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Gateway: highway expansion / Portman twinning
highway expansion increases congestion, placing more cars on the road.
highway expansion will cover Vancouver in smog.
highway expansion wasteful...address public transportation
highway expansion... the gateway to more junk and low paying jobs in retail, until RFID in full effect

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Announcement :: Indymedia
Vancouver Indymedia Returns
19 Apr 2006
VanIndy.gifPublic meeting to discuss a new format for Vancouver Indymedia
Spartacus Books
319 West Hastings, 2nd Floor
Thursday May 4th
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News :: Peace
June World Peace Forum organizers call for volunteers!
16 Apr 2006
Modified: 18 Apr 2006
We are currently seeking volunteers to donate their time to the World Peace Forum 2006. We will need hundreds of volunteers during the Forum in June. We need people to offer billets to guests and we need help with the many events leading up to the Forum. Please register as a volunteer on our website:
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Commentary :: Animal Rights : Civil & Human Rights : Environment : Miscellaneous : Prisons : Protest Activity
Tre Arrow Update: 2 years in jail and another hunger strike
18 Apr 2006
Eco-prisoner Tre Arrow has launched a second hunger strike after more than two years in BC jails. He is fighting extradition to the US for alleged sabotaging logging and gravel mining trucks. Tre is currently being held at Wilkinson facility in Victoria, BC.
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News :: Environment
A Victory for Cathedral Grove?
06 Apr 2006
CathedralGroveWetlandForest.jpgEnvironment Minister Barry Penner announced today that no parking lot will be built in Cathedral Grove. I want to congratulate all of us who have worked so hard for so long to protect the sensitive ecosystem in Cathedral Grove. Tree-sits and a permanent camp for 26 months has resulted in this conclusion. Environmental Action can work!
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Announcement :: Miscellaneous
Introducing Northern Oracle
04 Apr 2006
Modified: 05 Apr 2006
Northern Oracle Research Collective is a Not-For-Profit Collective (Secular Operational Participatory INGO)
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News :: Children & Education : Labor : Poverty
BC Families do not have enough Income to Eat say BC Dietitians
04 Apr 2006
A report released by the Dietitians of Canada and the Community Nutritionists Council of BC identifies low incomes, lack of affordable housing, unfair welfare rates and the failure of BC to establish a living wage as key factors contributing to low nutrition in some families in BC.
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News :: Media
Mediagate: Sun Media and CanWest Global in a Mockery of Democracy
30 Mar 2006
It appears from the last federal election, that CanWest Global including its National Post and other chain of newspapers, and the Sun Media chain of newspapers have transformed media entities from the appearance of being nominally objective, to outright extensions of a Conservative Party of Canada propaganda machine. Indeed, the CanWest Global's newspapers together with Sun Media newspapers could be viewed to be little more that huge Conservative Party pamphlets, that always dissemble, and create political spin for the Conservatives. The greatest threat to national unity in Canada is not Quebec separatism, but mass-media organizations which in their pursuit of social control, greed, and iniquity, champion political interests that seek to destroy Canada.
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News :: Animal Rights : Environment : Protest Activity : Spirituality
Seal Slaughter
24 Mar 2006
seal_kiss.JPG375 000 seals 2 - 12 weeks... the slaughter begins today.
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Media Gallery
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since 13 Apr 2006.
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Local Interest
text 04/19 20:51 PST
A World Leader in the Militarisation of Space
text 04/19 20:29 PST
Questions lost among accolades
text image 04/19 17:10 PST
Interspiritual Gathering to Bless the Salmon as they Head to Sea
text 04/19 09:31 PST
A dangerous new tactic employed at Salsbury Garden
text 04/19 06:37 PST
Jorge Martin Speaking Tour
text 04/18 19:44 PST
Canada, Mulroney, Adnan Khashoggi, Barrick Gold, the SEC, Genesis Intermedia and me
text 04/18 13:43 PST
Let them eat productivity cakewalk
text 04/18 13:07 PST
An impending Disaster: Oil and Gas Development off the coast of BC
text image 04/18 12:15 PST
Resurrection of Environmentalism in West Vancouver
text 04/18 11:19 PST
The War On Prosperity
text 04/17 13:43 PST
Union Busters To Speak in Victoria
text 04/16 16:56 PST
text image 04/16 00:08 PST
CIA, Catholic Church, Canada, and MKULTRA: mass grave of dead children found near Montreal
text 04/15 19:06 PST
The Canadian Census Will Be Conducted Under Corporate Criminal Lockheed Martin & the U.S. Patriot Act
text 04/15 18:51 PST
The Statute of Westminster gave the provinces their independence
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text 04/20 04:21 PST
Lucerne, Swiss Becomes a GATS-Free Community
text 04/20 01:26 PST
An Fascinating Dr. Phil Special
text 04/19 23:58 PST
Alberni & Cathedral Grove
text 04/19 23:37 PST
Zionism: The Biggest, Most Successful and Most Dangerous Spin of All
text 04/19 20:38 PST
Baghdad Morgue Overflowing Daily
text 04/19 12:33 PST
...and the Cdn.Music Award goes to...Mediocrity...again!
text 04/19 12:29 PST
Des bombardements ŕ l’Uranium en Irak contaminent l’Europe.
text image 04/19 11:16 PST
Judas - From Benedict Arnold to Mother Teresa
text 04/19 10:18 PST
Engaging in Alberta's Democratic Debate
text 04/19 06:34 PST
Jorge Martin Speaking Tour

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