Welcome to Kupu

What is Kupu?

Kupu is a 'document-centric' open source client-side editor for Mozilla, Netscape and Internet Explorer. Inspired by Maik Jablonski's Epoz editor, it was written by Paul Everitt, Guido Wesdorp and Philipp von Weitershausen (and several other contributors, for a complete list refer to the CREDITS.txt file) to improve the JavaScript code and architecture, pluggability, standards support, support for other webservers than Zope (which was the original target platform for Epoz), configurability and a lot of other issues.

Kupu's features

What does Kupu mean?

Kupu is Maori and means word, statement, remark. Kupu kupu is Indonesian and means butterfly. Hence, the blue butterfly is Kupu's mascot.