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Most publications are available for free download. You can also register for free email updates about forthcoming books and events.

Upcoming Events:

Multiple Identities: Vince Cable on Living with the new politics of identity (8 September 2005)

Open Secrets: exploring the challenges facing public service leaders (8 September 2005)

Designs on Nature: Science, democracy and public value (13 September 2005)

People Make Places: Growing the public life of cities (12 September 2005)  

Latest from Demos:

CBI Chief should sit on COBRA (16 August 2005)
Central government, the Police and the Security Services need to work more closely with business in planning for and responding to terrorists attacks, according to a new Demos pamphlet Joining Forces. Its author Rachel Briggs proposes a number of measures, such as representation of business on COBRA through the Confederation of British Industry.

Download the report or read the press release.

Tackling terrorism is 'women's work' (21 July 2005)
In a new Demos report called Hearts and Minds Scilla Elworthy and Gabrielle Rifkind argue that strategies to deal with terrorism which simply try to hit back at the ‘enemy’ using force are counterproductive. They argue that women should drive a ‘human security’ approach to tackling the threat from terrorism in Iraq, Israel-Palestine and closer to home.

Download the report or read the press release.

Blue-rinse brigade can learn from ‘Hoodie Two Shoes’ (1 July 2005)
Start with People, a new Demos report by Paul Skidmore and John Craig, argues that active citizens who ‘keep it real’ are challenging the traditional view of volunteering. The best comunity organisations enable people to participate in a way which is authentic to them and reflects their aspirations and interests.

Download the report or read the press release.


Demos in the News:

Prescott to make streets 'women friendly'
(21 August 2005)
The Sunday Times

Business needs seat on crisis committee
(15 August 2005)
The Times

Teenagers to swear allegience at Citizens Days
(7 August 2005)
Scotland on Sunday

Brain Waves
(27 July 2005)
Financial Times

Across the planet, male violence and misogyny go hand in hand
(23 July 2005)
The Independent

Recent Reports:

Joining Forces
From national security to networked security

Hearts and Minds
Human security approaches to political violence

Start with People
Community groups put citizens in the driving seat

Include Me In
Helping homeless people back into work

Everyday Democracy
Why we get the politicians we deserve

Independent Living
Disabled people's right to be equal citizens


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