Action Alert: Israeli Use of Daewoo Tracked Excavators in Palestinian House Destruction

November 27th, 2005 | Posted in Reports, Jerusalem Region

Early morning on the 21st of November, several Israeli owned Daewoo tracked excavators accompanied by a large body of Border Police demolished seven occuped Palestinian homes in the Anata, Beit Hanina and Silwan areas of the West Bank. These houses fall within that area of the Jerusalem Municipality which has expanded into the West Bank. Reports say that the Jerusalem Municipality has a million and a half unused shekels ($300,000) for use in its annual budget. The money is lost if not used in demolitions. Since such an amount pays for about 70 demolitions, the...

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Settler Mobs Attack Palestinians and Besiege Internationals In Hebron

November 26th, 2005 | Posted in Press Releases, Hebron Region


Between 2pm and 5pm today, a hostile mob of between 100 and 150 Israeli settlers visiting from outside Hebron besieged five Human Rights Observers (HROs) and one photo-journalist inside the HROs’ apartment in Tel Rumeida, Hebron. Palestinian families, who were the main target of the settler’s hate, were also besieged in their homes. Other settlers attacked Palestinians throughout the city on a day that was advertised as a “mass prayer” for Jews only in the Ibrahimi Mosque. ISM and Tel Rumeida project volunteers alone...

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Aboud Holds Second Demonstration Against the Wall

November 25th, 2005 | Posted in Reports, Aboud village

by ISM activists

People marching toward their lands

On Friday the 25th of November the village of Aboud held it’s second demonstration in two weeks against the construction of the wall there. Joined by Israeli and international supporters, the village came out in force to show opposition to the construction of the wall on their agricultural land and the destruction and theft that will result from it. Over 5330 dunams of their land, as well as the whole of the water sources of the village will be confiscated by the Israeli apartheid barrier.

Around 300 protesters...

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Army taught a lesson in Bil’in

November 25th, 2005 | Posted in Reports, Bil'in Village

By ISM activist Sarah

Soldiers Palestine outline

At 12:00 the weekly Bil’in protest against the Apartheid Fence got underway. The group consisted of about 100 people, mostly local Palestinian men supplemented by about 40 Israeli and international supporters.

The group marched out of town lead by a banner illustrating the land of Palestine pre-1948 partition, then another map of 1967, then a map of 2002-2005 showing just Gaza and a small enclave of the...

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Human Rights Observer to be Deported from Palestine by Israel.

November 24th, 2005 | Posted in Press Releases, Hebron Region


A Human Rights Observer (HRO) from the UK was arrested in Tel Rumeida, Hebron earlier today. He had just finished escorting Palestinian children to school and was walking home on Shuhaddah street when he was stopped by an armed Border Police unit in a targeted arrest.

He was informed that his visa had expired but explained that he had been given an appointment with the Ministy of the Interior (MoI) for renewal. He had applied for this renewal before his visa had expired and was given an appointment in three weeks time, as is the...

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Mohammed Mansour’s trial update

November 24th, 2005 | Posted in Reports, Jerusalem Region, ISM Media Alerts

Police torturing Mohammed Mansour during his arrest in Ar-Ram June 2004
Mohammed Mansour being tortured during his arrest in June, 2004 in Al Ram

On the 22nd of November during the most recent Hearing of Palestinian nonviolent organiser Mohammed Mansour from Biddu, court case the prosecution finally gave up on getting Mohammed Mansour to agree to stop participating in demonstrations for the next two years and pay a 3,500 shekel fine of his own free will.

“I would prefer to go to jail than pay one shekel to the Occupation. It is not I, but those that build the wall that are the criminals”...

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Últimas Noticias Sobre El Juicio Contra Mohammed Mansour

November 24th, 2005 | Posted in En Español

Police torturing Mohammed Mansour during his arrest in Ar-Ram June 2004

El 22 de noviembre durante la comparecencia del Organizador palestino noviolento, Mohammed Mansour de Biddu, la Corte dictaminó que Mohammed debería no participar en manifestaciones durante dos años y pagar 3.500 shekels de multa por su libertad.

“Prefiero ir a la cárcel que pagar un shekel a la ocupación. Los que construyen el muro son los criminales, no yo” dijo Mohammed.

En la próxima sesión, fijada para el 10 de enero el Juez comenzará a escuchar a testigos. mohammed fue arrestado en junio de 2004...

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Expansion De Colonias Con La Excusa De La Seguridad

November 23rd, 2005 | Posted in En Español

Dos pueblos se revelan contra el muro mañana.

[Distrito de Ramallah] Dos pueblos de Cisjordania Bil’in y Abud volverán a realizar una marcha hacia el lugar de construcción del muro, en sus repectivas tierras, mañana viernes 25 de noviembre a la 12.00 pm. Las manifestaciones que se realizan en ambos pueblos están englobadas en la lucha de la población palestina para parar la destrucción de su tierra y que sus comunidades acaben convertidas en guetos. Palestin@s junto a israelíes e internacionales, han llevado a cabo de forma semanal...

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Settlement Expansion Under the Guise of Security

November 23rd, 2005 | Posted in Press Releases, Bil'in Village, ISM Media Alerts

CORRECTION: both demonstrations start at 12pm tomorrow, and not 1pm as previously stated.

Settlement expansion under the guise of security- Two villages rise up against the wall tomorrow

[Ramallah District] The West Bank villages if Bil’in and Abud will both march to the construction sites of the Annexation Wall on their land Friday, November 25 at 12:00 PM. The Abud and Bil’in protest marches are part of the ongoing efforts of Palestinians to stop the destruction of their land and the ghettoization of their communities....

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Pastoral Calm Faces Military Might

November 23rd, 2005 | Posted in Reports, Tubas Region

by Asa and Sarah

IOF soldiers stop the demonstrators reaching the checkpoint

At 11am on Tuesday the 22nd of November residents of the Tubas area held a dignified demonstration against the Israeli checkpoint near Tayasir village. Around 100 Palestinians were joined by about 25 Israeli and international...

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