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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Weekly Newsletter: April 13 - April 20


THU: 7:00PM Southern Tier Progressive WorldCafe
SUN: 7:00PM Scott Ritter - Public Access Ch. 4
WED: 7:00PM Binghamton Indymedia General Meeting

See inside for more details and a complete listing of this week's progressive events and outreach.

If you'd like to see your group's event listed here, please send info to:
IMC-binghamton-announce (at)

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Interview :: Prisons

Drill Practice at Broome County Jail Amounts to Abuse of Prisoners

Teresa Grady
Broome County Jail
Journal Entries

March 28, 2006

Dear Ones,

Today I was witness to an abuse of power, much greater than the norm (after all we are in jail) in the women’s General Population on the part of approximately 20 to 30 jail employees. The employees included the mean morning lieutenant Connors with grey hair and a mustache; Ken Moore, the deputy administrator (he was carrying a paper in his hand); and someone filming the whole scene as it unfolded.

Read her entire entry here.

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Weekly Newsletter: April 06 - April 13

THU: 6:30PM Video: Negroes With Guns
FRI: 3:00PM Science and Islam: From Pluralism to Religious Essentialism
SAT: 7:00PM Art Opening: trans-boundary experiences
SUN: 7:00PM Hunger Banquet
MON: 4:00PM Radio Broadcast - Noam Chomsky: Imminent Crises
TUE: 5:30PM Arts Delegation Fundraiser Promotes Arts in the Southern Tier
WED: 12:00PM Book Discussion: John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

See inside for more details and a complete listing of this week's progressive events and outreach.
If you'd like to see your group's event listed here, please send info to:
IMC-binghamton-announce (at)

or visit the on-line calendar and add your event


Announcement :: Miscellaneous

April 11th Arts Delegation Fundraiser Promotes Arts in the Southern Tier

salsadancers.jpgOn Tuesday, April 11th, from 5:30 - 8:30 pm the local arts community will come out to support the Arts Delegation to El Salvador when the Binghamton - El Charcón Sister City Project holds a fundraiser hosted by the Orazio Salati Studio & Gallery at 205 State St., Binghamton.


News :: Iraq War : Media

Scott Ritter: Reflections on Media

ScottRitter.jpgScott Ritter, former intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector, spoke at length tonight at Binghamton University about weapons of mass destruction, the reasons for war in Iraq and Iran, the US constitution and in this clip, his views on the media as a reflection of 'We the People'.
Video 11MB 5 mins. QuickTime

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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

Torture Survivor Says "No Mas, No More" to Torture

Cmauricio.jpgCarlos Mauricio, a San Francisco teacher and a survivor of torture in El Salvador's bloody civil war, will speak against the School of the Americas at St. James Church, Owens Hall, Johnson City at 7:15 am on Friday, April 21. He will appear later that day at BU and in the evening at the lost dog cafe.

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News :: International Relations : Media : Peace : Racial Justice

‘Independent Media’ Advisor Slot Created for USAID-Europe/Eurasia

This article originally appeared in The Peacock Report

The promotion of “independent media” in Europe and Eurasia will be a top priority for a new senior advisor that the U.S. government will deploy this year. Although privately contracted media-advisors have been on the payroll of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) since 1995, the responsibilities of such advisors are about to take a new twist: in addition to purportedly advocating media independence, the new position will simultaneously tackle the promotion of human rights and peace among religious and ethnic groups.

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Announcement :: Media : Miscellaneous

Weekly Newsletter: March 30 - April 06

THU: 7:00PM "Freedom of Speech on Trial"
FRI: 6:00PM PERMACULTURE FUNDAMENTALS: Weekend Workshop begins
SAT: 7:00PM Scott Ritter Former UN Weapons Inspector
WED: 7:00PM Binghamton Indymedia General Meeting

See inside for more details and a complete listing of this week's progressive events and outreach.

If you'd like to see your group's event listed here, please send info to

IMC-binghamton-announce (at)


News ::

Re: Impeachment Chatter Gains Momentum: Kerry Promises to Raise Downing Street Memo in Congress; John Conyers' Letter to President Endorsed by 150,000 in Just One Week


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News :: International Relations : Miscellaneous : Peace

Air Force Seeks to Create Hybrid Infowar/Public Relations Technologies

The U.S. military’s ability to repel electronic attacks while preserving its “freedom” to conduct such attacks are integral to achieving “information superiority” over the rest of the world, the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) says. However, these capabilities alone cannot guarantee such superiority, according to AFRL. Consequently, it has launched an R&D; program whose goal is to combine cyberattack operations with public relations and military deception campaigns -- the outcome which would give decision makers the ability to control the “battlespace” and simultaneously mold “the perceptions and behaviors of leaders, groups, or entire populations.”

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News :: Corporations : Economic Justice : Environment : International Relations

New Details of U.S. Moon-Base Project Reveal Nuclear Intentions

The first steps toward building a manned lunar base and eventually sending astronauts to Mars quietly unfolded in recent days, as NASA issued a call to industry and academia for proposals on how to best proceed with those projects. Although President Bush in January revealed his preliminary intentions to jump-start future U.S. space missions, The Peacock Report (TPR) this week obtained planning documents revealing the possibility of constructing nuclear power plants on the moon, where “both human and robotic agents” would operate technology production facilities.


Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Weekly Newsletter: March 23 - March 30

THU: 7:00PM Muslim Charities: Criminalizing Compassion in the War on Terror
FRI: 2:00PM Book Discussion: Culture of Fear: Why Americans are Afraid of the Wrong Things
SAT: 8:00PM Rude and Bold Women present Suzanne Westenhoefer
TUE: 6:00PM Living Wage: Forum and Information
WED: 7:00PM Binghamton Indymedia Open House

See inside for more details and a complete listing of this week's progressive events and outreach.

If you'd like to see your group's event listed here, please send info to

IMC-binghamton-announce (at)


News :: Iraq War : Peace

Rally for Peace and Freedom

Despite snow and near freezing temperatures over 400 people gathered outside the federal courthouse on Henry Street in Binghamton to bear witness that the US is beginning its fourth year of occupation in Iraq.

Before arriving at the courthouse about 200 people gathered at Peace (Confluence) Park and proceeded through downtown Binghamton with signs and banners declaring that peace and freedom are in the best interest of all Americans and Iraqis.

[Editor's note: The full text of individual speeches will be posted as comments to this article.]

View Rev. Doug Taylor's speech here. QuickTime 15MB

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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Weekly Newsletter: March 16 - March 23

imclogo.jpgSNEAK PEAK:
SAT: 6:00PM Puppetistas: Puppet Making Workshop
SUN: 12:00PM Misconceptions About the Quran
SUN: 1:00PM Rally for Peace and Freedom
MON: 4:30PM Weekly Peace Vigil
WED: 7:00PM Moving Faith into Action

See inside for more details and a complete listing of this week's progressive events and outreach.

If you'd like to see your group's event listed here, please send info to

IMC-binghamton-announce (at)


Announcement :: Iraq War : Peace

March 19: Rally for Peace and Freedom

As we begin yet another year of bloodshed, misery, torture, death and destruction -- with no peace in sight for Iraq, members of the Southern Tier community have organized a rally demanding that our government restore peace and freedom.

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Binghamton Indymedia General Meeting

Time: 7:00 PM

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