
TypeKey is a free, open system providing you a central identity for posting comments on weblogs and logging into other websites. You can register for free.

What It’s Good For?

TypeKey enables you to verify and protect your identity on the web. Enabling TypeKey on your own site increases accountability for the content that appears on your weblog and stops comment spam cold.

Pseudonymous! Or not...

TypeKey is a completely pseudonymous system meaning that no personally identifying information is required to use it. However, if you wish to tell the world a little bit more about yourself, you can put whatever information you choose to share on your TypeKey profile page. A link to that page is displayed next to every comment your make when you authenticate through TypeKey.

Comment Registration with TypeKey

As a weblog author, you can require commenters to log in with a verified TypeKey account before posting to your site. This gives you more control over managing comments that have been posted, prevents anonymous junk comments and curbs other unwanted comments.

TypeKey is Optional

TypeKey comment registration is an optional feature in Movable Type because we realize that comment registration isn't necessary for every site. Often accepting both TypeKey authenticated and non-authenticated comments is the best solution for everyone: Those who prefer anonymity and others who wish to protect their words.

It Works All Over the Web

Once you've signed up for TypeKey, you can use your TypeKey sign in on thousands of websites: from weblogs to Six Apart’s websites to services made by third parties. If you have a TypePad account, your login can work anywhere that TypeKey is accepted.

If you'd like to use TypeKey as authentication in your own application, you can join our Professional Network to find out how.

Safety and Privacy

We're committed to providing a service that respects user privacy. Therefore, we will not publish information that you have not chosen to make public, nor will we share your information without your explicit permission.

Six Apart
Makers of weblog software and services for individuals, organizations and businesses.
This website is powered by Movable Type.