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News :: Civil and Human Rights

Cindy Sheehan to speak at Tent State, UMass 4/18

Cindy's speech, which will in part address the ongoing war in Iraq and the connection between military spending and the lack of funding for public higher education, will be held at the main Tent State University tent on the Student Union Lawn at UMass and will begin at 7:30 pm

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Commentary :: Health issues

Dim hopes stopping Vernon nuke, unless people take more action

As a parent and someone who lived through the Three Mile Island meltdown, I highly recommend both preparedness and action as an antidote

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News :: Civil and Human Rights : Gender and Sexuality : Military : Protests and Vigils

Students Say "No!" to UMass Complicity with Militarism

The rally and march was organized by the UMass Anti-War Coalition, a non-violent coalition of student groups that are opposed to the current war in Iraq and seek to encourage discourse on campus.

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News :: Protests and Vigils

Greenfield Women's Day action demands end to war in Iraq

"Stop the War in Iraq, Stop the War on Women!"
About fifty Valley women and their supporters rallied on the Greenfield Town Common this afternoon in recognition of Women's Day and calling for an end to the U.S. war and occupation of Iraq. Among the group were members of the Raging Grannies who kept things lively with their songs oppossing the Bush regime, its illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq and bellicose actions world-wide, and in solidarity with women around the world


News :: Environment

March and Rally against VT Yankee

A hundred or more demonstrators marched through the center of Brattleboro, VT this cold afternoon on their way to Entergy corporate headquarters north of town. The message they carried was the same one they've been bringing to the public, the corporados at Entergy (the Vernon nuclear power plant owner), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and Vermont state officials for years: "Shut it Down!"

The Vernon nuke, located on the Connecticut River just south of town, is a threat to the health and safety of the community and the surrounding area. The 33 year old reactor leaks, it's highly radioactive storage pool is vulnerable to a terrorist attack, and perhaps most frightening of all the owners want to increase the power output.

Now, Entergy is going for reliscensing before the NRC so they can further threaten the CT River valley. YOUR help is needed at a public hearing in Brattleboro on Wednesday, March 1 at 7pm at the Latchis Theater, 50 Main Street. Shut it down!


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News :: Protests and Vigils

Greg Levey memorial and community gathering to end the war on Amherst Town Common

Some 2 dozen participants braved frigid winds on saturday, February 18 to mark the 15th anniversary of Greg Levey's self-immolation on the Amherst Town Common in protest of the first Gulf War. A good deal of focus was on the ongoing plight of those who suffer most from the illegal and immoral war waged on Iraq by the Bush dynasty and their neocon supporters. 15 years of resistance to U.S. aggression against the Iraqi people and Washington remains entrenched and out of control.


News :: Civil and Human Rights

Local journalist captured in Iraq

Members of the Revenge Brigade are possibly unaware that the City Coucils of Boston, Carroll's hometown, Ann Arbor, Michigan, where she grew up, and Town Meeting in Amherst, where Jill Carroll graduated as a journalist, all came out against the invasion and occupation of Iraq

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Commentary :: Environment

Romney puts politics before the planet

In essence, the governor has done just what the Bush regime did at the talks: created roadblocks and put rightwing politics before the planet



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