DefenseWatch Exclusive Report

From an Iowa Town
to Marine Corps Legend

By Nathaniel R. Helms, DefenseWatch Contributing Editor

U.S. Marine Corps First Sergeant Brad Kasal is an American hero. His story is a remarkable tale of bravery, sacrifice and savagery that adds another page to the great book of American military lore. Kasal may never join the pantheon of Marine Corps legends with colorful names like “Manila John” Basilone, or “Ol’ Gimlet Eye” Smedley Darlington Butler, who won two Medals of Honor, or Master Gunnery Sergeant Leland “Lou” Diamond, who sported a non-regulation goatee and once raised chickens behind his barracks. But he is every bit in their league Full Story

Still holding his 9mm Beretta, a seriously injured First Sgt. Brad Kasal is helped from a Fallujah house on Nov. 13, 2004, after killing several Iraqi insurgents and with his own body shielding a fellow Marine from a grenade blast (USMC Photo).

DefenseWatch Special Report
DoD photo by Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson, U.S. Army. (Released)
Reforming Imminent
Danger Pay

Special INTEL Request
Imminent Danger Pay Issues
As part of a Special Project, SFTT and DefenseWatch request information from active-duty troops on the issue of imminent danger pay, including examples of unfair application of the eligibility criteria and any abuses of the system. If you have any knowledge of these or other related issues we want to hear from you. All contact info will be strictly confidential. Send comments here
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DefenseWatch Special Report

The USS San Francisco Incident

Apra Harbor, Guam (Jan. 27, 2005) – The Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS San Francisco (SSN 711) in dry dock to assess damage sustained after running aground approximately 350 miles south of Guam Jan. 8, 2005. The Navy former dry dock known as “Big Blue” is capable of docking ships that weigh up to 40,000 Long Tons. The Navy certified Big Blue for the one-time docking of San Francisco. San Francisco is the second fast-attack submarine to be attached to the forward-deployed Submarine Squadron Fifteen, home ported on board Naval Base Guam. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Mark Allen Leonesio (RELEASED)

For The Record
USAR in ‘Grave Danger’
By DefenseWatch Staff

This is the text of a memo on Dec. 20, 2004, from Lt. Gen. James R. Helmly, Chief of the U.S. Army Reserve, to Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, warning him that the service’s reserve branch is in “grave danger” of losing its future readiness because of the strains caused by Operations Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Helmly starkly warned the Army Chief:

“While inability to meet the current demands associated with OIF and OEF is of great importance, the Army Reserve is additionally in grave danger of being unable to meet other operational requirements including those named in named OPLANS [operational plans] and CONUS emergencies, and is rapidly degenerating into a ‘broken force.’ ”
Readers can access Helmly’s full memorandum text here (.pdf 1MB).

DefenseWatch Special Report
DoD photo by Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson, U.S. Army. (Released)
Worldwide Furor over
a Carrier's Rude Guests

Sailors from HSL-47 and Air Wing 2 prepare to load tsunami relief supplies aboard an SH-60 Seahawk helicopter on the USS Abraham Lincoln.

DefenseWatch Special Report
The Betrayal of F Company
Soldiers from Company F, 425th Infantry, shown here in a departure ceremony in Michigan last winter, accuse the Army of failing to provide adequate training before they deployed to Iraq earlier this year. (Photo by Robin Buckson / The Detroit News)

SFTT DefenseWatch Special Report

The Armor Scandal

Book Review:
Vaccine Is Hell
In these times of panicked waiting lines for flu vaccine, here comes a new and even more frightening look at the U.S. military’s ill-fated anthrax vaccine program. Read Review
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Recent DefenseWatch articles of special interest to our readers

DefenseWatch needs your help to investigate the following hot topics:

Imminent Danger Pay Issues
As part of a Special Project, SFTT and DefenseWatch request information from active-duty troops on the issue of imminent danger pay, including examples of unfair application of the eligibility criteria and any abuses of the system. If you have any knowledge of these or other related issues we want to hear from you. All contact info will be strictly confidential. Send comments here

Seeking Info on Recruiting
A major news organization is looking for military recruiters, either active or recently retired, to shed light on how recruitment is going these days. Please send messages here. All responses will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Soft Training
Getting more than the run of the mill complaints concerning soft training at the Army’s initial entry training camps. This is especially true from concerned moms and dads. Most say Army basic training is a joke and the cadre can’t sack anyone because CO’s are concerned with getting zapped for a high attrition. Please shoot me your first hand observation. Not of yesterday but today. Thanks, Hack

Probing Detainee Abuse
Numerous sources have been asking us to look into allegations of a possible DoD cover-up of prisoner abuse scandals in Afghanistan, Iraq and at Gitmo. If you have any intel about a cover-up of an incident of prisoner abuse/torture by either the military or a civilian intel agency, we want to know about it. Needless to say, no names or other ID needed, just solid facts or a place to look. This is an important one, folks. All assistance is appreciated. Send all intel here

Poor Troop Morale in Iraq?
News reports are flying all around concerning the growing erosion of morale among the troops in Iraq. Is this true? We would like to hear from people directly involved in this vital issue: What do you and your buddies really think about the current mission in Iraq? If you are currently serving in Iraq, about to deploy or have recently redeployed, we would like to hear from you. All contact info will be strictly confidential. Send comments here

Combat Zone Tax Break
Am told by folks around the flagpole in good old Heidelberg that the top brass there are running the old end-of-the-month trip to Bosnia and Kosovo. You know tax break for visiting a combat zone but nothing valid comes from the trip except the troops there being harassed by visiting firemen and women. Would appreciate your on the ground observations. True. Not true. Names and frequency of visitors. All input will be treated off the record. Please send me your observations. Hack.

Attention Fort Jackson Drill SGTs
Been getting a fair number of complaints from Drills at Jax… Here is a sample:

Hi Sir, It is amazing how a country at WAR is cuddling soldiers in Training. Ft.Jackson is as Crazy, Gen A.Turner who is always in NCO business is constantly hiding in the bushes to catch Drill Sergeants cussing. He been tryig to relieve many of them. Colonel there is so much going on at Ft.Jackson in the BCT enviroment i could spend days talking. The bottom line is that Drill Sgt are just doing there time and flying low under the radar so that they don't lose their lively hood. I continued to be Old School. I wsh that you or someone in your staff could check Ft.Jackson out, and talk to some Drill Sgts off-line and get their perspectives. "This We'll Defend" A SENIOR DRILL

Pls get in touch and give me your non-attributable comments. Promise our como will be between you and me with no names unless you so demand. Thanks, Hack.

More Intel Requests


MOH Recipient: Sgt. 1st Class Paul R. Smith
Iraq Hero Joins Hallowed Group
Sgt. 1st Class Paul R. Smith, who spent his boyhood in Tampa, became a man in the Army and died outside Baghdad defending his outnumbered soldiers from an Iraqi attack, will receive America's highest award for bravery. President Bush will present the Medal of Honor to Smith's wife, Birgit, and their children Jessica, 18, and David, 10, at a ceremony at the White House, possibly in March. Full Story

Snafu In Iraq
The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) summary report of U.S. lessons learned in Iraq. View Report (PDF)

For The Record
U.S. Judge Halts Anthrax Vaccine Program
The Defense Department’s controversial anthrax vaccination program is “illegal” because the Food and Drug Administration acted improperly to approve experimental injections for mandatory use among U.S. military personnel, a U.S. District Court judge has ruled. Full Story

Urgent Message To The Troops
Wartime Dispatches: wants to hear from the troops
deployed in Operation Iraqi Freedom

A Must Read
The Size Of The U.S. Army
A spot on article of what is wrong with our army and the fixes. Please copy and send to your lawmakers with a pencilled note demanding action – Am told this elite group of self serving takers do read these while the rest of the letters go to clerks. If we don’t get engaged and soon, our country will soon be a third world nation because of the extreme neo cons and their extreme liberal pals led by the corrupt multi nationals. - Hack

The U.S. Army: An Unavoidable Challenge

Spc. Escobedo (left) and Staff Sgt. Meegan (right) stop to discuss the next maneuver during a regular patrol of the Demilitarized Zone in the Republic of Korea, on Oct. 20, 1998. Escobedo and Meegan are assigned to the Joint Security Area Scout Platoon. The patrol is part of a Quick Reaction Force that is positioned in the zone to respond to any situations that may arise. These U.S. Army soldiers are attached to the United Nations Command Security Battalion. DoD photo by Senior Airman Jeffrey Allen, U.S. Air Force. (Released)

The US Army is pursuing the most comprehensive transformation of its forces since the early years of WWII. Army Transformation is nested within and dependent upon joint transformation, guided by the mandates embodied within strategic policy documents such as the National Military Strategy, Defense Planning Guidance, and the Quadrennial Defense Review. These sources unequivocally assert the critical role of landpower to dominate the highly complex land environment that comprises the heart of most joint operations and affirm an enduring and unavoidable challenge in conflict to control terrain, people, and resources on land, where political authority resides. more

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Falluja, Iraq
Marine Lance Cpl. Luis Molina scans an Iraqi citizen's retina at Brahma Park in Fallujah, Iraq. U.S. Marines are utilizing a Biometric Analysis Tracking System to record and identify Iraqi civilians entering the battle torn city of Fallujah in an attempt to find and identify insurgent forces. The tracking system uses thumbprints, a photograph of the face, and a retinal scan to establish positive identity. Molina is deployed with Marine Wing Support Squadron 373 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. DoD photo by Staff Sgt. Jonathan C. Knauth, U.S. Marine Corps. (Released)

OIF: The Final Roll Call
Without the Armed Forces of the United States of America, we would not have the freedom we enjoy today... for freedom is never "free". This page is dedicated to ALL our servicemen and women, and especially to those who have answered The Final Roll Call

Operation USO Care Package

We have received several letters on “Care Packages” for the troops overseas.If you are interested in sending packages overseas, please go to this website and follow the instructions. The USO has been doing this a long, long time. I am also sure that if you would like to send “humanitarian aid” to the people of Iraq, the USO can also put you in touch with the agencies responsible for doing so.

U.S. Military Oaths of Office
Enlisted Oath of Office for the U.S. Military:

''I, <insert name>, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.''

Commission Officer’s Oath for the U.S. Military:

“I <insert name>, having been appointed a <insert rank> in the U.S. Army under the conditions indicated in this document, do accept such appointment and do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God.”

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We’ve received many bulk orders for the primer from combat units. New SOP: 10 copies or more $11.00 a pop. This special price includes shipping & autograph by the man.

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