No War But The Class War

Anarchist contingent begins to gather at Boston's 35,000+ person anti-war demonstration on March 29, 2003

"No Blood for Oil. No war between nations, no peace between classes!" From the NEFAC Montreal & Comites Sans Emploi contingent at the anti-war march on January 18, 2003

NEFAC statements

The First Gulf War

Resistance to Imperialist Occupation of Iraq

Iraqi Workers' Movement

9-11 and the War on Afghanistan

The War on Palestine


Protest of Bush visit in Philadelphia

Against Militarism, Against Imperialism

Banner dropped in Baltimore, Maryland. March 5, 2003

Bring The Class War Home!

Anti-War banner from 3/15 San Francisco breakaway march

Objection, Desertion and Mutiny

Overturned barricade in New York City, NY. February 15, 2003

Anti-War Links

Additional NEFAC Anti-War Resources