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Eucalyptus Industry applies pressure to allow genetic
The subject of the genetically modified trees entered the lineup of the COP8 on this Thursday, March 30th. Korea and Venezuela presented a text that asked the moratorium on plantations or experiments with genetically modified trees, until more profound studies have been conducted. This discussion was not approved during the morning, which made possible meetings between countries and its delegations, before the discussion got resumed in the afternoon. The lobby of big corporations that form part of the Brazilian Delegation succeeded in getting the lawyer for Embrapa, Dr Simone Meira Dias, to represent Brazil. Simone, contradicting the agreement reached by the Delegation, spoke against the moratorium, as did Canada and Austria. Audio:: NGO Biogaucha Defense | Claudio Roberto, executive secretary of MMA Articles:: Brazil without leadership | Lobby of biotechnology companies | Brazil start world’s biggest forestall experiment| Field Work | CTNbio web site | NGO Biogaucha Defense web site Older Features:: Three Countries block MOP3 | Brasil defends labelling, but biosafety is not granted | Expotrade prevents sale of organic meal | Via Campesina pressures the Brazilian Government at UN conference opening | Via Campesina's Parallel Convention Takes Shape | Worldwide Convention will discuss biosafety at Curitiba Related Links:: Biotech IMC | Coptrix | Mea Bulletin | CDB web site | Brazilian government web site about CDB | Eco Info | UK Agricultural Biodiversity Coalition | FBOMS
"We're practically in a play"
With this sentence, Fernando Mathias, from the Social-Environmental Insitute, sums up the indecision of the Biological Diversity Convention (CDB-COP8) on the matter of access to genetical resources and division of benefits. According to him, the conflict of interests between countries that hold genetical resources (underdeveloped) and countries that hold the tecnology to explore them (developed) is being moved to foruns where developed countries are stronger, like Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Reinforcing the tesis of the ending of CDB's competences, the president of the US, George W. Bush, has sent to the american congress a law project for a 50% reduction on the amount of resources sent to the Global Environment Facility (GEF). GEF is responsible for maintaining CDB, which is in serious danger of becoming unviable in case the project is aproved.
Terminator rejected! A victory for the people
Just an hour ago here in Brazil, the Chair of the UN meeting announced that governments have agreed to reject language that would have undermined the moratorium on Terminator.
At the monday's afternoon(03/13), in the metropolitan region of Curitiba, the Via Campesina carried out a march during the opening of the MOP3. The peasants were pressure the brazilian government for that this mark favorable position to make clear the labelling of genetically modified shipments. Around 500 militants entered marching in the Expotrade Pinhas, to participate of the Global Forum of the Civil Society, organized by NGOs and social movements. know more: [MOP3] march 13rd | Notes about debates 13/03
Biosafety agreement reached in Curitiba
Interesses comerciais vencem na MOP3
Curitiba 2006 - For strict labelling and against terminator seeds
Leaked full report From the WTO about GMO Dispute
These 2 files make up a leaked copy of the secret draft ruling in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) dispute over GM foods.
Reclaiming the Commons: from BioDevestation to BioDemocracy
Running opposite the BIO convention was a counter-convention called "BioDemocracy 2005", which consisted of a smorgasbord of activities aimed at challenging the biotech industry with an alternative vision of peaceful, sustainable and grassroots democracy. As they have done at previous BIO conventions, activists from across the country converged on the "City of Brotherly Love" to bring attention to BIO's closed-door agenda of medicine for profit, genetically engineered agriculture and bioweapons proliferation. previous conventions: San Francisco, 2004 | St. Louis, 2003 I WTO/USDA Sacramento, 2003 I Washington, DC, 2003 BioDemocracy 2005 kicked off on Friday with a Critical Mass bike ride (photos) against Biotech. The following day, a "Reclaim the Commons" open-air Festival brought together organic farmers, community gardeners, alternative health practitioners, artists, puppets, musicians, families, and activists to share knowledge, give-aways, and skills. Food Not Bombs, which was having a concurrent international gathering in Philadelphia to celebrate its 25th anniversary, provided food at the festival as well as at other BioDemocracy events. audio: Audio Recordings of BioDemocracy Conference | Audio from morning biotech - Philly | More audio from morning rally at biodev | GE Trees I Food Not Bombs 25th Anniversary, Keith McHenry Reflections | Scientific Controversies in Genetic Engineering | Percy Schmeiser at BioDemocracy other media: photos 1, 2, 3 video 1 personal accounts: Reportaje personal del BioDemocracy2005 (es) | A Firsthand Account In Philadephia Part One (en) legal situation: Bail for Protesters set at $50,000 | Legal Situation in Philly related sites: phillyimc.org | Reclaim the Commons | biodev.org
Canada denies Tewolde Egziabher visa for the Biosafety meeting
Legisladores mexicanos abren la puerta a la privatización genética
La mentira redonda de la soja sustentable
Durante los años 2003 y 2004 las empresas transnacionales dedicadas al negocio de granos y tecnología agrícola desarrollaron una estrategia de cooptación de ongs. ambientalistas y organizaciones de pequeños productores para “legitimar” la futura producción de soja que, según ellos, el mundo globalizado necesitará y que se estima aumentara en un 60%. Esta tarea de legitimación comenzó con la primera Mesa redonda de Soja Sustentable en 17 y 18 de marzo de 2005. Este encuentro internacional fue organizado por Vida Silvestre Internacional (WWF) y se debatió la "sustentabilidad" del modelo de monocultivo de soja transgénica en Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay en Foz de Iguaçu, Brasil, en el hotel cinco estrellas Bourbon Cataratas. [artículo completo]
[ Sunshine Project | Third World Network ]
El trébol de la mala suerte
Uruguay es una pequeña nación sudamericana que ha trabajado mucho para vender una imagen de "país natural". Su ganado alimentado con pasturas naturales y sus productos lácteos y mieles de buena calidad, que han encontrado su lugar en los mercados internacionales, chocan contra la avanzada de las plantaciones de eucaliptos y los cultivos transgénicos: además de la soja, siempre en expansión, hay dos variedades de maíz GM aprobadas y otras dos en evaluación. A esto se suma el reciente pedido de autorización para evaluar un trébol GM, desarrollado en Australia por un científico uruguayo, que hasta ahora no ha sido liberado en ningún país. Leer el informe completo
Soy, Soy, Soy Everywhere....
[ Counter Conference on soy | Indymedia Argentina in Iguazu | Report (Spanish, Dutch) and Pictures (1,2,3) and Movies from Counter Conference | Pictures, Movie (1 , 2) and Report (Dutch, English,Spanish) of Rotterdam action | Radio Mundo Real from Iguazu 1,2,3 | New Soy Report English & Spanish ] |