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Welcome to the Indymedia Documentation Project, where Independent Media Center volunteers work together on projects and documentation, concerning Indymedia. "Wiki" makes editing web pages very easy - you don't need to understand computer codes. WelcomeGuest explains how to use this Wiki (or "TWiki") site.

This site is the place for:

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You are currently in the Main web, which holds information used for General, People and Group information.

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The main webs are:

If you can't find something, try searching the entire site by selecting the 'all webs' checkbox on the basic search form. Also, some local IMCs, like Aotearoa, use a dedicated web instead of the Local web.

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Web Indymedia Site Map Use to...
Main Home of Main web Search Main web Recent changes in the Main web Get notified of changes to the Main web Welcome to TWiki... Users, Groups, Offices - tour this expandable virtual workspace Get a first-hand feel for TWiki possibilities...
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Aotearoa Home of Aotearoa web Search Aotearoa web Recent changes in the Aotearoa web Get notified of changes to the Aotearoa web Aotearoa IMC construction zone build aoteatoa IMC
Devel Home of Devel web Search Devel web Recent changes in the Devel web Get notified of changes to the Devel web Software development open publishing software options (active,sfactive,mir ...) and other web development stuff: syndication, internationalization, design
Global Home of Global web Search Global web Recent changes in the Global web Get notified of changes to the Global web Network wide working groups imc-finance, imc-print, imc-commwork, imc-video, imc-translation, imc-communication, newimc, imc-radio etc
Indydocs Home of Indydocs web Search Indydocs web Recent changes in the Indydocs web Get notified of changes to the Indydocs web temporary place, please don't add any new documents in here, use one of the above Webs instead. for example, translation project, being a network-wide project should move to Global web. ask twikiadmins for help if you need some to move your pages to appropriate Web, or read how to move pages this was temporary place when we started with this twiki, pages from here should move to the approporiate web, if you need help on this, please email
Local Home of Local web Search Local web Recent changes in the Local web Get notified of changes to the Local web IMC's - individual centres create your IMC pages in here, check some already existing ones
Sandbox Home of Sandbox web Search Sandbox web Recent changes in the Sandbox web Get notified of changes to the Sandbox web Sandbox test area with all features enabled. ...experiment in an unrestricted hands-on web.
Sysadmin Home of Sysadmin web Search Sysadmin web Recent changes in the Sysadmin web Get notified of changes to the Sysadmin web System administration documentation servers: setups, scripts to run, problems to solve, hardware details, software documentation, hosting options ...
You can use color coding by web for identification and reference. This table is updated automatically based on WebPreferences settings of the individual webs. Contact if you need a separate collaboration web for your team. See also AdminTools.
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  • WebPreferences: Preferences of the Indymedia.Main web.

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