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Local News and Commentary
Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : Right Wing
Tennessee's Second Class Citizens
14 Apr 2006
joeyking1.jpgSuppose you were about to be hired by a corporation and in the corporate charter there was a clause that said only Christians and Muslims could hold management positions? Do you feel that is fair? Is it legal? This policy exists in Tennessee state government today. In fact, it’s in the constitution!
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News :: International Relations : Protest Activity
Tennessee Immigrants Rally Across the State in National Day of Action
10 Apr 2006
tirrc329.jpgToday, throughout the state of Tennessee, from Knoxville to Memphis, thousands of immigrants and supporters joined millions across the country in a National Day of Action. Immigrant community members and their supporters participated in marches, vigils, and rallies, speaking out in support of humane, realistic, and comprehensive immigration reform. Today's events were peaceful reminders that immigrants who live in Tennessee work hard and contribute to its economic and cultural fabric, and that punitive measures proposed by some lawmakers would only increase the suffering and exploitation of our neighbors, friends, and community members.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Former TennCare Enrollees and Others Gather to Tell Their Stories
06 Apr 2006
day-13-pleasantivlle.jpgNashville-Hundreds of former TennCare enrollees, volunteers and advocates from across the state are gathering in 14 locations to share the harm that their family has suffered because of the TennCare cuts. Tenncare disenrollees will be gathering in Athens, Bristol, Chattanooga, Cleveland, Columbia, Dickson, Greeneville, Jackson, Johnson City, Knoxville, Lenoir City, Memphis, Nashville and Oak Ridge, in the state's largest coordinated action to date. In Nashville, Tenncare disenrollees plan to gather at Legislative Plaza beginning at 6pm to share their stories.
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News :: Environment
Bellevue Residents Speak Out Against Proposed Landfill
04 Apr 2006
bellevuemaster.jpgBellevue Stands Up and Roars

The majority of the two hundred and fifty people attending an "informational meeting" about a proposed landfill in Bellevue were strongly opposed to the project. As a result, it probably won't happen. The auditorium at Bellevue Middle School hosted an overflow crowd last Thursday at the gathering, called and chaired by Rep. Gary Moore. Attendees, many bearing “NO DUMP” placards handed out by dump opponents outside the hall, first listened to (and heckled) a well-crafted power point presentation by the dump's proponents folowed by a simple rebuttal from Dorrie Bolze of the Harpeth River Watershed Association: it's illegal for the simple reason that it's potentially dangerous, so don't do it. There's no way to clean up a polluted water table. The crowd largely shared her sentiment, and echoed it in one way or another throughout the evening.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Peace : Protest Activity
Thousands Gather in Atlanta to Protest War
03 Apr 2006
Modified: 02:22:05 PM
atlantamaster.jpgAtlanta, GA: Thousands gathered in the streets of Atlanta on Saturday, April 1st to protest the war in Iraq and to demand justice at home. According to organizers, an estimated 3,700 people participated in the Southern Regional March for Peace from the Martin Luther King Civil Rights center to Piedmont Park. The event, which was marked by colorful puppets, drumming, dancing, signs, and costumes, was held on April 1st to commemorate both the third anniversary of the war in Iraq on March 18th, and the April 4th anniversary of the assasination of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In honor of Dr. King, the march began in front of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in King's boyhood neighborhood. The march was attended predominantly by residents of Atlanta, but was also attended by peace groups from Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. The march itself was endorsed by one hundred and forty four organizations. Tennesseans from the Nashville Peace Coalition, Peace Roots Alliance and Nashville Peace and Justice Center, Tennessee Progressive Independent League, Mid South Peace and Justice Center, and Progressive Student Alliance were represented.
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News :: Elections & Legislation
Local Green for Peace Senator
03 Apr 2006
Chris-2.jpgChris Lugo, well known local journalist, activist and landscaper, has decided to run for the U.S. Senate. He is challenging the corporate party candidates despite not having the kind of money and organization it normally takes to win such a race.

Facing such difficult odds one might wonder, "why bother?"

Chris said he decided to run as the result of a conversation he had with the leading Democrat Candidate, Harold Ford. Chris had asked what Ford would do about the Iraq war if elected and he said he would send 500,000 troops over there to win the war. This offended Chris's moral sensibilities; with no peace candidate in the race, he felt he needed to run so those who might not vote out of disgust with the corporate candidates could at least register their protest.

Chris has a website at with an extensive platform that goes well beyond concerns for the War in Iraq. Chris has often shown us how the war economy affects people's lives in many ways not covered in mainstream journalism. Well versed on the issues important to so many, Chris will no doubt make good campaign speeches and educate many people.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation
Thousands Gather for Immigrant Rights
30 Mar 2006
tirrc-march29.jpgOrganizers Estimate 14,000 Gather for Civil Rights for Immigrants

Nashville, TN: In a stunning display of solidarity, an estimated 13,000 to 14,000 demonstrators for civil rights for immigrants gathered in Nashville in the largest such demonstration in recent memory. Following on the large civil rights demonstrations in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Phoenix, thousands gathered in Nashville, the home state of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist to demand civil rights for immigrants. The assembled crowd, chanting "We can do it, yes we can!" and "We are not criminals, We are not leaving, We won't Go!" marched from the Titans football stadium in East Nashville to the Legislative Plaza directly across from the State Capital building. An estimated fifty police patrolled the march but there were no reports of police misconduct or arrests. Additionally, about twenty counterprotesters gathered across the street from the rally where they were mostly ignored. The assembled crowd, which was so large that it spilled off of legislative plaza and onto surrounding streets, remained for two hours, listening to speakers and chanting, then marched back to East Nashville around 8pm. The event was organized by the Tennessee Immigrant Rights and Refugee Coalition.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Protest Activity
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers Visits Nashville
28 Mar 2006
immok5.jpgFarmworker's Launch 2006 Real Rights Tour

Nashville, TN: On Monday, March 27th approximately 45 people-- Nashvillians and traveling Immokalee activists marched from the Woodbine Community Center to the Nolensville Road McDonalds urging the fast food restaurant chain to engage in fair labor practices. The Coalition of Immokallee workers came to Nashville and held an educational forum at Woodbine Community Center about the McDonalds Truth Tour and grassroots Latino leaders discussed local community issues. Then the assembled group participated in a march from the Woodbine Community Center to McDonalds at 2212 Nolensville Pike. The event was supported locally by the Grupo Comunitario Hispano de Tennessee, Vanderbilt Divinity School, Political Action Network, Middle Tennessee Jobs w/ Justice, Nashville Labor Council, the Nashville Peace and Justice Center and the Woodbine Community Organization.
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Local Interest
text 04/18 16:28 CST
No National Solution to the Problem of "Illegal" Immigration
text 04/14 15:31 CST
Nashville Earth Day Festival 2006 to be held April 22nd
text 04/14 15:20 CST
Legislative Victory for the Immigrant Community
text 04/06 15:36 CST
Behind the Bars of Injustice
text 04/04 15:03 CST
Choices for Care Rally at the Capitol
text 04/04 14:48 CST
Future of Food Documentary To Screen In Nashville
text 04/03 14:35 CST
Metro General Hospital in Danger of Closing
text 03/29 15:12 CST
Citizens' Forum in Dickson
text image 03/29 14:56 CST
Historic Immigrant Gathering in Nashville
text 03/28 17:37 CST
Tenncare Save's Lives Coalition Response to Governor
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text 04/14 15:39 CST
Harold Ford Jr beats down Casper the Ghost
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Of DaVinci, Judas, Gospels and Jesus
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Iraqi War Deaths: Week of April 2nd - 8th
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Iraqi War Deaths: Week of March 26th - April 1st
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Spend Money on Healthcare, Not Warfare!
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U.S. Iraq Bases Permanent Locations for "Missile Defense"
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Lider de Escuadron de la Muerte Hondureno Condendao a Pagar 47 Millones de Dolares
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Trickle Down Theory
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U.S. Planning Base on Moon To Prepare for Trip to Mars
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FEMA's Neglected Responsibility
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