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Devel.ImcTechr1.65 - 26 Mar 2006 - 11:50 - ChrisCtopic end
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IMC-Tech Working Group Home

Welcome to the Global Tech Team wink

On this Site you can find all the Info About the Tech Work in the Indymedia Network. Check out the Working Groups for Global, Local, Coding and Admin Work. There are many different Projects, Server, Sites and Codebases - just select what you like and get in touch with us on the Mailing-Lists or in IRC.

Information appearing here may overlap with information on the Sysadmin wiki. Please think before posting to make sure you placing information where people will look for it. If in doubt, post it once, then put a note on the other web with a link to if you think the overlap is sufficient.

NEW: You can subscribe to WebNotify if you want to be notified when pages change in this wiki.


Working Groups

  • Global Website Working Group - All Stuff related to the Global Indy Website
  • Development - Get involved in developing code
  • Sysadmin - Working group for the system administrators
  • Listwork - Howto's and Errata from the listworkers.
  • IMC-docs - Wiki of the group responsible for the wiki
  • IRCd - Working group to manage the irc services, daemons and network
  • Dns - Working group to manage DNS requests and services
  • ImcSecurity - IMC Security working group, discussing IT security matters and proving documentation on best practice
  • KeyServer - Working group to manage the GPG keyserver
  • SoS - Working group to manage the request tracker

Contact Information

Additional contacts are provided on the several working groups pages (see above).

Local IMC Tech Teams

...coming soon... (add your Local Tech Site here!)

Hosting options

Hosting providers

There are already several shared indymedia web hosting servers which may still have enough room to add your IMC. Commonly, each server runs one or two codebases only, so the choice of servers you can be hosted on is directly related to the codebase you choose.

Additional hosting options are listed at IMCServerOffers


Most IMCs run codebases which are developed by indymedia activists. However, there are also a couple of OpenSourceCodebases which may (or may not) be suitable for running an IMC. Here is a list of the different options, what codebase you can run on them, how to get a hold of them and what their status is. See also the Server Info on Sysadmin Main Page

Getting involved

Its great that you want to get involved and help out! There are a few things you can do to start to get involved:

  • Come to a New Tech Orientation meeting (next is: NewTechOrientation2006?)
  • Join the appropriate mailing list ( and introduce yourself
  • Come onto IRC, many of the people who are working on this project hang out on IRC (, channel #tech), there are a number of nice people from all over the globe who can help you get involved, and get you up to speed on how things work, and there is one mean one (jb). Here is a document on how to get started using IRC, if you have never used it before: IrcHowTo
  • Pick something from a Todo list and let people know you are working on it
  • Get yourself a Wiki account (TWikiRegistration) so you can make changes here; then, subscribe on Devel.WebNotify and/or Sysadmin.WebNotify to be informed of the twiki pages' changes
  • Look through the working groups above
  • Get a GPG key and start developing some trust with people



Roll call, meeting time and space, review/add to agenda:

  • NewTechOrientation2006?

Previous Meetings

IMC-Tech tries to hold regular meetings, but may not often succeed in this.


This is a section for the summaries of imc-tech work over an undefined period. Rabble used to do them on his own, now we are hoping they can be collaboratively created.

Check out HOWTO collect summaries.


Collective working drafts


Perhaps someone who has been around since the beginning can fill this in?

Importance of Free Software to Indymedia

Code used by IMC's worldwide reflects a dedication to using Free Software when possible.

-- ChristopherMitchell - 04 Jun 2002 added free software Twiki links

-- SpaceBunny - 27 Apr 2003 AgendaMeeting20030614

-- EarthmanWhyTheFsckCantThisHandleSingleNames - 14 Jun 2003 can: EarthmaN
...and no swearing on the wiki

-- PatrickPatrick - 26 Oct 2003 TechMeetingSummary01Nov03 (for pre-meeting agenda, but just re-use this page for summary)

-- RichardKirkcaldy - 26 Oct 2004 Done some spell checking of this page

-- SpaceBunny - 27 Apr 2003 AgendaMeeting20030614

-- EarthmanWhyTheFsckCantThisHandleSingleNames - 14 Jun 2003 can: EarthmaN
...and no swearing on the wiki

-- PatrickPatrick - 26 Oct 2003 TechMeetingSummary01Nov03 (for pre-meeting agenda, but just re-use this page for summary)

-- RichardKirkcaldy - 26 Oct 2004 Done some spell checking of this page
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I Attachment sort Action Size Date Who Comment
agenda-06-14-03 manage 0.2 K 14 Jun 2003 - 20:43 AnsTi tch/sysadmin meeting 06/14/2003

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