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Need Endorsements for UVA Living Wage Resolution
UVA Living Wage Coalition

I'm looking for endorsement of the UVA living wage campaign--individuals or organizations. People may contact me or to sign on. Any and all support is appreciated.

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Va. Senate removes eminent domain from Charlottesville affordable housing amendment
Never has a single letter been so effective.

[T]he Senate on Monday voted 37-2 to approve Deeds' bill to allow Charlottesville to create new loan and grant programs to help low- or moderate-income residents buy a home.

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Patriot's Impeachment Rally
A Call to Reclaim Constitutional Democracy

A coalition of local groups is sponsoring a Patriot's Impeachment Rally to demand accountability from both the Republican and Democratic parties. Spokespersons will be appearing in period costume from the original constitutional congress to demand a return to constitutional democracy. We will be demanding the impeachment of the President and the dissolution of the Democratic Leadership Council. Both are guilty of crimes against America.

February 18th, 2 PM, at the corner of McIntyre and 5th Street, in front of the Albemarle County Office Building.

For more information, contact, 434-760-1297

See you there!

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Dave Norris for City Council Campaign Kick-Off Party
Thursday, January 12, 4-5pm, Rapture -- Come Join Us!

On Thursday, January 12, from 4-5pm at Rapture (303 E. Main St. on the Downtown Mall), local activist Dave Norris will kick off his campaign for the Democratic nomination to Charlottesville City Council.

Norris will focus on four primary themes during his campaign: affordable housing, environmental sustainability, poverty, and education.

The Democratic Nominating Convention is on Saturday, March 4, at 1pm at Burley Middle School on Rose Hill Dr.

For more info., see

related link:

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Server Crash
Our hard drive failed, so...

Our server died. The most recent backups we have of the site are from July. So we lost everything posted since then. Trying to rebuild as best we can. -- the cvilleindymedia crew --

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Food Not Bombs FUNdraiser!!!
Thursday July 14 Better Than TV

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the international Food Not Bombs movement, Charlottesville Food Not Bombs is presenting a FUNdraiser on Thursday July 14th at Better Than Television community center underneath the Jefferson Movie theatre on the downtown mall.

related link:

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bikes_charlottesville_todd_huffy.jpg Community Bikes Mechanics Class

Community Bikes will be offering a two-part class intended to introduce volunteers and anyone interested to basic bike mechanics. This is an overview class covering wheels, flats, derailleurs and brakes.
when: Tues. and Wed. night, June 14th and 15th, 6-8
where: at Community Bikes, 9th St. SW
for who: anyone who wants to learn more about bike repair, anyone who would like to volunteer in the shop but feels like they want to know more, anyone who already volunteers who would like a better understanding of bike mechanics
cost: twenty dollars OR three afternoons volunteering at Community Bikes this summer
The class will be taught by Sean Samoheyl, bike mechanic extraordinaire from Twin Oaks.

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A Most Peaceful Class War?
Civil Liberties and Money in Charlottesville

Is it illegal to be poor?

A young couple sit down on the mall to talk. A few minutes later a police officer arrives and sits immediately next to them, within a foot of the young man.
They asked the officer what he's doing.
The officer responds,
Oh, that's the great thing about his mall, you can sit where you want.
To which the young man responds.
We were here first, you are invading our privacy. If you were having a private conversation and I came and sat next to you, you wouldn't appreciate it very much.
Am I violating your civil liberties?"
No, that's now what this is about, this is about being polite. This isn't about being legal or illegal.
The officer insists on staying. The young couple gets up to leave. The officer goes and sits very close to a homeless man.

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BTV Event, Behind Bars/ Breaking Down Walls
a day of workshops on the prison system

a day of workshops on the prison system facilitated by Peter Gelderloos and Patrick Lincoln of Harrisonburg

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Charlottesville Festival of Cultures

Fun for everyone! The second annual Charlottesville Festival of Cultures will take place in Lee Park on May 14th, 10am-4pm. The purpose of the Festival is to celebrate the diversity in our community, to share our cultures and learn about each other, and to build a bridge of communication among international newcomers and longtime residents. It includes music, dance, cultural exhibits, hands-on craft activities, information booths, and vendors. The Festival is organized by the City Schools Adult Education Program.

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Possibility of Abrupt Climate Change Needs Research and Attention

author: The National Academies

Global climate, like other complex systems, is subject to abrupt changes if stressed. Global warming could cause such an abrupt shift, which could lead to severe problems for humans and other life.

Date: Dec. 11, 2001
Contacts: Bill Kearney, Media Relations Officer
Andrea Durham, Media Relations Assistant
(202) 334-2138; e-mail <>

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C-Span Explodes 9/11 Truth Blackout!
Will Broadcast David Griffin's UW-Madison Talk Saturday

The word has finally come down: David Griffin's incendiary but well-documented charges of Bush administration complicity in 9/11 have been scheduled for national telecast! C-span will broadcast Griffin's talk "9/11 and the American Empire: How Should Religious People Respond?" on Book TV (C-Span 2) this Saturday, April 30th, at 10:30 a.m. Eastern time. A C-Span spokesperson said the talk will also be rebroadcast on Book TV on several weekends after that--check the C-Span website for times:

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Sign Charlottesville Water Petition!

Sign the Petition! Dear City and County residents:

Please join us in urging our local elected officials to keep our local water supply under local control and commit to the stewardship of our local watershed.

This affects both urban residents and rural residents of the community. It involves the quality of our drinking water and the costs we will pay to subsidize future sprawl. It involves the possible abdication of local control over our water supply. It involves this community?s commitment to continued protection of the mountains, field, rivers and streams in our countryside.

The following link will take you to an on-line petition where you can make your voice heard in this critical discussion. Please complete the form and then pass this on to a friend.;=KjsmUjddXD8mUywhWFNAICAK

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Breaking -- South Ridge Street Subdivision Withdrawn

The controversial subdivision proposed by Legend Development at the end of Baylor Lane at the South end of Ridge Street has been withdrawn. There was considerable neighborhood opposition and increasing media attention to the project. A story will be running in Cville Weekly's next issue.

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Ridge Street Under Siege
Do you suppose they would try this on Park St?

Ridge Street Neighborhood is facing numerous new housing developments. There is a strong tradition in Charlottesville that developers consult with neighborhoods regarding their plans. The most recent planned development in the Ridge Street Area is being pursued by Legend Development without consultation with the neighborhood. If this project goes forward, it will be the only significant housing development built in modern Charlottesville history without community input, and would set the precedent that developers could come into your neighborhood and build what they damned well please without any public process.

Legend Development's plans have a couple of zoning code violations that provide solid legal ground for the city to refuse the project until the developer resolves these issues. Please contact the planning commissioners and tell them how you feel about developers pursuing their own agenda independently of neighborhood input. The make their decision April 12.
Alexis 760-1297
See feature continuation for Planning Commission contact information.

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Drug Wars
The Burning Times

Why are some drugs legal and others illegal?

Why are two million Americans in jail, most of them for nonviolent, drug offenses?

related link:

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racism_1.jpg Dueling Legacies for Charlottesville: Progressive or Racist?

A deep-seated mistrust of Charlottesville police within the black community so hampered the investigation into a recent police shooting, the city's top prosecutor said, that the only option was to seek the appointment of a special grand jury with subpoena power.

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birthcontrol.jpg Pharmacists Indicate Lack of Demand for Emergency Contraception
Survey results favorable, but highlight the need for more EC education

Charlottesville, Virginia The results of Planned Parenthood of the Blue Ridges local pharmacy survey found that 93% of pharmacies in Charlottesville/ Albemarle County carry Emergency Contraception all with the exception of Wal-Mart, due to a corporate policy. Although most pharmacists stock EC, many reported very low demand for it - one pharmacist in Charlottesville citing once a month and one in Waynesboro reporting only once or twice a year.

related link:

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PEACE WALKERS Coming Through Town...
Community Dinner

International Peace Walk
In Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Nuclear Boming of Hiroshima

Coming through Charlottesville on Thursday, April the 7th.

related link:

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Back Up Your Birth Control Day
Emergency Contraception will be 50% off at Planned Parenthood, Tues March 22

Back Up Your Birth Control Day is a national campaign to make emergency contraception (EC) more effective by making sure women know about it and can get it in time

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image Officials flipflop on eminent domain, new urban renewal director from Connecticut
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text United States government, 2005: If it walks like a goose… (Part II)
image Council Beat: Habitat for Humanity land grab, 64 signatures in opposition
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text Levy Avenue for sale, eminent domain bills to be heard Monday
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image Dueling Legacies for Charlottesville: Progressive or Racist?
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Defiantly tells her story

text Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ? Feb 5 2:17am

text Levy Avenue for sale, eminent domain bills to be heard Monday Feb 3 9:53pm

text Politics of Extreme Unction: Revolutionary Rights Feb 2 3:54pm

text No opposition Feb 2 11:29am

text Need Endorsements for UVA Living Wage Resolution Feb 2 8:53am (2 comments)

text Democratic hopefuls vie to oppose Virgil Goode Feb 2 12:24am

text Law Suit: Housing Authority Abuses Citizenship Question Feb 1 9:51pm

text Big Pimp Baby Daddy Addicted to Oil Feb 1 3:46pm

text Threats to Freedom of Speech and to Women's Rights Jan 31 7:17pm

text Eminent domain reform marches on: 36 in 6 years, 15 pending Jan 30 7:48pm

text BYU professor's group accuses U.S. officials of lying about 9/11 Jan 29 5:27pm (1 comment)

text Activist political expert Webster Tarpley's State of World Message on Alex Jones Show, Mon. Jan 30 Jan 29 3:03pm

text Pop quiz on the coming war with Iran Jan 29 8:03am

text A Canadian Soldier's Life Held in Contempt - The Verdict Jan 28 11:23pm

text Greg Jones' Special World Peace song now FREE RingTone ! Jan 28 4:12pm

text The revolution is begun ! Jan 28 6:35am

text the long road Jan 28 3:20am

text Fiction & Poetry Classes Jan 27 7:20pm

text The First Principle of Political Activism is Awareness. Jan 27 6:52pm

text Independent Green Chairman Gives Personal Endorsement to Daniel Imperato in 2008 Jan 27 12:21pm

text Second discussion on persistence of poverty Jan 26 11:58pm


text Hiphop CENSORED by AZ Indymedia Jan 26 9:45pm

text Populist #21 Jan 26 5:12pm

text Revolutionary Options in a Non-revolutionary Country Jan 26 3:40pm

text Notes On a two party System Jan 26 10:12am



text Protect Your Rights - Stop Alito's Confirmation Jan 25 8:05pm

text Va. Senate removes eminent domain from Charlottesville affordable housing amendment Jan 25 9:20am

text The Courts Will Judge Bush? Not Even Close Jan 23 7:37pm

text Patriot's Impeachment Rally Jan 23 6:33pm


text Voting Law Lobby Day Etc... Jan 23 12:47am

text Women's Rights Threatened Jan 22 10:18pm

text The Most Dangerous Double Standard in the Middle East Jan 22 6:59pm

text Submissions call for book on US activism Jan 22 3:37pm

text The Persistence of Poverty: Four Community Conversations Jan 22 2:17pm

text IRS Free income tax software Jan 21 1:55pm

text Trouncing the Demon Bush Cabal Jan 20 9:52pm

text SIXTH ANNUAL BICYCLE FILM FESTIVAL Call for Entries Jan 14 6:45pm

text author interview: China's global reach Jan 13 9:13pm

text Dave Norris for City Council Campaign Kick-Off Party Jan 13 9:56am

text Populist #20 Jan 12 6:52pm

text A Call to Conscience for the U.S. Congress Jan 11 9:14am

text Celebrate Human Rights Mission's Success Jan 10 6:01pm (2 comments)

text Advice From An Old Man Jan 10 2:18pm

text Christ's Recorded Statement to America Jan 9 11:07pm

text Letter to General Assembly opposes Charlottesville/s affordable housing amendment Jan 8 8:02pm

text how much is enough? how much Jan 8 5:25pm

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