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Upcoming Events:

Saturday 4/29 6:30 PM, Ashland, More Independent Media: The Prometheus Radio Project: Take Back Your Radio Dial
Thursday 5/4 7:00 PM, Ashland, Community Forum on Workforce Housing
Tuesday 5/9 6:30 PM, Medford, Citizens for Peace & Justice
Saturday 5/13 1:30 PM, Jacksonville, Jacksonville Mutt Strut
Wednesday 5/17 7:00 PM, Portland, Volunteer Meet-Ups and Planning Meetings for the 2006 A World Beyond Capitalism Conference
Tuesday 6/13 6:30 PM, Medford, Citizens for Peace & Justice
Wednesday 6/21 7:00 PM, Portland, Volunteer Meet-Ups and Planning Meetings for the 2006 A World Beyond Capitalism Conference

Immigration Rights Rally/March in Medford

Rogue Indy Reporters, 20.04.2006 - 00:00
More Photos Below 4/21/06 Alba Park, Medford, Oregon

A crowd estimated between 300 and 500 stood strong in a march & rally in downtown Medford. After the opening rally at the gazebo in Alba demonstrators proceeded down Main Street first to Vogel Park. The march moved onto Central with banners held high in the air. The procession turned at 6th Street and then again onto Riverside to 10th around the Library and then down Central again back to Vogel Park.

Accompanying chants included

"Si Se Puede" (Yes We Can)
"El Pueblo Unido, Jamas Sera Vencido" (The People United, Will Never Be Defeated)
"Hoy Marchamos, Manana Votamos" (Today We March, Tommorow We Vote)

Check out photos and short streaming Quicktime video

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Ashland Downtown Planning

Downtown Planning Committee, 19.04.2006 - 20:12
On April 25th and 26th George Crandall, FAIA and Don Arambula, ASLA, principals of the nationally-known urban consulting firm, Crandall Arambula, will be in town for briefings with stakeholders and a general public meeting. The consultants were chosen by the City Council to produce a scope of work that clearly identified thesequence of steps involved to produce a new Downtown Master Plan.
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Got Roadless? Oxygen Collective's show coming to Medford 4/21

o2, 17.04.2006 - 00:37
People Rally for the Wild Siskiyou The Final chapter of the saga of the Biscuit Burn is still unwritten. Ecologists prove logging it is unhealthy, firefighters warn it's dangerous, economists assure it's wasteful. Dozens of arrests have stymied the threat to a fraction of their promise. Still, Bush and Big Timber come back for more - this time Kalmiopsis Roadless Areas auctioned off under the guise of salvage!

The Oxygen Collective is directly challenging the Bush Administration's rapidly advancing plans to salvage log forests in Oregon's largest unprotected roadless areas this summer. For three days in April we will be traveling via our 40-foot biodiesel bus through western Oregon for four scheduled appearances and a few unannounced surprises. Come join us (for free) on the 21st, Medford Public Library, 413 West Main Street @ 7:30 pm for stories, song, cinema and saucy talk!
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April 16 - 22, as Proclaimed by the City of Ashland, Oregon, 14.04.2006 - 19:01
 * * be the media * *

RUPERT MURDOCH STEP ASIDE - Coalition partners KSKQ, Rogue Independent Media Center, S.O.U. Media Collective, The Ashland Free Press, and The Committee for Democracy Now! host Independent Media Week events including a documentary film festival, presentations, an open mic event and informational tabling.
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RR Teachers Have Tentative Contract Agreement

1.5 DAY LONG STRIKE ENDS!!!, 13.04.2006 - 11:28
Thursday, April 13, late morning update-
Rogue River Teachers will vote on contract agreement. Possibly might be back to work this afternoon.

WATCH SHORT VIDEO CLIPS, Teachers sing and chant for a contract at the Wednesday morning 6:30 a.m. rally, just prior to hitting the picket lines at all four Rogue River Schools.

And an interview with Mary Ruth Wooding, SEIU#503-retired janitor from Southern Oregon University, member of Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice and long time delegate to the Southern Oregon Central Labor Council.
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KELTS IN KILTS FOR KSKQ Benefit. Music, Stories & Art

DJ VJ Ter'Rence, 09.04.2006 - 21:50
Download Poster, then print and make lots of copies and hand out to friends Irish & Scottish music songs and stories by the world renowned bagpipe artist & storyterller Kevin Carr on fiddle & Irish and Galacian bagpipe. He will be accompanied by local friends & musicians including Donna Breedlove & Patrick Claflin on Bohdram drum, Philip Colvard on guitar, & Jim Finnegan with vocals.
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Red Ride. Bicycle Ride For Hurricane Relief.

Benjamin Harlow, 05.04.2006 - 15:24
Photo by Levi Van Meter Traditional Prayer Stick carried by bicycle from Southern Oregon to Louisiana.

Prayers offered to Louisianas hurricane and socio-economic impacted Biloxi-Chitimach Confederation of Muskogee tribes, and the Point-au-Chien Indian tribe.

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Councilor Hartzell on police issues

Cate Hartzell (reposted from ACA), 04.04.2006 - 13:50

In this note, I present my experiences, thoughts, and frustrations around the current situation in the Police Department. I acknowledge that there are many different perspectives on these issues; that is the nature of our human reality. Mine is not the "right" story because there is no "right" story.
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Chief Bianca Ousted

pogo, 03.04.2006 - 17:09
Mike Bianca file photo Ashland Police Chief Mike Bianca has resigned after rumors of his pending termination surfaced on the council email listserv.
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Students walked on March 5 '03 Books Not Bombs, 02.04.2006 - 20:38
The power and vibrancy of youth

On March 5, 2003 the huge BOOKS NOT BOMBS rally in Ashland, Oregon saw students walk out from college, high school and the middle school. This preemptive rally BEFORE THE BOMBS DROPPED ON BAGHDAD had the bright vibrant faces of youth standing up for democracy in a very important way.

Three (3) years later we need to examine current news, this repost from the Portland Independent Media Center Newswire:

"SKIPPING SCHOOL TO PROTEST" (portland indymedia repost)

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Text 4/22; CA Protests Bush regime H2 greenwash
23-04-2006 16:57

Text Free Independent Films Continue
19-04-2006 07:31

Text Take Back the Night
18-04-2006 21:31

Text Urge Baird to Agree to Public Debate (1 comment)
18-04-2006 17:14

Image Klamath Native Youth to Host Fish Run 5/28
18-04-2006 11:51

Text Adrian Haley negotiates for Baird to Debate
17-04-2006 22:44

Text Tree-sit @Bairds office Ends
17-04-2006 22:34

Text Tree-sit in Front of Rep. Baird's Office (5 comments)
17-04-2006 22:23

17-04-2006 17:35

Image Canyon Pass old growth next to I-5 for sale. (1 comment)
17-04-2006 17:26

Image Give Them ALL Amnesty! (4 comments)
16-04-2006 22:47

Text Craigslist makes it to Medford
16-04-2006 10:09

Image Settlement Closer, but Teachers still STRIKE (1 comment)
13-04-2006 07:09

Text Forest Service to Destroy Rogues Top Hatchery (9 comments)
11-04-2006 23:26

Image Rogue River Teachers Strike (1 comment)
11-04-2006 21:58

Image Old Growth threatened in the Umpqua watershed (1 comment)
11-04-2006 15:56

Text Prisoner Support Alert: Liam O'Reilly
10-04-2006 20:40

Text The Results of Censorship (6 comments)
10-04-2006 13:19

Image Rogue River Teachers Move Out of Classrooms
10-04-2006 09:08

Text The Oxygen Collective's Biscuit Roadless Show 4/21
07-04-2006 08:53

Text Kelts & Kilts for KSKQ
06-04-2006 22:23

Text Benefit Concert!The Moore Brothers and More!
06-04-2006 08:31

Image Howard Owens, Next OR State Rep. from G.P.
05-04-2006 19:47

Image Citizens for Bianca Stand Up and are Heard!
05-04-2006 12:29

Text Athena in Velvet
05-04-2006 11:32

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Text Class Action for Chicago Anti-war lawsuit
20-04-2006 14:57

Image T minus 4 days: World Bank & IMF meetings
17-04-2006 22:55

16-04-2006 10:08

Image New website asks Oprah to do a show on 9/11
14-04-2006 18:10

Image Beating the COPE Act: New Legislation Threate
14-04-2006 15:01

Text New(ish) Artspace/Infoshop! In Santa Cruz, Ca
13-04-2006 18:29

Text timely book: global economy in the Chinese ag
10-04-2006 21:11

Text Southern Girls Convention
08-04-2006 09:33

Text Torture Victim And Others Report From Iraq
07-04-2006 18:30

Text clouds of tears
06-04-2006 10:34

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