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce at the Winnipeg Convention Centre after his first six months in office. But half an hour before his address was to begin, Winnipeggers for Bus Rapid Transit were on hand with a little piece of fun Street Theatre!

Someone masquerading as Mr. "Robin Hood" Katz returned two cheques for $17 million each to the Government of Canada, represented by "Finance Minister Reg Alcock" and the Government of Manitoba, represented by "Premier Gary Doer". Of course we know the story of "Robin Sam" - he's the savvy businessman who steals from the poor and gives to the rich.

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Editorial Policy

hammering away

The Editorial Policy "Manifesto"
The editorial policy of Independent Media Centre Winnipeg (IMC-Winnipeg) is now available on the website, for public viewing. It has not been easy to finalize, as many difficult questions are involved in adapting the model developed in the U.S. to Canadian law and the changing conditions for publishing with Internet technologies.

The policy as it now stands is a 'living document', subject to change as members continue to put forward suggestions for inclusion. So, we acknowledge that this version (v.04.12.01c) is a 'rough and ready' summary more than anything -- partly, an extended compromise between the policies of IMC-Victoria and IMC-Quebec (CMAQ). It is informed, as much as possible, by our understanding of the experiences of IMCs across Canada. It also provides for a great deal of latitude in decisionmaking for IMC-Winnipeg, an effort to remain cognizant of our strictly voluntary membership and the simple fact that we are not fully certain of what direction further developments will lead us to.

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WRONG! - 16 May 16:01

Unseen 9/11 Video to Be Released - 16 May 10:20

Controversial Experimental Weather Modification Bill in US Congress - 16 May 9:08

If you want Canada's military to assume a greater role in the world, fund it properly -- for a c - 16 May 7:51

10,000 US troops to be sent to Mexican border - 16 May 3:15

When two poor countries reclaimed oilfields, why did just one spark uproar? - 16 May 3:09

New figures reveal scale of industry's impact on climate - 16 May 2:52

Chavez: Imprison 'genocidal' Bush - 16 May 2:43

Vote could extend Canada's commitment to Afghanistan by 2 years - 16 May 2:35

FCC chief calls for probe of phone cos. - 16 May 2:33

U.S. bans arms sales to Venezuela - 16 May 2:31

Pink - Dear Mr. President - 15 May 17:14

New anti-war video from Jackson Browne - 15 May 15:08

Schools selling ads, raising funds to pay for basics, study warns - 15 May 14:44

The new Statue of Liberty - 15 May 11:18

"Walls and the World" - 15 May 9:39

Hamas and Israel's "Right to Exist" - 15 May 9:27

Let's Raise Gas Taxes and Lower Income Taxes - 15 May 7:00

British Govt attacks its own Court system - 14 May 10:09

Chávez Is A Threat Because He Offers The Alternative Of A Decent Society - 13 May 21:04

Chavez offers oil to Europe's poor - 13 May 21:01

The Canadian Holocaust - 13 May 11:00

Latin America's oil rebels rebuff EU - 13 May 1:52

Tracking of calls sparks furor in U.S. - 12 May 17:06

Ottawa wants Kyoto softened - 12 May 15:50

Red Cross assails U.S. over secret prisons - 12 May 15:31

Uranium's Effect On DNA Established - 11 May 19:08

The nuclear hypocrites - 11 May 17:46

petrodollar warfare - 11 May 17:37

How to stop Canada's globe-warming ways - 11 May 14:28

THE ICEMAN COMETH - 11 May 11:41

Sam Katz's City Summit - 11 May 6:42

Excerpts from Ahmadinejads letter to Bush - 10 May 19:42

A diplomatic war about genocide - 10 May 19:03

All of Us Participate in a New Iraq - 10 May 13:57

Buzz builds for new 'Peg youth skatepark - 10 May 11:18

America bows to EU pressure to allow aid for Palestinians - 10 May 10:17

Aid plan poses challenge to Hamas - 10 May 9:14

Depleted Uranium - Far Worse Than 9/11 - 10 May 4:26

Ahmadinejad never had ambitions to "wipe Israel off the map" - 9 May 19:52