Archive for the 'Nablus Region' Category

Nablus Region: Palestinian Farmers Protest Massive Settler Vandalism

Tuesday, December 20th, 2005 | Posted in Press Releases, Nablus Region, ISM Media Alerts


From on Friday Dec. 23 untill Sunday 25 , villagers in Salem and Burin, in the Nablus region, will attempt to replant trees and tend their land near the settlements of Elon Moreh and Bracha...

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Solidarity Returned

Thursday, December 8th, 2005 | Posted in Reports, Nablus Region

Yesterday, on Wednesday the 7th of November, the religious and community leaders and social project workers of Nablus joined together to call for the release of the four ...

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IOF and settlers attack Palestinian villagers

Wednesday, November 16th, 2005 | Posted in Reports, Nablus Region, Olive Harvest 2005

88-year old Thalji Mahmud Awad.

The Israeli military and illegal Israeli settlers attacked Palestinian villagers of Awarta, near ...

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Settler youth assault 88 year old Palestinian farmer

Wednesday, November 16th, 2005 | Posted in Press Releases, Nablus Region, Olive Harvest 2005


After much coordination the villagers of Awarta, near Nablus, received permission to harvest their olive trees today on Awarta land that has been fenced off by the Itamar settlement.


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Israeli Military Attacks Civilian Houses in Nablus

Monday, November 14th, 2005 | Posted in Press Releases, Nablus Region


This morning, international Human Rights Observers based in the Nablus area witnessed the direct aftermath of what the Israeli military is calling an “arrest operation” – a path...

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Boy Shot Dead by IOF in Nablus

Thursday, November 10th, 2005 | Posted in Reports, Nablus Region

On the 8th of November 2005, at around 5pm. We received a phone call telling us that there were some reports of military movements up the northern mountains of Nablus. We were told there was two injured men, and one missing....

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Israeli Soldiers, Police and Settlers Block Olive Harvest In Yanoun, Nablus Region

Saturday, October 29th, 2005 | Posted in Reports, Nablus Region, Olive Harvest 2005

by two ISM activists in Nablus

Our experience of the harvest started in Yanoun village, Nablus region at 7am on the 26th of October. We accompanied two old Palestinian women in a field just down the hill from the...

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Palestinians, ISMers Stand Down Israeli Military; Harvest Olives

Tuesday, October 25th, 2005 | Posted in Reports, Nablus Region

On Saturday the 22nd of October, an ISM affinity group went into the fields near Salim village to join locals in the olive harvest. A family had contacted...

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Nablus In The Last Month

Sunday, October 16th, 2005 | Posted in Reports, Nablus Region

In the last month there have been three new watchtowers constructed in the villages surrounding Nablus. One in the village of Tel, another on Road 17 (the easiest route between Asira and Nablus) and the last built on land...

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Nablus Still Occupied

Monday, September 19th, 2005 | Posted in Press Releases, Nablus Region

ISM volunteers staying in Balata camp report that IDF Jeeps enetered Balata and Askar refugee camps at approximately 8pm and occupied them until 9.30pm. Residents were forced off of the streets to take shelter in their homes.

No reason was given for the incursion, it appears to be a part of the usual pattern of harrasement, uninterupted...

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