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News :: Labour |
Big Pay Out: Protest and Free Concert This Sat 1pm Britomart |
by Simon Oosterman Email: simon (nospam) unite.org.nz |
15 Mar 2006
Modified: 17 Mar 2006 |
Update: Radical Youth plan walkout at an Auckland secondary school against youth rates and over 1000 workers and supporters marched up Queen St to the Big Pay Out concert.
Striking Fast food workers are inviting members of the public to join them at Britomart this Saturday the 18th at 1pm for a protest march up Queen St to the free Big Pay Out concert in Myers Park.
The protest and concert is in support of the SupersizeMyPay.com campaign for a $12 minimum wage now, an end to discriminatory youth rates and for secure hours and will be led by fast food workers who will be striking at selected stores across Auckland.
The protest will begin at Britomart at 1pm at the bottom of Queen St with speakers and hip hop duo (and Unite union members) MC Fyzykl and DJ Manufacture.
See also:
Big Pay Out infringes Big Day Out |
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Announcement :: Peace : Protest Activity |
Stop the War Machine! |
by AIMC |
14 Mar 2006
Modified: 09:09:18 PM |
During the week of 15 to 22 March 2006, there will be protests, vigils and rallies all around the world to mark the third anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Auckland: Protest on 18th March, 12 noon, US Consulate, Citybank Building, Customs Street East.
Hamilton: Pretzels for Peace in Garden Place (near the fountain) at 5:30pm, 18th March. Wear a costume (As a Terrorist or Freedom Fighter(Army)).
Wellington: Demonstration on 18th March, 12noon, Middland Park.
Christchurch: Peace Circle, 17th March, 7pm, Cathedral Square.
Dunedin: Demonstration, 18th March, meet 1pm in the Museum Reserve.
Peace Action Wellington | Global Peace and Justice Auckland | Peace Movement Aotearoa Listing |
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News :: Labour : Protest Activity |
Minimum wage workers take McDonalds to Court |
by SuperSizeMyPay.com |
03 Mar 2006
Modified: 04:40:51 PM |
The Unite Union's struggle for a $12 minimum wage, end to youth rates and job security for McDonald's workers intensified today as the multi-billion dollar company was charged with illegal practices. The company was issued a legal document charging the company with “unlawful failure to bargain” and “unlawful discrimination on grounds of union membership” [Press Release]
“McDonald’s is using their position as a powerful corporation with great financial resources to intimidate their workforce which is made up of young and vulnerable workers. They have orchestrated a systematic campaign to obstruct their employees from joining their union. The company has circulated a written proposal circulated to all stores and that an increase will only be paid to non-members. Some Unite members have been told that they will get the early increase if they resign from the union." said Unite spokesperson Simon Oosterman.
McDonalds has responded by claiming that Unite's actions so far have been damaging to their brand and that they have no intention of rewarding such behaviour in their employees.
Over 100 Unite workers and supporters are expected at a protest strike tonight. [Press Release]
UPDATE: 200 rallied on Queen Street with striking McDonalds workers on Friday night, declaring that they were proud to be union. [ Press Release] |
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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : International Relations : Media : Protest Activity |
Democracy and Media Freedom Under Fire-Take Action Now! |
by cobbled together from various sources by omar Email: ohamed (nospam) ihug.co.nz |
28 Feb 2006
A State of emergency has been declared in the Philippines. Protests have been violently dispersed, activists and radicals arrested and the media censored. The Philippines Solidarity Network of Aotearoa has responded to the call by the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF) to mobilise "political pressure on your respective governments not to support President Arroyo's declaration. We also request you to manifest your support for democracy by calling on the Philippine government to withdraw the declaration of state of emergency. We urge you, dear comrades, to support the fight for democratic and trade union rights not only in the Philippines but also in all corners of the world."
Commentary: From "People Power" to "Partially Free" |
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News :: Globalisation : Labour : Protest Activity |
Workers: Stick it to your bosses |
by A-IMC |
25 Feb 2006
Over the last week workers at fast-food restaurants have once again walked off the job to strike against youth rates and for better pay and condition. The SuperSizeMyPay.com campaign is calling for the abolition of youth rates, secure hours and an immediate minimum wage rise to $12.00. On Wednesday KFC workers went on strike in Auckland. A solidarity bus went to several stores around the city and workers went on wildcat strikes.
On Friday 24th Feb. 60 call center workers, who take delivery orders for KFC and Pizza Hut nation-wide, went on strike for one hour. In west Auckland, workers from two fast food stores became the first ever striking Burger King workers in New Zealand. The workers took action despite a memo sent from their head office falsely claiming that they would be fired if they took industrial action. [ Unite Media Release ] 1
Meanwhile, in Porirua Wellington, one of the highest volume KFC stores in New Zealand was closed when the entire crew walked off the job. The workers were joined by 20 of their non-rostered workmates and 50 supporters, including the Brass Razoo Solidarity Band.
At the same time six hundred engineers are facing redundancy because Air NZ is outsourcing their work to another country. The workers have been betrayed by the government and their union [ Report ]. Rather than fighting for their members' jobs - the jobs of the union members whose subs pay the union bureaucrats' wages - EPMU leaders entered a bidding game with the employer and the government, based around acceptance of massive job losses [ Workers Party Leaflet ]. |
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News :: Labour |
Lightning Strikes Twice At Starbucks |
by Simon Oosterman Email: simon (nospam) unite.org.nz |
18 Feb 2006
Two Starbucks stores in Auckland were closed today for two hours after a lightening strike by Starbucks workers.Starbucks workers at 220 Queen St and K’Rd were taking part in the next stage of industrial action in the SuperSizeMyPay.Com campaign.
Thirty minutes before the workers took industrial action, they sent out a txt calling for support and in half an hour the workers were joined by 40 supporters, customers and members of the public. Workers from Queen St McDonalds, who were also striking for the SuperSizeMyPay.Com demands of $12 minimum wage, secure hours and an end to youth rates, walked down and joined the Starbucks picket.
220 Queen St Starbucks delegate, Hayley Rawhiti, a shift supervisor who has been working at Starbucks for 6 ½ years, said that support from other workers and her regular customers who chose to buy coffee elsewhere for the day, was encouraging. “New Zealand workers have accepted low pay for so long that they don’t think they deserve better. Most of the workers in my store can’t afford to buy Starbucks overpriced coffee on their current wages,” she said.
SuperSizeMyPay.Com | Unite! | Action at KFC Whangarei | Starbucks Strike in Nov 05 |
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News :: Creative Resistance : Environment : Protest Activity |
Solid Energy HQ Scaled and Banners Dropped |
by Torrance |
16 Feb 2006
Three Save Happy Valley Coalition activists unfurled banners while hanging 15 metres from the concrete facade of Solid Energy headquarters on Wednesday morning. The action was a solidarity protest with those people currently in Happy Valley occupying the proposed mine site since January 28th.
The three activists had secretly scaled the concrete wall during the night, evading regular security checks and an unexpected late night visit from cleaners. The next morning a protest began outside, with security puzzled at the interest by the film crew present with the top of the building. They were soon answered as the first of two banners came rolling over the top of the building. Shortly after, a second banner came down alongside two of the activists. [Press Release]
The rooftop door had been barricaded during the night and so police had difficulty reaching the trio. They eventually destroyed the door with a crowbar and sledgehammer, and brought them down 90 minutes after the protest first began. [Press Release]
More information about the Save Happy Valley campaign can be found at www.savehappyvalley.org.nz |
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