Breaking news +++
19-04-2006 13:28: Lots of tech troubles today. Please bear with us...
thanks! +++
Fotos From Frank Jude Rally
marco (photos by Jamin Mathis), 20.04.2006 - 10:40
Here go the first fotos to hit the wire from
the Frank Jude rally. Hopefully more people
will share their text, video and pics and whatnot.
We Demand Justice in Milwaukee!: Upcoming Events Posted Soon...
Nichali Ciaccio, 15.04.2006 - 20:45
The acquittal of the three officers primarily involved in the savage beating of Frank Jude, Jr. is an egregious violation of justice, but not an exception to the rule of racism and oppression coming from the Milwaukee "criminal justice" system. How will we demand justice?
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May Day Planning Meetings
Juggalo Fatpants, 09.04.2006 - 13:17
May Day info.
meetings 7pm every monday
Brewing grounds
2008 N. Farwell
until May Day
1page pdf:
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ROUNDUP: Other Major Protests Around Wisconsin
marco, 26.03.2006 - 12:09
Here are links to stories, pics and videos and stuff
regarding major protests around other parts of the state
going on around the same time of the big MKE happenings
last week. Yippie!!
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photos of immigrant rights march 3-23-06
ryan, 25.03.2006 - 22:26
here are several pictures of the marches in racine and milwaukee on thursday.
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photos from the anti-authoritarian bloc on the 18th
a herd of kittens, 25.03.2006 - 18:29
These photos were taken by jon at the aniversary of the war protest on the 18th and then converted and put online by me.
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Milwaukee: Report back from Radical Anti-Capitalist Breakaway March
a herd of kittens, 20.03.2006 - 20:32
a reprint of an article posted to about the breakaway march in milwaukee on the 18th.
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Annual Perennial Observances
monte letourneau, 18.03.2006 - 18:09
some pics i took as i arrived,
and then of a mess of folk enjoying a good day in the best way.
2006 03 18
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Amy Goodman in Milwaukee - 4/20
BA Baracus, 17.03.2006 - 15:16
Amy Goodman and Ruth Wedgwood will be at the Pabst Theater on April 20th, 2006.
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Afghan activist, parliamentarian on U.S. foreign policy
Diane Farsetta [reprint from madison imc], 16.03.2006 - 16:10
Afghan parliamentarian and activist Malalai Joya spoke in Madison recently, as part of local International Women's Day celebrations. In this excerpt from her talk, she addresses the power of warlords and drug dealers in Afghanistan, and how U.S. policy towards her country must change.
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Banner Dropped on Corporate Newspaper Building
kilgore trout, 08.03.2006 - 00:18
Oshkosh, WI - A banner bearing the text " - Fuck the Corporate Media" was hoisted above the entrway of The Oshkosh Northwestern building. The Northwestern is a newspaper known for its sloppy journalism and corporate interests.
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