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Lake Cowal Easter Protest Halts Mine


Lake Cowal Truck Mining operations at Barrick Gold's Lake Cowal Project in western NSW were stopped for over five hours on Easter Sunday when a group of nearly one hundred protestors walked on to the mine site to highlight concern over the mine’s safety and social implications. The group, including Wiradjuri traditional owners and a cross section of locals and others from around Australia, were part of Easter protests against the newly opened gold mine. [Full Story]

[Desecration of Sacred Site | Save Lake Cowal | Cyanide Watch | The Lake]

Indigenous Camp eviction looms


indigenous flag The Camp Sovereignty protest site in Melbourne's Kings Domain Gardens faces the threat of eviction after police visited the camp on Friday morning. The camp was established for the Commonwealth Games to serve as a base for actions coordinated by the Black GST campaign to highlight the on going resistance of Indigenous and non Indigenous people to the illegal occupation of the Australian continent. [Full Story]

Background [Black GST | Camp Sovereignty Established]

Government Shuts Down Political Web Site


from the newswire
One week before the third anniversary of the criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq, the Australian government forced the closure of a satirical web site that powerfully exposed several key lies told by Prime Minister John Howard to justify participation in the US-led war. [Full Story]

[Propaganda Matrix | Richard Neville | The Speech that disappeared]

Desecration of Sacred Site - Lake Cowal


from the newswire
Looking down on the mine with its open-cut pit, which is still only at about 7% of its total depth, and the cryptic markings of the unlined tailings dams, I reflected on a famous quote by Mark Twain: What's a definition of a gold mine? A hole in the ground owned by a liar. [Full Story]

[Lake Cowal Corroboree planned for Easter]

Student protests and occupations in France


More than a million students and workers took to the streets in France over the weekend to demonstrate against the imposition of new industrial relations laws that particularly impact young workers. The rallies follow weeks of unrest that have seen railways blockaded, airports disrupted, and up to two thirds of France's universities occupied. [Full Story]

[Libcom blog: Unrest in France | Paris Indymedia]

West Papua is Rising


West Papuan students have begun an uprising which is being violently suppressed by the Indonesian police and military. Indonesian Police in Jayapura West Papua are meting out arbitrary vengeance after violent clashes with student demonstrators. Students were protesting for the closure of the New Orleans based Freeport-McMoRan Grasberg copper and gold mine, one of the largest mines in the world. "We want Freeport to close because it has not given any benefits to the people of Papua," one protestor told the ABC. "In fact, it's made them suffer."

Rally and march on April 2 to Free West Papua, and to free the 43 West Papuan refugees held on Christmas Island.

"Enough is enough!" - cries from West Papua
The Secret War Against The Defenceless People Of West Papua - John Pilger | IMC Jakarta (Indonesian)

Camp Sovereignty Established


black gst logo The Stolenwealth Games protest camp has been established in Melbourne Kings Domain Gardens in the lead up to the Commonwealth Games. The camp will serve as a base for actions being coordinated by the Black GST campaign to highlight the ongoing resistance of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to the illegal occupation of the Australian continent. Ceremonies were opened with the lighting of the Aboriginal Sacred Fire for Peace and Justice from ashes brought from the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra. [Full Story]

Reports [Getting to the Camp | What's on | Stolenwealth Games Convergence Begins]

Peace Activist found Not Guilty of Obstruction


Christains Against All Terrorism member Sean O'Reilly was found not guilty in the Alice springs Magistrates court on March 3rd. O'Reilly had been charged with obstructing police while holding an anti-war vigil outside the Pine Gap Military facility in December last year. [ Full Story ]

My Brother is in Court
Citizen inspection shuts down Pine Gap.

Free Public Transport for Melbourne?


The Sunday Age has featured on page one a story calling for free public transport for Melbourne, and in their editorial called it "Just what our ailing public transport needs" [ Full Story ]

PTUA : Myth: Making public transport free will encourage use

Political Amnesia and Howard's Ten Years


From the newswire
"The mainstream press's analysis of 'Ten Years of Howard' has involved a massive dose of political amnesia. A pattern of Government lies and racism is all but ignored. Instead Howard is lauded for his "mainstream" values and for keeping down interest rates." according to one Indymedia correspondent. [ Full Story ]

On Friday night Howard's 10 year party in Toorak was gatecrashed. (More photos)

Laws Proposed against Protests That Cause Economic Loss


from the newswire
Peter McGauran, the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, said that he is developing new legislation aimed at protests involving his portfolio. With specific reference to the recent protests about live sheep exports, he said that the legislation would be framed around the ‘intent to cause economic loss’. Protests and protestors that are shown to cause an economic loss to an industry would be held ‘criminally and civilly liable’ for such losses.... [Full Story

On 11th February animal activists attempted to stop the export of 50,000 sheep from Devonport, Tasmania, which involved 40 protesters chaining themselves to the dock and laying on the ground in an attempt to prevent trucks loading sheep. Twelve protesters were arrested. Animal activists have lodged a formal complaint with Tasmanian Police over their treatment at protests. Despite intensive port security, activists succeeded in scrawling "Death Ship" on the side of Al Messilah, bound for Kuwait.

Against Animal Cruelty Tasmania | Live Export Shame

Swiss Police Acquitted in Aubonne Bridge Trial


On the 13th, 14th, 15th of February 2006 a court case against two Swiss police officers took place in Nyon, Switzerland. Michael Deiss and Claude Poget were charged with causing bodily harm through negligence. They were in court after nearly killing climbers Martin Shaw and Gesine Wenzel during the protests against the G8 in Evian. On Friday 17 February the verdict of this private prosecution came through with an acquittal of the two policemen [Read verdict press release by Martin and Gesine]. [Discuss on Melbourne Indymedia]

More information: Aubonne Bridge Campaign | IMC-UK Evian G8 page | PigBrother Live Show

Habitat Death by Cane Toad


from the newswire
The dreaded canetoad has evolved into a longer-legged variety and is invading northern Australia by travelling up to 60 km per year, a six-fold increase in movement. It is also adapting to colder southern climates.... [Full Story]

Nature | Australian Museum | Kununurra Community prepares to fight |

Obscene Tax Payer Funded Rites for Capitalist Monarch


Kerry Packer is dead, but even in death he rips off the tax-payer. "Eulogies at today's taxpayer-funded service will be read by the Prime Minister, John Howard, the cricket commentator Richie Benaud and the actor Russell Crowe." (SMH 17 Feb 2006) The Packer family sent out invitations to a thousand select people. Sydney Activist, Peter McGregor, sent out his own invitation for a dis-memorial event encouraging activists to celebrate...[Full Story]

Irony: New Public Holiday Feb 17th | Packer Parasite Carks It
Sydney Indymedia

Federal Government Gagging Climate Refugee Issue?


Friends of the Earth have called on the Federal Government to recognise climate refugees and hold an investigation to prove the issue is not being silenced by the “greenhouse mafia”, as reported on the ABC program Four Corners. [Full Story]

The Four Corners program also contained allegations of censorship against scientists speaking out on issues where their views were counter to Government policy on climate change.

ABC: Four Corners: The Greenhouse Mafia | News in Science: Censorship 'just tip of iceberg'
Friends of the Earth: Climate Refugee Forum Sat 18 Feb | Citizens Guide to Climate Refugees

Saving the Habitat of Leadbeaters Possum


Conservationists have been arrested over logging in the Central Highlands, when Police and Department of Sustainability and Environment broke up a blockade. Leadbeatters possum is facing habitat destruction by logging approved by the Bracks Government in the Royston Valley of the Central Highlands, 120 km east of Melbourne. Leadbeaters Possum is the fauna emblem of Victoria and is on the endangered species list. [Full Story]

Friends of the Earth | Central Highlands Alliance | Wilderness Society

Democracy For Sale at Corporate Rates


A new Federal bill proposed by the Howard Government will see the limit for disclosed donations increase from $1,500 to $10,000. "This legislation does nothing but pervert our democracy,” Australian Centre for Democracy and Justice Director Hammy Goonan said. "By increasing the disclosure threshold for a donation to a political party from $1500 to $10,000 you are essentially announcing that our government's policies can be bought." [Full Story]

It has recently been revealed that British billionare Lord Michael Ashcroft donated $1 million dollars to the Australian Liberal Party.

Australian Centre for Democracy and Justice | Democracy Watch | Democracy4Sale

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