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Interview :: Democracy : Imperialism : Labor
An Interview with George McGovern
19 Dec 2004

An interview with George S. McGovern on his new book, labor history, and the Iraq war.

"And, I say you’re damned right I support our troops! That’s why I don’t want them sent off to die in wars that are unnecessary."
"...there was a need to even the balance between organized capital on one hand, and organized labor on the other"

I recently recorded an interview with George McGovern. Part of the interview aired on the Heartland Labor Forum radio show on KKFI 90.1 FM community radio in Kansas City just before the election, and part aired on Thanksgiving night. Here is a transcript of the entire interview.


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Commentary :: Peace
What is heroism?
15 Dec 2004
People routinely refer to our troops in Iraq as heroes. What is heroism in an unjust war?

Charley Gibson of Good Morning America, as so many news people do, referred to our troops in Iraq as heroes. I flinch when I hear that. Can we give blanket praise to all who are fighting in this unjust war? Some have probably performed heroic deads. Others have committed crimes against the Iraqi people, and have done it with the blessing of the U.S. government.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Be Proud of These City Councils
19 Nov 2004

City Councils here, and around the nation, are acting publicly to re-assert our basic civil liberties, spelled out in the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution.

When Congress rushed the USA PATRIOT Act through its chambers shortly after 9/11, some wise members argued against its worst provisions. But the Bush Administration, with John Ashcroft as Attorney General, prevailed. Civil liberties-conscious activists in the Kansas City area and around the nation have been struggling ever since to stop the abuses to which it and other Administration orders and decisions have led.

Patriot Act info [PDF]
USA PATRIOT Act [Wikipedia]
EFF Analysis
Library signs []
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News :: Media
KC Indymedia is back online!
28 Oct 2004
We lost our server, but thanks to from many different people we're ready to resume reporting the news deemed unworthy by corporate media.
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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights
Support KKFI, Your Community Radio Station
20 May 2004
KKFI, the 100,000 watt FM community radio station that started as a Communiversity class some 27 years ago, is back in community hands and needs the support of the public. At this writing the station is in the middle of an on-air fund drive, and Kcindymedia urges its readers to participate
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News :: Protest, Resistance and Direct Action
As Soldiers Die in Iraq, Cheney Does Fundraiser for Graves
26 Apr 2004
Of course, it was a fundraiser for Rep. Sam Graves. For Cheney to raise funds for the soldier's graves would be to acknowledge that they died in this illegal, immoral war he was so hell-bent on waging.
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Interview :: Civil & Human Rights
Mariani-Berg Interview with Internet Radio Project
05 Mar 2004
9-11 widow, Ellen Mariani, was in Kansas City with her attorney Philip Berg, former Deputy Attorney General for the State of Pennsylvania, for a full day of speaking engagements on Sunday, February 22, 2004. The previous night, Internet Radio Project ( members, Tom Crane, Michael Murphy and Sharon Lockhart had an opportunity to interview them due to a last minute cancellation by KCUR and Walt Bodine.
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Commentary :: Miscellaneous
October Surprise, Anyone?
29 Feb 2004
What do you suppose an administration populated and supported by some of the same folks who gave us Iran Contra and the term 'October Surprise' might resort to to hold on to the presidency that they stole in Florida in 2000?
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Local Interest
text 01/06 16:38 EST
Fox News, WDAF and Dow Chemical
text 01/05 10:30 EST
Fired Fox reporters want to deny WDAF renewal license
text 12/31 11:29 EST
Going to D.C. for the Inauguration: a local call to action
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Support for Tom Hayden, Bobby Seale, David Cobb in KC
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(just a start) Always Low Wages- a Page of Walmart Links
text 12/22 16:37 EST
crash the inauguration!
text 12/13 14:04 EST
Kansas City Indymedia meeting on Tuesday
text 12/07 06:56 EST
Future Farms 2004: Digging Deeper
text 12/05 01:49 EST
KC Chapter of Reclaim Democracy Starts with A Bang
text 12/02 18:27 EST
JAN 15 - FEB 02 Wal-Mart convention @ Bartle Hall in Kansas City
text image 11/27 11:23 EST
The Corporation- an interview with the film maker
text 11/24 13:49 EST
text 11/22 14:40 EST
Pot Luck fo Kansas City's Poor
text 11/22 13:28 EST
Outreach flyer for Crossroads Infoshop
text 11/22 01:16 EST
The B.U.S.H. BOYCOTT to Bring U.S. Soldiers Home From Iraq, Monday, Nov. 22!!
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text 01/08 17:47 EST
Bicycle Film Fest: Call For Entries
text 01/08 15:56 EST
We're All Black Now!
text 01/07 22:00 EST
The Logic of Military Intervention
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text 01/07 15:14 EST
Wireless World: Text messaging for meds
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Well, There It Is Lads and Gents....The Glorious American Democratic Elections!
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The Web: 'Tidal wave of generosity' online
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Diversity Is Our Strength
text 01/05 02:25 EST
A Dissenter's Must-See Video - "Censored in America - 2004 in Protest"
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The Parade Must End: A call for an Anti-Authoritarian Bloc for the January 20, 2005 protest of the Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C.
text 01/03 17:27 EST
Independent Media Converges to Cover Bush Inauguration
text 01/02 20:22 EST
Rolling Heads
text 12/31 22:59 EST
text 12/31 20:14 EST
The Misconception of Time and the Holy Books
text 12/30 21:42 EST
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