Six Apart Partners

Do you offer hosting services or Movable Type installations professionally? Does your company believe that blogging has the power to change the way people communicate? We'd like to help you reach a wider customer base by working in partnership with us.

Movable Type Hosting

Movable Type users often ask us for help finding cost-effective, trustworthy hosting. To serve this audience better, we've established the Movable Type Hosting program. We're looking for professional hosting providers interested in offering weblogging service packages that would add value to their service.
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Movable Type Affiliate

We're looking for people who can reach markets and regions we can't get to ourselves. If you serve a highly-specialized or unique audience, we want to make it worth your while to bring Movable Type to your customers. We can offer you a discount on each Movable Type license you purchase on behalf of your customers.
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Other Partnerships

Do you have another type of partnership in mind? Outline your vision, describe your business model, we'd love to hear from you. Write to
Six Apart
Makers of weblog software and services for individuals, organizations and businesses.
This website is powered by Movable Type.